A Forest Watcher on profile in Gandharva Ville. Despite his intelligence, he prefers to live a solitary life in the depths of Avidya Forest rather than in the ivory tower of Sumeru Akademiya.
He became a playable character as soon as Traveler reached the Sumeru Region. He had his own special banner, but then he was added to the standard one.
3.Dendro Reaction Build: Gilded Dreams
Gilded Dreams is an Artifact Set obtained from Spire of Solitary Enlightenment.
Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Elemental Mastery by 80 and its 4-Piece Bonus, after casting an Elemental Reaction, the ATK increases by 14% and Elemental Mastery is increased by 50.
This build excels in:
- The Gilded Dreams artifact set is a very good alternative if you neither have a good Deepwood nor Wanderer's artifact set yet.
- This build will heavily rely on how well you can trigger Elemental Reactions with Tighnari to perform well.
- Since you have to do as much DMG as you can through Elemental Reactions, you have to have a diversity of elements in your team. You can deal even 3 elements with Dendro.
Build main stats:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: ATK% or EM
- Goblet: Dendro DMG Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Rate or CRIT DMG
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- Energy Recharge. You need to recharge faster with this build.
- ATK%. Kind of necessary to deal some DMG while doing reactions.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: The best option is Elegy of the End, whose bonus effect increases ER by 12%.
- 4-star option: The best option is Favonius Warbow, whose bonus effect increases ER by 13.3%.
- 3-star option: The best option is the Recurve Bow, whose bonus effect increases HP by 10.2%
Talent priority:
- Elemental Burst. Combines the power of all seeds to fire 6 Tanglevine Shafts that can track opponents and deal Dendro DMG.
- Elemental Skill. Throws a Vijnana Stormheart ahead of him that deals AoE Dendro DMG
- Normal Attack. Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
Best team for this build:
- Tighnari, Collei, Shinobu and Fischl
Tighnari helps his team by applying Dendro DMG with his Skill and Burst while Collei applies it with his Burst. Fischl applies Electro DMG and Shinobu shields and heals her team.
- Tighnari, Barbara, Kaeya and Traveler (Dendro)
Tighnari and Traveler apply Dendro DMG and increase their team DMG while Barbara heals and applies Hydro. Kaeya applies these Elemental Reactions.
- Tighnari, Traveler (Dendro), Bennett and Mona
Tighnari and Traveler apply Dendro DMG and increase their team DMG while Mona applies Hydro DMG and Bennett heals them and applies Pyro. Traveler applies these Elemental Reactions.
2. Charged Attack Main DPS Build: Wanderer’s Troupe
Wanderer's Troupe is an Artifact Set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities which can be obtained from Bosses at World Level 2.
The 2-Piece Bonus of Wanderer’s Troupe increases Elemental Mastery by 80 and its 4-Piece Bonus increases Charged Attacks by 35% if the character uses a catalyst or a bow.
This build is perfect for Spiral Abyss since you can recharge energy really fast for Elemental Reactions to surpass Spiral Abyss’ floors successfully.
This build excels in:
- For Tighnari, this set will increase Elemental Reactions and his attacks, so he’s a perfect DPS with this one and a perfect support.
- If you want to use this set, keep in mind that you’ll need characters such as Xingqiu or Xiangling in your team. These characters will help Tighnari to deal more Dendro DMG through Elemental Reactions.
- Since this set just increases Elemental Reactions’ DMG, we recommend focusing on those reactions with passive sub-DPS like Yae Miko.
Build main stats:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: ATK% or EM
- Goblet: Dendro DMG Bonus
- Circlet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- Energy Recharge. You need to recharge faster with this build.
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
- ATK%. Kind of necessary to deal some DMG while doing reactions.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: The best option is Aqua Simulacra, whose bonus effect increases CRIT DMG.
- 4-star option: The best option is Favonius Warbow, whose bonus effect increases ER by 13.3%.
- 3-star option: The best option isSlingshot, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate by 6.8%.
Talent priority:
- Elemental Burst. Combines the power of all seeds to fire 6 Tanglevine Shafts that can track opponents and deal Dendro DMG.
- Elemental Skill. Throws a Vijnana Stormheart ahead of him that deals AoE Dendro DMG
- Normal Attack. Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
Best teams for this build:
- Tighnari, Tartaglia, Traveler (Dendro) and Thoma
Tighnari deals DMG with his Burst while Tartaglia applies Hydro DMG. Also, Traveler applies Dendro with her Burst and Thoma protects them and applies Pyro with his Burst.
- Tighnari, Cyno, Yae Miko and Zhongli
Tighnari applies Dendro DMG with his burst and helps Cyno and Yae Miko dealing Elemental Reactions with their Electro DMG. Also, Zhongli shields them and decreases enemies’ DEF.
- Tighnari, Nahida, Beidou and Raiden Shogun
Tighnari applies Dendro DMG with his burst while Nahida applies it with her Skill and Normal Attacks. Also, Raiden Shogun applies Electro with her Burst and Beidou protects them.
1. Dendro Main DPS Build: Deepwood Memories
Deepwood Memories is an Artifact Set obtained from Spire of Solitary Enlightenment. Its 2-Piece Bonus Set increases Dendro DMG by 15% and its 4-Piece Bonus decreases enemies’ Dendro DEF after an Elemental Skill or Burst hits them.
This build excels in:
- This Tighnari Build is her highest damaging set for maximizing his Elemental Skill and Burst.
- Deepwood Memories also serves as a support set for Dendro characters like Nahida or Collei.
- You have to focus on ER to have Elemental faster. Remember he’s a DPS with this build, but you need another character to deal more DMG as a sub-DPS.
Build main stats:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: ATK% or EM
- Goblet: Dendro DMG Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Rate or Crit DMG
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- Energy Recharge. You need to recharge faster with this build.
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
- ATK%. Kind of necessary to deal some DMG while doing reactions.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: The best option is Polar Star, a bow whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate.
- 4-star option: The best option is Mound’s Moon, a bow whose bonus effect increases ATK by 6.0%.
- 3-star option: The best option is Slingshot, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate by 6.8%.
Talent priority:
- Elemental Skill. Throws a Vijnana Stormheart ahead of him that deals AoE Dendro DMG
- Elemental Burst. Combines the power of all seeds to fire 6 Tanglevine Shafts that can track opponents and deal Dendro DMG.
- Normal Attack. Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
Best teams for this build:
- Tighnari, Raiden Shogun, Beidou and Xingqiu
Tighnari helps Raiden dealing Elemental Reactions while Xingqiu increases their DMG and Beidou shields them and increases Raiden’s ER.
- Tighnari, Yae Miko, Nahida and Raiden Shogun
Tighnari helps Raiden dealing Elemental Reactions while Yae Miko applies Electro DMG with her totems. Nahida applies all these Elemental Reactions with her Normal Attacks.
- Tighnari, Cyno, Yae Miko and Bennett
Tighnari helps Cyno dealing Elemental Reactions while Yae Miko applies Electro DMG with her totems. Bennett applies Pyro, increases their DMG and heals them.