Dota has always been an evolving game, with ever-changing meta and patches. Currently, disables and stuns are the name of the game. If your team has a few disablers or stunners, you can dictate the pace of the game. A few well-timed initiations and stuns can help you steer the game in your direction. It is quite difficult to win a game or rather even have a fair advantage if your team lacks the disables.
However, with a plethora of heroes to choose from, it can be confusing to pick the right hero in the meta. That is why, we are here to the rescue with the best 15 Stun and Disable heroes which can help you dominate your ranked games.
15. Silencer

The mechanic of Silence is one lethal mechanic that counters all spell-casting heroes in the game! And well, Silencer… you know it’s self-explanatory. Silencer is an exceptional disabler if the enemy team has spell casters with big ticket crowd control spells (think of Black Hole, Echo Slam, Reverse Polarity) These spells can decimate your team if you do not have the right hero against it. Silencer decimates heroes right from the laning stage with his annoying damage over time with Arcane Curse, ensuring they do not use their spells. He also steals their intelligence with his glaives, further crippling their mana pool. His ultimate, Global Silence disables all the power his foes have, rendering them useless in teamfights.
Heroes with low intelligence do not enjoy laning against Silencer as his spells will pretty much ruin their early game with the DPS if he keeps on spamming his spells. Silencer not only does that, but he also deals high physical damage, giving him the potential to translate into the core role in the late game. Silencer is overall a solid counter to spellcasting heroes as he does not let them do the one thing they’re designed to do!
What makes Silencer a great disabler?
- Global Silence is a highly valuable spell, as it can silence heroes regardless of their position on the map, it is the core reason behind picking Silencer.
- Silencer does not fall off in the late game, even if he does not have sufficient items, he can rely on his spells to the damage.
- Silencer deals immense AoE damage over time right from the early game.
- He is an effective counter to intelligence heroes as he does not allow them to cast spells while also stealing their intelligence.
Silencer is strong against:
- Bane - Silencer can easily ruin Bane’s ultimate, Fiend’s Grip, as Global Silence cancels it.
- Dawnbreaker- Arcane Curse slows Dawnbreaker down and lasts longer the more abilities she uses. Besides, Silencer can use his ultimate to prevent Dawnbreaker from using her ultimate to initiate a teamfight
- Necrophos - Necrophos relies primarily on his spells to have an impact in a teamfight. Once he is silenced, he finds it hard to deal damage or be effective in a teamfight
- Shadow Shaman - Silencer can cancel Shaman’s shackles, which can help him save his allies from being ganked.
- Timbersaw- Timbersaw is heavily reliant on his abilities for damage and escape, allowing Silencer to effectively disable him and make him useless in both team fights and 1v1 scenarios.
Silencer is weak against:
- Broodmother - Broodmother relies less on abilities and more on right clicks, allowing her to deal immense damage back to low armor Silencer without worrying about her skill usage.
- Chen - Chen and his army can easily mow down Silencer as most of his controlled creeps are spell-immune, making them effective against silence
- Lycan - Once Lycan is under the effect of his ultimate, Shapeshift, he is not phased by Silencer’s spells, as he does more physical damage as opposed to magical damage.
- Naga Siren - Similar to Lycan, once Naga uses her ultimate in a teamfight, she is not worried about Silencer’s disables
- Arc Warden - Arc Warden relies heavily on physical damage and once he has his Black King Bar, he is immune against Silencer’s spell damage
Mid Silencer Max Slotted Build
14. Skywrath Mage

Skywrath Mage, the magnificent, has various ways of countering squishy spell-casting heroes. He makes his return to the pro scene with the 7.37d patch. Right from the laning phase, the enemies are subjected to ungodly magic damage which they find hard to negate for a very long time, all of his spells have low cooldowns, making them spammable right from the get-go. Sky’s silence is also a key factor in making sure that enemies do not get their spells off in teamfights. They hence get crippled in teamfights, as they can’t make a dent in Sky’s game if they get stopped right in their tracks by him.
The best part about Skywrath is that he is a highly flexible hero, and can be played in multiple lanes, making it easy for beginners to get a gist of his gameplay. Heroes averse to magic damage due to their poor magic resistance are affected more by Skywrath’s spells. He takes advantage of this weakness to ensure the enemy does not have any impact on the game. A wise Skywrath player will often try to lane against the squishy heroes, to shove them off the lane or make them waste gold by calling for regen or making them take the walk of shame back to base. If you’re new and lacking a support hero in your arsenal, then Skywrath is a great way to fill that void.
Why is Skywrath Mage a great disabler?
- He can disable heroes with his silence which also amplifies the magical damage taken, hence it can further be used with his ultimate.
- His spells deal immense magical burst damage right from the laning phase
- He can farm quickly with the help of his spells
- His spells also have a low cooldown, and with the help of his quick mana regen, he can spam all his spells on the enemies
Skywrath Mage is strong against
- Timbersaw - Reactive Armor does not trigger magic damage or spells, meaning that even a Pipe of Insight won't give him the massive sustain he normally gets from attacks.
- Necrophos - Skywrath can burst down Necrophos with his magical damage toolkit. The latter also relies heavily on magic damage, which he can’t dish out thanks to Skywrath’s silence.
- Phoenix -Skywrath’s silence, Ancient Seal, prevents Phoenix from using her spells and escaping a teamfight.
- Juggernaut - Once Juggernaut is silenced, he is highly susceptible to getting burst down by Skywrath as he has no means of escaping the magical onslaught in the early game.
- Elder Titan - Elder Titan’s built-in damage resistance is feeble against Skywrath as the latter’s spells have low cooldown and can pierce through the former’s resistance quite easily
Skywrath Mage is weak against
- Medusa - Mana Shield gives Medusa the barrier to negate a majority of Skywraith Mage's magical damage.
- Templar Assassin - Meld and Refraction make it hard for Skywrath to burst Templar down.
- Lone Druid - Skywrath Mage's low health makes him rather easy prey for Nyx Assassin and his lack of armor generally means he'll take heavy damage against Lone Druid.
- Wraith King - Wraith King does not rely on spells if he is targeted by Skywrath’s silence, besides, he has two lives thanks to his ultimate, making him stand his ground against the arcane genius.
- Lycan - Lycan has high physical damage which makes Skywrath an easy target during teamfights. He can also position his wolves under the Mystic Flare ultimate to help him share the damage.
SKYWRATH MAGE Soft Support Gameplay
13. Lich

Lich, the ice-cold wizard can frostbite even the hottest heroes in the current meta. His chilling win rate is unmatched by any other support hero in the Herald to Archon brackets! Lich is a high-priority support hero in the game, his immense DPS can never go unnoticed. He is very irritating in the laning phase, pushing the enemies out of the lane and not leaving them any farm. He can farm quite easily with his AoE skills without taking much damage due to his frost armor.
The unique selling point behind picking Lich in the low MMR brackets is primarily his ease of play. Agreed that he has a lot of active spells but there is no complexity in them, he can deal significant amounts of damage in a fight and eventually acquire items that can further supplement his ability to kill and safeguard the game for his team.
Why is Lich a great disabler?
- Lich has multiple AoE spells which help him deal high damage right from the laning phase, which makes him an active and powerful support hero in the low MMR brackets.
- Lich also has immense crowd control potential with the help of Chain Frost and Ice Spire, which deal the majority of his damage while slowing and tormenting his enemies.
Lich is strong against:
- Chaos Knight - With his ultimate, Lich can decimate Chaos Knight and his phantasms with his high magical AoE damage.
- Lone Druid - Lone Druid and his Bear will find it hard to play together if they are targeted by Chain Frost.
- Necrophos - Lich’s high damage output makes it hard for the Necrophos to stand his ground, especially if the latter is under the effect of Ghost Shroud, further amplifying the damage he takes.
- Wraith King - Wraith King’s low mobility is further hampered by Lich’s strong spell usage which can render the former immobile in a fight.
- Spirit Breaker - Lich can slow down Spirit Breaker and disrupt his ways of escape with Sinister Gaze.
Lich is weak against:
- Shadow Demon - Shadow Demon can use his Disruption to save himself or his allies from Lich’s ultimate.
- Pugna - Pugna’s high magical damage output makes it easy for him to catch the fragile Lich with low magic resistance.
- Bristleback - Bristle’s high damage output and slow dealing potential make it hard for the Lich to escape his Wrath.
- Keeper of the Light - Keeper of the Light can heal his allies with Illuminate, helping them withstand the damage dealt by Lich and his spells.
- Lycan - Although Lich has slows and crowd control potential, Lycan can still mow down Lich with his high physical damage.
12. Crystal Maiden

Crystal Maiden is the perfect support hero regardless of the meta. She can be picked in tandem with any carry hero and nine out of the ten times their lane combo will be victorious. She has all the spells that her enemies hate! Everything from decent AoE damage to lockdown, there are ways to dominate the low magic-resistant heroes. Often, laning is a nightmare for her opponents as they are subjected to constant harassment, shoving them out of the lane. Crystal Maiden does her best when she has levels, making her more relevant as she can participate in teamfights.
Crystal Maiden is by far, one of the least complex support heroes in the game, which explains her high pick rate, she can easily catch her enemies off-guard with her Frost Bite and unleash her Frost Nova on them. She is an exceptional laner, a dominant fighter, and all in all a great way to counter multiple heroes at once with her intense AoE damage. Her toolkit is highly lethal, it does not fall off no matter how late you are in the game. All it takes is one spell to catch unsuspecting enemies off-guard.
What makes Crystal Maiden a powerful disabler?
- Impressive spells can be used to lock enemies down and deal damage right from the laning phase.
- Her passive provides global mana regeneration, helping all her allied heroes with their mana regardless of their position on the map.
- She can farm quickly to acquire items, making her active support
- Highly relevant in the late game as her spells do not fall off, they’re only amplified due to her talent tree and items.
- Ultimate can be used in tandem with any ally who has crowd control abilities, allowing her to neutralize multiple enemies at once.
Crystal Maiden is strong against:
- Wraith King - Wraith King has low mobility, which makes it hard for him to catch the Maiden down in a teamfight due to the latter’s slows and Frostbite lockdown.
- Broodmother - Broodmother’s spiderlings are decimated with Crystal Maiden’s AoE damage spells, making it hard for her to effectively deal damage without them.
- Lycan - Lycan’s ultimate is ruined if Maiden catches him off-guard with her frostbite.
- Meepo - Meepo’s low magic resistance makes him an easy target to Crystal Maiden’s high magical AoE damage.
- Phantom Lancer - Phantom Lancer has no way of canceling Maiden’s ultimate, making him fall prey to her damage if he is frostbitten.
Crystal Maiden is weak against:
- Rubick - Rubick can steal all of Maiden’s spells and deal more damage with them due to his spell amplification.
- Bristleback - All of Bristleback’s spells allow him to easily close in on Crystal Maiden and kill her.
- Pudge - Pudge can easily hook a stationary Crystal Maiden under the effect of her ultimate, easily leading to her death if followed by Dismember.
- Dawnbreaker - Dawnbreaker’s global potential makes it hard for Crystal Maiden to lock her enemies down, as there is always the threat of Dawn using her ultimate and healing her allies.
- Kez - Kez’s action-packed toolkit makes it easy for him to stand his ground and fight against Maiden.
CRYSTAL MAIDEN Hard Support Gameplay
11. Earthshaker

The sheer magnitude of Earthshaker causes his enemies to shiver, his spells cause even the mightiest of his foes to eviscerate. Earthshaker makes the life of his enemies a living hell with his devastating damage. He is highly effective in the early game as he can rotate lanes and catch multiple enemies off-guard with his spells. You should surely consider playing Earthshaker if you are a position 4 player, you will not regret seeing him do copious amounts of damage and have a lasting impact on the game right from the early stages.
The terrifying Earthshaker is the nightmare of all illusion-based heroes. He does not let multiple heroes group around either, his stuns and damage are too lethal for his enemies to take him lightly. And above all, he does not require multiple items to have an impact on the game! All it requires is a Blink Dagger to decimate the entire opponent team within a matter of seconds. Mastering Earthshaker surely requires time, but it is quite worth it as he is highly relevant in the current meta and will help you climb the MMR ladder effortlessly.
What makes Earthshaker a great disabler?
- Earthshaker's strong AoE abilities can clear multiple heroes and illusions, or at least make it easier to distinguish the real one by the damage they take.
- Echo Slam deals more damage against more enemies, which can be devastating against heroes grouping up together.
- His stun-lock potential allows him to lock multiple enemies down at once and make it hard for them to escape alive if his team follows up with more damage.
- Earthshaker is a highly tanky laner, making it hard for his foes to neutralize him in the early game.
- His immense magical damage isn’t negated at all in the early stages of the game.
Earthshaker is strong against:
- Broodmother - Echo Slam's damage potential increases phenomenally due to Broodmother's hordes of spiderlings and spiderites.
- Meepo - Meepo's clones count as real heroes, meaning that an Echo Slam hitting them will deal catastrophic damage to Meepo and his team.
- Lone Druid - Lone Druid and Bear standing together in a fight can increase Echo Slam's damage.
- Phantom Lancer - Phantom Lancer and his illusions are by default an easy target for the Earthshaker to jump on, causing massive damage due to Earthshock.
- Slark - Even if Slark is under his Shadow Dance effect, he is still vulnerable to magic damage and stuns.
Earthshaker is weak against:
- Sniper - Sniper always stands behind in a fight, dealing damage from a distance, making him an easy counter to Earthshaker.
- Huskar - Due to high healing potential and magic resistance, Huskar can easily fight Earthshaker even on a fraction of HP.
- Viper - Laning as an Earthshaker against Viper is a death sentence, making it hard for the latter to have an effective fight.
- Windranger - Windranger’s high mobility and escape potential make her a highly effective counter to Earthshaker.
- Templar Assassin - Templar Assassin can use her Refraction to stay resilient in a teamfight against Earthshaker. She can also trigger the traps to stop Earthshaker from initiating the fight.
10. Bane

Bane is the culprit of endless nightmares in the shadow realm, He remains a solid counter to various heroes in the game, especially escape heroes. He can quickly disable them by applying debuffs, and locking them down for a good duration! The late stages of the game bear witness to utter control by Bane if he manages to use Fiend’s Grip on his foes without getting caught! A skilled Bane will also save his allies from potentially lethal damage by using Nightmare on them at the right time.
Bane's ability to disable enemies is unmatched, making him a must-have hero for any team composition. His debuffs can render even the strongest enemies helpless, allowing his team to secure kills or escape from a dangerous situation. Along with that, Bane's Nightmare can be used to save allies from danger, making him a versatile support hero who can contribute to the team in multiple ways. With the right items and skillful play, Bane can be a nightmare for the enemy team to deal with.
Why is Bane a great disabler?
- Fiend's Grip pierces spell immunity, allowing him to disable enemy carries from the team fight.
- Nightmare sets Bane's team up for chain disables on foes
- Enfeeble lowers the enemy’s status resistance and magic resistance, making them more vulnerable to disables and magic damage.
Bane is strong against
- Puck - Bane he can use Nightmare or Fiend's Grip to cripple Puc, making it hard for her to escape the fight.
- Ember Spirit - Griip and Nightmare can disable Ember’s route of escape while also ensuring that his remnants expire.
- Elder Titan - Bane has powerful single-target abilities that can help mow down Elder Titan.
- Morphling - As Morphling loves living on the edge with a low HP pool, Bane can take advantage of this and use Brain Sap to harass and further deal more damage to him
Bane is weak against
- Chen - Chen can use his creeps to get the Nightmare off his allies or himself during a teamfight.
- Terrorblade - Bane has no AoE solution to dealing with Terrorblade or even ways of catching the right one in the teamfight due to Manta Style.
- Silencer - Silence can prevent Bane from using his spells effectively in a fight.
- Meepo- Bane's single-targeted arsenal of abilities makes him an easy target for Meepo and his clones.
- Chaos Knight - Bane’s lack of AoE damage makes Chaos Knight an easy counter to him in a fight.
9. Hoodwink

Not all support heroes manage to stay so relevant regardless of the meta. Hoodwink is an exception, as she shook the player base with her exceptional toolkit. Being one of the latest additions to the game, Hoodwink’s potential to decimate the enemy team with her spells is highly lauded. The elusive squirrel is an effective support hero as her spells can lock enemies down and deal immense damage with the help of her ultimate. She is also highly flexible as she can be played both roaming support or lane support depending upon the matchup. Hoodwink also is very mobile, making it difficult for her foes to catch her easily.
Along with being an effective team fighter, Hoodwink is also known to easily shove enemies out of the lane with her annoying damage. She can also translate well into the late game if she has a decent farm. She is one of the few support heroes who can stand her ground in the late game. Her ultimate, Sharpshooter, is highly lethal as it causes her enemies to decimate within no time. If you’re new to the game and want to play support, Hoodwink is, without a doubt, the best option you have! This hero is highly fun to play and is a devastating support right from level 1.
What makes Hoodwink a great disabler?
- Sharpshooter ability deals massive damage to heroes, and if combined with Ethereal Blade, it can instantly neutralize a hero with low magic resistance.
- Bushwhack and Scurry can be used to easily kite enemy heroes.
- High movement speed right from the early game.
- Hoodwink has decent damage from the early game, allowing her to poke and shove enemies out of the lane.
Hoodwink is strong against:
- Anti-Mage - Hoodwink can easily catch Anti-Mage with Bushwack while he is close to the trees.
- Lone Druid - Bushwack and AoE damage from all of Hoodwink’s spells and items ensure Lone Druid and his Bear get decimated quickly.
- Elder Titan - Elder Titan’s magic resistance and aura is quite useless against Hoodwink as she deals damage from a significant distance.
- Shadow Fiend - Shadow Fiend’s low magic resistance and mobility make him an easy target against the Hoodwink.
- Bristleback - It is quite easy for the Hoodwink to burst down Bristleback and break his ultimate, with her spell combinations
Hoodwink is weak against:
- Spirit Breaker - He can catch the pesky squirrel down with his Charge, making it hard for her to escape a teamfight.
- Axe - Axe can burst down Hoodwink with his high pure, while also revealing her whereabouts if she is caught by Call in the trees.
- Centaur Warruner - His stuns disable Hoodwink while also disturbing her with his Double Edge. He can also use Stampede to save himself or his allies from being affected by Sharpshooter
- Timbersaw - Timber can destroy all trees with his abilities, making it hard for the Hoodwink to hide or escape from a fight.
- Tiny - Tiny generally deals high damage with his stun and toss combo, busting down the low hp and magic-resistant Hoodwink.
8. Ogre Magi

You may be puzzled by the rather dimwit Ogres being on the list, there is a reason for it. They’re just so good in this current patch. They’re all you need in a support hero, they have high hp and armor, they deal immense damage from the early game, and most importantly they have a stun! When Ogre reaches level 6, his ultimate enhances his ability to fight by providing him a chance to multiply the effect of his spells. Most support heroes can’t tank through the damage as they’re naturally not resilient to damage, but Ogre is undoubtedly an exception. His high armor allows him to chase enemies out of the lane while his carry player farms away without any disturbance.
Apart from being excellent in the early game, Ogre also has various effective abilities which make him highly sought after. His Bloodlust buff is highly beneficial to his cores, providing them with increased movement and attack speed. He also can disable people quite easily with his stun and annoy them with his high magical damage which spreads over time. If you’re looking for an easy yet impactful support hero, then Ogre is the right choice for you!
What makes Ogre Magi a great disabler?
- Ogre Magi is annoying with his abilities right off the bat, as he deals immense magical damage over time from the laning phase.
- His ungodly magical damage output is further amplified by items that can help him in the middle game.
- High base HP and armor, allowing him to frontline in the early game and shield his carry from physical damage.
- Provides Bloodlust buff to his allies, increasing their movement and attack speeds which is essential during a teamfight.
- Ogre is also extremely tanky and can shove enemies off the lane or be the frontliner in the teamfights, which not all supports are capable of doing due to their squishy nature.
Ogre Magi is strong against
- Ursa - Ignite can prevent Ursa from escaping and/or initiating with Blink Dagger, preventing him from using his spells effectively.
- Night Stalker - Ignite can prevent Nightstalker from escaping and/or initiating with Blink Dagger, preventing him from using his spells in the teamfight.
- Troll Warlord - Troll’s low magic resistance makes him an easy target for Ogre’s spells.
- Phantom Assassin - While Phantom Assassin has high mobility, she finds it hard to lane in the early stages of the game against Ogre due to the constant damage dished.
- Drow Ranger - Drow has low mobility, making it easy for Ogre to slow her and hunt her down in the teamfight.
Ogre Magi is weak against
- Chaos Knight - Phantasms disjoint and dispels Ignite.
- Anti-Mage - Due to high magic resistance and a chance to reflect Ogre’s spells, the latter finds it hard to be effective against him.
- Naga Siren - Creating illusions disjoints the effect of Ignite and also dispels it.
- Phantom Lancer - Doppelganger disjoints and dispels Ignite.
- Meepo - Meepos can heal rapidly with Ransack, making it hard for Ignite’s abilities to sting him.
7. Shadow Demon

Shadow Demon has to be one of the most picked support heroes in the current meta. The terrifying magic damage dealt by him is lethal for heroes with low magic resistance. Laning against a Shadow Demon is not fun for the dino as he is constantly getting harassed with Shadow Poison, as enough stacks can quickly make him disappear from the lane due to his low magic resistance and lack of immunity in the early game. Most enemies with low-status resistance absolutely hate facing the likes of Shadow Demon, his spells disable them, annoy them, and pretty much make them useless if he is caught off-guard.
Shadow Demon can be played both as a core and as a support against squishy enemies. The late game boils down to positioning and ultimately the pure mechanical skill of the players involved. Shadow Demon can effectively disable enemies if he isn’t caught out first in teamfights. An excellent player will always keep his eye out on the map, ensuring he isn’t getting ganked by the Shadow Demon.
Why is Shadow Demon a great disabler?
- Disruption can banish enemies, making it easy for Shadow Demon to disrupt TPs or channeling abilities.
- Casting Disruption after releasing Shadow Poison charges will make enemies unable to use their spells effectively
- Shadow Poison is a good way to deal damage as the initial damage and the release damage can't both be purged t the same time.
- Demonic Purge is a great slow, useful to force enemies out of the lanes while actively chasing and dealing damage to them
Shadow Demon is strong against:
- Abbadon - Shadow Poison can quickly stack up on Medusa, And with her naturally low health you don't need as many stacks to be effective. Further, Disruption can reduce Medusa’s impact in a fight once she uses her ultimate, Stone Gaze.
- Abbadon - Abbadon’s impact is reduced to rubbles once he is under the effect of Disruption
- Omniknight - Disruption can prevent Omniknight from healing his allies or saving them in a teamfight.
- Oracle - Shadow Demon can waste precious seconds of Oracle with Disruption, making it hard for the latter to use his spells effectively.
- Lich - Shadow Demon can use his Disruption to save himself or his allies once he uses his ultimate
Shadow Demon is weak against:
- Chen - Chen can heal himself or his allies with Guardian Greaves and God’s Hand in a teamfight, making it easy for them to bypass Shadow Demon’s spell damage.
- Meepo- Shadow Demon can use Disruption on one of the Meepos, but that it it, the others can still mow him down with enough damage.
- Anti-Mage - Anti-Mage can reflect Disruption and Demonic Purge, making it hard for Shadow Demon to be effective in a fight.
- Riki - Shadow Demon will find a hard time using spells against Riki, as he be silenced easily if not further brought down by him.
- Chaos Knight - Shadow Demon can use Disruption on one of the Chaos Knight Phantasms, but that it it, the others can still mow him down with enough damage.
SHADOW DEMON Hard Support Gameplay
6. Grimstroke

This doomed artist has more than pain in his artwork, he paints with the blood of his slain foes. Grimstroke is primarily played in the support role and he is known for dealing high AoE magic damage and disabling his enemies. His silence can quickly be combined with Ink Swell, which is a great way to initiate on his foes! His ultimate prevents them from escaping away or using any spells, essentially providing his team a way to beat down on him and secure the kill. Grimstroke's vigor in the early game makes him a valuable pick for teams who want to dominate their opponents from the start.
In the current meta, Grimstroke is an exceptional support hero who can provide a lot of impact in the laning stage. With his long attack range, he can harass enemy heroes and secure ranged last hits for his carry. He also has a decent attack animation and damage, making it easier for him to last hit and deny creeps. Also, his movement speed is above average, which allows him to move around the map quickly and provide support to his teammates.
Why is Grimstroke a powerful stun and disabler?
- Grim’s ultimate Soulbind, can be a game-changer in team fights as it chains two enemy heroes together, causing them to take increased damage and share any spells that are cast on them.
- Phantom's Embrace, is a powerful silence and damage-over-time spell that can lock down a single enemy hero for a significant amount of time.
- Grimstroke can use his ultimate in tandem with other heroes with powerful single-target spells, such as Lina or Lion, to deal massive damage to tethered enemies.
- Grimstroke has decent mobility with his spells, allowing him to move around the map quickly and set up ganks or escape from dangerous situations.
Grimstroke is strong against
- Primal Beast - Soulbind can render Primal immobile and slow him down immensely. Grimstroke’s silence can also deter Primal from having enough impact in the teamfight
- Necrophos - Ghost Shroud amplifies damage taken from all of Grimstroke's abilities. Necrophos is particularly vulnerable to Ink Swell and Phantom's Embrace while in Ghost Shroud.
- Pangolier - Rolling Thunder is disabled and rendered immobile once Grimstroke uses his Soulbind on him in a teamfight.
- Slark - Slark can be hurt immensely by Grimstroke’s silence and high magical damage, negating his impact in a teamfight
- Timbersaw - Timbersaw relies heavily on his abilities so Phantom's Embrace's silence makes it more difficult for him.
Grimstroke is weak against
- Spectre - Shadow Step can easily disjoint Souldbing and waste half of its duration.
- Arc Warden - Arc Warden relies heavily on physical damage to deal effective damage in a fight and is not phased by Grimstoke’s spells
- Lycan - Lycan’s physical damage makes it easy for him to target the low-armored Grimstoke in a teamfight.
- Razor - Razor’s high movement speed and damage allow him to run down the Grimstoke quite effortlessly
- Gyrocopter - Gyrocopter has immense slows and damage potential from his ultimate, rendering Grimstroke’s impact useless in a fight.
GRIMSTROKE Hard Support Gameplay
5. Disruptor

The Disruptor is a heavily picked support hero in the current meta. He is by far the most obvious support counter to spell-casting heroes regardless of the patch. This electrifying hero has all the right abilities in his toolkit. Disruptor’s low cooldown spells and surprisingly high damage make him a perfect fit in most matchups. He is an exceptional hero to lane with, as he can ensure his enemies get interrupted and annoyed, eventually shoved out of the lane. As most heroes are highly privy to magic damage in the laning stage, they are the number one target of Disruptor before they can even get their Black King Bar.
Just like other support heroes, Disruptor is also a level-reliant hero, making him prone to team fighting more, as he does not rely too much on items, but only gets better as he acquires them. Disruptor can change the direction of the game if he manages to separate enemies from the team fight by Glimpsing them back or silencing them with his ultimate, rendering them highly useless. The Static Storm ultimate is further amplified by Aghanim’s Scepter that not only silences them but mutes his items as well. Disruptor should be your go-to support hero if your enemies have agile and slippery heroes.
What makes Disruptor a great disabler hero?
- Disruptor has immense crowd control spells, allowing him to separate people in fights.
- He is a deadly nuker as his spells also deal an immense amount of magical damage right from the get-go.
- Highly effective hero right from the laning phase with his annoying spells.
- Disruptor is easy to play, making him a perfect fit regardless of the MMR pool.
- Does not fall off in the late game, unlike certain other support heroes.
Disruptor is strong against:
- Primal Beast - Disruptor forces Primal Beast to buy a Black King Bar much earlier than he might like but becomes a major threat to Disruptor once he does.
- Anti-Mage - Disruptor can Glimpse Anti-Mage back once he uses Blink or further make him slow
- Meepo - Meepo can be Glimpsed back once he Poofs or Blinks into the teamfight, reducing the number of available Meepos in the teamfight.
- Ursa - Disruptor can always Glimpse the Ursa back after he uses his Blink Dagger to initiate, or he can trap him in his Kinetic Field, disabling his impact in the teamfight.
- Slark - AoE silence and the ability to mute Black King Bar is deadly to Slark at all stages of the game.
Disruptor is weak against:
- Pugna - Pugna’s high magical spells are immensely useful against Disruptor’s low magical resistance.
- Arc Warden - Arc dishes out immense physical damage, which the Disruptor falls victim to due to the latter’s low resistance
- Sniper - Sniper deals damage from a significant range, making it hard for Disruptor to catch him off-guard
- Shadow Fiend - Shadow Fiend’s mix of magical and physical damage, along with the slow and crowd control, can easily obliterate the poor Disruptor in a fight.
- Tinker - Tinker is highly slippery and mobile, making it easy for him to just rearm and teleport back into the lane once he is Glimpsed back to the base.
DISRUPTOR Hard Support Gameplay
4. Earth Spirit

Kaolin, the Earth Spirit is undoubtedly one of the best roamers in the game. Enemies can fare well in the laning stage against Earth Spirit due to their damage-dealing potential and low armor of Earth Spirit, but all it takes is a few levels for him to find his footing in the game. ES is an exceptional hero for catching slippery heroes, he can also disable them with his Geomagnetic Grip which silences them. This combined with Magnetize, his ultimate, can quickly turn his enemies into rubble with all the magical damage over time. Squishy enemies can’t do much if they are silenced and controlled by this earthly beast.
Just like most heroes on this list, Earth Spirit is played as a position 4 roaming hero, his flexibility ensures he fits in every other matchup and contributes to teamfights by disabling his enemies while dealing some insane damage that can’t be negated easily. Most heroes have ways to negate the silence and damage in the late game, but they can still fall prey to Earth Spirit if they are not cautious enough to use spells preemptively before the start of a team fight.
Why is Earth Spirit a great hero for disables?
- Earth Spirit’s Rolling Boulder allows him to initiate on enemies from a significant distance.
- Earth Spirit’s silence helps him disrupt enemy gameplay and remove them from a fight for a significant duration
- Earth Spirit's toolkit of mobility, crowd control, and damage output spells make him a highly disruptive roaming hero.
Earth Spirit is strong against:
- Sniper - Earth Spirit can close the gap against Sniper with Rolling Boulder, using his combination of spells to deal lethal damage to him in a teamfight, which the latter can’t escape due to the lack of mobility.
- Drow Ranger - Drow Ranger is highly vulnerable to Earth Spirit’s initiation and damage once she uses her Gust. She can also be kicked out of her Glacier with Boulder Smash.
- Phantom Assassin - With Earth Spirit’s long-duration silence and Magnetize damage, Phantom Assassin has no chance of escaping his wrath.
- Bristleback - Bristleback has low mobility, which Earth Spirit can take massive advantage of, by kicking him into his allies or by silencing him, making him vulnerable to massive follow-up damage.
- Rubick - Rubick’s impact is negated if he is caught off-guard by Earth Spirit’s array of spells, silencing him and catching him from a significant distance.
Earth Spirit is weak against:
- Meepo - Earthbind roots Earth Spirit, making him unable to use Rolling Boulder to escape. Meepo can use this spell defensively or aggressively, solely depending upon the situation.
- Lifestealer - Lifestealer can negate Earth Spirit’s magical toolkit with Rage, which gives him spell immunity.
- Elder Titan - Elder Titan’s high armor and magical damage make Earth Spirit useless, regardless of the facet he picks.
- Troll Warlord - Once Troll roots Earth Spirit, it is likely that he can’t escape due to the lethal damage dished out by the former.
- Lone Druid - Continuing the tradition, Lone Druid roots Earth Spirit, making him unable to use his spells defensively.
EARTH SPIRIT Soft Support Gameplay
3. Nyx Assassin

The nefarious Nyx Assassin is an extremely annoying hero to play against heroes who have no way of escaping his clutches. Nyx has various ways of disabling his foes with his extensive toolkit. Nyx can stun them, mana burns them, stun them again, and finally hit them down with the impressive damage from his ultimate, Vendetta. He is active right from the laning phase, as he can acquire a few levels and wander off into other lanes to catch unsuspecting enemies. If he gets a follow-up from his team, there is no way his enemies escape alive!
Nyx is often picked instantly against squishy spell-casting heroes. His abilities are just too good to be ignored if you’re looking to expand your hero pool as a position 4 support player. A well-timed use of spells can catch enemies off guard and turn the trajectory of the game in Nyx’s favor. He is highly useful right from the get-go, hence he is ranked so high up on our list. He can be the enemy carry’s worst nightmare if disablerlet him have the chance!
What makes Nyx Assassin a great disabler?
- Mana Burn generally deals more damage to intelligence-based heroes.
- High movement speed and armor right off the bat.
- Spiked Carapace can stun enemies without breaking invisibility from his ultimate, Vendetta.
- His stun lock potential can allow his allies to follow up with immense damage to beat down his foes.
- He can freely scout around the map with Vendetta which renders him invisible for a decent duration.
- Nyx Assassin is strong against:
- Puck - Spike Carapace easily interrupts all of Puck’s spells, which the Nyx can further follow up with Impale to mow her down.
- Morphling - Waveform can be easily interrupted by Impale or Spiked Carapace.
- Warlock - All of Warlock’s spells deal AoE damage, making it easy for Nyx to trigger the mini stun, disabling Warlock from escaping a teamfight.
- Phantom Assassin - Phantom Assassin’s ultimate, Blur, is broken with Nyx’s vendetta, making it hard for the former to be impactful in a fight without evasion.
- Sniper - Assassinate is easy to reflect with Spiked Carapace for massive damage.
Nyx Assassin is weak against:
- Meepo- Meepo’s Earthbind hinders Nyx Assassin's ganking attempts with Vendetta, as it reveals him, making him an easy kill for gold as well.
- Lifestealer- Rage is always a threat to Nyx Assassin, making it hard for him to land his spells due to the spell immunity.
- Ursa - Ursa, under the effect of his ultimate, is not phased by the stuns dished out by Nyx Assassin due to his high-status resistance.
- Ember Spirit - Once shackled, Nyx has no way of escaping Ember’s wrath.
- Templar Assassin - Nyx can be slowed heavily with Templar’s traps, making hard for him to find his escape or deal damage to the latter due to her Refraction shield.
NYX ASSASSIN Soft Support Gameplay
2. Shadow Shaman

Many have come and gone but none can withstand the cursed abilities of this Shaman. Shadow Shaman is a great addition to your team against escape heroes as he offers you insane disable potential allowing your team to follow up with damage and spells. Apart from disabling, he is also known to push out lanes effortlessly and deal damage to buildings with his ultimate. He can also rat well in the late game if he has all the right items. Not every hero has the same disabler impact as Shadow Shaman in 7.37d.
Along with abilities, Shadow Shaman relies heavily on the right items to have a long-lasting impact in the game. Aether Lens provides a longer range on his abilities, making it easier for him to catch enemies off guard and initiate fights from a safer distance. Blink Dagger allows him to quickly reposition and get into a better position to cast his disables or escape dangerous situations. Force Staff, on the other hand, offers more versatility by allowing him to push enemies or allies in and out of danger or into better positions for his disables.
Why is Shadow Shaman a great disabler?
- Shadow Shaman has multiple disables in his kit, making him a powerful disabler hero.
- His Shackles ability can hold an enemy hero in place for up to 5.5 seconds, giving his team plenty of time to follow up with damage.
- He can also trap enemies in his Serpent Wards, dealing significant damage while they are disabled.
- Shadow Shaman's Hex can turn an enemy hero into a harmless critter for up to 4 seconds, making them unable to use their abilities or items.
Shadow Shaman is strong against
- Ursa - Ursa hates being kited and Shaman can do just that with his shackles and hex, reducing the former’s impact in a fight
- Bounty Hunter - Shaman can initate on a pesky Bounty Hunter, catching him off-guard and waiting for his team to follow up with further damage
- Troll Warlord - Shackles keeps Troll stunned for an extended time, wasting his ultimate. A combo with Mass Serpent Ward only makes things worse for him, as his armor is low.
- Outworld Devourer - OD’s low mobility makes him an easy target for Shaman with the Hex and Shackles combination.
- Slardar - Shaman can Shackle a Slardar under the effect of Guardian Sprint, effectively wasting its duration and stopping him in his tracks.
Shadow Shaman is weak against
- Meepo- Shadow Shaman can be overwhelmed by Meepo and the damage dished out by him and his clones
- Silencer - Once silenced, Shaman is of no use in a teamfight as he relies on his spells to have maximum impact.
- Naga Siren- Naga’s multiple illusions can help chase down Shaman, who can further be locked down by Net as he has zero mobility, making him an easy target in a fight.
- Dark Seer - Dark Seer’s high damage potential makes him a strong laner against Shaman, who struggles heavily to stand his ground against him.
- Phantom Lancer - Just like other Illusion heroes, Phantom Lancer swiftly overwhelms Shaman and makes him fall prey to his heavy physical damage
1. Lion

The ferocious Lion is one of those roaming support heroes who fit any matchup, his versatility is highly unparalleled in the current meta. Lion is played by both beginners and professionals, as he works in every single skill bracket. If you play your cards right, you can successfully gank any lane you walk into as a Lion. He has multiple spells which can be used to disable his enemies while allowing him to deal damage to them at the same time. He is highly annoying and strong right from the early game as his lockdown followed by some damage from his team can neutralize enemies.
In 7.37d, Lion cripples enemies right from the early game if played as a roamer. He can also drain enemy mana, turn them into powerless frogs, and all in all, make them highly useless. Lion also has very lethal nuke damage with his Finger of Death ultimate, which can further be amplified with the number of kills he gets with it, allowing a possibility of one-shotting his foes in the later stages of the game. Most heroes are essentially melee or ranged creep against Lion if they do not have a good start in the game.
What makes Lion great for stuns and disables?
- Lion’s toolkit provides him with multiple powerful disables that cripple enemy gameplay and ensure that he secures any lane that he walks into
- Lion also has high burst damage with his ultimate which can be used to bring down mighty enemies within no time
- He is known for his lane dominance and crowd control which allows him to be an efficient roamer with all his spells.
Lion is strong against
- Medusa - Lion can drain Medusa’s mana with his Mana Drain making her less impactful in a fight, while also stunning and disabling her if she uses her ultimate.
- Storm Spirit - A good Lion player can pre-cast Hex or Earth Spike to counter Storm’s initiation, leaving him in a tough spot during the beginning of a teamfight.
- Juggernaut - Mana Drain can ensure Juggernaut has no mana to use his spells in a teamfight.
- Legion Commander - Lion can use Hex and Earth Spike on enemy Legion if she initiates on his allies with Duel, wasting precious seconds of it in the teamfight.
- Abbadon - Mana Drain can make Abbadon useless in a fight. Abbadon has no impact in a fight if he can’t guard his allies with Aphotic Shield or Mist Coil.
Lion is weak against
- Beastmaster - Lion is privy to spell amplification and physical damage due to low magic immunity and armor. Beastmaster can easily beat him down in the early game with his Roar and units.
- Rubick - If Lion is not careful, Rubick can steal his ultimate, Finger of Death to use against him in a teamfight, which deals more damage due to Rubick’s spell amplification.
- Templar Assassin - If Templar Assassin initiates on Lion first, he has no way of escaping due to the damage dished by Refraction and Meld combo.
- Razor - Plasma Field can slow down Lion and steal his damage to lash out at him with his lethal physical damage.
- Gyrocopter - Lion’s low armor and mobility make it easy for Gyrocopter to dish out massive damage to him in a teamfight