Minecraft has remained an extremely popular game for nearly a decade now, partly because of how it caters to a wide variety of playstyles. One of these playstyles is focusing on the more aesthetic aspects of the game, forgoing combat and exploration to focus on expanding your home and surroundings. While Minecraft already has a lot of options in terms of decoration there are a ton of mods that will help your base look incredible, and this article will count down the top 15 Minecraft house mods
15. Bonsai Trees 2
Bonsai Trees is a fairly simple but very cool mod that allows you to grow your own bonsai trees in a pot of soil. You can watch them grow in real-time and place them anywhere in your house for decoration or make an entire outside garden out of them
How Bonsai Trees 2 Makes the Game Fun:
- You can grow bonsai trees out of any sapling in the game, which can result in some very unique and colorful trees. You can even make bonsai trees out of ender chorus plants, which look stunning
- Bonsai Trees has full compatibility with a lot of other mods, meaning you can have regular oak and birch bonsai trees right next to something like slime or apple bonsai trees
Get Bonsai Trees 2 Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bonsai-trees
14. Fairy Lights
Another simple but great mod, the Fairy Lights mod adds colorful strings of lightbulbs that you can hang up in your house. This mod is great because of the sheer amount of customization you can do with the lights
How Fairy Lights Makes the Game Fun:
- Fairy lights light up the area alert more than any torch could do, which makes them better both looks wise and utility wise
- The amount of customization you can do with this mod is insane, any combination of colors in any order and with a ton of designs makes for tens of thousands of possible combinations
Get Fairy Lights: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/fairy-lights
13. Macaw’s Roofs
In vanilla Minecraft, if you want a roof to your house the closest thing you can use is stairs to try and simulate a roof. But with this mod, you can have a proper covering for any of your Minecraft homes
How Macaw’s Roofs Makes the Game Fun:
- Adds in roofs that can be made out of many different materials, including stone and all types of wood. These roofs are compatible with any type of house and fit seamlessly on all of them
- This mod also adds in new decoration items, like striped awnings and functional drain pipes
Get Macaw’s Roofs Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/macaws-roofs
12. Macaw’s Windows
Windows always help to brighten up a room, and in Minecraft, that’s no exception. With this mod you’ll be able to greatly increase the variation in the windows you can put in your home
How Macaw’s Windows Makes the Game Fun:
- Adds in a huge amount of variation in windows you can make, so you can make windows out of any possible color or material
- Introduces new styles of windows other than what’s already in the game, so you can have extra-large or extra small windows depending on what looks the best for your house
Get Macaw’s Windows Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/macaws-windows
11. Malisis Doors
Doors are a pretty important part of any house, and this mod not only greatly increases the type of doors you can have but also greatly improves how they look in the game
How Malisis Doors Makes the Game Fun:
- Malisis Doors allows you to make doors out of a bunch of cool materials, such as glass and stone. There are also new types of doors like laboratory doors and garage doors
- This mod adds in new animations for every type of door, making them look great whenever you open and close them
Get Malisis Doors Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/malisisdoors
10. Wallpapercraft
What’s a house without wall decorations? This mod adds in a way for you to cover up the original appearance of your walls with a varied amount of wallpaper colors and designs
How Wallpapercraft Makes the Game Fun:
- Wallpapercraft makes it easy to decorate a large amount of space all at once so you don’t have to wait too long to have nice walls
- Wallpapercraft has hundreds of different designs and colors, and they can all be combined to make almost limitless possibilities
Get Wallpapercraft Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wallpapercraft-a-fresh-roll
9. Paintings ++
Another mod focused on wall decor, Painting’s ++ focus on expanding on the fairly limited amount of vanilla Minecraft paintings to give you a lot more options when decorating
How Paintings ++ Makes the Game Fun
- Paintings ++ adds in hundreds of cool and unique paintings to make your home look much more lively
- Paintings ++ even allows you to put your own paintings in the game by copy and pasting an online image which makes this mod one of the most customizable decoration mods
Get Paintings ++ Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/paintings
8. Masonry
The stonecutter is a fairly unused Minecraft item because of how limited it is, but this mod gives it a lot more use by adding in tons of blocks that can be made and edited with it
How Masonry Makes the Game Fun:
- Masonry allows you to make different designs and shapes out of any stone block, including really cool looking blocks like obsidian and prismarine
- Masonry also gives you the option of making blocks that were previously uncraftable and could only be obtained through a silk touch item
Get Masonry Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/masonry
7. Decorative Blocks
Decorative blocks adds in a large number of decorative items that can really spruce up and improve the atmosphere of where they are placed
How Decorative Blocks Makes the Game Fun:
- Decorative Blocks overall just adds in a ton of aesthetically pleasing items that look really cool in your base. Chandeliers, trapdoors, soul-fire lanterns, seats you can sit in, etc.
- A cool part of this mod is how many of the items light up an area, so there’s no need for boring old torches ever again
Get Decorative Blocks Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/decorative-blocks
6. Carpenter’s Blocks
Carpenter’s Blocks adds a truly customizable experience, allowing you to edit whatever blocks you want to your heart’s content
How Carpenter’s Blocks Makes the Game Fun:
- Carpenter’s Blocks lets you edit how a block looks, including its color and even its design. You can make whatever you want out of whatever block you want
- Carpenter’s Blocks even allows you to alter the shape and form of blocks, allowing you to create triangles and spheres even in the typically blocky Minecraft
Get Carpenter’s Blocks Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/carpenters-blocks
5. Macaw’s Furniture
This mod adds in some great furniture items, with plenty of furniture options and different ways to customize all of them
How Macaw’s Furniture Makes the Game Fun:
- Macaw’s Furniture adds in a ton of furniture items. Chairs, tables, stools, bookcases, and most of them can actually be used to sit in
- This mod is also very heavy on customization with you being able to make furniture out of almost any block, even blocks from other mods
Get Macaw’s Furniture Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/macaws-furniture
4. Embellishcraft
Embellishcraft is a great mod for the sheer amount of content it adds to the game, the amount of new blocks and decorative items is insane
How Embellishcraft Makes the Game Fun:
- This mod adds in more decoration than you know what to with. Paving stones, roof tiles, pillows, fancy beds, couches, complex chairs, the works
- Embellishcraft also adds in quite a few new decorative blocks that can be found while mining and exploring. They all have great custom textures and make great decoration blocks on their own
Get Embellishcraft Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/embellishcraft
3. Bibliocraft
Similar to Embellishcraft in that both of them add a ton of items, Bibliocraft also has a ton of utility and use with the items that it adds
How Bibliocraft Makes the Game Fun:
- Bibliocraft adds in a ton of decorative items, all of which have fantastic custom textures. Lanterns of all different shapes and colors, custom signs, custom paintings, custom books and bookshelves, anything you could want
- Bibliocraft is also a great utility mod because a lot of the items have an actual use in addition to looking great. Record holders that hold all your records, maps that you can easily edit, and storage drawers and shelves galore
Get Bibliocraft Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/bibliocraft
2. Decocraft
Decocraft is one of the most downloaded decoration mods because of the absurd amount of content it has. The amount of use you can get out of this one mod and all its items is crazy
How Decocraft Makes the Game Fun:
- Decocraft has hundreds upon hundreds of entirely different decoration blocks, all of which have great custom textures. There’s truly an item for any situation or environment that you could think of
- Decocraft also has a lot of items that are functional in some way. Cupboards and drawers that you can store items in, triple canopy beds, lamps you can turn on and off, and much more
Get Decocraft Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/decocraft
1. MrCrayfish's Furniture
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod takes the cake for the best Minecraft house mod because the items that this mod adds in are by far the most detailed and they have the most effects out of any other mod
How MrCrayfish's Furniture Makes the Game Fun:
- This mod adds in just as many items as Decocraft but there’s even more variation and customization available with each item and each item is remarkably detailed with outstanding textures
- The coolest part of this mod is how functional everything is. Usable computers, T.Vs that will actually play videos, digital clocks that keep real-time, functional remote controls, it’s insanely cool
Get MrCrayfish's Furniture Here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mrcrayfish-furniture-mod
These are the best Minecraft mods that you can use to greatly improve the atmosphere and surrounding of your Minecraft home, or just any of your Minecraft builds for that matter. I hope this article has helped you decide the best tools you can use to make your Minecraft builds the best they can be