Claudette is a character who is not designed to survive but to help others in need. She can be seen as a nurse among the survivors, able to heal fast and efficiently, and at the same time, be able to find survivors as fast as lightning using the perk empathy which has a maximum search area of 128metres and covers nearly the entire map!
Nevertheless, let's look at her best 5 builds which would be amazing for the players who would love an experience playing as the doctor.
5. Claud Super Healer Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by WhosGonnaStopMe
The Claud Super Healer Build is a build made especially for healing survivors throughout the map. Its perks are especially designed to heal quickly and efficiently without having to lose any time within the game and therefore having the ability to finish the generators as fast as possible. One of the perks include Botany knowledge which will allow you to heal 50% faster, and 100% faster with the perk, we'll make it, if you rescue a survivor from the hook making it a total of 150% which is incredibly fast, potentially healing a survivor in less than 5 seconds. Therefore it is an incredible build in a cooperation team, however I wouldn't recommend for solo gaming.
What Claud Super Healer Build Excels In:
- Super fast healing speeds, where you can heal very fast in different situations and find survivors efficiently and quickly using the perk Empathy, where you have an area up to 128 metres.
- With the perk of self-care, in emergency situations, which I do not recommend as it slows down the game, you have the ability to heal yourself without the use of any help from the survivors.
Build details & Perks:
- Self-care: Unlocks the Self-Care ability, allowing you to self-heal without needing a Med-Kit at 25/30/35 % of the normal Healing speed.
- Botany Knowledge: Increases your Healing speed by 30/40/50 %.
- Empathy: The Auras of Survivors in the Injured State or the Dying State within 64/96/128 metres of your location are revealed to you.
- We'll make it: Increases your Altruistic Healing speed by 100 % for the next 30/60/90 seconds whenever you rescue another Survivor from a Hook
4. The Ninja Claud Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by Ayrun
The Ninja Claud Build is a build designed for ninjas and for those who want to avoid the killers at all costs, therefore for players who would not want to be chased by the killer for reasons. Nevertheless, with those perks you have the ability to quickly move around the map without having to show any scratchmarks, which would at the same time confuse the killer and therefore waste lots of time. If injured, the perk Iron will will help with this cause and therefore will make it even harder for the killer to find you, and therefore you are literally an incognito in the game, and if anything happens, you can use your exhaustion perk sprint burst which will allow you to run away from the killer, which overall makes it a very good build for beginner players or for those would not want to be encountered by the killer.
What The Ninja Claud Build Excels In:
- With urban evasion and self-aware, you can move around faster in different situations such as crouching and walking. This is very useful when you want to hide from the killer when coming toward you and move around small objects faster without having to show any scratch marks.
- With the combination of iron will and sprint burst, you have the ability to escape the killer and make the escape quietly, making it harder for the killer to find you if you are injured.
Build details & Perks:
- Iron Will: Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain while in the Injured State by 25/50/75 %. Iron Will cannot be used when suffering from Exhaustion but does not cause the Exhausted Status Effect.
- Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for 3 seconds. Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
- Self-aware: You know your weaknesses and refuse to hide from them. You walk 10/15/20 % faster and can see your Scratch Marks.
- Urban Evasion: Increases your Crouching Movement speed by 90/95/100 %.
3. The Unstoppable Killer Magnet Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by WhosGonnaStopMe
The Unstoppable Killer Magnet Build is a build very similar to the Claud super healer build where it has the perks to super heal survivor at super fast speeds; however, with additional bonuses such as spine chill where you will have the chance to not only protect others by healing them very fast but also protecting yourself at all costs where you will have a notification whenever a killer is coming close towards you. With this build, it is a build built for self-awareness and a build for fast recovery where you have the chance to heal and then notify the healed survivor if the killer is coming, letting them know and go for a quick escape. With this build it is amazing when it is with a 4-player team as lots of communication is required and therefore it is amazing when you have the chance to heal survivors with less risk.
What The Unstoppable Killer Magnet Build Excels In:
- With Spine Chill you have the ability to detect the killer whenever he is coming toward you, therefore, having the ability to make a quick move, and plan where you should run.
- The combination of We'll make it and desperate measures give out a super healing speed which will allow you to heal survivors very fast.
Build details & Perks:
- Botany Knowledge: Increases your Healing speed by 30/40/50 %.
- Spine Chill: Whenever the Killer is within 36 metres of your location and has a direct line of sight, Spine Chill activates and increases your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Cleansing, Blessing, Opening, and Unlocking by 2/4/6 %. This effect lingers for 0.5 seconds.
- We'll make it: Increases your Altruistic Healing speed by 100 % for the next 30/60/90 seconds whenever you rescue another Survivor from a Hook.
- Desperate Measures: Increases Healing and Unhooking speeds by 10/12/14 % for each injured, hooked, or dying Survivor, up to a maximum of 40/48/56 %.
2. The Immediate Unhooking Claud Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by Marielitai Gaming
The Immediare Unhooking Claud Build it is an interesting build to use but its main goal is to be avoid getting hooked, or have the ability to get unhooked safely and without any hesitation. This of course is advantageous with the perks kindred and borrowed time, where you will have the ability to unhook a survivor, or be unhooked safely as you would either be unhooked without the killer being around or get an endurance status where you will not get downed by the killer. The perk Decisive Strike also comes in this build where its goal is to not get hooked, and therefore commonly used when being tunneled by the killer which is popular when being hit by the endurance status effect making the killer angry. Nonetheless, I would recommend this build especially in tight situations in the game when the killer can be seen as toxic.
What The Immediate Unhooking Claud Build Excels In:
- With Decisive Strike you have a chance to escape the killer's grasps, and therefore it is very useful when you are being tunelled by the killer and have the ability to make a quick escape after you have been escaped by the killer and therefore having the ability to do the chase with the killer.
- With borrowed time you have the ability to do save people throughout the game, and it is very useful if the killer is very close, as the survivors will have an endurance status effect given therefore providing a quickshield preventing the killer from downing that survivor who has been released from that hook.
Build details & Perks:
- Kindred: While you are hooked: The Auras of all Survivors are revealed to one another, and whenever the Killer is within 8/12/16 metres of your Hook, their Aura is exposed to all Survivors. While any other Survivor is hooked: The Auras of all other Survivors are revealed to you, and whenever the Killer is within 8/12/16 metres of the hooked Survivor, their Aura is shown to you.
- Borrowed time: Survivors you unhook benefit from the following effects: Extends the duration of their Endurance Status Effect by 6/8/10 seconds and extends the course of their Haste Status Effect by +10 seconds.
- Iron Will: Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain while in the Injured State by 25/50/75 %.
- Decisive Strike: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for the next 40/50/60 seconds: When being grabbed or picked up by the Killer, succeed in a Skill Check to escape their grasp, stunning them for 3 seconds automatically. Successfully stunning the Killer will disable Decisive Strike for the remainder of the Trial and result in you becoming the Obsession.
1. The Wallhacking Claudette Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by JRM
The Wallhacking Claudette Build is a number one build for those who would like a great experience in the game. It is a build especially recommended when playing as a 4-player team, as with this build, you have the ability to pass on the information to your teammates as literally you will have the chance to see everything and therefore pass on the auras of killers, survivors and items to your survivors. Nevertheless, not only are the perks advantageous to your teammates but also for yourself where you have the perk Kindred, which will allow the survivors to see you and the killer around the area in which you ar hooked in, therefore having the chance to be rescued quickly. Therefore recommending this build to everyone, but also mainly for those who likes to run around with the killer, as you will probably come close to killer more often than usual with this build.
What The Wallhacking Claudette Build Excels In:
- Object of Obsession allows you to read the killer's aura whilst he is reading yours from time to time, allowing you to send that information to your teammates and be aware throughout the whole game.
- You see all with all the perks combined, making you see the killer, survivors, and the items in a specific situation detailed in the perk, again, allowing you to send that information to your teammates and have an advantage in the game.
Build details & Perks:
- Bond: The Auras of all other Survivors within 20/28/36 metres of your location are revealed to you.
- Detective's Hunch: Each time a Generator is completed, the Auras of any Generators, Chests, and Totemswithin 32/48/64 metres are revealed to you for 10 seconds. Any objects displayed by Detective Hunch will automatically be tracked if you are holding a Map.
- Kindred: While you are hooked: The Auras of all Survivors are revealed to one another, and whenever the Killer is within 8/12/16 metres of your Hook, their Aura is exposed to all Survivors. While any other Survivor is hooked: The Auras of all other Survivors are revealed to you, and whenever the Killer is within 8/12/16 metres of the hooked Survivor, their Aura is shown to you.
- Object of Obsession: Whenever the Killer reads your Aura for the same duration as they do, Object of Obsession activates: The Killer's Aura is revealed to you. Increases your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, and Cleansing by 2/4/6 %. If you are the Obsession, your Aura is automatically displayed to the Killer for 3 seconds every 30 seconds.
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