Although this particular personality type isn’t favored by most fans, there are a few Snooty villagers that have some charm and definitely some classy finesse.
Sure, they may be a bit overzealous in their fashion senses, pass harsh judgment to others and perhaps they can come off a tad bit rude when you first get to know them but Snooty villagers can be entertaining and symbiotic additions to your island.
10) Purrl
“Let them drink cream!”
Birthday: May 29th - Gemini
For being considered snooty, Purrl can be a huge sweetheart and truly shines when you get to meet her. This precious calico cat with long eyelashes and lavender ears has been gracing us with her presence in every Animal Crossing game released.
She can be seen wearing her navy-blue kung fu shirt and she has a fashion hobby. Her home is filled with Antique furniture and you can hear K.K. Chorale playing on the Portable Record Player. Purrl is the purrfect friend to have in your village!
9) Portia
“Charity Begins at Home”
Birthday: October 25th - Scorpio
Portia, the dalmatian, is the only dog villager that has a snooty personality. She is incredibly sophisticated wearing her rad power skirt suit and surrounded by her regal-like furniture decorated in her home. K.K. Disco can be heard playing on her Portable Record Player.
She has been in every Animal Crossing game to date and she has always remained the elegant dalmatian that she is. Although she can be a bit snobbish towards another villager’s fashion, it’s due to her snooty personality and her high passion for high fashion.
8) Eloise
“An elephant never forgets!”
Birthday: December 8th - Sagittarius
Eloise is either a ray of sunshine on the island or the embodiment of a cloudy day; being notorious for gossiping but toning down once she becomes more so a friend than an acquaintance. A vivid yellow elephant who adores the color green, Eloise can be found dabbling in her fashion hobby while wearing her ZigZag-Print dress. Her home is decorated with Rattan furniture and K.K. Soul playing on her Retro Stereo.
Eloise may not have the best reputation with fans, due to her extreme snarky Snooty personality, but once you get to know her and she gets to know you, she can be quite the eccentric addition to your island.
7) Mint
“Always lead by example!”
Birthday: May 2nd - Taurus
Eating too many mint candies, Mint the squirrel originally had hazelnut colored fur but her fur is now a minty color. She wears a colorful Gumdrop dress and her home is filled with white Rattan furniture with K.K. Soul playing on her Lily Record. Mint’s hobby is fashion, just like most of her fellow snooty villagers, and loves the colors pink and purple.
Mint has been featured in almost every Animal Crossing game to date. Her charming mint home, along with her minty green self, is always wonderful to see during sunny and gloomy days on the island.
6) Mathilda
“Nail polish is thicker than water.”
Birthday: November 12th - Scorpio
A snooty villager with a fitness hobby, a baby, and a resting witch face? It must be Mathilda. She is a black kangaroo with purple ears who wears a sleeveless sweater dress that has a pocket for her baby Joey who also looks just as stern as Mathilda does. When she works out, due to her fitness hobby, she can be seen wearing her sporty shades. Mathilda’s home is a gorgeous gothic dream house with dark-themed furniture and a dark exterior. There are even toys for baby Joey! K. K. Chorale is her favorite song that can be heard playing on her Phonograph.
Mathilda is a supermom balancing working out, taking care of her baby, and still being true to herself and her passions. Perhaps one day there will be a ‘Waltzing Mathilda’ around the island if she isn’t on yours yet.
5) Francine
“You can’t have wise folks if you don’t have fools too.”
Birthday: January 22nd - Aquarius
Although she may not be as popular as her Peppy sister Chrissy, Francine is quite the fashionista with her appearance and her home décor. Francine is a white rabbit with blonde hair and brown eyes. She wears a Marble-Dot Dress with a blue polka-dotted hood that covers her rabbit ears. Her home is themed with a collection of cute furniture with a mint and blue exterior house. There’s even a photo by her bed of Chrissy. K.K. Cruisin is played on her portable record player. She is featured on two K.K. Slider albums Café K.K. and the ever so popular Bubblegum K.K. along with her sister, Chrissy.
Although Francine may sometimes be overshadowed by her sister, her quirky polka-dotted fashion and the sweet endearment she has for her sister is a really nice addition to the island.
4) Diana
“Sometimes you have to lose to win.”
Birthday: January 4th - Capricorn
A white deer with lilac hair, Diana is pretty peculiar compared to the other snooty villagers. She has a different hobby than the majority of her fellow fashion-loving snooty villagers do, which is education. She can be seen wearing her mysterious dress and rimmed glasses while reading books when she is relaxing outside. Her home resembles a bathhouse and has mermaid furniture while Farewell plays on her Lily Record Player.
An interesting fact about Diana regarding her name and her home theme is that the Goddess Diana, in Roman mythology, turned a hunter into a stag(deer) for watching her bathe in her bathhouse. With history and her education hobby, Diana is quite a fascinating villager to have on the island.
3) Whitney
“Don’t cry wolf unless you mean it.”
Birthday: September 17th - Virgo
Whitney is an arctic wolf with white fur, blue eyes, pink eyeshadow, and perfect winged eyeliner. She wears a blue Sleeveless Shirtdress and her home is as sophisticated and classy as she is. Whitney is quite popular amongst fans and has been in every Animal Crossing game besides the original game that was only released in Japan. She is even the star in the Animal Crossing movie Dobutsu no Mori. Although she may start off with a tough exterior when first moving to the island, she becomes a great friend and tones down her snooty personality a tiny bit.
Whitney’s hobby is fashion and it definitely shows with her chic clothing and home décor. Her music of choice is K.K. Soul which is heard playing on the Hi-Fi Stereo in her home. Whitney is featured on the cover of the album K.K. Waltz. Always on top of the latest fashion trends, Whitney can be seen in the Able Sister’s shop truly thriving.
2) Ankha
“All that glitters is not gold.”
Birthday: September 22nd – Virgo
Being the very first snooty villager, Ankha graced the Animal Crossing games with her Cleopatra-like presence. She is a gold and navy-blue striped cat with eyeliner resembling Egyptian royalty and her outfit is the Palatial Tank Dress which also resembles an Egyptian ensemble. Ankha’s home resembles a pyramid and her décor is also in theme. K.K. Bazaar can be heard playing.
Unlike her fellow Snooty villagers with a fashion hobby, Ankha has a nature hobby. Surprising with how incredible her fashion sense seems to be, but Ankha can be found enjoying the flowers, insects, and trees all around the island. In every game of Animal Crossing, Ankha’s outfits change every time. Being the Cat God that she is, Ankhatruly is one of the more popular and sought-out villagers in the series for her unique looks and is one of the true original villagers.
1) Judy
“I’m dancing my dreams away.”
Birthday: March 10th - Pisces
My oh my, Judy might be a new addition to the Animal Crossing world, but she became a fan favorite quicker than most. Judy is a pastel blue and pink bear cub with big glistening eyes that shine with stars. She wears the Fairy-Tale Dress and her home is decorated with pastel Wooden Block furniture. On her Wooden-Block stereo, K.K. Lullaby can be heard playing.
Although her initial snobbish personality can be off-putting due to her Snooty personality, Judy tones down very much once she is well adapted on the island and becomes incredibly sweet and gives many compliments. Judy has a music hobby, which means you can find her around town singing alone or even with a group of other villagers with the same hobby.
There’s just something lovely and fantastic about seeing Judy around on the island with her character design mixed with her music hobby. She is definitely a fairycore and kawaii culture dream.
Which Snooty villagers do you have on your island? Were there any villagers on this list that you prefer or ultimately do not like? We would love to know!
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