[Top 5] Kenshi Best Indoor Weapons (And How To Get Them)

14 Mar 2022

If you ever happen to be in a building, your Nodachi’s and heavy weapons might become a bit useless due to an indoors debuff. That’s why you should carry weapons that are useful in more closed environments - ancient labs, bars, libraries, and other places. I’ll quickly go through a list of weapons that are excellent for bar fights and robot spider-bashing in ancient locations!

5. Jitte

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These things deal blunt damage primarily and have a nice indoors bonus. These things are excellent if you happen to be in a bar and you’ve spotted an excellent, potential recruit for your squad but instead of paying them to join you, you choose to beat them unconscious and put them in a cage, in order to force them to join you!

Why this weapon is great for indoor fighting:

  •  Pure blunt damage
  •  Nonlethal, perfect for knocking out PPL
  •  +4 indoors bonus damage

4. Longsword

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A fancy sword, usually carried by the nobles.

These things are nice to have during bar fights or when you’re trying to kidnap one of the nobles in the United Cities because you’ll be fighting at least a hundred of Samurai soldiers. They deal primarily cutting damage and a nice splash of blunt damage, which does wonders against hostiles with too much armor!

Why this weapon is great for indoor fighting:

  •  Light
  •  decent reach for a short weapon
  •  Decent cutting damage combined with a splash of blunt damage

3. Katana

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Also a nice choice.

A katana can fit in the primary and the secondary weapon slot and it’s excellent versus humans and light/medium armor personnel. It’s not advised to use these things against skeletons in the ancient labs or libraries but for places that are filled with juicy humans. They deal a serious amount of cutting damage and don’t have any indoor debuffs!

Why this weapon is great for indoor fighting:

  •  Cmon mayne, it’s a katana!
  •  Double-attack? Hell yeah!
  •  Makes sure that your opponents are dead!

2. Short-Cleaver

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Perfect for dismembering cannibals that entered your house!

This is the only cleaver that can fit in the secondary weapon slot. It’s also the only cleaver without any indoor debuffs, so feel free to use this thing in buildings that are filled with robots and heavily armored hostiles. This cleaver is an excellent choice if you’re going to search for research technology in The Ashlands!

Why this weapon is great for indoor fighting:

  •  Excellent against robots and such
  •  Slight bonus to armor penetration
  •  Even amount of cutting/blunt damage

1. Wakizashi

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A shorter katana!

These things are absolutely the best while fighting indoors - they are very similar to a katana, except that they deal bonus damage while inside buildings. They deal double attacks and deal primarily high amounts of cutting damage and give a great advantage against people who don’t have too much armor on them(cannibals *ek khem*). Get it, won’t regret it!

Why this weapon is great for indoor fighting:

  •  Bonus damage vs humans
  •  +4 indoors bonus damage
  •  Plenty of those can be found on Nobles(Meitou versions)

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