The Space Walker Natan first appeared on the ML scene in 2021 as a Burst/Magic Damage Marksman, and he has since established himself as a force to be reckoned with. He is identified as a time-traveler with a solid comprehension of science and magic, armed with a time machine that emits laser beams. Mastering Natan requires timing and positioning.
Natan is a sophisticated futuristic personality and his skins embrace this in all their essence. He has only 4 skins to date that are cheap and easily obtainable. We’ve compiled a list of these 4 intriguing skins in ranked order that also includes how to obtain them. Let's dive right in.
4. Time Wielder (Good)
See Time Wielder in action:
At number 4 on this list, we find a very bland skin. It's a normal skin that offers no other enhanced features aside from a change in Natan’s overcoat. It doesn’t stand out as much as one would want but if you’re low-key and under the radar then this might be the skin for you.
This is one of the cheapest skins on this list, definitely worth its price. Natan is an offensive hero who thrives on burst to replenish HP while dealing excessive Magic Damage. The change in attire presents him in a more powerful display to adversaries in a less complicated manner.
How to get Time Wielder.
This Space Mechanical Skin costs 148 Diamonds in Shop. Worth the price tag.
Skin Rating.
Normal Skin - 4/10
3. Chaos Hunter (Good)
See Chaos Hunter in action:
This is a tremendously vivid skin. It is a work of art and sophistication with an absolutely stunning display of colors that will leave your eyes lusting for more. The time traveler takes on a demon hunter persona through this skin that features all new skill effects and display scene.
Aside from a change of colors to Natans space themed attire, Chaos Hunter is a pure display of energy and power through its redesigned skill effects. The dark green shaded skill effects complement the darkness behind his suit while also displaying a more potent vibe to his presentation. This is an integral skin for Natan mains, as it adds value to battle and is easily obtainable compared to others in its realm.
How to get Chaos Hunter.
Reign supreme through this skin for only 389 Diamonds in Shop.
Skin Rating.
Elite Skin - 8/10
2. Captain Chrono (Great)
See Captain Chrono in action:
This is a Starlight Skin so you may find this appealing if you’re already a Starlight Member or this Skin may be the reason for purchasing a Starlight Membership which comes with additional perks and freebies that are essential in ranking up such as star protection cards.
Not sold yet? Well Captain Chrono features all new skill effects that resemble the color of blood. Maroon with a hint of brown and enough to have your opponents scrambling through Natan’s powerful attributes. It also features all new display and animation scenes that are an added bonus for Natan main’s in getting to understand his character. This is a time travel skin that visualizes and captivatingly displays Natan in all his awesomeness.
How to get Captain Chrono.
What are you waiting for? Purchase a Starlight Membership if you haven’t done so, in order to obtain this masterpiece. It was initially released on 22/08.
Skin Rating.
Starlight Skin - 9/10
1. Tidal Lord (Legendary)
See Tidal Lord in action:
The master of time travel is the lord of water with this skin. Aqua Man but more advanced and sophisticated. It's a display of sheer brilliance behind Natan’s character with featured upgrades that include voice over changes, amazing skill visuals and sound effects along with random idle and move actions. Its appeal is further tempting as a collector skin.
Now if you’re a Natan main, then Tidal Lord is your number one go to skin. The featured skill effects resemble water, with a light blue shade that catapults Natan out of his usual element through a different portrayal. It’s a change of scenery in what most gamers are used to seeing and will certainly send a ripple effect throughout gameplay that will strike fear amongst opponents. It's simply a respectable display of sophistication and futuristic technology.
How to obtain Tidal Lord.
Limited-time Event. Be sure to check out events each time you log in. You could obtain other items and freebies as well in the process.
Skin Rating.
Collector Skin - 10/10.