Reputation or RP for short is GTA's version of experience points. RP is important because this is how you level up in GTA and are able to access different weapons, vehicles, etc…Being able to do missions that give tons of RP will make the game a lot easier.(Plus you can do the heists faster this way too)
Sometimes certain missions give more RP than others and today, we're revealing the top 10 best missions for that.
10. Chemical Extraction
This mission requires you and a team of 4 to steal a van with chemicals in it and bring it back to Lester's warehouse. The van will be at human labs and you can use stealth or shoot your way to it. You should do this mission because it is one the best missions to gain RP. It's not the easiest but for the amount of work you’ll put in the RP is worth it.
This is a good mission because there aren't many guards to watch out for. Plus once you steal the van you only need to bring it back to the warehouse to be finished. The last good thing about this mission is that one of you gets to hack a terminal! Usually missions don’t have that so it's a plus.
My advice for you is to use stealth and bring a team of 4 in case anything goes wrong. Another piece of advice is for you and your team to spread out and take out each guard. This way stealth isn't needed and you can all meet up at the van. (Plus you’ll all get the same amount of RP)
How much can you make: Up to 4,405 RP & Up to $10,000 on hard
9. Rooftop Rumble
This mission requires you and a team of 4 to ambush FIB agents and steal back the files on martin.You should do this mission because it used to be one of the best ways to rank up fast and get RP.
This is a good mission because it involves having to do more than drive and pick up. You'll have to shoot your way into the meeting spot and be well prepared! This is a good way to get your driving skill and shooting skill up.
My advice for this mission would be to take it slow and not rush into combat. They can kill you in 2 shots(4 with heavy armor) so make sure you buy the max armor possible. Also to make things easier is suggest bringing a minigun and sticky bombs.
How much can you make: Up to 3,335 RP & $13,500 on hard
8. Satellite Communications
This mission has you and another player steal a trailer and bring it back to trevors warehouse. Yep that's it, oh the trailer will be guarded but that shouldn't be a problem right? The reason you should do this mission is because most of the time you'll be driving, so it's really easy to do if you have 10 minutes to spare.
This is a good mission because you don't have to do much work to get tons of RP. This is one of those missions to come back to time and time again because it’s simple. The only downside is having to drive and shoot the guards who are near the trailer.
My advice would be to take one car that's fast and can fit 4 players if needed. This way the travel time will be cut down and you can all start and finish at the same time. (It's either that or each of you take separate cars and turn a 10 minute mission into 20)
How much can you make: Up to 4,892 RP & $19,010 on hard
7. Lester Docks to Stock
This mission has you and your team go to the merryweather docks and steal a shipping container with a cargobob. The area will be guarded but heavily. You should do this mission because like the others on this list it takes no time to do. Plus the RP you get from this is decent.
This is a good mission because you can do it solo or with friends. There's not much prep needed either as you'll only need heavy armor, snacks, and an assault rifle.
My advice for this mission is to have one player take the cargobob while the rest use cars(basically I'm telling you to split up). You'll lose the cops a lot faster. (of course this is if you choose to do it with friends and not solo)
How much can you make: Up to 3,445 RP & $15,000 on hard
6. Stocks and Scares
For this mission you and your team go to a merryweather office and steal a briefcase with important stocks and information. You bring it back to Lester's warehouse when you're done. You should do this because the amount of RP you get by playing on hard will be enough to level up decently until level 39.
This is a good mission because you're only required to crack open a safe and bring the contents back to the warehouse. It will be guarded but you have a safe time getting back as no one will follow you.
My advice for you is to bring heavy armor and shotguns. You'll be in close quarters a lot so having something you wont need to precisely aim will help tremendously.
How much can you make: Up to 4,550 RP & 12,500 on hard
5. Method in the Madness
This mission is about taking out one of trevors competitors and bringing back the supply they have. You and your team raid an industrial style operation and burn it to the ground. You should do this mission because all the shooting can be done from a distance.
This mission is great because it only takes 8 minutes to do if done properly. It's a good way to get your shooting level up and learn some different mechanics in the game.
My advice is to have you and your team bring snipers and find a tall enough hill. Bring snacks and heavy armor because the area you're going to is a little lake but heavily guarded.
How much can you make: Up to 4,755 RP & $23,000 on hard
4. Ron Base Invaders
For this mission you and your team fly to fort Zancudo and steal a cargobob for Trevor's company. To complete the mission however, you need to bring your plane back in one piece. You’ll also have to destroy any lazers in your path. You should do this mission because it's fun to do and can be started at rank 27.
What's good about this mission is that you get 3 to 4 players to pull this off. Another good thing is that you and your team can destroy the lazers before they take flight, making your return trip a lot easier.
My advice to you would be to call merryweather and ask for a helicopter pickup. After that, have your friend shoot the pilot to avoid problems with merryweather. Using the helicopter will make sure you don't have any problems because getting in Ron’s plane is hard to do with 4 players.
How much can you make: Up to 1,600 RP & $12,500 on hard
3. Defender
The goal of this mission is to defend and transport an associate of martin’s who is trying to get to mexico. You drop him off in the desert airfield and fight any merryweather that gets in your way. You should do this mission because the only things your going to have to do is fly and shoot down helicopters.(No ground combat needed)
This is a good mission because it can take you 6 minutes or less to complete. (Meaning you can do this in repeat if you wanted to. It's also good because you don't have to prepare as much , you won’t need heavy armor or a high power weapon.
My advice to you is to do this solo. This is because you only need one person to fly and shoot from the buzzard. Another piece of advice is to take out all the helicopters as soon as you see them, don't let them chase you down all the way to the airfield.
How much can you make: Up to 3,625 RP & $23,000 on hard
2. American Exports
For this mission your goal is to steal cargo that's heading to africa. You and your team grab 3 cargobobs, infiltrate a heavily guarded area and lift the container back to Lester's warehouse. You should do this because there isnt much combat and its a good way for you to gain EXP if your a lower level.
This is a good mission because you spend more of your time flying than you do shooting. At one point you'll have to lose the cops and shoot the guards near the container. It's pretty straight forward.
My advice is for each player to grab a cargobob for when you need to lose the cops. Each of you can split up and then make your way to the container spot.
How much can you make: Up to 3,625 RP & $23,000 on hard
1. On Maneuvers
For this mission you and your team go to a military base and steal an annihilator. After that you bring it to an airfield and you're done. You should do this mission because it's very simple to do and take little to no time.(Or weapons and armor)
This is a good mission for RP because it only takes 5 minutes to complete. You also can run a team of 3 or 4; This will help ensure at least one person makes the grab.
My advice for this mission is to bring a sniper with an advanced scope. This way you can take out most of the guards without risking close quarters.
How much can you make: Up to 3,475 RP & $23,000 on hard