![[Top 5] Marvel Snap Best Devil Dinosaur Decks And Why They're Good Marvel, Marvel Snap, Best Cards, Card Game](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2023-05/dd.jpg.webp?itok=4Gy-TaKO)
Devil Dinosaur is a fun and powerful card that you can build a deck around, but you can also slot him in any deck with Thanos since they offer you some card draw, making sure that Devil Dinosaur always brings you a lot of power. Decks that are built around Devil Dino usually make it so that for only 5 energy, Devil Dinosaur’s power can reach more than some 6-cost cards like Hulk, and Magneto, with his maximum being 17 power.

Devil Dinosaur has an Ongoing effect that gives him +2 power for each card that you have in your hand. A lot of the decks with Devil Dinosaur are based around having a lot of cards in hand and also having 2 Devil Dinos to play on turns 5 and 6 because of his amazing synergy with Moongirl.
Devil Dinosaur is a card that’s unlocked in Pool 1, and the deck that you can play him in is widely regarded as the best Pool 1 deck, alongside KaZoo. We’re going to take a look at the best decks with Devil Dino in pool 1 and 2, and also at some of the best decks featuring DD in pool 3, since he’s playable in quite a few different strategies.
5.Pool 1 Devil Dino

This is a simple Pool 1 deck featuring Devil Dinosaur, that has a lot of cards that give you good value by themselves, while also having the amazing Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur combo that can put a lot of value on the board easily.
We’re running cards like Mantis, Cable, Sentinel and White Queen solely for their synergy with Devil Dinosaur, but those cards are rather underrated. Mantis and Cable can sometimes take your opponent’s important cards without them knowing it, and they will give you a little more information about what to expect from your opponent’s deck. White Queen is a great card since she has a good stat-line, and she will create a copy of your opponent’s strongest card in your hand, which is always good to know, since you might want to retreat if your opponent has a good card in their hand that you know can beat you, and White Queen also has synergy with Devil Dinosaur, because she adds cards to your hand. Devil Dinosaur and Moon Girl are the strongest combo in the deck, because Moon Girl will fill up your hand completely, and if you had Devil Dino in hand at that moment, you’re gonna have 2 and be able to play them out on turns 5 and 6 for 15 power each.
What This Deck Excels At:
- Since there aren’t nearly as many cards in pool 1 as there are later in pools 2 and 3, our deck building options are limited, but this deck has some of the best cards that give you a lot of value for their energy, alongside a lot of the great Devil Dinosaur support
- Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur are your greatest combo in this deck, and you can safely snap when you have them in your hand, since playing out two cards with 15 power each on turns 5 and 6 is really hard to overpower
- Mantis, Cable, Sentinel and White Queen have really good synergy with Devil Dinosaur, since whenever you play one of those cards (except Mantis, with her you need to predict your opponent’s play), you’ll get a card added to your hand and boost DD’s power when you eventually play him
- Ant-Man, Angela and Iron Man are some of the best cards in pool 1 and they give you a lot of value for their energy, so they must be included
- America Chavez makes it so that you have a good turn 6 play, even if you don’t draw Moon Girl, so that you have a consistent curve
Card List:
- Ant-Man
- Mantis
- Nightcrawler
- Angela
- Cable
- Scarlet Witch
- Sentinel
- Moon Girl
- White Queen
- Iron Man
- Devil Dinosaur
- America Chavez
4.Pool 2 DD

As we can see the pool 2 version of the deck isn’t that much different from what we were running in pool 1, but it’s nice to talk about the new cards we’re getting and how they impact the deck composition.
The Collector and Agent 13 make quite a bit of a difference, since they can add a really nice amount of value to your board, especially The Collector. He will get stronger every time you get a card in your hand that didn’t start there, and we still have a lot of tools to do that with Agent 13, Mantis, Cable, Sentinel, White Queen and the MVP of the deck - Moon Girl. We’ve slotted in Elektra, because she’s a good counter to KaZoo, who will be your biggest competitor while you’re trying to climb with Devil Dino.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This deck is pretty similar to the deck that we were running in pool 1, but with the addition of The Collector who’s often played alongside Devil Dinosaur, because of the synergy between their support cards
- Agent 13 isn’t the best card that adds cards to your hand, but it’s really good that we’ve unlocked her in pool 2, since it makes the deck more consistent by being able to make Devil Dino stronger
- Moon Girl is still the best card when you duplicate cards in your hand, especially if you duplicate Devil Dinosaur or Iron Man, since those cards can give you a lot of value when they’re played
- The rest of the strategy remains the same, play out your cheaper cards early to get some value and preferably fill your hand up slightly, then finish the game with cards like Iron Man and DD
Card List:
- Elektra
- Agent 13
- Mantis
- Nightcrawler
- Angela
- Cable
- The Collector
- Sentinel
- Moon Girl
- White Queen
- Iron Man
- Devil Dinosaur
3.Daredevil Dino Control

This is a good pool 3 list that has a lot of the tools that are going to let you take control of the game and counter your opponent’s plays. Daredevil is a really good card with an amazing effect that lets you know what your opponent will play on turn 5, which lets you counter your opponent no matter what they play.
Daredevil has a lot of synergy with Professor X. Professor X locks down a location a prevents your opponent from playing any additional cards there, and if you know where they’re placing their cards on turn 5, you can safely place Professor X on a different location to secure one location going into turn 6, where you only need to win one more location to win the game. This can be accomplished with a lot of cards in this deck like Shang-Chi and Aero, depending on the situation you find yourself in. Devil Dinosaur is a great card here because you can add quite a few cards to your hand over the duration of the game with Agent Coulson, White Queen and Sentinel, and they will even be cheaper if you’ve played Quinjet during the game.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This deck has a few really good options for countering your opponent’s plays in the form of Shang-Chi and Aero while also being really good at securing locations with Professor X and Devil Dinosaur
- Daredevil is a really good card that can give you really valuable information on turn 5, which is good in and of itself, but it’s even better once you pair it up with Professor X or Aero in some scenarios when you know your opponent is going to play only one card
- Devil Dinosaur can be a really powerful card, especially for only 5 energy, you need to fill up your hand as much as possible to get the most out of his effect, but this deck has quite a few good options for doing that, even though it’s not the main win condition
- White Queen also gives you really viable information about the most powerful card in your opponent’s hand, which is often underrated. She can save you cubes by letting you know your opponent has their win condition in hand, or if they don’t have it, you wouldn’t be wrong to play more aggressively
Card List:
- Quinjet
- Daredevil
- Sentinel
- Lizard
- Cosmo
- Killmonger
- Agent Coulson
- Shang-Chi
- White Queen
- Devil Dinosaur
- Professor X
- Aero
2.S.H.I.E.L.D. Devil Dino

This deck is heavily centered around making Devil Dinosaur it’s main win condition, because the SHIELD cards are based around adding random cards to your hand, which is a fun playstyle that might sometimes give you the perfect cards to counter your opponent, but it will always buff your Devil Dinosaur, who can really give you a lot of value, especially when he’s paired up with Mystique.
If you love slightly unpredictable gameplay, then this is the deck for you. I find it fun that depending on what cards Maria Hill, Agent Coulson and Nick Fury give you, you can sometimes win with a completely random and unexpected win condition if they give you some good cards. Devil Dinosaur is almost always around 15 power in this deck, which is a great, easy way to win the game if you copy his effect with Mystique and maybe play Agent Coulson on the last turn to fill your hand up and give them even more power. The Collector is always pretty valuable, giving you a good amount of power on board, and I really like the combo you can do on turns 3 and 4 with Lady Sif and Ghost Rider if Helicarrier is in your hand.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This deck has a few ways to overpower your opponent and win the game, but the most consistent combo you usually rely on is filling up your hand with as many cards as possible and then playing Devil Dinosaur and Mystique for two big bodies on the board
- Quinjet will lower the cost of all of the cards that didn’t start in your hand which can end up being a lot of value due to this deck running Agent Coulson, Agent 13, Nick Fury and Helicarrier
- Sera is a good alternate win condition if you’ve got Quinjet in your hand, because the stacking cost reduction will make your more expensive cards a lot cheaper and give you a little more flexibility with your plays on turn 6
- I really like the combo that you can do with Lady Sif, Ghost Rider and Helicarrier. It’s a bit specific since you need 3 cards in your hand before turn 4, but it generates a lot of value and sets up your hand for the later turns
Card List:
- Agent 13
- Quinjet
- The Collector
- Maria Hill
- Mystique
- Agent Coulson
- Lady Sif
- Ghost Rider
- Devil Dinosaur
- Sera
- Nick Fury
- Helicarrier
1.Thanos Ongoing

I can say with certainty that right now this is the best deck that’s running Devil Dinosaur, but it’s also a bit harder to make than the other decks since it requires Thanos, who’s not even that popular now, since Galactus became everyone’s go to pool 5 card.
The point of this deck is that because of the Infinity Stones you have a lot of draw power, and you’re able to place quite a few Ongoing cards on the board early on and then buff them up with Spectrum at the end of the game. Armor and Professor X are really important cards in this deck, especially since Killmonger can be seen in a lot of decks and he ruins your day, when he’s played since he will clear out all of your Infinity Stones that you’ve played on the board, and these cards can help your protect your Infinity Stones. Devil Dinosaur prospers in this deck because the Infinity Stones will make it so that you can always have quite a few cards in your hand, and one of my favorite interactions with this deck is playing Devil Dinosaur and Mind Stone (the stone that draws two more stones from your deck) on the last turn, for a lot of unexpected power on a location.
What This Deck Excels At:
- This deck is highly versatile since it has a lot of good cards that can put value on the board, especially since you can combine them with the Infinity Stones who have some really good effects, for only 1 energy
- One of my favorite plays with this deck is playing the Time Stone (+1 energy next turn) on turn 3, and setting it up so that you can play Professor X on turn 4 to lockdown one location and make it so that you only need to win one more to win the game
- Rogue is a great card that can counter a lot of Ongoing decks, and can save you from a Super Skrull, if your opponent is running one, and a lot of decks are currently. Super Skrull is a really powerful card that can instantly win your opponent the game against this deck, so having some answers for that is really good
- Goose, Mojo, Ant-Man and Lizard are some of your cheaper cards that end up playing often alongside some Infinity Stones, Goose can lock your opponent out from a location, while you can keep stacking your cheap Ongoing cards there to easily win it
- Your win condition usually ends up being Spectrum, since you can play out many Ongoing cards before the turn 6 and she gives you a consistent buff to all locations, but you can also rely on Thanos and Devil Dinosaur to overpower your opponent on a location
Card List:
- Ant-Man
- Goose
- Mojo
- Armor
- Lizard
- Rogue
- Cosmo
- Blue Marvel
- Devil Dinosaur
- Professor X
- Spectrum
- Thanos
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