Crossbows are for those who are sick of losing their limbs while melee fighting Skimmer, Gorillos, Bandits, and other hostile creatures that wish to destroy your day. You can also create a squad of rangers and execute everyone in a matter of seconds!
Keep in mind:
You can get ALL of these crossbows/bows in most of the ranger shops. Eagle cross is specifically harder to get as it’s considered to be a rare item, thus it might take you some time to finally find it in a shop!
Anyways, let’s start with our first ranged weapon:
5. Ranger
Looks like a bolt-action rifle, but it’s considered to be a crossbow. Huh.
Ranger is a ranged weapon that will definitely put a smile on your face because of its quick reload time. It’s a perfect ‘crossbow” if you’ve just begun playing a new character and are looking for poor starving bandits to practice on!
What makes the Ranger great:
- Fastest reload time in the crossbow weapon category
- Decent range (60-80m)
- Accurate
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4. Spring Bat
I see no bats.
This is another great early-game crossbow that deals plenty of damage to bandits that have no armor. I’ve had plenty of fun using this thing against the Bugmaster and it did its job - I ended up giving the Bugmaster to one of the Shek strongholds and was no longer a pushover while entering Squin. Yay!
Why Spring Bat is awesome:
- Cheap (masterwork=3408 cats)
- A common crossbow in most ranged shops
- Apparently, it’s so stronk that it can take off limbs. Jeez!
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3. Oldworld Bow MkII
Lovely thing!
This is a bow that deals significantly more damage than the Ranger and maintains the second-best accuracy for the ranged weapons. This cupcake is worth getting if you need to deal plenty of damage in a reasonably small amount of time.
Why Oldworld Bow MkII is awesome:
- Impressive velocity(at masterwork grade, it can reach even 137 m/s)
- Deals 2 times more damage than the Ranger
- Looks cool as hell!
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2. Oldworld Bow MkI
Kinda tiny.
It’s like Ranger, but on steroids. The range is greatly increased, combining this with slightly better damage output per shot and fast reload speed(2.5 - 4.5 sec) makes this one of the most useful bows to have in Kenshi. Equipping these bows on multiple characters can guarantee your victim to be chain stunned for years!
Why Oldworld Bow MkI is great:
- Faster than MkII
- Uses regular bolts(these types of bolts are common and easy to get)
- Range, depending on the grade of the weapon can reach between 82-137 meters
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1. Eagle's Cross
A bit of an overkill, don’t you think?
This thing is basically as powerful as the AWP in CS:GO. You can fire this goddamn thing at somebody from 100 meters and TAKE OFF ONE OF THEIR LIMBS. Be careful though, this crossbow is so good that you might kill one of your teammates while shooting with this bloody thing. In my opinion, this is the best ranged weapon in the whole of Kenshi - unfortunately, it’s a rare and exotic weapon and you’re gonna have a hard time finding this thing on shop vendors!
Why Eagle’s Cross is THE BEST:
- Deals highest damage in the game
- The best accuracy from all the other crossbows
- Range is between 150-190 meters
- Fast projectile speed (183 m/s)
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