[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Hillbilly Builds
5. Fun Billy
This Billy build is mainly to have the most fun when playing the Hillbilly as you learn to play him more and more as you win game after game.
- I hate playing the Hillbilly because his power is hard to control and it’s much different than other killers but he’s fun for others to play.
- The Hillbilly can charge forward and knock healthy survivors down with his chainsaw in one fell swoop making him a powerful killer.
What Fun Billy Excels In
- This build makes Hillbilly very fun to play even if you don’t like playing him often as a killer in your games.
- You’ll be able to dash through the map getting survivors and kill them in one fell swoop as they try to run away to no avail.
Build details:
- The add-ons needed are Doom Engravings to increase your chainsaw sprint speed, and the Tuned Carburetor to replace the Carburetor Tuning Guide to decrease your chainsaw charge time so you can use it more often.
- For perks go with Barbeque & Chili from the Cannibal, Infectious Fright from the Plague, Spirit Fury from the Spirit, and Enduring from the Hillbilly. (Spirit Fury is interchangeable with others such as Whisper)
4. Insta-Saw Billy
This build will make it so your charge time for your chainsaw is drastically reduced while allowing you to see the survivors and find them quickly.
- Being one of my least favorite killers to ever play the Hillbilly does have a useful power if you can use it right and this build makes it much less costly if used wrong.
- With your chainsaw, you can down survivors in a single hit and destroy pallets in one hit as well but it has a drawback with the time it takes to charge this build seeks to remedy that and make chases that much easier.
What Insta-Saw Billy Excels In
- You’ll be able to keep on trucking through pallets and chase with your chainsaw much faster without being penalized for hitting pallets.
- It gives survivors a false sense of hope in pallets because they don’t stun you for as long and you can do your chainsaw quickly after being stunned.
Build details:
- The perks needed for this build include Enduring from the Hillbilly, Spirit Fury from the Spirit, Barbeque & Chili from the Cannibal, and finally Whispers.
- The add-ons are the most important thing when it comes to Billy builds and for this one, you’ll need the Tuned Carburetor and Mother’s Helpers so that you can recharge your chainsaw much faster and pallets will do next to nothing to you.
3. Hill Billy 101
With this build, you get to learn Hillbilly and get to understand the full capabilities and flaws with his power as he chainsaws through survivors.
- With disliking the Hillbilly so much this build is by far the easiest to use because it doesn’t require other killers’ teachable perks.
- This build and video go over the best simple build for the Hillbilly without using other killers’ perks so you can do this build almost immediately.
What Hill Billy 101 Excels In
- Being simple is the best part of this build so you can learn more about what makes the Hillbilly tick and how his chainsaw can be used the most effectively.
- You’ll be able to learn how to play the Hillbilly without waiting to get the other perks to make him a powerful killer.
Build details:
- You’ll need the perks Enduring, Tinkerer, Bitter Murmur, and finally the Hex: No One Escapes Death. These are all available on Hillbilly’s blood web so you won’t have to rely on the perks of other killers to make this killer decent.
- For add-ons use the Punctured Muffler and the Heavy Clutch, these will make it much easier to use your chainsaw without any drawbacks or risk.
2. Red Ranked Billy
This is the second-best build and one of the best to get you red ranks with the Hillbilly.
- Even though I still don’t like the Hillbilly this build is great to get red ranks in games after games as you play the killer.
- Red ranks give your more blood points and make you rank up as a killer so this build is great to rank up as the Hillbilly.
What Red Ranked Billy Excels In
- This build makes Hillbilly’s power stronger and strengthens his weaknesses that way you can get red ranks much easier.
Build details:
- To get you those red ranks you’ll need Enduring from the Hillbilly, Corrupt Intervention from the Plague, Bamboozle from the Clown, and then Barbeque & Chile from the Cannibal so you can chase and destroy pallets easily as well as see the survivors and stop generator repairs easily.
- For add-ons take the Heavy Clutch and Dad’s Boots to make it much easier to steer while sprinting with your chainsaw as well as make it much less likely to collide into the terrain as you chase survivors down.
1. Best Billy
This is by far the best overall build for the Hillbilly that you can use to get red ranks and win games as this chainsaw-wielding killer.
- I don’t plan on using the Hillbilly and this build is still one I would use if I ever had to play him when I do play as the killer in Dead by Daylight.
- This build is costly because it requires three perks from other killers but is the most well-rounded and powerful build for this chainsaw-wielding maniac.
What Best Billy Excels In
- You’ll be able to zoom across the map with your chainsaw and hook survivors often as you down them with one hit of your chainsaw and see the aura of other survivors.
- With the Pop Goes the Weasel perk in this build you’ll be able to keep generators from being repaired rather easily as you control the map.
Build details:
- To start you’ll need Barbeque and Chili from the Cannibal to locate survivors after hooking another one, next you’ll need is Infectious Fright from the Plague to see survivors after putting other survivors into the dying state.
- The third perk you’ll need is Pop Goes the Weasel from the Clown to keep generators down as you hook survivors, and the last perk you can either use Bamboozle from the Clown or Enduring from the Hillbilly to make chases that much better.
- For add-ons, the best ones to use for this build are Doom Engravings to make your chainsaw sprint much faster any other add-on will work but I recommend Dad’s boots, they help you steer with no downside like the Spiked Boots.