United Cities are a hospitable location if you are not poor. If you happen to be wearing rebel/vagrant clothing, missing an arm, or just being a bum in general, you can expect to be jailed or even enslaved by local factions. After this short and lovely introduction, let’s begin talking about my favorite cities in The Great Desert and The Hook!
3. Clownsteady
*clown shoe noises*
This is a great city to visit after going through the swamps or you need to recover after getting almost eaten by Bugmaster’s spiders to the west. It’s full of useful shops and guards surprisingly didn’t check me for hashish or harass me too much. You can find shops such as weapon, mechanical, general shops and many other useful places!
Why Clownsteady is awesome:
- Useful shops
- 4 buildings for sale
- Small and cozy place in general overlooking the beach. Lovely!
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2. Catun
No cats allowed.
Catun is located in the Bonefields and it’s controlled by the UC. This is a great place if you are planning to go to places like the Greyshelf or the Royal Valley and need to recover after assassinating the Southern Hive’s queen. It’s filled with a few useful shops and most importantly, the BAR, in which you can consume great amounts of Grog!
Why Catun is awesome:
- It has Lord Shiro and you can loot a Meitou Nodachi off of him, just don’t kill him or the city will be overrun by the Fishmen!
- 5 large buildings for sale
- You can also be recruited by the Shinobi Thieves in there
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1. Heft
Tengu welcomes you.
Heft is the capital of the United Cities, also the home of Emperor Tengu. Show respect to him and his nobles and he shall leave you alone - disobey him and he shall smite you down, feed you to the Skimmers on the outskirts of the city!
Heft is an excellent city if you need decent armor, need to be recruited by the Shinobi Thieves, need to punch Tengu in his stupid face or you just need to chill at the bar. With many buildings to purchase and a lot of useful shops, this is one of the best UC cities that you can visit. Have fun!
Why Heft is the best city:
- You can beat the crap out of Tengu
- Plenty of useful shops and the BEST armor shop in the UC
- 6 buildings for sale
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