Minecraft is known for its diversity and seemingly randomized worlds. Upon the creation of a Minecraft save, players are given a unique series of numbers known as a seed. Seeds can be used individually and can be given to other players if the seed number is distributed.
Seeds allow for players to enjoy a large variety of generated Minecraft worlds that they may have never been able to play on otherwise. Throughout 2020 so far, the Minecraft community has shared some crazy fun Minecraft seeds. Today I will be counting down some of the best seeds of 2020 as of May.
15. Frozen Island Shipwreck
Seed #: [-7973942197745581125]
The Frozen Island Shipwreck seed was found by player Ph3nomen0N. The seed spawns players near a frozen island with a shipwreck structure on the top of a frozen mountain.
What is Awesome About this Seed:
- Seed features a land shipwreck, a rare phenomenon in the game.
- Players spawn on a tree island south of the shipwreck, giving players plenty of raw materials to set up a base nearby.
- If players are wanting to create a Viking or frozen-esque village this seed is the perfect starting place.
Compatible Versions: 1.15.2 (JAVA)
14. Valley Seed
Seed #: 1861004534102875792
In this Minecraft seed submitted by user Lightningdashr, small bodies of water fill a valley surrounded by beautiful mountains and plenty of trees.
What Makes this Seed Awesome:
- Players wanting to multitask have plenty of options to easily harvest resources in this valley.
- Beautiful mountain ranges surround the valley and serve as a natural border.
- Nearby world spawn, head southwest to reach the valley.
Compatible Versions: 1.15.2 (JAVA)
13. Desert Oasis
Seed #: 1051939900539129555
The Desert Oasis seed was found by an unknown player and it showcases a splash of a plain biome surrounded by a large desert biome.
What is Awesome About this Seed:
- Players who prefer to set up their base within desert biomes but want to utilize the dirt of a plain biome have it directly at their disposal.
- The Village provides for extra materials and food available upon spawning.
- The seed is a hilarious take on the usual plain biome that usually spans across large chunks of the world.
Compatible Versions: 1.15 - 1.16 (JAVA)
12. Ocean Monument Center
Seed # -8862226818903499455

This unique seed discovered by user Hermeticz spawns players near an ocean monument that is surrounded by beautiful mountains and spacious land.
What is Awesome About this Seed:
- Mountains provide a natural wall around the monument and a perfect spot to set up a sweet base.
- The nearby forest allows for quick resource access.
- This seed is perfect for players who want to ensure their base is in a beautiful yet functional area.
Compatible Versions: 1.15.2 (JAVA)
11. Split Rivers
Seed #: 1769453112
This seed is every vanilla server owner’s dream spawn! This completely natural river separates nearby land in 6 sections and provides beautiful scenery.
What is Awesome About This Seed:
- The river splits two different biome types.
- A ravine is nearby the center of the river.
- This unique seed allows nearby fishing, farming, harvesting and mining.
Compatible Versions: 1.14.30 (BEDROCK)
10. Mesa Bridge
You know what they say… climate change is real. This interesting combination of two polar opposite biomes creates a crazy seed. Seed provided by user SpaceBoiArt.
What is Awesome About this Seed:
- This is something that the average Minecraft player would never come across if it weren’t for the sharing of seeds.
- The Mesa biome acts as a connecting bridge between the two biomes.
- Players spawn in the Ice Spikes biome with a nearby village!
Compatible Versions: 1.15.2 (JAVA)
9. Ice Village
Seed #: -3714757682118750540
A village spawning on a small island is a pretty strange occasion. What is even stranger is a village on an island surrounded by icebergs. This seed submitted by user MichaelMiller2578 is something special.
What Makes this Seed Awesome:
- Players spawn directly in the village.
- An ocean monument is close by.
- Zombie spawner located at the coordinates [119, 44, 29] containing diamond horse armor.
8. 3 Biome Island
Seed #: -1909600681984991067
This overhead shot showcases 3 popular biomes in a seed that I like to call the “3 Biome Island”. This seed was discovered by user MaidenChinah.
What is Awesome About this Seed:
- Mobs do not spawn on Mushroom biomes so for players who are looking to live peacefully but have access to raw materials this seed is perfect.
- Players spawn in the Dark Oak Forest and can easily collect materials to set up a base nearby.
- This seed provides a variety of beautiful scenery.
Compatible Versions: 1.14.4 (JAVA)
7. Amplified Mountains
Seed #: -7112569708562226388
Mountain biomes provide some of the most beautiful views in the game and this seed is no exception. The seed generated by player raining-in-konoha shows a beautifully natural mountain range with a hilltop village. To reach this point visit the coordinates [ X 35, Z 150 ]
What Makes this Seed Awesome:
- In this seed, looks is everything with these large and beautiful mountain ranges.
- The nearby village allows players to exploit crops and trade.
- Players can opt to build mountain homes or create a base in the lower region.
Compatible Versions: 1.15 (JAVA) [AMPLIFIED WORLD]
6. Jungle Mansion with Village
Seed #: -6760285559310078106
It is always a crazy occurrence when two generated structures spawn near each other and this is no exception. This seed submitted by Killstepz spawns players near a mansion, village, and jungle.
What Makes this Seed Awesome:
- Players are spawned near a jungle and a dark forest allowing for loads of resources.
- The village and mansion are nearby with items to find!
- Wide-open spaces are nearby as well for players to set up base.
Compatible Versions: 1.15.2 & 1.16 (JAVA)
5. Crazy Mine Find
Seed #: -925947801757965
For players looking to stock up on some minerals, this seed provided by user rixstyx has a large and natural spawning veins of various ore. The minerals can be found at the following coordinates: [X -302.700, Y 9.0 Z 1633.300].
What Makes this Seed Awesome:
- The chances of nearly every ore in the game spawning right next to each other is extremely rare.
- If players take advantage of this mining opportunity they will be off to a magnificent start.
Compatible Versions: 1.14.4 (JAVA)
4. Islandeee
Seed #: Islandeee
This popular seed submitted by user Plebiain, features a roofed forest island that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.
What Makes this Seed Awesome:
- Players have access to a village and a treasure chest holding 5 diamonds on the island.
- Features a large Mesa biome 5000 blocks away and 2 mushroom islands 4000 blocks away.
- Features 3 strongholds between 1300 and 2000 blocks away.
Compatible Versions: 1.15 (JAVA)
3. Double Large Village
Seed #: 482794552
This seed submitted by user OneLengthyLad, features two extra-large villages separated by a dark oak forest.
What Makes this Seed Awesome:
- Players have two extra-large villages spawned around 200 blocks away.
- Lakes and rivers are nearby.
- Spawn is at [4, 25]; Villages are located at [-204, 68] and [104, 68].
Compatible Versions: 1.15.2 (JAVA)
2. Pillager Outpost & Mansion Combo
Seed #: 17140267202630
In this seed, a Pillager Outpost and a Mansion can be found just blocks away from each other! Seed submitted by user tankageism.
What Makes this Seed Awesome:
- Along with the Mansion and Outpost spawn, a village, mesa biome and a shipwreck can be found to the north.
- All major biomes can be found within 1500 blocks in all directions.
- A stronghold can be found underneath shipwreck and ocean ruins at the coordinates [-392, 2120].
1. Variety Seed
Seed #: 577830886
This seed submitted by user TelephathicGrunt features a large number of biomes, structures, and raw materials for players to explore!
What Makes this Seed Awesome:
- 3 villages are spread across the biomes.
- 2 Coral Reefs are on either side.
- Mushroom Biome allows for a mob free safe zone.
Compatible Versions: Bedrock v1.11, Java v1.14
That concludes my list of the top 15 Minecraft Seeds of 2020 as of May. With new seeds emerging every day, there is no telling what kind of worlds will be generated throughout the remainder of the year!
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