After getting knocked down to the ground for the 10000th time, you will eventually become so strong that rarely anyone will be able to oppose you. At that point, it’s suggested to search ancient laboratories, libraries, and workshops for AI cores, ancient science books, and engineering research.
And then.. well, start an outpost. Now it’s my job to talk to you about the best endgame locations for outposts in Kenshi. Hooray, let’s begin:
5. Vain

Bugmen everywhere!
Vain is the home of Hivers and Beak Things. The Hivers are neutral, unfortunately, the Beak Things are not - they’re gonna peck you to death and are a serious threat if you’re a low-level character. Why is this zone good? It’s rich in water, copper, iron, and other valuable resources. Besides Beak Things and occasionally Gorillos, there’s nothing else to worry about!
Why this location is good:
- No serious threats
- Decent resources(water, copper, etc)
- Hive villages with shops
4. Arm of Okran

It’s better to be a human in these parts..
The lands are quite fertile and friendly if you’re a human being. Arm of Okran belongs to fanatical Holy Nation humans that despise Sheks, Hivers, and especially Skeletons. Although they hate everyone, you can always find yourself in a nice spot and avoid contact with HN patrols. If it’s prayer day, make sure to attend it as a human or ELSE!
Why this location is good:
- Again, fertile lands(wheat, vegetables, etc)
- River raptors are great for improving your stats
- Super-duper easy if you’re playing as humans only
3. The Great Desert

Scorching lands.
TGD is awesome if you’re starting an outpost near the coast, make sure your gate is close to the water so your opponents have a hard time breaking through the gate and getting plenty of harpoons to the face. By the time they get into your outpost, they will either be limbless or in a recovery coma. Besides that, TGD is full of flatlands, which makes it easy to build an outpost!
Why this zone is awesome:
- Cactuses are easy to grow
- Lands are pretty flat and pleasant to build on
- Plenty of cities to buy stuff from
2. Sinkuun

Sinkuun is primarily occupied by the Rebel Farmers, the guys that are constantly being discriminated against in The Great Desert. This location will be even more pleasant to start an outpost in after you bring one of the noble to Boss Simion. The zone looks nice and it’s full of resources!
Why this location is awesome:
- Mostly arid, some locations are green though
- All resources available(copper, iron, water, stone, fertility, etc)
- Unique locations+hive villages
1. Leviathan Coast

In the northern parts of the map.
After you get through the cannibal zones and other hellholes, you’re gonna reach the holy lands called… the Leviathan Coast. It’s a nice zone, full of wildlife such as the Leviathans, Beak Things, and Garrus. Every once in a while there will be a robotic spider that will gladly dismember you but they’re pretty scarce up in there, so don’t worry too much!
The area is arid/green, which means that you can grow plenty of stuff in here. It’s also pretty as hell, probably one of the most visually appealing zones for me. What else is there… Oh yeah, Leviathans are great for improving your stats!
Why this location is the best:
- Visually pleasant
- No serious threats, unless you’re the aggressor
- 50/50 ratio between arid and green zones