In Kenshi, you might want to start your base in zones that you find attractive. Unfortunately, these zones can be filled with Beak Things, highly-skilled bandits, maybe some maniacal skeletons that will flay you alive. That’s why I’m here to tell you about the best zones in Kenshi!
I will discuss things like the weather, inhabitants, resources, and a few other things. Without further discussion, let’s start with our first pick:
5. Okran’s Pride
Home of Daddy Phoenix.
This is the main zone of the Holy Nation fanatics. If they see you and you happen to be a Shek, Hiver, or god forbid, A SKELETON, then you’re gonna be in a world of hurt. If you’re lucky, they’re gonna call you an animal and tell you to piss off. In the worst scenario, they’re gonna enslave you - all of this can be avoided if you have a human companion with you.
About the zone - it’s friendly in terms of wildlife, river raptors are neutral and bonedogs are slow and can be outrunned in case of an emergency, though they shouldn’t pose a threat if you attack them with multiple characters. The land is filled with resources such as copper, iron, plenty of water, and decent, fertile land. Just put your base far from Blister Hill!
Why this zone is great:
- Full in resources
- River raptors are a great way of leveling your stats
- The area looks peaceful unless you’re spotted by one of the Holy Nation Paladins!
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4. Cannibal Plains
Cannibals make great target practice.
I understand that the zone may not be too appealing but keep in mind that these cannibals usually have less than 10 dexterity/strength. They make great target practice and one of your characters could kill at least 50 of them with ease!
The area looks nice and cozy, full of resources and all the goodies for your outpost - visit it, in the worst-case scenario you’ll be eaten!
Why this zone is great:
- Pathetically weak enemies
- Full of useful resources
- Patrols of nomads and cannibal hunters
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3. The Great Desert
For the rich folk.
This place sucks if you’re poor, thus make sure to make a living off of selling weaponry or Grog - just avoid Hashish. You won’t be hassled by the Samurai unless you pay a weekly tax, which should be around 4000 to 6000 cats if memory serves me right. If you’re capable of paying them that much once in a while, your playthrough should be pleasant!
Why this zone is great:
- Easy playthrough if you have cats
- Lands are usually flat and easy to build an outpost on
- Awesome views, especially near the coast!
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2. Vain
Acid rain and Hivers.
This zone is located in the western parts of the map, it’s inhabited mostly by the Hivers and Beak Things. But most importantly, acid rains are almost constant in that zone. You’re probably asking me, why the hell would I create an outpost there? Well, if you’re wearing enough acid-resistant gear, you don’t have to worry about the raids from the Holy Nation or the United Cities - they will melt to death!
Beak Things are no problem at all - if you have at least +20 dexterity and some melee attack skill, you’re gonna kill hundreds of Beak Things and never run out of food. That’s pretty much it, welcome to Vain!
Why this zone is great:
- Filled with crucial resources
- Beak Things will buff your stats
- Acid rains will melt anyone before they can break into your outpost
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1. Leviathan Coast
Beak Things, Garrus and Leviathans.
This area is excellent if you’re sick of humanoid races killing each other for territories and ideological reasons. The Leviathan Coast is perfect for those who want to isolate themselves and at worst worry about Beak Things pecking the walls of your outpost!
You don’t have to worry about resources because the Leviathan Coast has all of them. Even if you’re not a huge fan of farming, you can always hunt Garrus and Beak Things for meat, perhaps even Leviathans one day! The BEST zone in all of Kenshi.
Why this zone is great:
- Beak Things are the only hostile creatures there(maybe some skeleton spiders but they’re rare)
- Filled with libraries that contain ancient science books, engineering research, and other goodies
- Contains all types of resources!
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