[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Nea Karlsson Builds
Nea Karlsson was introduced to Dead by Daylight in the CHAPTER 1: The Last Breath Chapter DLC, alongside the killer The Nurse. Nea is one of the first few survivors to be in the game, and because of this, she has some pretty solid perks that you are sure to see people using throughout your games. Let’s take a look at the best builds you can make using Nea’s teachable perks.
5. Beginner Nea
Nea Karlsson (Dead By Daylight) 2020 Beginners' Build #1
Starting off we have Beginner Nea, which uses two of her teachable perks: Urban Evasion and Balanced Landing. This build is labeled as “Beginner” because it doesn’t require any of the other survivors' teachable perks unlocked.
First, we have Urban Evasion, which allows you to crouch walk at normal walking speed. This is great for hiding around trees, rocks, barrels, you name it. Normally when you crouch walk you move at a much slower speed, but with this, you no longer have to worry about feeling like a snail.
Next, we have Kindred, which gives you and your teammates tons of information. Whenever a teammate is hooked you see the aura of all other survivors in the game, as well as the killer’s aura as long as they are within 16 meters of the hooked survivor. Once they leave that 16 meters, you will not be able to see them anymore, however, that is still enough time to figure out where they are going, and whether you are safe or not. If you are the survivor that is hooked, this information gets shared with every other survivor.
Speaking of hooks, we have We’ll Make It, so if you unhook a survivor, you get 100% increased heal speed for the next 90 seconds. That is a minute and a half of double healing speed, and that is very strong.
Lastly, we have Balanced Landing, which is a decent exhaustion perk that gives you a Sprint Burst effect when you jump off of a high place, like a hill, or off of a building. When you land, your grunts are muffled so the killer can’t hear you, and your stagger is reduced by 75%. After this, you get your increased sprint speed for 3 seconds.
What Beginner Nea Excels In:
- Uses an exhaustion perk.
- Gives a lot of information.
- Has some stealth options.
- Very fast healing after unhooking.
Perks Used:
Urban Evasion: When crouching, your Movement speed is increased by 90/95/100%.
Kindred: While you are hooked:
- The Auras of all Survivors are revealed to one another.
- Whenever the Killer is within 8/12/16 meters of your Hook, their Aura is revealed to all Survivors.
While another Survivor is hooked:
- The Auras of all other Survivors are revealed to you.
- Whenever the Killer is within 8/12/16 meters of the hooked Survivor, their Aura is revealed to you.
We’ll Make It: Whenever you rescue a Survivor from a Hook, your Altruistic Healing speed is increased by 100% for the next 30/60/90 seconds.
Balanced Landing: When falling from great heights:
- Your Stagger duration is reduced by 75% and your grunts are muffled by 100%.
- Upon landing, you start sprinting at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.
- Balanced Landing causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
- Balanced Landing cannot be used when Exhausted.
4. Toxic Nea
This Is What A Toxic Nea Looks Like!
Next, we have Toxic Nea. Toxic Nea uses her teachable perk Balanced Landing to try to run away from the killers and uses other perks that can be fairly strong in certain situations.
Starting we have Balanced Landing which gives you 150% sprint speed for 3 seconds after falling from a great height like a hill or building. The objective of this is to get you some distance to get to the next loop while you are being chased by the killer. You also get your grunts from landing muffled completely, as well as the stagger from falling reduced significantly.
Next, we have Adrenaline, which used to be seen as one of the strongest perks but has recently fallen somewhat out of the meta, even though it has not been changed. With Adrenaline, you will immediately heal one health state once all 5 generators are done, as well as get a 150% sprint speed for 5 seconds. This will leave you exhausted however, so you cannot use Balanced Landing immediately after Adrenaline pops.
Next, you have Self Care, not really a toxic perk, however, some of your teammates may be annoyed if you use this at the wrong time. Self Care allows you to heal yourself at 50% normal healing speed. So if you have the time to spare, it is a great perk to use. However, if some time-sensitive objectives that need to happen, it may not be the best idea.
Lastly, we have Empathy, which will show us where all the injured survivors are on the map. This also lets you know when people are being chased, and where the killer is if you are observant enough.
What Toxic Nea Excels In:
- Gives information.
- Decent exhaustion perk.
- Self-healing.
- Strong end game perk.
Perks Used:
Balanced Landing: When falling from great heights:
- Your Stagger duration is reduced by 75% and your grunts are muffled by 100%.
- Upon landing, you start sprinting at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.
- Balanced Landing causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
- Balanced Landing cannot be used when Exhausted.
Adrenaline: When the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one Health State and sprint at 150% of your normal Running speed for 5 seconds.
- Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed. If playing against The Nightmare, Adrenaline will wake you from the Dream World upon activation.
- Adrenaline ignores an existing Exhaustion timer, but causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
Self Care: Unlocks the ability to heal yourself without needing a Med-Kit at 50% of the normal Healing speed.
- When using a Med-Kit, its Depletion rate is decreased by 10/15/20%.
Empathy: Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.
- The Auras of dying or injured Survivors are revealed to you within a range of 64/96/128 meters.
- Empathy does not reveal the Aura of a Survivor currently being carried by the Killer.
3. “Infinite” Balanced Landing
“Infinite” Balanced Landing’s intends to have Balanced Landing available for you to use as much as possible. We achieve this by running the perk Vigil.
Vigil allows us to recover from exhaustion, among other debuffs, 20% faster. This also affects other survivors within 8 meters of you.
Vigil comes in handy because when we use Balanced Landing, we will become exhausted. Balanced Landing allows us to get 150% sprint speed after falling from a great height, like a hill or a building, for 3 seconds. This also gets rid of the noise we make from falling completely and significantly reduces the time we are staggered from falling.
Next, we have Windows of Opportunity, which gives us the ability to see the aura of Windows and Pallets within 20 meters of us. This is a very strong informational perk that allows you to not run around blindly looking for the next safe tile to run the killer around. This shows you exactly where the nearest loopable object is. And if you are in an area with nothing showing up good luck.
Lastly, we have Fixated which allows you to walk 20% faster and see your own scratch marks. This perk can most likely be changed for something else, as it isn’t entirely useful. You can use it to sneak around pretty decently, without leaving scratch marks. It is also somewhat useful to learn how your scratch marks look to the killer, which is some good information to know when you are starting off.
What “Infinite” Balanced Landing Excels In:
- Recover from debuffs quicker.
- Decent exhaustion perk.
- Some stealth options.
- Strong informational perk.
Perks Used:
Vigil: You recover 10/15/20% faster from the Blindness, Exhaustion, Haemorrhage, and Hindered Status Effects.
- This effect also applies to all other Survivors within 8 meters of you and lingers for 15 seconds.
Windows of Opportunity: The Auras of Breakable Walls, Pallets, and Windows are revealed to you within 20 meters.
- Windows of Opportunity has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds after vaulting or dropping a Pallet during a Chase.
Fixated: You walk 10/15/20% faster and can see your own Scratch Marks.
Balanced Landing: When falling from great heights:
- Your Stagger duration is reduced by 75% and your grunts are muffled by 100%.
- Upon landing, you start sprinting at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.
- Balanced Landing causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
- Balanced Landing cannot be used when Exhausted.
2. Urban Evasion Value
Urban Evasion Value | Dead by Daylight
Urban Evasion Value is all about, you guessed it, trying to get value out of Urban Evasion. Let’s begin.
Surprisingly our first perk we are going to talk about is Urban Evasion, who would have thought. Urban Evasion allows you to crouch walk at the same speed as normal walking. This helps out in sneaking around objects and tiles.
Next, we have Fixated, which allows you to walk 20% faster. Unfortunately, this does not affect Urban Evasion. So if you are trying to sneak around a tree while the killer is searching the area and you don’t think that crouching at 100% speed will cut it, then you can stand up and walk at 120% speed. You can also see your own scratch marks.
To help us hide from the killer we will use Iron Will, which will completely mask your grunts of pain while you are injured, stopping you from making any noise whatsoever.
Lastly, we have Sprint Burst. If you happen to be found by the killer, use Sprint Burst to run away at mach speed for 3 seconds.
What Urban Evasion Value Excels In:
- Lots of stealth options.
- Strong exhaustion perk.
Perks Used:
Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.
- Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
- Sprint Burst cannot be used when Exhausted.
Urban Evasion: When crouching, your Movement speed is increased by 90/95/100%.
Fixated: You walk 10/15/20% faster and can see your own Scratch Marks.
Iron Will: When injured, Grunts of Pain are reduced by 50/75/100%.
1. “Infinite” Item Charges
Underrated Perks: Built to Last | Dead by Daylight
For our last build, we have “Infinite” Item Charges, which doesn’t actually give us infinite use of our items, but it allows us to use it for much much longer.
Starting with this build we have Built To Last, which allows us to recharge one of our items back to 50% charges, 10 seconds after it has been depleted. This is very strong, however, we can only let this happen once per game, unfortunately.
Next, we have Nea’s perk Streetwise, which we have not seen until now. Streetwise will reduce the depletion rate of your items by 25%. This allows us to use our items for even longer, and this also gets spread to other survivors within 8 meters of us.
Next, we have Prove Thyself, somewhat unrelated, but this allows us to get a 15% repair speed bonus for each survivor within 4 meters of us. This effect also spreads to other survivors within that range. We also get a nice 100% bonus bloodpoints for cooperative actions. Why would we want this perk in our build? Well if we are using a toolbox to speed through generators, prove thyself makes this even faster.
Lastly, we have Empathy, which allows us to see injured survivors anywhere on the map. This also lets us know if other survivors are in a chase or not by watching how they are moving, or if they recently just got injured. Which in turn, lets you know where the killer is, letting you know if you are safe where you are, or if you need to get out of there.
What “Infinite” Item Charges Excels In:
- Use items for a much longer time.
- Fast generator repair speeds.
- Good informational perk.
Perks Used:
Built To Last: Once per Trial, your carried Item will refill 30/40/50% of its Charges 10 seconds after having depleted it.
Prove Thyself: Gain a stack-able 15% Repair Speed bonus for each Survivor within 4 meters of you, up to a maximum of 45%.
- This effect is also applied to all other Survivors within that range.
- Prove Thyself grants 50/75/100% bonus Bloodpoints for Co-operative actions.
- Prove Thyself does not stack with other instances of itself.
Streetwise: The Depletion rate of your Items is reduced by 15/20/25%.
- This effect also applies to all other Survivors within 8 meters of you and lingers for 15 seconds.
Empathy: Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability.
- The Auras of dying or injured Survivors are revealed to you within a range of 64/96/128 meters.
- Empathy does not reveal the Aura of a Survivor currently being carried by the Killer.
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