Spider-Man (2018) has a very fun combat and some very well-known and lovable Spider-Man villains. I really love the way this game handles the designs of each villain, giving us something that we’ve seen before but with completely new and unique looks.
The boss fights in Spider-Man aren’t as hard as in some other games, but they are still challenging and extremely fun. We’re going to take a look at all of the villains, and what strategies you should practice when facing them!

Wilson Fisk, known also as the Kingpin, is the secondary antagonist of Marvel's Spider-Man. Although Fisk is taken out early in the game by Spider-Man and is behind bars during the series' story, the effects and power vacuum he leaves behind can be felt as new villains battle for control of the city.
Fighting Kingpin is not too hard, considering he is the first boss and the game doesn’t expect you to be fully accustomed to the combat yet. He will attack you with a combination of charges and throws but you can just web him up and then attack him freely. He’s pretty durable, but that’s about all that he has going for him.
How To Defeat Kingpin:
- Dodge as many attacks as you can and attack him after webbing him up
- Don’t focus on taking out all of his goons since there will always be more to come, take out enough so that you have a clear path to kingpin
- In his second stage he will be more aggressive, so be a little more careful then
Kingpin Fight Video:
9.Silver Sable

Silver Sablinova, also known as Silver Sable, is the tertiary antagonist of Marvel's Spider-Man, and a supporting character in its downloadable content campaign, The City That Never Sleeps. She is the leader of the international mercenary company, Sable International and the leader of its Wild Pack, as well as the princess of the Symkarian royal family.
In The City That Never Sleeps you have a brief combat encounter with our beloved frenemy - Silver Sable. The fight isn’t as long or intricate as some of the other boss fights in the game, but it is unexpectedly challenging. Silver Sable Moves fast and hits like a truck, so you’ll want to be on the defending side in this encounter for sure.
How To Defeat Silver Sable:
- Dodge her attacks, keep in mind that she will attack in pairs of three and you need to dodge all 3 attacks or you won’t be able to counter her.
- You should have all of the gadgets unlocked when you fight her so use them in order to disrupt her moves.
- Don’t attack her too much because she can break out of your combo if you’re too persistent.
Silver Sable Fight Video:

Herman Schultz, also known as Shocker, is a minor antagonist in Marvel's Spider-Man. An old enemy of Spider-Man, Shocker is a career criminal who is armed with a battle suit that sends out shock waves.
This fight is only hard if you play it for the first time and are still getting used to the way Spider-Man moves around. Key to beating Shocker is to understand how to avoid all of his attacks and learn how to time your moves well. All you need to do is dodge his attacks and charge at him and beat him up. Rince and repeat.
How To Defeat Shocker:
- Carefully time your dodges, jumps and web-zips to avoid Shocker’s attacks
- Don’t charge at him, just take it slow and time your attacks when his guard is down
Shocker Fight Video:

Lonnie Lincoln, also known by his alias Tombstone, is a minor antagonist in Marvel's Spider-Man. He is a drug trafficker and biker gang leader who is shown working for Mister Negative.
The Tombstone boss fight is an optional boss fight that you unlock after clearing out a few sidequests related to Tombstone’s drug trafficking. It’s a rather simple fight since Tombstone can be hit even without being webbed up. He’s easy to attack, but he has a few attacks that are fast and a little difficult to dodge. Avoid his ferocious attacks and attack him when he’s open. There are a lot of items around the room that you can pick up and throw at Tombstone, so use them to easily damage him when you have the chance.
How To Defeat Tombstone:
- Avoid his fast attacks
- Use the items around the room to damage Tombstone
- Defeat his goons before focusing him
Tombstone Fight Video:

Taskmaster is a minor antagonist in Marvel's Spider-Man. He is a mysteriously well-funded mercenary with the ability to mimic the physical movements of others, making him a dangerous foe in combat.
You will unlock the Taskmaster bossfight after completing a few of his challenges and then once again after you complete all challenges that Taskmaster scattered around the map. He will copy most of Spider-Man’s moves, so you can expect a lot of fast attacks that are not easy to avoid. His weakness is that he doesn’t respond well to you throwing objects at him. This is the only move that is capable of stunning Taskmaster so you should abuse it if you have the chance. You should even run away from him if there are not a lot of objects that you can throw around you until you find a better place to fight him.
How To Defeat Taskmaster:
- Throw objects at him
- Avoid his fast-paced attacks
- Reposition if necessary
Taskmaster Fight Video:
5.Electro & Vulture

Adrian Toomes, also known by his alias Vulture, is a supporting antagonist in Marvel's Spider-Man. A former electronics engineer, Vulture uses high-tech artificial wings to fly at very high speeds and has a beak-like oxygen mask, which gives him a robotic voice.
Maxwell "Max" Dillon, also known by his alias Electro, is a supporting antagonist in Marvel's Spider-Man. He is a long-standing rival of Spider-Man who is able to absorb and project massive amounts of electricity. After being broken out of The Raft by Doctor Octopus, Electro becomes a member of the Sinister Six.
After all of the inmates from the Raft are freed, the villains start roaming around the city of New York causing chaos. The first boss fight that happens after the escape is one between Spider-Man and the duo of Vulture and Electro. This fight is a little chaotic, because you’ll be forced into swinging around the area and dodging both of these guys’ attacks. However, once you get in the hang of it, the attacks are pretty predictable and easy to dodge. All you need to do in this fight is dodge all of the projectiles and respond with the prompts on screen. Focus on Vulture and then take care of Electro when he’s alone.
How To Defeat Electro and Vulture:
- Dodge their attacks and respond with prompts on the screen.
- Focus on Vulture and then defeat Electron when he’s alone.
- Focus on dodging rather than attacking.
Electro And Vulture Fight Video:
4.Scorpion & Rhino

Aleksei Sytsevich, also known by his alias Rhino, is a supporting antagonist in Marvel's Spider-Man. After spending years restrained in the Raft, the armored brute is released by Doctor Octopus, who makes him part of his supervillain group the Sinister Six.
MacDonald "Mac" Gargan, also known by his alias Scorpion, is a supporting antagonist in Marvel's Spider-Man. A mercenary in a high-tech suit, Scorpion is recruited by Doctor Octopus to form the Sinister Six upon his escape from the Raft.
This bossfight is a little harder than most since it largely depends on you being able to carefully position yourself and correctly time your web-pulls to stun Rhino. You should focus on defeating Rhino first and dodging Scorpion’s attacks for the first half of the fight. After that it’s rather simple, since you’ll have only one threat and Scorpion isn’t that strong when he’s alone.
How To Defeat Scorpion And Rhino:
- Defeat Rhino first and the focus on Scorpion
- Carefully dodge around Rhino’s charges and stun him when he’s in position where you can get him
Scorpion and Rhino Fight Video:
3.Doctor Octopus

After their grant funding is shut down by Norman exploiting his position as Mayor, Otto is inspired to seek revenge on him. Working on a set of mechanical appendages, Otto gradually loses control due to a defect with the neural implants affecting his mind and personality, and eventually transforms into the villainous Doctor Octopus.
Doctor Octopus is the last boss that Peter encounters in the game. The fight is very cool and very emotional, but Doctor Octopus isn’t too hard to beat once you know what you should be doing. You will unlock a new suit right before the fight called the Anti Ock Suit. All you need to do is use your gadgets that can impair Otto’s tentacles and then refill them with the Anti Ock Suit a couple of times until you win the fight. Otto’s attacks are fast and hit for a lot of damage, but he’s easy enough to dodge, so if you fight him carefully, you shouldn’t be having any problems.
How To Defeat Doctor Octopus:
- Dodge His Attacks
- Use your gadgets as often as you can to impair Otto’s movement
- Use the Anti Ock Suit power to regain your gadgets when it’s available
Doctor Octopus Fight Video:

A mob boss with a skull made of reinforced steel, he is the head of the Hammerhead family, one of the "families" of the criminal organization known as the Maggia. Following the power vacuum caused by the arrests of both Kingpin and Mister Negative, Hammerhead's crew is among those taking part in the resulting gang war for power over New York's criminal underworld.
You fight Hammerhead twice in The City That Never Sleeps. The way to beat him in his second, stronger form, is to web him up and target his legs. After beating him up a little, you’ll be able to hold him down while Silver Sable comes and shoots a laser at the metal plate in his head. The fight is rather simple and the most difficult part of the fight is being able to clear out his goons enough to get a clear opening and damage him.
How To Defeat Hammerhead:
- Clear out his goons until you can focus on him
- Whenever you are able to, web him up and attack him
Hammerhead Fight Video:
1.Mister Negative
Martin Li, nicknamed Mister Negative by J. Jonah Jameson,[2] is one of the main antagonists of Marvel's Spider-Man. Li is the founder and owner of the F.E.A.S.T. homeless shelter. Secretly, he is the ruthless leader of the Inner Demons who has the ability to harness negative energy at will. Li has a personal vendetta against Mayor Norman Osborn, which leads him to terrorize the city. Following his defeat, he becomes a member of the Sinister Six, organized by Doctor Octopus.
The second time you fight Mister Negative, he is way harder than in your first encounter. His attacks are faster and deal more damage, and the second stage gets pretty chaotic because he summons a lot of his goons to aid him. You can only attack Mister Negative after he finishes all of his attacks and leaves himself open and vulnerable. In the second stage, you’ll be doing much of the same, but his attacks get more varied and way faster all the while you’re avoiding a LOT of his goons. The goons are easy to take out, it takes only one hit to defeat them, but you should only fight them so that they don’t swarm you, the real threat is Mr. Li.
How To Defeat Mister Negative:
- Attack him after he finishes his combo and leaves himself vulnerable
- Don’t focus too much on his goons, focus on dodging his attacks
Mister Negative Fight Video: