[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Clown Builds
5. Anti-Looper
This build makes chases a lot easier and utilizes the spread of your Afterpiece Tonic to slow and confuse survivors to make it a lot easier to down and kill survivors.
- The Clown is one of my favorite killers, even though he isn’t one of the strongest in the game, he is a blast to play and this is one build I’ll be sure to try myself.
- This build utilizes 3 other perks from other killers and one from the clown himself to make it so you can vault windows faster as well as destroy pallets.
What Anti-Looper Excels In
- Destroying pallets making survivors who use them too heavily suffer in the chase as well as vaulting through windows faster.
- Instead of constantly chasing survivors and being lead into a loop around the terrain you’ll be able to close in on survivors and strike them down much easier.
Build details:
- For perks you’ll need Brutal Strength from the Trapper to bust through pallets easily, Spirit Fury from you guessed it the Spirit. Then you’ll need Bamboozle from the Clown to block windows you vault through and finally, Enduring from the Hillbilly so you can rush through pallets while barely being stunned.
- Flask of Bleach and Garnish Make-up Kit are the best add-ons for this build so your tonic effects survivors more and covers a larger area (Any add-on you have that increase the coverage area, as well as another effect such as blind or hinder, will help also)
- No special offering is needed to make this build work so go crazy, use whatever you’d like, and get those blood points killers.
4. The Clown Mindset
For this build, you got to get into the Clown Mindset and play around with some silly survivors as the Clown.
- When playing this killer it’s more about having fun and playing with the survivors as the game goes on and the Clown excels at that and I have a blast playing him.
- The Afterpiece Tonic power that the clown uses is one of my favorites because you don’t have to have the best aim to use it. After all, it covers a large area.
What The Clown Mindset Excels In
- You learn this killer much easier and faster as you play as well as have an amazing ability to chase survivors down and see where they are almost all the time.
Build details:
- This build uses 4 different perks from 4 different killers, the Hex: Ruin from the Hag, Monitor & Abuse from the Doctor, Barbeque & Chili from the Cannibal, and Surveillance from the Pig to work well to see how survivors will react.
- The add-ons you’ll need to bring this build together are Tatoo’s Middle Finger and Bottle of Cluaraform to see where survivors run when hit with your Tonic and to spread it in a larger area so you’ll be able to get better chases.
3. Red Rank Build
This build will help you get that sweet red rank in every game you play as you kill survivors.
- I think red ranks are somewhat overrated but it’s still nice to get them as a killer or a survivor and this build will get you them with the Clown.
- Getting higher ranks in games gives you more blood points so this build helps with that so you can level up this and other killers much easier.
What Red Rank Build Excels In
- Getting you red ranks as well as making it much easier to chase and kill survivors to get your blood points higher so you can level up.
- You’ll be able to get the most use out of your powerup to slow the repairs of generators as well as healing or sabotaging.
Build details:
- You’ll need Barbeque & Chili from the Cannibal, Surge from the Demogorgon, Brutal Strength from the Trapper and finally Save the Best for Last from the Shape
- For add-ons use Garish Makeup Kit to increase the Invigorated effect on yourself, and either the Thick Cork Stopper or Smally Inner Soles for an easier chase.
2. The Aggressive Clown
This build plays extremely aggressively to chase survivors and get easy kills for those who love the chase and playing with the survivors as they run.
- I love playing aggressively so this build works for me to chase survivors much easier and strike them down without being looped.
- With this build, you have to play aggressively to win the game because it relies on chasing and breaking pallets as you corral survivors with your tonic.
What The Aggressive Clown Excels In
- Breaking through pallets and chasing easily without looping around the terrain making it unlikely for survivors to escape.
- This build is extremely fun to play because you don’t have to stalk or be silent and you can chase much easier and corral survivors.
Build details:
- You’ll need Brutal Strength from the Trapper, Leave the Best for Last from the Shape, then you’ll need Sloppy Butcher and any other perk will help but Surge from the Demogorgon is a great recommendation for generators of Hex: Ruin from the Hag.
- Add-ons for this build include Thick Cork Stopper to decrease your reload time with your tonic and either the Cheap Gin Bottle or Sticky Soda Bottle to get extra throws.
1. The Best Build
This is the best possible build for the clown to fix what he's weak in and make what he's stronger in even better.
- This build is great for the clown to fix his weaknesses and when I get the perks I plan to use this build in my future games as the Clown.
- This build fixes a lot of the flaws with the Clown, he has amazing 1v1 chase potential but falls off with map control not being able to get around the map as fast as others such as Demogorgon of the Hag or be as stealthy as the Shape.
What The Best Build Excels In
- Corraling survivors and chasing one survivor down as you block off paths from survivors with your tonic build strengthen the weakness of the Clown
- You’ll be able to see survivors as they work on generators together so you can contest it if you’d like to stop them from fixing the generator.
Build details:
- You’ll need Corrupt Intervention from the Plague, Discordance from the Legion, Pop Goes the Weasel from the Clown, and for the last perk, you’ll need Brutal Strength from the Trapper to help with chases and breaking pallets.
- For your add-ons, you can use anything you’d like personally I’d use one that gives more uses and one that expands the area but getting reload speed is also great.