10. Atlantean blade
Alexios Medusa boss fight
The Atlantean blade is one of the rarest weapons in the game and it is from Atlantis! The Atlantis DLC is almost a stand-alone title and it features a lot more items than the standard game. The Atlantean blade has a great modern look and it has a lot of features such as armor penetration.
Why Atlantean blade is great:
- +30% Armor penetration
- +25% Critical damage
- +15% Hunter damage
- Great looks and modern feel
How to get Atlantis blade details:
You get this masterpiece of a weapon as a reward from a mission in Elis called “The message, the stick, and the artist” where you have to interact with a statue of Zeus and after that, the game guides you throughout the mission.
Atlantean blade details: https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Atlantean_Blade
9. Athena’s spear
Athena's spear stats
If you like hunting down Polemarchs, this is the best reward you will get. Immerse yourself in the Peloponnesian war, take a side and fight on with this piece of machinery that serves best into conquest battles, and is one of the tools to help you take over ancient Greece!
Why Athena’s spear is great:
- +25% warrior Damage
- +10% All Damage
- +25% Damage and Health while in Conquest Battles
How to get Athena’s spear details:
As the perks suggest this item is acquired by waging war and taking a side same as the way you acquire this item in the game through fighting on the side of Sparta or Athens. In both cities of Athens and Sparta, you can find a Polymarch and they will give you a quest to kill and collect the seals of enemy Polymarchs. The quest names are “Nemesis” for the Spartan side or “The final battle” on the Athenian side.
Athena’s spear details: https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/Athena%27s_Spear
8. Sword of Kings
Same sword from Prince of Persia ?
The sword of kings reminds players a lot of the glowing sword from the Prince of Persia game. Ubisoft throws an easter egg and a very good one indeed. Like the other great weapons, this weapon is interesting in how you get it. Made from adamantium metal, the sword was originally in possession of Amorgos, the leader of the Order of Dominion branch of the Order of the Ancients. After breaking during the battle between Amorgos, the Spartan misthios Kassandra, and Darius, the sword was recovered by Kassandra and brought to an artisan blacksmith in Phokis, Greece.
Why sword of kings is great:
- +25% Warrior Damage
- +10% All Damage
- 50% Melee Charging Speed
How to get the sword of kings details:
To get this item you have to collect Addamentine that the agents drop after you kill them, so you need to hunt down all the agents of all the episodes of the “Legacy of the first blade” DLC collect all the necklaces they drop, and deliver them to the smith in Phokis.
Sword of kings details: https://assassinscreed.fandom.com/wiki/The_Sword_of_Kings
7. Prometheus’s Sika
Prometheus's Sika engraving details
Legend says this blade was forged in Prometheus's benevolent flame. If true, the sika is truly a gift from the gods. The Prometheus’s Sika is a weapon made from the Gods for you the player to easily slay Mercenaries. The grind of getting this item is going to make u feel that no Mercenary can stand in your way but with this item, it would be definite.
Why Prometheus’s Sika is great:
- +25% Warrior Damage
- +40% Fire Damage
- +15% Fire Damage and Buildup
How to get Prometheus’s Sika details:
To get this item you need to Defeat a mercenary who has "the Spark" sobriquet.
Prometheus’s Sika details:
6. Hammer of Jason
The hammer of Jason
The Hammer of Jason was a legendary war hammer alleged to have belonged to the legendary hero Jason. Accordingly, the head of the hammer bore a carving of him and his Argonauts. By the time of the Peloponnesian War, the hammer had ended up in a chest within the ruins of Mycenae in Argolis. While exploring the ruins at some point during the said conflict, the Spartan misthios Kassandra/Alexios discovered the hammer and claimed it for herself/himself.
Why Hammer of Jason is great:
- +25% Warrior Damage
- +30% Damage with Heavy Blunt Weapons
- +20% Damage with Shield Break Ability
How to get Hammer of Jason details:
To get this Hammer of the Gods you have to travel to Argolis and the fort Mycenae, the ancient capital of KingOlympos Agamemnon. It is located in a chest in the fort.
Hammer of Jason Details:
5. Mallet of Everlasting Flame
The flame of the Gods
The mallet burned perpetually, and others claimed it had been pulled from the heart of a volcano. Whatever the truth, the flame-headed mallet was in the possession of a Greek mercenary, dubbed "the Smoldering" due to the mallet they carried.
Why is Mallet of Everlasting Flame great:
- +25% Warrior Damage
- +40% Fire Damage
- Weapon Damage becomes Fire Damage
How to get Mallet of Everlasting Flame details:
To get this item you have to slay and loot the mercenary by the name of Tanis the Smoldering.
Mallet of Everlasting Flame details:
4. Blade of yumminess
Samurai inspired blade
This is one of the most unique looking and unique stats that any item has in the game so far. The name of this item is a reference to the auto-generated captions for the YouTube video of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey's conference presentation at E3 2018, which erroneously transcribed a line said by Herodotos as "You carry the blade of yumminess. Act like it".
Why is Blade of yumminess great:
- +25% Assassin Damage
- +30% Damage with Swords
- +250% All Damage but cannot use Abilities
How to get Blade of yumminess great:
You can find this item randomly sold by any blacksmith.
Blade of yumminess details:
3. Falx of Olympos
The soul reaper
The spear laid in the depths of the sunken Palace of Amphitrite, in the bottom of the Aegean Sea between the islands of Thera and Paros. While exploring the underwater location, you can claim this awesome piece of weaponry for yourself but beware of sharks.
Why Falx of Olympos is great :
- +25% Assassin Damage
- +40% Adrenaline per CRIT
- +100% Damage but Health Capped to 25%
How to get Falx of Olympos details:
In the northeast of Thera island, there is a sunken treasure location and the item is in the chest.
Falx of Olympos details:
2. Dagger of Kronos
The dagger if time
The Dagger of Kronos is a reward you get from the cultist you eliminate during the cult of cosmos storyline. The dagger itself is one of the best in the game, with the right engravings it might become the ultimate weapon in the game, best suited for stealth combat or quick hit and run tactics.
Why Dagger of Kronos is great :
- +25% Warrior Damage
- +30% Damage with Daggers
- +40% Damage when Attacking from Behind
How to get Dagger of Kronos details:
Following the clues, uncovering and riding ancient Greece of the cult of kosmos, you will eventually encounter Nyx the Shadow cultist. Once killed you can loot the Dagger of Kronos from her and enjoy it. Her location in Athens.
Dagger of Kronos details:
1.Isu forged warrior spear
The best of Atlantis
One line from the game described this as “Forged from adamant. Perfectly balanced. Thirsting for blood. The edge of this spear is coated with monomolecular technology to chew through weapons and armor alike”.The Isu-Forged Warrior's Spear was one of the three weapons whose blueprints were created by the Isu Hephaistos. Collect adamant ingots and use the Isu forge to create the best weapons in the game, literally the best weapon in the game found in the Atlantis DLC.
Why Isu forged warrior spear is great:
- +25% Warrior Damage
- +30% Damage with Spears
- Convert 50% Warrior Damage bonuses to All Damage
How to get Isu forged warrior spear details:
Collect adamant ingots and use the Atlantis forge.
Isu forged warrior spear details: