Let's Countdown The Best Zombie Games To Play Right Now
The Walking Dead, Dawn of the Dead, and I am Legend. Anything ring a bell yet? These are just some of the movies that we watched and started shouting at our screens on what they should be doing to survive their encounters. Even if we yell and scream out what to do, the characters on screen will never be able to hear you!
So I took the liberty of giving you the chance to actually be in their shoes. Here the list of the Ultimate Zombie Games that will get you screaming and yelling not at the screen, but at yourself! Muahaha!
10. Resident Evil 2 Remake
Resident Evil 2 Gameplay
Right off the bat of course we have the classic and one of the first games to make us yell out while actually playing a game. Resident Evil 2 Remake will make you go through that experience once again, but this time in a very realistic view.
We begin our adventure again as one of the main characters Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy and start finding a way to escape from Raccoon City during a zombie apocalypse. The remake includes a revamp of the camera, control, and cinematics of the game giving you a 100% scary experience.
Things to look forward to:
- Overhaul of graphics. No kidding this remake, most especially for players of the 90’s will get a totally new view of the game.
- Free roam camera control. Yes! Unlike the previous version of fixed screens, you now can move around the place with full control of the camera, thus giving us the chance to get lost and eaten by the zombies.
- Zombies, zombies, zombies! Well of course the thing we look forward to the most is fighting off the zombies that tried to kill us back in 1998 and get the satisfaction of killing them with our remade characters and guns!
Wait what?!: Sure that bad ass looking zombie is cool, but is that other zombie on the ceiling?!
Lights Off: Of course we’re going to have that moment where your character is looking at something, but there’s something just watching you.
9. They Are Billions
They Are Billions Gameplay
Something need doing? Wuh iz it? Sound familiar? Yes, we now have a real-time strategy game that will literally bite us in the ass if we mess up in our building and production decisions. The game puts us in the middle of nowhere with a few resources and build an entire city and survive the never ending waves of zombies.
If you think you got what it takes to be a leader and let your people survive, then this game is definitely for you. Fight off the endless hordes of zombies as you make your city more prosperous at the same time.
Things to look forward to:
- It’s real-time strategy. When it comes to games that keep you on edge, it always has to be the real-time ones.
- Practicality. The game will make you think of what you need to do best for your city to remain alive. So you better make those decisions real quick!
- Large Waves of Zombies. When you start the game you get a few zombies invading your town, but as soon as you progress you’re going to encounter ridiculously large waves of zombies!
Hustle and Bustle: A quite town always means trouble without the hustle and bustle.
Fee-fi-fo-fum: Just another big ass zombie looking to eat some people walking by.
8. State of Decay 2
State of Decay 2 Gameplay
Yes the 2nd instalment of the State of Decay game is out! We enjoyed the Grand Theft Auto style of the first one, but now we get treated to some additions. The game is a third person open world survival game that will challenge your skills as a gamer to survive this unforgiving world.
The game will send you out in a zombie apocalyptic world with a partner and fight off zombies until you clear out all of them from your town. So if you’re into the survival and zombie theme, then this is a game for you.
Things to look forward to:
- Realism. Yes this game doesn’t just send zombies over to you, they add realism of how fast you can search something, how you slice up the zombies, and many more!
- Graphics upgrade. The game now has much better graphics than the previous game.
- Multiplayer. Oh yeah! With the multiplayer function you can invite your friends and survive the zombie invasion together.
Reload: Whenever the reload timing is off, you're screwed!
Survival: Staying in groups is always the best option to stay alive.
7. Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 7 Gameplay
Now why wouldn’t we add the 7th game of the Resident Evil saga. Get ready for another story telling of a zombie infested world, but this time in an FPS fashion. You play as a character called Ethan Winters who goes on a mission to find his wife who has been missing for the last 3 years.
In the game you will have to look for clues and make your way around the creepy areas to find out what your next step would be. Spoiler alert for all the fans out there, but this game does have a good ending and a bad ending. So you really have to think about your decisions as you progress through the game.
Things to look forward to:
- New gameplay style. The past Resident Evil games always gave us a third-person view in the game, but now you play in a FPS way which could of course be scarier.
- Wonderful storytelling. Yet another amazing story told by CAPCOM. The game will get you in the mood right from the start of the game because of their storytelling skills.
- VR COMPATIBLE!!! Want to make the experience even scarier? Well here’s your chance! You can totally play the game with a PlayStation VR headset! (P.S. Don’t play in a cramped space!)
Wipe yourself up man, you’re dead: The moment of ease when you kill one of the bosses.
Knock knock?: Did you ever wonder why in all horror stuff, people never actually knock before entering a door that you know will have something that might kill you?
6. Project Zomboid
Project Zomboid Gameplay
Although most zombie games play in the traditional 3rd person and FPS way, they actually can become repetitive. Project Zomboid is a Zombie Survival RPG Simulation game that may quench your thirst for a different play style. Well we all once in a while want to try something new with the same concept right?
The game actually comes in different modes. We have sandbox survival, story, exploration, and of course multiplayer to list some of them. The different game modes will take a chunk of your time, but it will feel all worth it once you really get into it.
Things to look forward to:
- Multiple Game Modes. A lot of game modes will definitely keep you entertained!
- Game Modding. Yes, you can actually create your own zombie apocalyptic world and invite friends to try out what you made!
- Sandbox. When games offer a sandbox mode, your creative side will definitely rise.
Well that’s gonna leave a stain: A horde of zombies after you take them all down.
Please form a line: Zombies all bunched up together always looks awesome.
5. Dying Light
Dying Light Gameplay
Dying Light is an open world first person survival RPG game. The campaign mode of the game sends you an undercover agent called Kyle Crane to infiltrate a quarantined zone in a city called Harran. You will have to work together with the other characters of the game to find the cure to the zombie epidemic.
In the game you’ll find yourself getting attached to the other characters as you progress through. You will have to search areas around the city to gain new weapons and ammo to survive. The game also allows you to move around the city parkour style to give you that edge.
Things to look forward to:
- Weapons Baby. The game has a more or less a thousand different weapons that you could use to survive. More weapons, more diversity!
- Parkour. Who doesn’t like scaling tall buildings, running on walls, and jumping to different structures while fending off zombies?
- Dynamic Day and Night Cycle. The day and night cycle of the game will keep you on edge, during the day the zombies are more passive, but once the darkness sets in… RUUUUUUN!
Crossbow?: Ever wonder why we see a lot of crossbows in almost every zombie movie?
Hi Mom!: There are those moments when even in a serious situation you just can’t help but laugh.
4. 7 Days to Die
7 Days to Die Gameplay
Survival horror, check. Open world, check. Tower Defense, check! Yes a survival horror game with tower defense! 7 Days to Die is a sandbox open world survival tower defense game where you and your fellow survivors fight off an unforgiving world filled with zombies who apparently cloned themselves to kill you off.
The game works on a system where you survive as long as you can. Being sandbox game, you have the tools to create the most bad ass fort that can hold off against the hordes of zombies that relentlessly want to kill you. If you got what it takes to survive longer than a year, this game is for you!
Things to look forward to:
- Crafting. Lots and lots and lots of crafting. With crafting comes great scavenging!
- Co-op play. Co-op play gives you and your friends more fun!
- Tower Defense. Tower defense and zombies just makes a good recipe for a survival game!
Happy Hallo… wait: Just taking a stroll with my trusty torch.
Can I get yo numbah?: Whenever anyone crawls towards you like this and you’ve just finished watching a horror movie.
3. Killing Floor 2
Killing Floor 2 Gameplay
Ohhhhh yeah! Who doesn’t have the nostalgia of killing the zeds in the first Killing Floor game? The 2nd version of the game is a major upgrade to the first game. The development team of the game has ironed out some kinks and added a little realism to the game to make it more challenging.
The game is still set in London where the zombies or known as zeds in the game come at large waves to try and kill you and your squad. The game will still require that you and your squad work together to kill the waves of zeds and the insanely stronger boss zeds. If you love fast paced FPS shooter games with lots of gore, then you better get this game!
Things to look forward to:
- Better Graphics. Although the first version of the game already had good graphics, the second game will surprise you!
- Harder Game Modes. Who doesn’t like the challenge of taking on super-fast and super strong zombies chasing after you?
- GORE! Killing Floor is very very famous due to its gore. Enjoy the exploding animations and gore of the zeds!
Checkmate: Game of chicken in a whole new level.
No guts no GORY!: Let’s paint the town red!
2. Dead Island
Dead Island Gameplay
Ever wondered how it would feel like to be trapped on a small island but then you find out that it gets filled with zombies that want to eat you? Dead Island is a survival open world FPS game that could give you that experience.
You have the choice to be one of the 4 main characters of the game and find your way out of the fictional island called Banoi. The open world aspect of the game allows players to find more survivors who can help you while you progress through the game. Test your survival skills and get the hell out of the island by yourself or with your friends!
Things to look forward to:
- Storytelling with a twist. Although we love shooting and killing all the zombies in our path, we often need a story to help us understand why we’re doing all this.
- Weapons limited. Most zombie games give you access to guns early in the game, but in this game you’ll have to progress the first half of the game using only melee weapons.
- Gore & Slow Mo: Who doesn’t love slow motion when you get to kill something? The mixture of slow motion together with gore just adds more fun when choosing how you kill the zombies!
Nasty Headache: I wonder which zombie will have a nastier headache? Hahaha!
Hey guys!: This zombie looks like he’s ready to start his Vlog.
1. World War Z
World War Z Gameplay
Are you ready to fight off hordes of sprinting zombies?! Remember that feeling you got when you saw the zombies pilling up reaching the top of the walls in the movie? The World War Z game just might be the next third-person, co-op, survival shooting game that will get your blood boiling!
The game is said to be released this 2019! The open beta will be released to the public soon. So get your team ready anytime soon as you will need to play this game as a 4-player co-op team to conquer the tsunami waves of zombies that will come at you.
Things to look forward to:
- Team play. Nothing better than team play to make it more fun!
- Beautiful graphics. Having the game feel realistic will really pull you in!
- Fast Paced Gameplay. Fast paced gameplay and zombies is the perfect recipe for a good action game.
Dog pile!: We’ve all done this when we were younger, I’m definitely sure!
Here Catch!: A huge horde of zombies trying to catch a grenade.
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