[Top 5] Kenshi Best Race Mods That Are Excellent

05 Feb 2022

I was always wondering why Kenshi devs didn’t include more races to play. Like, why can’t I play as a cannibal? Or a southern hiver? Or the fishman? It always bothered me but thanks to the modding community, these problems no longer exist. I will include a list of mods that allow you to play as the previously mentioned races and a few new ones. The first one will be about something else though:

5. Race Blood

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Well, it IS a “race” mod!

This simply adds different blood colors to each race. Humans have red blood(obviously), the Hivers have orange blood, Fishmen have yellow blood, etc. Each vanilla race has a different blood color. Might work with other race mods!

Why this mod is great:

- If your squad consists of multiracial individuals, you can expect a Picasso painting during combat!

- Makes races more unique

- Seriously, some of these colors are beautiful - Dull aqua, Milky blue, and even Magenta!

Download here:


4. Alive? - The Parasite

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Dear god… What the hell is this?

This mod adds a new race to the world of Kenshi. It happens when a victim gets infected by a blood spider and it somehow makes the victim grow sharp, blade-like limbs and the body looks like it’s deprived of skin. The eyes are blood-red and the playable characters come in different variants. Disturbing and disgusting. I love it!

Unfortunately, this mod is still in progress - you can still play it but it’s not entirely finished. Still worth the download!

Why this mod is great:

- Unique and BLOODY race for you to play

- Different playable characters

- New armor and other items

Download here:


3. God Race

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Become a gawd, m8.

Jesus H. Christ. Thanks to this mod, you become a god. You don’t care about anything anymore. The wounds that you receive from the opponents get quickly regenerated, you have a massive amount of hit points… you are indestructible!

This is a perfect mod if you just wanna test some things or are just sick of leveling up your stats all over again. 

Why this mod is great:

- 5000 hit points

- 20% leveling boost to all stats

- Little hunger rate.

Download here:

2. The Whistler - Race Mod

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Jesus. Another disturbing race mod for Kenshi!

This is another race mod that adds a new skeleton to the game - The Whistler. This guy looks sinister and I wouldn’t get close to it. According to the lore, people around him go insane and LEVIATHANS, the most peaceful creatures in the game become enraged. This mod also adds the location of The Whistler and you can recruit him, after a successful dialogue.

Why this mod is great:

- Adds a weird, creepy, sinister skeleton to the game.

- Adds a map to the location of The Whistler

- Recruitable

Download here:


1. All Races Playable

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The name of the mod sums it up pretty well.

This mod makes you play as cannibals, other skeleton variants, the southern hivers, and other races. They also have diverse stats and balanced leveling multipliers. You can even play as faction leaders, such as King Fishman, Hive Queen, and a few other characters. This, in my opinion, is the best mod that you can have in Kenshi - it gives you more characters to play and fulfill your dreams of starting a Fishman army!

Why this mod is awesome:

- Can play as the Bugman Queen!

- Different skeleton variants(sneaking buffs, katana buffs, etc)

- Fishman. Nuff said!

Download here:

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