Turrets are a must if you’re building an outpost - somebody needs to guard your gates against enemies and either destroy the enemy force that’s trying to break into your outpost or at least weaken them before they can break through. Your outpost seizes to exist without turrets - they’re your best friend and please, make sure that your outpost doesn’t run out of power - your turrets need it!
So let’s talk about them and start with our first turret:
5. Mounted Crossbow
These things are useful for two reasons - they’re effective against light armored infantry(aka Starving Bandits, Cannibals, etc) and they don’t require power in order to be used. You also don’t need any blueprints to craft them!
What makes the Mounted Crossbow useful:
- Doesn’t require any type of power in order to be used
- Low-budget and effective against lightly-armored or naked infantry
- You get it from the start
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4. Mounted Crossbow mkII
A slightly better version of the Mounted Crossbow.
These things are a slightly better version of the earlier mentioned mounted crossbows. Although you can place these things on the ground, it’s recommended to put them on the walls, as shooting from above increases the chances of dealing more damage to the targets. This crossbow allows faster reload, damage, and rate of fire. Surprisingly OP in the hands of a skilled sharpshooter!
What makes this turret great:
- Better fire rate than its previous counterpart
- Even more effective against light infantry
- It’s a must if you’re fighting off a large number of enemies
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3. Harpoon Turret
If you score a headshot with this thing, then the enemy is pretty much done for!
Harpoon turrets are known for their accuracy and more damage than mounted crossbows. Their reload speed is kinda slow, but they penetrate heavy armor and are far more effective against heavily armored infantry than a regular crossbow.
What makes the Harpoon Turret great:
- Requires little power in order to be used
- 120m range
- Deals more damage against heavily armored personnel
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2. Double-Barrel Harpoon Turret
Prepare for trouble and make it double!
These things are pretty self-explanatory. They’re like a double-barrel shotgun, they deal a crapton of damage but the accuracy and range is slightly hindered. If you decided to piss off powerful factions, such as the Holy Nation or the United Cities, these things should be powerful enough to stop these pricks from enslaving you.
Why the Double-Barrel Harpoon Turret is great:
- Deals more damage than the single-shot turret, twice as effective against heavy infantry if firing at less than 75 meters
- Can dismember and send limbs flying into the air if you hit the same limb a few times!
- Max reload speed is 6 seconds(reduced if you have skilled turretmen)
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1. Multi-Barrel Harpoon Turret
Jesus Christ…
These things are insane, they can fire 6 harpoons in less than a second and I haven’t encountered anyone yet that could withstand their damage. If your enemies are close to the gate of your outpost, they can say goodbye to their limbs. If you have 6 of those, you can fire 36 harpoons in a matter of seconds and repeat the process, if your enemies somehow managed to survive. You will need to travel a lot and gather resources in order to research this turret but it’s gonna be worth the struggle, as these turrets will make your fort impenetrable!
What makes the Multi-Barrel Harpoon Turret great:
- 6 harpoons fired in 3 seconds
- Anyone who attacks your outpost will die a painful death
- Makes your outpost unconquerable, under the condition that they don’t run out of power!
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