[Top 5] MHW Best Mantles and How to Get Them

Discover the Best Mantles in MHW
14 Nov 2020

Love ‘em or hate ‘em but mantles in Monster Hunter: World can be very helpful and as always in MHW you have quite the variety of these awesome pieces of equipment to choose from. And with Iceborne there are upgraded Master Rank versions to acquire which mainly are the same mantles but with gem slots so you can squeeze a few more precious gems into your build. So be sure you are doing the Iceborne Optional quests that reward these awesome and helpful mantles.

5. Impact Mantle+:

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I used this a ton when I started MHW with sticky ammo HBG and could always tell a difference in getting more KO’s and much faster. The Impact Mantle adds a stun effect to most attacks increasing the KO damage output and putting your target on the ground more setting him up for those higher damage vulnerable attacks.

What’s Good About Impact Mantle+

KO More

  • Teammates Will Love You
  • Great For Sticky Ammo/ Spread HBG
  • 1 Lv4 Slot, 1 Lv3 Slot

Impact Mantle+ Details:

  • 90 Second Effect Duration
  • 360 Second Recharge TIme
  • 1 Lv4 Slot, 1 Lv3 Slot

Lower Rank Version As Well (No Slots)

  • How to Get Impact Mantle+
  • Complete the Quest Hymn of Moon and Sun
  • Unlocked at MR 125

4. Ghillie Mantle+

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Ahhh the Ghillie Mantle. It’s been around since the beginning of MHW and that is about the only time I ever used it. I remember using it often though when I was getting my butt kicked probably by Anji the T-rex holding my breath praying for dear life for it to go away or at least start attacking someone else. (Yes I will push you in front of me to protect myself, I’m that type of player.) This mantle conceals you from enemy view temporarily and in end game it is used more for gathering and mining.

What’s Good About the Ghillie Mantle+:

  • Conceals You From Enemy View Temporarily
  • Great for Gathering and Mining
  • Two Lv 3 Gem Slots

Ghillie Mantle+ Details:

  • Effect Expires If You Perform An Attack Or Take Damage
  • 120 Seconds Recharge Time/ 300 Seconds Recharge Time
  • Master Rank as well as Low/High Rank Variations
  • Looks Great With Some Dark Mascara, Lil Blush and High Heels

How to Get

  • Complete the Quest Ice Catch!
  • Unlocks at MR 2

3. Rocksteady Mantle+

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The Iceborne Expansion Specialized Tool Rocksteady Mantle+ keeps you from flinching from damage, wind effects, monster roars and grants tremor resistance. Also, you receive less damage from attacks. However good it may sound and it can really improve your DPS because you’re able to attack more and flinch less, you are left more vulnerable when you don’t flinch or get knocked back during these stagger animations you are protected from taking any damage.

What’s Good About Rocksteady Mantle Name:

  • Eliminates Damage Reactions
  • Prevents Wind Effects
  • Protects Your Hearing
  • Grants Tremor Resistance
  • Receive Less Damage From Attacks

Rocksteady Mantle+ Details:

  • 90 Second Effect Duration
  • 360 Second Recharge Time
  • 2 Lv1 Slots

How to Get Rocksteady Mantle+:

  • Complete the Quest Piercing Black
  • Unlocks at MR 17

2. Temporal Mantle+

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SAVE ME TEMPORAL MANTLE, SAVE ME! With Tool Specialist on lv3 critically reducing its charge time this mantle can come in very handy. The Temporal Mantle nullifies damage from powerful attacks by automatically evading. Great to throw on when going for those wall bangers, mounts, wounding and when monsters are enraged. 

What’s Good About Temporal Mantle+

  • Greatly Reduces Damage Taken
  • Is Gold and Shiny
  • Great for Survivability
  • Helpful for Wall Banging, Mounts, Wounding and When Monsters are Enraged

Temporal Mantle+ Details:

  • 2 Lv 1 Slots
  • 120 Second Effect Duration
  • 300 Second Recharge Time
  • How to Get Temporal Mantle+:
  • Complete the Quest Divine Surge
  • Unlocked at MR 150

1. Glider Mantle+

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For easier mounts and those awesome level four slots you have the Glider Mantle which does pretty much what it says, it makes you float. A Mary Poppins layered skin and umbrella would be amazing and always what I think about when I see someone floating unrealistically through the air. The Glider Mantle increases jump airtimes making it easier to mount monsters and grants the power to ride strong winds. Ok maybe Thor would have been a better analogy here…. Nope we’re just gonna stick with Mary Poppins here and her Parrot Handled Umbrella. 

What’s Good About the Glider Mantle+:

  • Makes Mounting Way Easier
  • 2 Lv4 Slots
  • Travel Map Easier Riding Strong Winds
  • Be Like Mary Poppins

Glider Mantle+ Details:

  • 180 Second Effect Duration
  • 120 Second Recharge TIme 
  • Shortest Cooldown In Game
  • 2 Lv4 Slots
  • Lower Rank Versions Available (No Slots)

How to Get Glider Mantle+:

  • Complete the Quest Red and Black Aces
  • Unlocks at MR 11

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