3. 100% Critical Chance Build
AC Odyssey multi-million critical chance hit.
Intro and Overview
This build, created by JorRaptor of YouTube, enhances critical chance by a whopping 100% and is effective for hunter and assassin classes. Critical chance is one of the most powerful modifiers of the entire game, adding significant damage to all attacks, even against the strongest of enemies. With certain items having their own critical chance bonuses, this build capitalizes on the additional critical chance engravings that can be added to each item.
What the 100% Critical Chance Build Excels In
- This build is perfect for any player who wants to rush into battle and deal a ton of damage upfront before enemies have a chance to retaliate.
- This build is especially ideal for a player who focuses on ranged combat, as many of the critical chance engravings and perks involve full health.
- This build is great for creating when you’ve progressed well into the game, as you’ll rely on building up critical perks in your warrior, hunter, and assassin masteries.
Build Details
- Overall Stats
- Health - At Level 99 - 168728
- Hunter Damage - 19973
- Warrior Damage -
- Minotaur’s Labrys - 33109
- Polyphemos Cyclops Bludgeon - 33047
- Assassin Damage - 329895
- Armor - 36578
- The Gear
- Minotaur’s Labrys - Legendary Heavy Bladed
- Required Level - 99
- 8257 DPS
- +25% Warrior Damage
- +50% CRIT Damage
- -1 Adrenaline Cost for Overpower Abilities
- Added Engraving - 50% Melee Charging Speed
- Polyphemos Cyclops Bludgeon - Legendary Heavy Bladed
- Required Level - 00
- 8257 DPS
- +25% Assassin Damage
- +30% Damage with Heavy Bladed Weapons
- +25% Damage on Elites and Bosses
- Added Engraving - -25% Cooldown Duration for All Abilities
- Hunter’s Bow - Epic Bow
- Required Level - 99
- 6808 DPS
- +24% Warrior Damage
- +20% Assassin Damage
- +10% CRIT Chance
- Added Engraving - +30% Damage with Full Health
- Mercenary Hood - Epic Hood
- Required Level - 99
- 2411 Armor
- +24% Assassin Damage
- +50% CRIT Damage
- +20% CRIT Chance while Full Health
- Added Engraving - +15% Damage with Assassin Abilities
- Restored Mycenaean Gauntlets - Epic Arms
- Required Level - 75
- 1183 Armor
- +20% Warrior Damage
- +24% Melee Resistance
- +24% Adrenaline per Hit
- Added Engraving - +10% CRIT Chance
- Restored Mycenaean Armor - Epic Torso
- Required Level - 99
- 3445 Armor
- +24% Warrior Damage
- +50% CRIT Damage
- +60% Total Armor
- Added Engraving - 2% Damage Dealt Restored as Health
- Mercenary Belt - Epic Waist
- Required Level - 99
- 3131 Armor
- +24% Assassin Damage
- +10% CRIT Chance
- +100% CRIT Damage while Full Health
- Added Engraving - +5% CRIT Chance and +25% CRIT Damage while Full Health
- Athenian Buskins - Epic Legs
- Required Level - 99
- 1895 Armor
- +24% Warrior Damage
- +20% CRIT Chance while Full Health
- +100% CRIT Damage while Full Health
- Added Engraving - +14% Assassin Damage
- Minotaur’s Labrys - Legendary Heavy Bladed
- The Overpower Abilities
- Hunter Mastery
- Focus on spending points in CRIT Chance
- Warrior Mastery
- Focus on spending points in Damage Dealt Restored as Health
- Focus on spending points in Total Armor
- Assassin Mastery
- Focus on spending points in CRIT Chance while Full Health
- Focus on spending points in Cooldown Duration for All Abilities
- Hunter Mastery
- Featured Perks
- +15% Damage with Assassin Abilities
- +25% Damage on Elites and Bosses
- 50% Melee Charging Speed
- +30% Damage while Full Health
- -25% Cooldown Duration for All Abilities
- Elemental & CRITS
- 50% CRIT Chance
- +250% CRIT Damage
- 102.2% CRIT Chance with Full Health
- Defense
- +60% Total Armor
2. Angel of Death Build - “One Shots” Mythical Creatures
Angel of Death build looks and feels like death.
Intro and Overview
Titled the Angel of Death Build by JordanDoes of Youtube, this intensely titled build is highly optimized to focus on dealing high amounts of damage, but at a price. Using perks that involve maximum assassin damage on all gear and specific high damage abilities, this build offers a 100% to damage but caps the player’s health at 25%. This is a high risk, high reward build, as players have an increased chance of dealing blows with damage of over one million, making this the perfect build to go hunting for elite bosses.
What the Angel of Death Built Excels In
- This build sacrifices 75% of health in order to add 100% of damage and is therefore ideal for any player who is excellent at dodging and parrying.
- With perks focusing on delivering hits with high damage, this build is perfect for a player hunting legendary enemies and elites.
- This build relies heavily on overpowered abilities, which are made even more powerful by perks put into the masteries. The best abilities for this build are Battlecry of Ares, Venomous Attacks, Vanish, and Slow Time.
Build Details
- Overall Stats
- Health - At Level 99 - 168728
- Hunter Damage - 34239
- Warrior Damage
- Stylets of the Sly Slayer - 48529
- Ornate Dagger - 48529
- Assassin Damage - 611603
- Armor - 20828
- The Gear
- Stylets of the Sly Slayer - Epic Dagger
- Required Level - 99
- 7829 DPS
- +24% Assassin Damage
- +40% Poison Damage
- +50% CRIT Damage
- Added Engraving - +100% Damage by Health Capped to 25%
- Ornate Dagger - Epic Dagger
- Required Level - 99
- 7829 DPS
- +24% Assassin Damage
- +30% Damage with Daggers
- +40% Poison Damage
- Added Engraving - +50% CRIT Damage
- Ornate Bow - Epic Bow
- Required Level - 99
- 6808 DPS
- +24% Assassin Damage
- +40% Poison Damage
- +10% CRIT Chance
- Added Engraving - +25% Assassin Damage but -15% Melee Resistance
- Hunter’s Hood - Epic Head
- Required Level - 91
- 2090 Armor
- +24% Assassin Damage
- +50% CRIT Damage
- +20% CRIT Chance while Full Health
- Added Engraving - +30% Damage with Daggers
- Athenian Gauntlets - Epic Arms
- Required Level - 99
- 1722 Armor
- +24% Assassin Damage
- +10% CRIT Chance
- +50% CRIT Damage
- Added Engraving - +100% CRIT Damage while Full Health
- Mercenary Breastplate - Epic Torso
- Required Level - 91
- 2714 Armor
- +24% Assassin Damage
- +50% CRIT Damage
- +40% Poison Damage
- Added Engraving - Vanish Ability intoxicates enemies
- Mercenary Belt - Epic Waist
- Required Level - 91
- 2714 Armor
- +24% Assassin Damage
- +100% CRIT Damage while Full Health
- +10% CRIT Chance
- Added Engraving - +40% Poison Damage
- Brawler's Boots - Epic Legs
- Required Level - 99
- 1722 Armor
- +24% Assassin Damage
- +20% CRIT Chance while Full Health
- +100% CRIT Damage while Full Health
- Added Engraving - +20% Assassin Damage
- Stylets of the Sly Slayer - Epic Dagger
- The Overpower Masteries
- Hunter Mastery
- 12 Points into CRIT Damage
- Warrior Mastery
- 8 Points into Warrior Damage
- 8 Points into Armor Penetration
- 8 Points into Damage Dealt Restored as Health
- Assassin Mastery
- 20 Points into Chance to Deal 25% of Assassin Damage on Melee Hit
- 20 Points into CRIT Damage while Full Health
- 12 Points into CRIT Chance while Full Health
- 15 Points into Damage with Daggers
- 14 Points into Damage while Full Health
- 15 Points into Assassin Damage
- 12 Points into Poison Damage
- 12 Points into Damage on Elites and Bosses
- 12 Points into Damage when Attacking from Behind
- Hunter Mastery
- Featured Perks
- 397% Assassin Damage boosted 34 times
- 245% Poison Damage boosted 28 times
- 325% CRIT Damage boosted 27 times
- 160% Warrior Damage boosted 24 times
- 675% CRIT Damage while Full Health boosted 23 times
- Elemental & CRITS
- 245% Poison Damage
- 325% CRIT Damage
- 45% CRIT Chance
- Defense
- -75% Health Bonus
- 90% Armor Bonus
1. Ultimate Demi-God Hybrid Build - Best Assassin-Hunter Hybrid Assault Build
Embrace the power of the Gods with this killer build!
Intro and Overview
Titled the Ultimate Demi-God Hybrid Build by JordanDoes of YouTube, this hybrid build uses overpowered assassination damage and matches well with other two-handed weapons, such as staffs and spears. This build focuses on a high armor bonus and poison damage, which works to bolster the already high assassin damage and boosts the chances of one-shot killing powerful enemies.
What the Ultimate Demi-God Hybrid Build Excels In
- This build excels in dishing out critical and poison damage.
- This build is also ideal for anyone who wants to use overpower abilities more frequently.
- The armor and armor engravings focus on building assassin damage while protecting the player with a +40% Chance to Ignore Half Damage engraving.
- This build can be created using epic gear.
- This build is meant to deal brutal damage upfront, while quickly killing remaining enemies before they’re able to deal damage.
Build Details
- Overall Stats
- Health - At Level 92 - 166826
- Hunter Damage - 19733
- Warrior Damage -
- Rough Staff - 27285
- Minotaur’s Labrys - 15968
- Assassin Damage - 270531
- Armor - 23740
- The Gear
- Rough Staff - Epic Staff
- Required Level - 91
- 6785 DPS
- +18% Hunter Damage
- +50% CRIT Damage
- +30% Damage with Staffs
- Added Engraving - +40% Poison Damage
- Minotaur’s Labrys - Legendary Heavy Bladed
- Required Level - 92
- 7159 DPS
- +19% Warrior Damage
- +50% CRIT Damage
- -1 Adrenaline Cost for Overpower Abilities
- Added Engraving - 2% Chance to Deal 25% of Assassin Damage on Melee Hit
- Ornate Bow - Epic Bow
- Required Level - 91
- 5900 DPS
- +18% Assassin Damage
- +40% Poison Damage
- +10% CRIT Chance
- Added Engraving - +30% Armor Penetration
- Hunter’s Hood - Epic Head
- Required Level - 91
- 2090 Armor
- +18% Assassin Damage
- +50% CRIT Damage
- +20% CRIT Chance while Full Health
- Added Engraving - +40% Chance to Ignore Half Damage
- Athenian Gauntlets - Epic Arms
- Required Level - 91
- 1493 Armor
- +18% Assassin Damage
- +10% CRIT Chance
- +50% CRIT Damage
- Added Engraving - +100% CRIT Damage while Full Health
- Mercenary Breastplate - Epic Torso
- Required Level - 91
- 2714 Armor
- +18% Assassin Damage
- +50% CRIT Damage
- +40% Poison Damage
- Added Engraving - Vanish Ability intoxicates enemies
- Mercenary Belt - Epic Waist
- Required Level - 91
- 2714 Armor
- +18% Assassin Damage
- +100% CRIT Damage while Full Health
- +10% CRIT Chance
- Added Engraving - +40% Chance to Ignore Half Damage
- Persian Warrior Boots - Epic Legs
- Required Level - 91
- 1493 Armor
- +18% Assassin Damage
- +20% CRIT Chance while Full Health
- +30% Damage with Staffs
- Added Engraving - +100% CRIT Damage while Full Health
- Rough Staff - Epic Staff
- The Overpower Abilities
- Hunter Mastery
- 8 Points into Damage with Staffs
- 8 Points into CRIT Damage
- 8 Points into Ranged Resistance
- Warrior Mastery
- 8 Points into Warrior Damage
- 8 Points into Health
- 8 Points into Total Armor
- 8 Points into Melee Resistance
- 8 Points into Damage per Enemy Engaged (up to 15%)
- 8 Points into Damage Dealt Restored as Health
- Assassin Mastery
- 8 Points into CRIT Chance while Full Health
- 8 Points into CRIT Damage while Full Health
- 8 Points into Damage while Full Health
- 8 Points into Chance to Ignore Half Damage
- 8 Points into Poison Damage
- 8 Points into Adrenaline per CRIT
- 12 Points into Chance to Deal 25% of Assassin Damage on Melee Hit
- Hunter Mastery
- Featured Perks
- 365% CRIT Damage boosted 16 times
- 157% Poison Damage boosted 14 times
- 77% Warrior Damage boosted 12 times
- 695% CRIT Damage while Full Health boosted 11 times
- 126% Total Armor boosted 11 times
- Elemental & CRITs
- 157% Poison Damage
- 365% CRIT Damage
- 45% CRIT Chance
- Defense
- 12% Health Bonus
- 92% Half Damage Chance
- 126% Armor Bonus