Wanwan possesses a unique ultimate skill that can swiftly wipe out an entire team. She is a driven and formidable markswoman who deploys needles as darts or bullets with unparalleled accuracy. Wanwan easily cracks the Top 10 list of heroes with a potent impact through Burst/Reap and is a hard to master hero but well worth the effort.
Wanwan, a respected and feared marksman, will undoubtedly have opponents on the defensive with the help of skins that offer her additional attributes. We have compiled a detailed list of all 6 of Wanwan's skins in ranking order if you're wondering how and why to acquire them. Let's dig into them.
6. Darting Star (Good)
See Darting Star in action:
Need an overhaul of pace from the typical Wanwan attire? Then this skin, which is also the least expensive on this list, is adequate. It has an attractive purple color scheme that offers an evident distinction in battle. Other than that, it's a standard skin that you might perhaps spend some extra funds on.
As said before, skins expand Wanwan’s potential, therefore, this would be the go to if you’re keen on bringing change to your gameplay for minimal cost. There are no added attributes to this skin aside from its distinct revision of Wanwans garment from blue and white to purple and white.
How to get Darting Star.
Purchase this Skin for a low 148 Diamonds in Shop.
Skin Rating.
Normal Skin - 3/10
5. Shoujo Commander (Good)
See Shoujo Commander in action:
Shoujo translates to girl or young woman in Japanese and is a popular anime. Through this skin, it depicts Wanwan as a cute special op agent that includes all new display animation and redesigned visual effects for skills as enhanced features. Are you gothic? Then transform into a Lady Commander with this attractive and crafty skin.
This is a sophisticated display where Wanwan’s skills are improved by a shade of blue in place of the customary yellow theme. She is also very prominent and has a distinct presence in the game through her black uniform as there are not so many black themes in ML. An influential character in battle emerges from the combination of black and blue.
How to get Shoujo Commander.
For only 389 Diamonds, you can obtain this charming skin in Shop.
Skin Rating.
Elite Skin - 5/10
4. E-Girl (Great)
See E-Girl in action:
Are you attracted to cuteness? Then this MPL Exclusive Skin may be of interest to you. Take on opponents from a futuristic perspective with this complete overhaul of Wanwan. The redesigned skill effects are absolutely gorgeous and resemble the color of the ocean.
This is part of a collection of MPL Skins that would be of interest to collectors. Aside from Wanwan’s futuristic outfit, the skill effects deserve most praise as it seemingly revamps her skills, giving her a more mystical and powerful vibe. A futuristic and advanced vibe, to place it in perspective.
How to get E-Girl.
Transform yourself into a futuristic killing machine for only 524 Diamonds in Shop.
Skin Rating.
MPL Exclusive Skin - 6/10
3. Teen Pop (Great)
See Teen Pop in action:
Are you into graffiti? Then this skin may spark your imagination, as it represents 90’s pop culture where teens were into skateboarding, graffiti and all that street stuff that you do on the block or while hanging out in the hood. This is a very appealing skin with its all new purple skill effects.
This is a Starlight Skin, which adds significant value to its vibrant theme and colors. It is a must-have for Wanwan Mains since it immediately places her in a powerful and respectable position amongst opponents and even team mates. Its teen theme adds essence to an already formidable character.
How to get Teen Pop.
Purchase a Starlight Membership to avail this exotic skin. Initial Release: 20/08.
Skin Rating.
Starlight Skin - 8/10
2. Pixel Blast (Legendary)
See Pixel Blast in action:
At number 2, we have another futuristic skin that is part and parcel of Grand Collection Skins. If you’re a collector then this is a very worthy skin to obtain due to its sheer display of power through its exclusive skill sound effects and visuals. It also features new voice overs and display animations.
This is an outstanding skin for Wanwan Mains to obtain. It is the ultimate representation of reap/burst specialties that she possesses. It’s extremely captivating and definitely sure to intimidate opponents beyond reason. Her needles appear as laser beams, tinted with a rainbow spark and purple tint. An absolutely stunning visual of skill effects and skin display.
How to get Pixel Blast.
Check out Limited-time Events for your chance to obtain this vibrant skin.
Skin Rating.
Collectible Skin - 9/10
1. M-World Wanwan (Legendary)
See M-World Wanwan in action:
At number one on this list, we have another event themed skin. M-World is an annual event organized by Moonton. If you’re an anime lover, you’ll surely fall in love with this skin due to its anime styled vibe and general portrayal.
It may seem plain but it is an aggressive skin that amplifies Wanwan’s strengths and is sure to make opponents think twice. It features exclusive background music, voice over changes, skill sound and display effects and visualizes Wanwan as a pop idol but she looks like a ninja in gameplay. It has an emerald green theme in color, from attire to skill radiates an intimidating and mischievous anime image.
How to get M-World Wanwan.
This work of art is available through Limited-time Events. Be sure to enter all events and take part for your chance to avail this anime styled event themed skin.
Skin Rating.
Event Skin - 10/10