While wandering around the world of Kenshi, you might stumble across traders that sell very valuable items - these items might help you research more useful items, perhaps they will heal you or they will be used for improving your statistics. Let’s start with the most unusual item…
10. Generator Core
Why did I pick the Generator Core for this article? Because it’s the heaviest prop in the game. It weighs around 20 kilograms and if you buy multiple of those, you could be wearing a backpack filled with 20 generators core - that would be around 400 kilograms, which means that your character would be MOST DEFINITELY over-encumbered.
Why this item is great:
- Great for buffing your stats
- Small, which means that you can fit in multiple of those
- You can use them for your fans once you’re done boosting up your strength!
9. Ration Pack
Ration packs can be purchased in places such as bars and bakeries but you can also find them on wandering traders. They’re expensive but worth the price - they’re nutritious and they last for a while. They also don’t take a lot of space and a different variant can be found in ancient labs and other old facilities.
Why this item is awesome:
- Can be bought and found
- 125 nutrition
- Doesn’t take a lot of space
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8. Advanced First Aid Kit
For ouchies.
These aid kits are a must, without them, your limbs will slowly degenerate and you will most likely become a cripple. After that, depending on which territory you’re in, you will either get killed by bandits or eaten by Beak Things. Where can you buy those things?
In general stores and hospitals. They’re cheap and they last for a long time, depending on how much damage your character takes on average.
Why this item is awesome:
- Plenty of quantity
- The best medkit in the game
- Cheap
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7. Book
Really? A book?
Yes, these are the meat of potatoes of every player who finally decides to start their own outpost. With books, you can start researching the most basic constructions such as farms, wells, buildings, walls, and much more!
Why this item is awesome:
- takes 1 box of space and stacks to 4
- You can buy sometimes 20 of those from each vendor
- Very common in shops
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6. The Holy Flame
Muh huly buk!
Why is this useful? If you are wandering across the Holy Nation territories, one of the guards might check you for the copy of the book - these books must be carried by every human, according to Lord Phoenix. If you’re caught not having it, you’re gonna be in a world of pain and possible enslavement!
Why this item is awesome:
- Keeps guards away
- Prevents slavery
- Or possible jail time
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5. Ancient Science Book
Books, books, books!
These are a bit harder to find, you need to travel to abandoned labs scattered across the world of Kenshi. You can find them in localizations such as ancient labs, libraries, and abandoned workshops but you can also buy them from the skeleton vendor in the Black Desert City - they are very expensive, though.
Why this item is awesome:
- Allows you to research more powerful technologies
- Again, stackable and takes very little inventory space
- If you’re not into outposts, you can sell this cupcake for a lot per book!
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4. Fog Mask
The spooky mask.
Fog masks are perfect for combat and amazing for traveling. Why? Because they give you excellent protection against gases and duststorms, if your enemies happen to not have any decent duststorm resistance items, you will most likely win the fight. You can buy it on the Shinobi Thieves Traders.
Why this item is awesome:
- 100% duststorm resistance
- 100% gas resistance
- Ridiculously high harpoon damage resistance
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3. Engineering Research
For buildings and such.
This is another necessary item if you decide to make even more powerful structures for your outpost, such as IV walls and gates, high-level harpoon turrets, and some other advanced buildings. They are hard to get but with enough luck, you should get them in workshops, ancient labs and if you are stacked with cats, you can buy a few of them at the Scraphouse in The Black Desert City.
Why this item is awesome:
- Allows you to research good tech
- Costs even more than the ancient science books(profitable)
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2. Falling Sun

The sun is falling.
Falling Suns are heavy weapons that are extremely hard to find - you can try your luck in places like Mongrel, Shek strongholds or the World’s End - although the likelihood of you finding this specific weapon is extremely low. If you want a guaranteed tier 1 or 2 Falling Sun, you should look for it at the Scraphouse in Black Desert City - they are extremely expensive though, they go for 40-50k cats in there!
Why this item is awesome:
- Best heavy weapon in the game, IMO
- Costs a lot and can be crafted for profit
- Deals a nice chunk of cutting and blunt damage
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1. AI Cores

Holy Nation disapproves.
AI Cores are needed to craft the highest-level tech. With these weird, spiked cubes you can research technologies such as:
- Automated hybrid mines
- Durable arms
- Skeleton arms(the best arms in the game, IMO)
- Fully automated ore drills
- Revolving-Barrel Harpoon Turret
- Hydroponics
And many, many more techs that are crucial for your outpost. Without AI Cores, you’ll be stuck defending your outpost with some crappy mounted crossbows or single-shot harpoon turrets at best. You can buy them at the Scraphouse in BDC or find them in ancient labs!
Why this item is awesome:
- Unlocks the best tech in the game
- If you hate researching stuff, you can sell them for 25,000 cats each!
- Makes your outpost pretty much unconquerable!
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