Dota is a peculiar game that people from all walks of life find out one way or the other. Some are intrigued enough to give it a try. Though most heroes are labeled as complex or difficult, there exists a set of heroes which are essentially easy to play for beginners. These heroes range from carry to even support roles.
To help the beginners pick the right heroes as they grasp the mechanics of the game, we have compiled this list of the Best 15 Heroes for Beginners. These heroes are easy to play, deal a ton of damage, and don’t require a lot of knowledge of the game to try out.
15. Venomancer
The most toxic hero in Dota! Venomancer is quite hated because of how well his abilities can synergize with literally any other hero. He is known for dealing immense magical damage and DPS to his foes. Venomancer can counter most strength heroes due to the damage output which is further amplified by items. Having AoE damage spells, Venomancer can farm quickly and efficiently.
Why is Venomancer a great hero for beginners?
- High DPS(Damage Per Second) and magic damage that can further be amplified with items.
- Can lower the movement speed of enemies
- Low CD on spells, allowing more damage dealt.
Items to Buy on Venomancer
- Spirit Vessel
- Heaven’s Halberd
- Force Staff
- Eul’s Scepter
- Veil of Discord
- Scythe of Vyse
14. Dragon Knight
Davion, the Dragon Knight is a classic tank hero, his high strength and high HP nature fit the glove. He does not fall despite enemies trying to gank him, his armor shall never betray him. Dragon Knight is a tough nut to crack, he has natural high armor which is amplified by his Dragon’s Blood passive, which makes him unkillable unless all 5 enemy heroes rotate and hunt him down, which is of course impractical in most games.
Why is Dragon Knight great for beginners?
- High armor makes him hard to gank
- Can push lanes and farmly fast
- Does not require much farm to gank
Items to buy on Dragon Knight
- Blink Dagger
- Shadow Blade
- Assault Cuirass
- Heaven’s Halberd
- Black King Bar
13. Bristleback
Bristleback has quite literally been a thorn in the side for every other hero in the game in the recent meta. He takes no damage while dealing quite a ton of damage and neutralizing his foes! Often considered to be an obnoxious laner, he is hated with passion by millions of dota players all over the world! He is quite the fun hero to play since all he does is spam his spells, which he can do effortlessly as he is backed by his insanely high armor!
Why is Bristleback a great beginner hero?
- Low CD on spells
- Only has two active abilities
- High kill potential and sustainability
Items to buy on Bristleback
- Ethereal Shroud
- Kaya and Sange
- Octraine Core
- Blademail
12. Silencer
Silence is one aspect that counters most spell-casting heroes in the game! And well, Silencer… you know it’s kind of self-explanatory. Having spells that silence or prevent them from using any items makes him very powerful against his enemies. The best part is that laning is not fun for opponents against a Silencer, frequent right-click damage, and low CD spells shove them out of the lane! Global Silence disables all the power they have and renders them useless even with BKB.
Why is Silencer great for beginners?
- Last Word and Global Silence will render most heroes largely useless.
- Arcane Curse effectively prevents opponents from casting spells during its duration, as they will otherwise suffer heavy damage.
Items to buy as Silencer
- Glimmer Cape
- Rod of Atos
- Ghost Scepter
- Aeon Disk
- Force Staff
- Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard
11. Axe
Doing immense physical damage right off the bat is quite unheard of in the early stages of the game, but Axe is one noble exception! A few Counter Helix spins and boom you’re dead! It gets messy to communicate with your team as you have more units around you, the more damage the Axe Call does. No matter how farmed you are as a carry hero, all it takes is one Axe Blink Call to get you down to 0 HP in no time.
Why is Axe a great hero for beginners?
- Berserker's Call helps to lock down multiple enemy heroes at once
- Counter Helix combined with Blade Mail clears waves quickly.
- Great Tank hero (can be in the frontlines and absorb a ton of damage)
- Offers great initiation, allowing his team to follow up.
Items to Buy on Axe
- Blink Dagger
- Blade Mail
- Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard
- Force Staff
- Crimson Guard
10. Shadow Shaman
Many have come and gone but none can withstand the cursed abilities of this Shaman. Shadow Shaman is a great addition to your team against escape heroes as he offers you insane disable potential allowing your team to follow up with damage and spells. Apart from disabling, he is also known to push out lanes effortlessly and deal damage to buildings with his ultimate! He can also rat well in the late game if he has all the right items!
Why is Shadow Shaman a great hero for beginners?
- Hex greatly reduces the mobility of heroes
- Shackle locks down the enemy, dealing damage over time
- Low CD on spells, especially on his ultimate
Items to Buy on Shadow Shaman
- Aether Lens
- Blink Dagger
- Force Staff
- Glimmer Cape
- Aghanim’s Scepter
9. Zeus
Zeus proves to be one of the best mid laners regardless of your status as a new or experienced player, this is highly attributed to his extreme DPS spells and wave clearance abilities. He is a must-play hero as he is very annoying against his enemies right from the laning phase. He can dish out some serious damage with spells and constantly harass his opponents. He is also infamous for having the potential to solo kill enemies from miles away on the map with the right items and levels!
Why is Zeus a great hero for beginners?
- High magical damage and low cooldown on spells!
- High kill potential right off the bat
- Great talent tree that scales well with levels and items
Items to buy on Zeus
- Octraine Core
- Refresher’s Orb
- Arcane Blink
- Bloodstone
- Aghanim’s Scepter
8. Witch Doctor
If you’re a support player looking to expand your hero pool then look no further! Witch Doctor is a great beginner’s hero but is often picked in high-ranked games! The reason is the reliability of this hero. Witch Doctor is known to be a nuisance in the early game, he can ward off enemy heroes while protecting his carry. Witch Doctor can snowball right after a few kills, allowing him to gain more levels and gank other lanes.
What makes Witch Doctor great for beginners?
- Great heal toggle with low mana cost.
- The chain-stun spell is an effective way to control the crowd.
- Dangerous DPS with Maledict and the Death Ward ultimate.
- High base movement and attack speed, allowing him to harass and kite enemies.
Items to buy on Witch Doctor
- Glimmer Cape
- Force Staff
- Aghanim’s Shard
- Solar Crest
- Guardian Greaves
7. Sven
The rogue knight is known for inducing fear into his enemy’s minds, his fierce moves and heavy sword scare all the foes away. Sven is known to be one of the best carry heroes in the game. There are various reasons why Sven is on this list. He has it all, AoE stun, ease of farming, movement speed, and double damage. Sven is capable of dominating the battlefield all by himself! The items only supplement his abilities and enhance his presence during team fights.
Why makes Sven a great hero for beginners?
- Can 1 hit kill squishy heroes
- Can easily 1v5 with lifesteal and damage items.
- His AoE stun, Storm Hammer, is a useful crowd control spell.
Items to buy on Sven
- Echo Sabre
- Assault Cuirass
- Daedalus
- Black King Bar
- Bloodthorn
6. Drow Ranger
This skilled markswoman is very precise and deadly. Her cool and calm demeanor is deceiving due to her lethal force on the battlefield. Drow might be a slow laner but her late-game potential is unmatched. She can deal heavy damage with just a few items in her inventory! She can destroy enemies effortlessly as she acquires items and gains levels. Having a high attack range provides her with an edge over her foes!
Why is Drow Ranger a great beginner hero?
- High physical damage output
- High base armor and movement speed
- Can mow down towers and squishy heroes easily
- Great disabler
Items to buy on Drow Ranger
- Hurricane Pike
- Silver Edge
- Monkey King Bar
- Butterfly
- Daedalus
5. Ogre Magi
Looks are surely deceiving! You may be puzzled by these rather dimwit ogres being so high up on our list, there is a reason for it! They’re just so good in this current patch! They’re all you need in a support hero, they have high hp and armor, they deal immense damage from the early game, and most importantly they have a stun! When Ogre reaches level 6, his ultimate enhances his ability to fight by providing him a chance to multiply the effect of his spells!
Why is Ogre Magi great for beginners?
- Very annoying with his abilities right off the bat
- High magical damage output is further amplified by items
- Tanky, can shove enemies off the lane.
Items to buy on Ogre Magi
- Aghanim’s Scepter and Shard
- Sange and Kaya
- Scythe of Vyse
- Dagon
- Ethereal Blade
- Octraine Core
4. Lion
Considered to be sent from the deepest hells, Lion is considered to be the best disabler hero in the game. Lion is a beginner’s favorite, primarily due to his ease of spells and high burst damage potential. He can often rotate and gank other lanes at early levels. He is known for his chain-disable, which makes him a threat even in the late game. His Hex into Earth Spike is quite the deadly combo that can cause lethal damage with follow-up from his allies!
What makes Lion a great hero for beginners?
- Earth Spike deals AoE damage and stuns multiple enemies
- Hex turns enemies into frogs, making them unable to use items or spells
- Low CD on spells
Items to buy on Lion
- Blink Dagger
- Force Staff
- Ghost Scepter
- Aether Lens
3. Juggernaut
The masked Samurai is a deadly hero that is better left untamed. It is impossible to contain him if he unleashes his true potential. Juggernaut is considered to be a beginner-friendly hero but only the advanced players understand the true potential and mechanics of this hero, as he hits hard right off the bat!. Not only is he great at farming, but he can also control the tempo with his ultimate. He is also known as one of the most flexible heroes in the game in terms of item builds.
Why is Juggernaut great for beginners?
- Does more with levels as opposed to farm.
- Great base movement speed, armor, and attack speed.
- Great talent tree that scales well with items.
Items to buy on Juggernaut
- Diffusal Blade
- Sange and Yasha
- Aghanim’s Scepter and shard
- Butterfly
- Eye of Skadi
2. Crystal Maiden
This frost queen has captured lots of hearts in the game, she is known to be ruthless towards her enemies. Crystal Maiden is one of the least complex support heroes in the game, which explains her high pick rate. She can ward off enemies from the lane with her high DPS skills or farm the jungle if needed with her Frostbite. She is known to lockdown and deals heavy magical damage with her spells, making her brilliant right from the early game.
Why is Crystal Maiden great for beginners?
- High magical output
- Global mana supply
- High AoE spells that help her deal damage
Items to buy on Crystal Maiden
- Force Staff
- Glimmer Cape
- Ghost Scepter
- Black King Bar
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Aeon Disk
1. Sniper
Sniper may appear to be a harmless dwarf but don’t let his appearance deceive you! He has made millions of players rage quit all around the world. His voice and gameplay induce fear and disgust even amongst the most experienced players. Sniper is suitable both as a mid and a carry hero due to his space-making and farming abilities. He may be a squishy hero but his incredible physical damage output and range make it impossible for enemies to come close to him. He is often considered to be the counter for squishy heroes or primarily for melee heroes.
Why is Sniper a great hero for beginners?
- High base attack range and movement speed
- AoE spell that accelerates his farm
- Flexible build potential
Items to buy on Sniper
- Hurricane Pike
- Mjolnir
- Monkey King Bar
- Daedalus
- Black King Bar
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