So, you’ve finished Dark Souls 3 multiple times now and it left you craving for more. Don’t worry because we’ve gathered 15 entries that may fill the void in your heart. Some are AAA games published by huge companies, and some are cool indie games. With no further ado, here are potential candidates for your rebound after Dark Souls 3.
Monster Hunter: World (PS4/XBO ONE/PC)
The vast world of Monster Hunter: World
Monster Hunter: World is definitely the best Monster Hunter game. After spending over 50 hours outside the campaign, what I saw was that it has a frightening amount of depth, but it feels manageable thanks to the design choices the developers made. Capcom perfected the combat formula over so many games, but it wasn’t until Monster Hunter: World that they stripped away what ultimately was never much fun to begin with.
They immediately put you into action in this game. You spent less time preparing and more time kicking ass. The level of monster design, combat, and gameplay mechanics are through the roof. The battles are like nothing you’ve ever seen before. With environmental traps and places to use your grappling hook for mobility, you’re always engaged and thinking of your next big-brain move. Just like in DS3, you have to plan your strikes and positioning or you’ll get punished like a dog that pooped in the kitchen.
There are so many different styles to play the game with. For example, you can use a bow while being mobile, but you won’t deal that much damage. On the other hand, you can take a lance with a shield and deal absurdly high damages but move like a snail. On top of all said, the map is vibrant with shiny colors and looks alive. The monsters are even better designed. You’ll encounter monsters attacking the monster you’re fighting, and it makes the game even better than DS3 in that department.
Ghost of Tsushima (PS4/PS5)
Ghost of Tsushima Cinematic Trailer
To start with, Ghost of Tsushima looks simply astonishing. It even succeeds where DS3 lacks. Where it got me hooked was the gore and the combat. The gore elements are over the top. DS3 uses body horror and, of course, it has its own place in my heart, but Ghost of Tsushima utilizes blood and guts perfectly in its combat. Speaking of combat, there are many stances, strategies, stealth mechanics, and gadgets to work with. The game has a really good flow and always gives you something to work on.
Unlike DS3, Ghost of Tsushima implements difficulty settings. Personally, I’ve finished it on the hardest difficulty and I can say it wasn’t that challenging at all. In a nutshell, it has great gameplay, a pleasing story, and over-the-top combat. It’s a complete package.
Elden Ring (PS4/PS5/PC/XBO ONE/XBO X-S)
Brace yourselves for Elden Ring!
Dark Souls 3 may be near perfection, but Elden Ring is truly perfect. This is the ultimate version of Dark Souls thanks to its vast and gigantic world. While DS3 encourages exploration within its highly interconnected levels, Elden Ring rewards you for exploration. With a bigger and better map, Elden Ring offers even better combat. The level design of Dark Souls doesn't make ranged combat particularly viable, and the game's mechanics preclude stealth, horseback riding, and more.
Elden Ring opens up all of these options and more, giving players the opportunity to play the game in almost any way they can imagine. And you’ll need every strat you can think of because the bosses are more complex in Elden Ring. Although DS3 has many beloved boss fights, they are overall simpler. Many have no distinct phases, with simpler move-sets. Elden Ring makes each boss more complex and each fight is more of an experience.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PS4/XBO ONE/PC/STADIA)
Rhythm-based combat of Sekiro
Untethered from the expectations that come with a Dark Souls or Bloodborne game, FromSoftware was able to create a game that maintains the studio's unique identity while allowing them to explore interesting new mechanics and ways of telling the story. Sekiro is challenging but fair—a game with the goal of allowing the player to grow, rather than the avatar. It blends mechanics and narrative in a way that is too rare in games today, allowing for a deep level of immersion that begs for just one more clash of blades no matter how difficult the encounters get. Seeing each one to its bloody finish is well worth the trials it takes to get there.
More so than in previous games, From Software has honed in on the inherent tension found in the challenging nature of its games, and uses it to incredible effect. Sekiro marries the developer's unique brand of gameplay with stealth action to deliver an experience that is as challenging as it is gratifying.
A great challenge in 2D
A beautiful, challenging game that is supremely polished in every area. A fantastic blend of tactical combat mixed with Metroidvania-style progression. Combined with an interesting and very quirky setting, makes it a compelling package overall.
Dead Cells, despite its hardcore leanings, is not a game that makes you slam your keyboard with a fist or throw your gamepad at a wall when you miss a jump or die. Combat and platforming elements are top-notch, and mistakes are the best possible experience you’ll get here. Don’t worry, you’ll get back whatever you lost in 30 minutes or less.
Anime Dark Souls
Personally, I’m not the biggest anime fan, but this game made me make an exception. Combat and the flow of the game feel similar to DS3 but not as difficult. Character customization is really deep and intricate. Seriously, there isn’t much to say about Code Vein. It’s pretty much DS3 with anime aspects notched up to a thousand.
Death's Gambit (PC/PS4/SWITCH/XBO ONE)
Another great 2D challenge
If 2D Souls-like platformers with Metroidvania elements are your thing, you absolutely need to play this game. Though it's not the best platformer, the story and environment alone make it a must-play. Story aside, the gameplay is great and the difficulty hits that sweet spot between Sekiro and DS3. Once you grasp it, it is pretty simple, but until then you will die more times than your first try at a souls game. There's plenty here to enjoy, with plenty of replay value for those it hooks.
Mortal Shell (PC/PS4/XBO ONE/PS5/XBO X-S/LUNA)
A Souls-like with a soul
The swappable body system feels fresh and unique in Mortal Shell. Despite its few shortcomings, Mortal Shell brings cool new ideas to the table. It’s one of the most forgiving games on the list. With less pressure required, there are plenty of playstyles to experiment with. The lack of variety in the weapons and the environment is made up by the fast gameplay.
Whenever it starts to get stale, players will stumble across something new to play with. The lack of depth compared to DS3 is also made up by the compactness of the game. It’s short enough to never get you bored or tired. Mortal Shell is a good use of limited resources to make a tight, fun game, even if it only takes a weekend to beat.
God of War 2018 (PS4/PC)
A more mature Kratos for a more mature genre
So, a new generation of hardware and a new Kratos. I want to start with Kratos’ voice, Cristopher Judge. Every single line Cris says is absolutely perfect. It really complements the tone of the game. Unlike DS3, our main character talking us through the game felt great.
The map of God of War may not be as big as DS3, but it sure isn’t empty. It’s filled with content, and anywhere you go, trouble waits for you.
Speaking of trouble, the combat feels great. It lets you create your own style of fighting. With the upgrades and the abilities, you gather throughout your journey, combat feels even more fulfilling. The enemy types are a little uninspired most of the time, but that’s not a huge negative because the combat makes up for it.
Lightsabers in a souls game?
Fallen Order was a lot better than I expected the first time I played. I usually avoid EA games as one should, but surprisingly there weren’t any micro-transactions as far as I know. There is a lot of lore just like DS3, and to add to that, all of it is canon! I think I ran through the game in approximately 15 hours (in one sit!). I did a lot of exploring and reading, so you can say it is quite a short game to play.
When it comes to difficulty, it’s not as challenging as DS3. I’ve beaten it on grandmaster difficulty, and with 2 or 3 exceptions, it was quite easy. We can utilize so many force techniques with our saber, and it truly lets you feel like a true Jedi. Usually, we cut through hordes of mindless mobs, but I think 1-on-1 combat is where the game really shines. To add to the combat, there are so many great puzzles and semi-platforming to keep you engaged with the game world. Great soundtrack and a well-written story taking place between the 3rd and the 4th film. I highly recommend you give it a try because it feels like DS3 with lightsabers!
The Surge 2 (PC/PS4/XBO ONE)
Steampunk Souls
Oh boy, how do I start? I was so confused because of the map design early on, but the visually appealing graphics made up for it. The graphics really shine when you’re doing your finishers. Just like the first game, your finishers and weapons are the strongest parts of this game. There are so many ways to upgrade your character and so many creative ways to take down your enemies.
I can easily say the gameplay is satisfying. Just to warn you, don’t get your expectations too high lore-wise. It can be just me (because I’m a sucker for good storytelling), but the story the game tries to tell felt stiff and unpolished. On the other hand, the game design doesn’t really need a deep lore. Didn’t you come for an action-RPG game that feels like DS3? Well, it does, and in addition, you can customize your weapons, unlike DS3. Very satisfying gameplay overall, and you should give it a go if DS3 left you longing for more.
Nioh 2 (PS4/PC/PS5)
Hurts so good
Nioh 2 feels like a redo of an already great game. It’s more about refining its gameplay rather than making drastic changes. The biggest flaw in my opinion of the previous title was that it was difficult to hop into. For us DS3 fans, it’s quite hard to hear. Nioh 2 is a more inviting experience this time around. Now it feels a lot more open to experimentation. Everything I loved about the original is still here, of course. There’re more stylish moves than ever to learn, and the bosses are more than happy to slam you to the ground any time you start getting overconfident.
Exanima (PC)
Exanimas unique gameplay
Exanima is the most unique entry on the list. You play as a man with terrible motor skills. Joking aside, it’s a physics-based action RPG / dungeon-crawler with a top-down view. I discovered the game while I was researching for this article and had a blast playing it. Unlike other games, you don’t just press the attack button. You have to manually attack with your mouse. Sure, it can get frustrating most of the time, but once you land that haymaker you accidentally did, it leaves you asking for more. What I recommend is to pour yourself the strongest scotch you have and enjoy the brainless fun. There’s no middle for Exanima. You’ll either burst into laughter and love it, or uninstall it and ask for a refund.
Lords of the Fallen (PC/PS4/XBO ONE/IOS/ANDROID)
Brute and loot
For a game that came out in 2014, the graphics look quite good actually. The gameplay is the same as DS3. Lock on, dodge, parry… The main difference is that Lords of the Fallen feels a lot more like a western action RPG. They have their own take on some of DS3’s mechanics as well. For example, the multiplier for exp points or putting a time limit on the exp you drop when you die.
The longer you play without resting, the higher the multiplier gets. It’s a great high-risk, high-reward aspect but on the other hand, the exp you drop slowly fades away if you don’t pick it up quickly. Since this is a souls-like you’ll probably ask about the difficulty. It's meh. You’ll have to learn specific tactics like shield bashing to kill some of the enemies. It’s one of the first souls-like games, so don’t set your expectations too high and just enjoy the ride.
Remnant: From the Ashes (PC/PS4/PS5/XBO ONE/XBOX X-S)
Destined to die
Great developer. The same developers that made the Darksiders series. First of all, Remnant is not a triple-A game, but a double at best. Remnants world is overrun with evil, and it’s your job to cut through the corrupted beings that lurk around the corners. The gameplay is as close to DS3 as it gets. Since it’s not a AAA game, it’s not photo-realistic but it's mindlessly fun. Every playthrough is randomized, and it’s a completely different experience for every other player.
Just like Surge 2, Remnant has a cool upgrade system. I’ve gone for a one-shot melee build, and it made the game a lot more challenging for me. I would recommend sticking with ranged if you want casual gameplay. Except for 1 or 2 bosses, it’s quite easy if you’re playing ranged. I finished the game on the default difficulty setting the first time I played and tried harder difficulties the second time. There is a drastic difference in the higher difficulties. I wouldn’t recommend giving them a try if you don’t like suffering.