Did you know that you could adopt animals in Kenshi and use them as mobile storage or for combat? You can usually buy them from wandering Nomads, they’re all over the world but mostly in the northern parts. Even in the cannibal territories!
So which animals can you purchase, exactly? Bonedogs, Garrus, Goats, Wild bulls, Pack Beasts, and Pack Bulls. Of course, mentioning these animals alone would be kinda boring, so I’ll include animals that you can purchase/recruit via mods!
5. Pack beasts

Weird lookin’ creatures.
These things are basically Garrus with backpacks. They allow you to carry a huge amount of stuff throughout your journey. They don’t need a lot of food and they do wonders while you’re traveling with an army of +50 squadmates that constantly need food. Can’t live without ‘em while conquering enemy factions hundreds of kilometers away!
Why these animals are awesome:
- Allow you to carry a lot of stuff
- Can still pack a punch in combat
- Durable
4. Wild Bulls

Bulls only have one function.
These bad boys look badass and serve as backpack animals and combat animals. Their primary stats are around 20 points and are capable of taking a beating(head, stomach, chest have around 211 health points). If you’re worried about how much food you need to sustain these animals, worry not - their hunger rate is only 2.00x!
Why these animals are awesome:
- Unique look
- Same running speed as a Garru
- Both are useful for combat+carrying stuff
3. Bonedogs

If you have a couple of those, dear god, you can take over the world!
Bonedogs are surprisingly dangerous animals during combat. Any Kenshi player knows that fighting a pack of Bonedogs alone at the start of your playthrough is pretty much always certain death. They attack extremely fast and deal tons of damage, even if you happen to be wearing heavy armor. Adopt a few of those and you also won’t have to worry about “trash” laying around in your outpost!
Why these animals are awesome:
- Even a small puppy is dangerous!
- In packs, these things pose a serious threat
- If you have corpses laying around in your outpost, Bonedogs will dispose of them!
2. Beak Things(mod)

Wait a second…
Since when can you have Beak Things in your squad? I thought these animals were cursed and deserved to perish?! Well, with the help of a cool workshop addon “TameBeasties”, now you’re capable of taming beasts from all over the world - Beak Things, Gorillos, River Raptors, and other rodents.
Beak Things… they’re cool lookin’. They deal a lot more damage than a Bonedog but their attack speed is goddamn awful. You can use them against foes that cannot block hits - other animals, robots, etc.
Why these animals are awesome:
- Strong attacks against animals and foes that can’t block
- They look badass
- Great for cleaning up your outpost from raiders(they eat corpses faster than Bonedogs, I think)
1. Cage Beasts(mod)

Ugly face, looks cool nonetheless.
These creatures look incredibly awesome. I don’t know why devs decided to remove these magnificent creatures but they look awesome, especially with slave cages hanging on the sides. These creatures can be obtained from a mod “Animals, Animals, All Kinds of Animals” on the Steam Workshop. They’re used as storage on journeys and are also incredibly powerful during combat. Awesome mod!
Why these animals are awesome:
- Unique-looking
- Useful for traveling
- Combat? Yup!