Tigreal, the rising star of The Moniyan Empire, is one of Mobile Legends' most powerful Crowd Control Tanks. As tough as they come, this champion is distinct for initiating team fights and poking. Tigreals' ultimate has the power to disable a wide range of heroes.
Tigreal has an array of skins, fit for army generals and guardians. Here we have ranked all of Tigreals Skins in order from okay to legendary. Let's take a look.
6. Dark Guardian (OK)

See Guardian of Light in action:
A dark perspective into our loving commander as Tigreal suits up in an outfit that is plain opposite to his original armor. The color of his outfit blends a dark and greenish color to give off an emerald green display. Visual effects also have the same distinct color.
Tigreals hair is gray in this instance, giving him a somewhat gothic look. He has a dark history as a commander in battle who has faced trials and seen death. This skin more than likely depicts this side of Tigreals personality.
How to get Guardian of Light.
This skin costs 399 Diamonds or 65 Premium Skin Fragments in Shop.
Skin Rating.
Elite Skin - 2/10
5. Fallen Guard (Great)

See Fallen Guard in action:
With this completely overhauled look, Tigreal is more fierce and intimidating. This undoubtedly has a mental effect on gamers playing with or against. This skin outshines other rivals in the frontline of battle as a warrior ready for war.
How to get Fallen Guard.
This skin is available in Shop for 599 Diamonds.
Skin Rating.
Elite Skin - 3/10
4. Wyrmslayer (Good)

See Wyrmslayer in action:
Wyrmslayer possesses a nomadic caveman vibe with this skin. His arms and legs are covered with red body armor, the same color as his in-game visuals. He sports a different hairstyle in this instance, dark brown shoulder length. Much like medieval generals.
This skin is intimidating, as Tigreal carries a club that has a different energy to swords or hammers used in other skins. Ganking with this skin pays off, as most opponents will scramble when visualizing the strength portrayed by this skin.
How to get Wyrmslayer:
Wyrmslayer is a Season 10 reward and is available for purchase in store. It costs 250 Premium Skin Fragments.
Skin Rating.
Special Skin - 5/10
3. Lightborn Defender (Great)

See Lightborn Defender in action:
Lightborn Defender offers a range of different effects and see’s Tigreal take on yet a different hairstyle. His body armor resembles special guards that ranked above the medieval military. The armor has a crown with a blue crystal in the center. The whole armor is spotted with crystals.
Tigreal radiates a vibrant bling bling look with this shiny outfit. His in-game visual display bears the same color as his armor, giving off a blue and yellow color. He is less intimidating in this skin but more nobel and sophisticated, like the protector of justice and freedom that he is.
How to get Lightborn Defender.
This skin costs 1089 Diamonds in store.
Skin Rating.
Special Skin: 6/10
2. Galactic Marshall (Great)

See Galactic Marshall in action:
Galactic Marshall depicts Tigreal in a very heavy suit. Much like a space suit, but with real metal instead of light insulated fabric. This is its most distinct feature that sets it unique from the other skins. This is a special starlight skin.
Emerald Green is once again the in-game visual theme, much like Dark Guardian. Tigreals display in movement is significantly heavy, and intimidates opponents in ganking or battle fronts. His shield looks much bigger than usual, while his body is covered in dark colors of brown and silver.
How to get Galactic Marshall.
This skin is available for Starlight Members. Purchase a Starlight Membership to avail Galactic Marshall.
Skin Rating.
Starlight Skin: 7/10
1. Gold Baron (Legendary)

See Gold Baron in action:
In battle, visual golden effects complement the overall skin and its theme with a faded gold color. Tigreal looks totally different and this is a rare skin, most likely owned by collectors. It presents Tigreal in a modern look for once, out of all his other skins.
How to get Gold Baron.
You can purchase this skin in the Shop for 749 Diamonds.
Skin Rating:
Special Skin 10/10