[Top 3] Mobile Legends Best Minsitthar Builds That Win Games

09 Apr 2023

Minsitthar is considered a strong hero in Mobile Legends because of his unique crowd control abilities and his ability to disrupt enemy movements and attacks. Minsitthar's ultimate skill: The Imperial Justice, makes him a formidable hero in team fights. A circular ring with Minsitthar’s clones is created, preventing any movement skills from heroes trapped within. While inside the ring, enemies take damage over time and are vulnerable to attacks from Minsitthar and his teammates. This ultimate skill can be devastating in team fights and can turn the tide of the battle in favor of Minsitthar's team.

Overall, Minsitthar is a strong hero because of his ability to control and disrupt enemy movements, making him an effective initiator and a powerful team fighter in Mobile Legends.

Minsitthar Strengths:
  • Can hook multiple heroes in one go
  • Very versatile in terms of roles and builds 
  • Third skill is a unique skill that counters most hero abilities 
  • Reduces enemy hero mobility 
  • Has decent crowd control

Minsitthar Weaknesses:

  • Low mobility
  • High mana usage 
  • Damage is subpar to meta heroes

3. Roam Build

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This build focuses on all DEF items. This will increase Minsitthar’s survivability and durability throughout the match. A good kit for a tank or roamer Minsitthar whose main role is to absorb damage and apply crowd control to enemies so that his team can gain the upperhand during skirmishes.

Use this build if you need a high HP hero in your team and an awesome initiator, the build may not provide the most damage but it will stay strong against a barrage of attacks.

Use This Build If:

  • You are the designated tank hero
  • You need a high sustain hero in your team
  • Your team already have enough damage heroes
  • You need someone who can front for your damage dealers

High DEF builds like this are perfect against burst hero enemies, the all DEF kit makes sure that Minsitthar will survive fatal combos that deal crazy burst damage since his role as a tank is to survive to take damage for his team. Try this on heroes like Gusion and Lancelot, and show them how much damage you can soak up with this build.

Emblem that will work best with this build: A tank emblem with Concussive Blast

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Level 1: Skill 2 - Shield Assault | Reduce Damage & BUFF

Level 2: Skill 1 - Spear of Glory | CC & Damage

Level 4: Skill 3 - King’s Calling | Summon & CC

Prioritize upgrading skill 1 to be able to do multiple hooks to enemies. Skill 2 is also a good priority since it can induce crowd control. Make sure to upgrade skil l based on what is most effective against enemy


1. Warrior Boots (720) - gives +40 movement speed and 22 Phys DEF. (can be interchanged with Tough boots for magic DEF)

2. Dominance Ice (2010) - Reduces HP and shield regen of enemies by 50% and reduces enemy attacks speed by up to 75%. Use against heal/ HP regen reliant heroes

3. Radiant Armour (1880) - Provides HP regen, Magic DEF, and HP. The scalable Magic damage reduction is perfect against heroes with continuous magic damage like Kimmy.

4.  Immortality (2120) - revives the hero when killed, perfect for escape or sweeping low HP enemies

5. Athena’s Shield (2150): gains 25% magic damage reduction

6. Antique Cuirass (2170): reduces physical attack damage received from enemy

7. (Extra Option) Winter Truncheon (1910) Provide temporary invincibility by freezing the hero, also adds Physical DEF, HP and Magic Damage

8. (Extra Option) Blade Armor (1910) provides high physical defense and reflects damage received to attacker


2. Attack Speed Build

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The new meta build for the revamped Minsitthar! The build enhances his attack speed which allows him to unleash continuous auto attack strikes on his enemies rapidly, this makes perfect use of his passive which stuns enemies that receive five consecutive hits from him. The crit items boosts his damage output and makes up for the lack of damage from the other early items.

Use this build if you want high damage throughout the game. Use this as a jungler or an EXP laner and be one of the main damage dealers of your team. This is also a useful build for clashes when his passive is utilized with the considerable increase in attack speed.

Use this build if:

  • You are a laner or a jungler
  • Know you can outdamage your enemy
  • Want to be one of the team carries
  • Want high kill scores
  • Want to achieve great KDA

This build is perfect against squishy heroes that you can take down on your own. Outdamage them with your attack speed and crits combined with stuns.

Emblem that will work best with this build: Use an Assassin Emblem and take the High and Dry skill, the additional movement speed and physical damage will aid you in the laning phase and during clashes.

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Level 1: Skill 2 - Shield Assault | Reduce Damage & BUFF

Level 2: Skill 1 - Spear of Glory | CC & Damage

Level 4: Skill 3 - King’s Calling | Summon & CC

Prioritize upgrading skill 2 since it is a good source of damage and can induce stun with the consecutive hits. The skill is also good for clearing minion waves when laning. The additional speed from items will greatly increase your damage output with fast basic attacks from skill 2.


1. Swift Boots (710) - Increases attack speed and adds movement speed

2. Windtalker (1820) - Deals splash damage to enemies, the items boosts attack speed, movement speed and adds CRIT chance

3. Corrosion Scythe (2050) - Has high attack speed stat and induced slow effect to enemies perfect for a deadly combo

4. Demon Hunter Sword (2180) - a deadly item against tanks. Hero's basic attacks deal extra true damage based on a percentage of the enemy's current HP. An affordable early game item

5. Berserker’s Fury (2250) - Adds high crit damage to hero

6. Scarlet Phantom (2020) - provides the highest critical chance stats to heroes in the game

7. (Extra option) Dominance Ice (2010) - Reduces HP and shield regen of enemies by 50% and reduces enemy attacks speed by up to 75%. Use against heal/ HP regen reliant heroes

8. (Extra option) Athena’s Shield (2150): gains 25% magic damage reduction perfect against magic burst heroes


1. Balanced DPS

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A perfectly balanced kit for any team composition. This kit makes use of a balanced set of items between damage and defense. It gives you enough offensive stats while making sure that your hero is durable enough to withstand heavy blows. The fine balance between damage and defense makes this a well-rounded kit that is useful for whenever you are not sure on how to counter your rival. A relatively safe choice for formidable opponents.

Use this build cautiously and don’t engage in one-on-one battles if you are not confident enough that you will be the last one standing, your combination of items may not be enough to take down hardy enemies but your hybrid kit will definitely be useful in a teamfight, be patient and wait for the perfect teamfight to shine.

Use this build if:

  • You are not familiar with the skills of your enemies
  • Want to be both offensive and defensive
  • Be versatile when it comes to team fights

Use this against enemies that overpower you, this is a safe and balanced build that will heighten your chance for survival and keeping lanes intact.

Emblem that will work best with this build: 

Use an Assassin Emblem or a Tank Emblem depending on your playstyle of choice. An Assassin Emblem will benefit more aggressive players to help them take kills, while a Tank Emblem can increase the durability of the hero.

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Level 1: Skill 2 - Shield Assault | Reduce Damage & BUFF

Level 2: Skill 1 - Spear of Glory | CC & Damage

Level 4: Skill 3 - King’s Calling | Summon & CC

Prioritize upgrading skill 2 since it is a good source of damage and can induce stun with the consecutive hits. The skill is also good for clearing minion waves when laning. With a balanced kit, the right combo is key if you want to secure kills, stun enemies before using King’s Calling for a sure kill.


1. Corrosion Scythe (2050) - Has high attack speed stat and induced slow effect to enemies perfect for a deadly combo

2. Tough Boots (700) - Adds movement speed and Magic DEF, reduces CC effects by 30% as well

3. Demon Hunter Sword (2180) - a deadly item against tanks. Hero's basic attacks deal extra true damage based on a percentage of the enemy's current HP. An affordable early game item

4. Thunder Belt (1990) - provides health, defense, cooldown reduction, and two unique passives that allow the user to deal extra damage and gain mana while reducing skill cooldowns.

5. Athena’s Shield (2150): gains 25% magic damage reduction perfect against magic burst heroes

6. Immortality (2120) - revives the hero when killed, perfect for escape or sweeping low HP enemies


Teammates that will make Minsitthar awesome:

Being a versatile hero that can deal high damage, induce CC and even do a multi-hero set up, Minsitthar will work best with burst damage heroes or continuous damage heroes that can help him quickly finish off enemies he can hook. Pair him with the following heroes for a successful play:

  • Kimmy
  • Gusion
  • Granger
  • Valir
  • Lancelot

Top 5 Heroes Minsitthar is Strong Against

  • Layla
  • Aurora
  • Vale
  • Chou
  • Natan

Top 5 Heroes Minsitthar is Weak Against

  • Martis
  • Akai
  • Thamuz
  • Diggie
  • Lunox

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