There will eventually come a time when you will become sick of playing solo and start an outpost somewhere. What are outposts? Outposts in Kenshi are settlements that you can build yourself and keep your squadmates inside. You typically create new buildings to live in, discover new tech and become self-sufficient - make your own food, weapons, medkits, prosthetics, and many other things.
Now that you know what the outposts are, I’ll give you some cool locations in which you can start your own outpost and thrive. I’ll include the zones and the specific locations. Let’s start!
5. Border Zone
The start of it all.
Border Zone is the most recognizable zone in the Kenshi community - that’s where you spawn as the wanderer after all and despite the climate being dry, you’ll still be able to farm some crops and live off of bread or dustwiches. Are there some OP enemies? Not really, dust bandits will get their ass whopped by standard mounted crossbow turrets, the same thing applies to the starving bandits and some ninjas.
Why this area is great:
- Close both to The Hub and Squin
- Tolerable terrain in terms of resources
- Weak enemies
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4. Wend
Kinda narrow in here.
Wend is probably the smallest zone in the whole game, but why is it excellent? If you keep swimming down the river, you’ll eventually reach the Armour King - he has the best armor possible for sale. Besides that, the land there is fertile and can grow most crops and keep your squadmates always satied. Your base is located in a bit of a canyon, thus it also gives you natural protection from raiders!
Why this area is great:
- Fertile land
- Relatively friendly area(river raptors, bonedogs, etc)
- Located in a canyon
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3. Forbidden Isles
Kinda OP.
This place is pretty badass, you have access to all resources and be self-sufficient, while at the same time having natural protection from every angle - due to your outpost being located on an island, DUH. It’s gonna take a while for your raiders to finally arrive at your outpost, which gives you a lot of time to prepare. Even if they get near your outpost, by the time they get out of the water, they’re gonna be filled with harpoons and barely be able to attack your gate. One annoying thing is the fact that you’re very far from other settlements, the closest one being Heng. Besides that, this is a pretty good spot!
Why this area is great:
- Impossible to conquer
- Access to copper/iron
- Islands are pretty large
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2. The Hook
Deep down in the south!
The Hook is controlled by the UC and you won’t see any annoying pricks raiding your outpost beside the Vagrants and Rebel Farmers - they’re pretty weak and are actively being persecuted by the Samurais. What makes The Hook different from The Great Desert is vegetation - lands are a lot more fertile and raids are not as common as in TGD. If you need weapons or armor, you can go to Clownsteady and buy yourself some gucci weaponry there, perhaps make a Grog production and become a millionaire!
Why this area is great:
- Weak enemies
- Clownsteady is one of the best cities in Kenshi, IMO
- Legends say that Mike Tyson lives there
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1. Leviathan Coast
Why not.
I believe that I made a similar article where I praised the Leviathan Coast for being one of the greatest zones ever and I still believe firmly in that. Leviathan Coast has only two enemies - the skeleton spiders(they are rare) and Beak Things, which are pretty weak. Lands are fertile and Leviathans themselves carry pearls which sell for a lot. Hey - no serious enemies, good land, diverse terrain for your outpost - what else can you ask for? Come here!
Why this area is great:
- Beautiful landscapes
- Leviathans all around, great for training and cat-making
- Don’t have to worry about humanoid raids(unless you made enemies)
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