Kenshi is a game where you have to work hard for your stats, it’s also a game where you will be mercilessly punished for your mistakes and bad RNG. Worry not though, I shall tell you the locations that are perfect for grinding your stats! Let’s start with our first location…
5. United Cities
Don’t be poor in United Cities.
United Cities belong to Emperor Tengu. He’s a jerk and a degenerate, who obviously had too much access to wealth. But one thing that The Great Desert is great at, is grinding your stats.
You see, the deserts are being roamed by multiple factions, such as the rebel farmers, vagrants, manhunters, and slavers. Rebel farmers and vagrants are easy to defeat as they have low stats and serve as great target practice, manhunters and slavers on the other hand are a bit better equipped and have higher stats - for some reason though, sometimes they bug out and let you attack them, without facing any backlash from them. Sure, it’s an exploit, but the key feature of Kenshi is its bugs!
Why the UC territories are awesome for training:
- Low-level factions that are easy to defeat
- Vagrants have stats usually between 0 to 5(dex, attack, str, etc)
- Samurais sometimes attack Skimmers and others and you can use them as a shield and join the fight with them!
4. Holy Nation
Yes, really. I’m talking about locations such as Okran’s Pride, Arm of Okran, Okran’s Valley, and stuff like that. You can find yourself herds of river raptors wandering across the plains, they have weird attack animations and low stats, which makes it easy to kill them. They come in large packs and are literally INFESTING the area and local villages. They are also ugly as hell, so if you feel guilty for killing them, don’t, you’re doing The Holy Phoenix a favor!
Why the Holy Nation is awesome:
- Full of river raptors
- They are ugly and weak
- Weird attack animations which make it impossible to not kill at least one of them
3. Swamp
Swamp Turtles are adorable and harmless. Which makes them easy prey for a bastard like you. But on a serious note, these animals are extremely weird - I don’t think that they have any combat animations, and they rarely, if ever, attack you. They’re perfect for training and meat - pay them a visit!
Why the Swamp is awesome:
- Swamp raptors are easy to kill.
- They get ya a lot of meat
- Come in packs of 6
2. Vain
Oh god…
Beak Things are one of those creatures that will spot you from a mile away and eat you if your stats are trash. But if you have at least 20 points worth of attack and defense plus some dexterity, you don’t have to worry about being outmatched by a single Beak Thing. As terrifying as these weird bird-giraffe creatures are, their biggest downfall is their slow attacks. You will block 100% of them and eventually kill them.
You can find these pricks in the Leviathan Coast, Vain, and some southern-eastern parts of the map. Good luck!
Why the Vain is awesome:
- Full of Beak Things that you can train on
- They’re tanky, which means you will hit them for days on end!
- God-awful combat animation, which allows you to block every single time!
1. Leviathan Coast
Why would we go there?
To kill the Leviathans, of course. These guys are sturdy as hell, but since they are some of the tankiest and strongest creatures in the game, you can expect them to be great punching bags at the same time - just make sure to get your toughness up to 35-40 at least, so you don’t bleed out to death!
These magnificent creatures will boost all of your primary stats - ATTACK, DEFENSE, DEXTERITY, STRENGTH, and TOUGHNESS. Make sure to wear heavy armor and don’t worry about being defeated by them - your toughness will go up and so will your dexterity if you manage to hit it at least a couple of times. The way to the Leviathan Coast is long, but it’s worth the journey!
Why the Leviathan Coast is awesome:
- Leviathans have weird attack animations, which again, benefit you!
- They are the tankiest creatures in the whole game(I think so, at least)
- Great for buffing your primary stats even more