With the sword's tip and the shield's hold, the Titan stands as the pinnacle of protection. They are both destroyers and protectors. They face the darkness head-on, no subtlety of the hunter nor the warlock's raw power; the Titan is a blunt instrument as he rushes head-on towards danger, channeling the Travelers powers. A Titan equipped with the right exotics is not only a threat but a one-person army. Here is a list of exotics to help you become all that you can be.
10.Actium War Rig
Great for PVE
This walking fashion statement of death does two things, and it does them right. It increases your resilience so that you can take damage head-on, and its perk called Auto-Loading keeps ammo clips full as long as the player has ammo at their disposal. Never find your clip running dry.
Item Stats
- Mobility 7
- Resilience 11
- Recovery 7
- Discipline 6
- Intelect 6
- Strength 10
Exotic: Auto- Loading Link
VideoGuide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRqAw1UeI_k&ab_channel=Mtashed
9.Ursa Furiosa
Great for PVE
The great bear serves as an inspiration for this gauntlet with resilience at 12 the Titan is able to shrug off damage and walk through the pain. While using sentinel shield you build up super energy thus being able to cast it faster. Truly a force of nature.
Item Stats
- Mobility 6
- Resilience 14
- Recovery 6
- Discipline 6
- Intelect 12
- Strength 6
Exotic: Ursine Guard
How to obtain: Rare World Drops.
8. ACD/0 Feedback Fence
Great for PVP
When you wear the ACD/0 gauntlets, there is only one attitude you need. Go on, hit me! Go forth and start building up energy as the melee damages your enemies; not only that, when you receive the damage, you build up power as well. Then unleash it upon your enemies in an explosive fashion.
Item Stats
- Mobility 2
- Resilience 12
- Recovery 10
- Discipline 6
- Intelect 6
- Strength 12
Exotic: Fury Conductors
How to obtain: Rare World Drops.
VideoGuide:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YM5GKFiYaKE&ab_channel=Mtashed7. Synthoceps
Great for PVE/PVP
A huge increase in strength, that’s what happens when these gauntlets are on the battlefield. Not only does it increase the strength feature but they increase your melee range to hit things that are farther away. The Synthoceps also increase your super and melee damage when surrounded. It makes any Titan a formidable force.
Item Stats
- Mobility 10
- Resilience 11
- Recovery 3
- Discipline 6
- Intelect 6
- Strength 12
Exotic: Biotic Enhancements
How to obtain: Rare World Drops.
VideoGuide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zERD30KDJlg&ab_channel=IronworkerGaming6. One-Eyed Mask
Great for PVP and PVE
The One-Eyed Mask is not impressive when compared to other exotics. It increases your resilience and strength but not too insane proportions. What it does have is one of the coolest traits in the game. The feature allows you to view the opponent that killed you and grants you an over shield if you manage to kill them. There should be more traits like these.
Item Stats
- Mobility 6
- Resilience 7
- Recovery 13
- Discipline 6
- Intelect 6
- Strength 10
Exotic: Vengeance
How to obtain: Rare World Drops.
VideoGuide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luLQKqxPbtQ&ab_channel=Mr.Fruit
5. Doom Fang Pauldron
Great for PVE and PVP
This gauntlet takes advantage of your sentinel class feature and void kills you perform to increase your super energy. When the super is deployed, kills recharge your shield throw so you can do your best Captain America impersonation as often as you can.
Item Stats
- Mobility 10
- Resilience 7
- Recovery 7
- Discipline 6
- Intelect 6
- Strength 12
Exotic: Horns of Doom
How to obtain: Rare World Drops.
VideoGuide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZCPjq1MABw&ab_channel=Mtashed
4. Helm of Saint-14
Great for PVE
This mohawk sporting helm of destruction possesses one of the most useful traits in the game; it translates well to PVP or PVE. When casting ward of dawn blinds your enemies and grants allies over-shield when running through your protective sphere. Take this one out to the field and dominate.
Item Stats
- Mobility 2
- Resilience 10
- Recovery 10
- Discipline 6
- Intellect 12
- Strength 6
Exotic: Starless Night.
How to obtain: Rare World Drops
VideoGuide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzjs9o2v_L8&ab_channel=Mtashed
Great for PVP and PVE
These boots increase your speed and build up a charge; when you do melee damage, you chain it to nearby enemies. That’s right; you’re the Flash when wearing these boots.
Item Stats
- Mobility 10
- Resilience 10
- Recovery 6
- Discipline 6
- Intellect 6
- Strength 12
Exotic: Linear Actuators.
How to obtain: Rare World Drops
VideoGuide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afJ3NpxzvUY&ab_channel=CastleIsLive
2. Ashen Wake
Great for PVP
Besides upping your recovery feature so you can start making your best Wolverine impression, these gauntlets allow you to throw your fusion grenades farther and increases your damage radius with these monsters. Pitch your fastball special to those poor unsuspecting monsters all the way over there.
Item Stats
- Mobility 6
- Resilience 8
- Recovery 10
- Discipline 12
- Intelect 6
- Strength 6
Exotic: Bring the Heat
How to obtain: Rare World Drops.
1. Stronghold
Great for PVE and PVP
They should call the player Sword Master when wearing these. The pairing of sword and gauntlet maximize your guard so you can take hits like a champ, and when you manage to block a shot immediately after stopping, they heal the Titan.
Item Stats
- Mobility 6
- Resilience 14
- Recovery 6
- Discipline 12
- Intelect 2
- Strength 12
Exotic: Clenched Fist
How to obtain: Rare World Drops.
VideoGuide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8Jg8ZVLKd4&ab_channel=KackisHD
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