Step into an alternate realm of Mobile Legends, where 720 skins are shared across 122 heroes. Miya and Chou lead with 11 skins each, while the rest boast 5 on average.
Standout Skins are assets that enhance game play with rare elements that transforms each hero’s in-game presence. They merge visual appeal with special effects, while elevating self expression and fostering performance boost. We’ve compiled only the latest and most legendary skins, streamlining your search and helping you discover the most appealing skins for your game play.
25. Layla (Miss Hikari - The Aspirants)

Since everyone owns Layla when signing up to Mobile Legends, her popularity places her on this list. The attributes of this skin lights up every match, blending a traditional Japanese style with anime, transcending into a vibrant burst of joy and style as a skin from the Aspirant Collection, which is an MLBB limited-time event.
Miss Hikari (The Aspirants) Details
How to get the skin?
Miss Hikari (The Aspirants) will return again and be available from 9/24 - 10/27. It costs 13650 Diamonds to get a skin without discount but don’t be discouraged. You can join in The Aspirants Event and take part to get special discounts by claiming rewards and tickets everyday. The price of Miss Hikari could drop to as low as 500 Diamonds if you log in daily to claim discounts.
How Cool is Miss Hikari (The Aspirants)?
Miss Hikari (The Aspirants) has Special Random Actions, Exclusive Spawn Animation, Display Music, Skill Icon and Voiceover
Miss Hikari (The Aspirants) in action:
24. Eudora (Atomic Pop Eudora)

For only 2000 Battle Points, Eudora is a must-buy and makes this list for being the cheapest hero to purchase. Each of Eudora’s skills have special effects with this skin, that reflects a modern pop art theme, and matches the upbeat nature of Eudora and almost transforms this powerful sorceress into a dazzling angelic being.
Eudora (Atomic Pop Eudora) Details
How to get Atomic Pop Eudora?
Atomic Pop Eudora is part of the All Star Festival Event and costs up to 100 Diamonds depending on special discounts.
How Cool is the skin?
Eudora (Atomic Pop Eudora) has Display Music, Voiceover, Skill Sound, Display Scene, New Effect, and DIsplay Animation.
Atomic Pop Eudora in action:
23. Tigreal (Galactic Marshall)

Tigreal is a must-own for anyone who wants to master Crowd Control and costs a low 6500 Battle Points. The futuristic vibe that Galactic Marshall brings is none like any in Tigreals inventory, and elevates his presence with cosmic effects that add depth to his initiating skills.
Tigreal (Galactic Marshall) Details
How to get the skin?
Galactic Marshall is easily obtainable via Starlight Membership. This will grant you the opportunity to purchase this skin, which typically costs 899 Diamonds without discounts.
How cool is Galactic Marshall?
Galactic Marshall has a Display Scene, New Effects, Display Animation and Appearance. It also adds 100 Max HP.
Galactic Marshall in action:
22. Nana (Mistbender Nana)

Nana is a top priority Mage, and comes at a great price of 6500 Battle Points as a multidimensional hero with flexibility in supporting all other roles. Mistbender Nana has a striking design that is visually engaging and vibrant with colorful hues that enhances her Magic Damage specialty, making her presence even more feared in battle.
Nana (Mistbender Nana) Details
How to get the skin?
Mistbender Nana is available in the Mistbender Event as a series skin and may cost as much as 2100 Diamonds or 50 Diamonds during the Lucky Spin. Log in daily and collect tickets to get special discounts.
How cool is Mistbender Nana?
Mistbender Nana has Special Random Actions, Exclusive Spawn Animation, Display Music, Voiceover, Skill Sound.
Mistbender Nana in action:
21. Balmond (Infernal Warlord)

Balmond, at only 6500 Battle Points is a worthy Fighter who is versatile and flexible as a utility role hero in any team, a must-have meta favorite! Infernal Warlord transforms Balmond into an intimidating and fierce tyrant, with elements of lava and fire, it blends in well with his abilities and allows him dominance and impact over the battlefield with this demonic visual!
Balmond (Infernal Warlord) Details
How to get the skin?
The skin is worth the price, at 899 Diamonds in the Shop. The ease in obtaining this skin also adds to its value.
How cool is Infernal Warlord?
Balmond (Infernal Warlord) has Display Music, Skill Sound, Display Scene, New Effect, Display Animation and Appearance of a Beast Hunter who travels the infernal realm.
Eternal Warlord in action:
20. Zilong (Dragon of Prosperity)

Zilong is a top lane pusher and duelist who can split push and gank when farmed well, and costs a low 15,000 Battle Points which is why he is a must-obtain dual role Fighter/Assassin. Dragon of Prosperity has a rich and vibrant culture that radiates the Lunar Festival, and despite his fierce and deadly hype, the Festival is a time of hope and prosperity, staying true to his core as an oriental fighter.
Zilong (Dragon of Prosperity) Details
How to Get the skin?
The skin is available through Limited-time Events in line with the Lunar Festival, which occurs every February. Collect tokens and fragments to get discounts on this exclusive skin, which typically sells for around 750 to 900 Diamonds.
How cool is the Dragon of Prosperity?
Dragon of Prosperity has Skill Sound, Display Scene, Spring Festival Appearance, Display Animation, New Effects, +8 Physical Attack.
Dragon of Prosperity in action:
19. Miya (Atomic Pop Miya)

With a cost of only 10900 Battle Points, Miya The Moonlight Archer is an elusive and meta favorite Marksman as the Queen of Life Steal. Atomic Pop Miya fits in perfectly with Miya’s abilities to deal rapid damage and generate Life Steal in dire situations, with a futuristic pop art style that contributes to Miya’s distinct style of ambush and gank gameplay.
Atomic Pop Miya Details
How to Get the skin?
Atomic Pop Miya is part of a Limited Time Event and her price may vary but there is a 30% promised discount. It could probably cost up to 599 Diamonds.
How cool is the Atomic Pop Miya?
Atomic Pop Miya has Display Music, Voice-over, Skill Sound, Display Scene, New Effect, Atomic Pop All Star Collab Exclusive, +8 Physical Attack.
Atomic Pop Miya in action:
18. Alucard (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

For 15,000 Battle Points, Alucard is the King of Life Steal as a high damage Fighter/Assassin who is sustainable, with excellent mobility in attack or retreat. Obi-Wan Kenobi has an extreme appeal and visualizes prestige, status and commitment to the game as a rare and hard-to-get skin with its reference to the Popular Star Wars Series and optimizes Alucard into a realm of his own with an unstoppable and dominating presence.
Alucard (Obi-Wan Kenobi) Details
How to Get the skin?
Obi-Wan Kenobi is featured in The Star Wars Event. You can unlock this skin for either 50 or 700 Diamonds to receive a 30% discount. Alternatively, it may require 700 Galactic Tickets or cost up to 500 Diamonds.
How cool is the Obi-Wan Kenobi?
Obi-Wan Kenobi has Exclusive Skill Icons, Exclusive Voice-Over, New Display Scene, Skill Effect Changes, All New Display Animation, Star Wars themed, +8 Physical Attack.
Obi-Wan Kenobi in action:
17. Estes (Sparkle Estes)

As the only primary healer in the game, Estes is worth having as a utility hero at only 24, 000 Battle Points and is highly valued in team composition and positioning. Sparkle Estes enhances and motivates game play with its unique appeal and flashy effects that make Estes almost invincible when strategically engaged in team composition.
Estes (Sparkle Estes) Details.
How to get the Skin?
Sparkle Estes is going for 100 Diamonds, at a 30% off and is part of the Series of All Star Exclusive Skins.
How cool is the Sparkle Estes?
Sparkle Estes has Exclusive Background Music, Skin Voice-over Changes, Exclusive Skill Sound Effects, New Display Scene, Skill Effect Changes, All New Display Animation, All Star Sparkle Exclusive Appearance, +8 Magic Power.
See Sparkle Estes in action:
16. Angela (Avatar of Time)

Angela is one of the best support heroes in Mobile Legends and strives on her healing and protective abilities which can impact the outcome of any game. Avatar of Time reinforces Angela’s healing and magic attributes while also boosting her presence and engagement throughout the game as a support.
How to get the Skin?
Purchase a starlight membership for your chance to obtain this skin.
How cool is Avatar of Time?
Avatar of Time has Special Random Actions, Special Interactive Actions, Display Music, Voice-over, Skill Sound, Display Scene, New Effect, Display Animation, Appearance, +8 Magic Power.
Avatar of Time in action:
15. Bruno (Neymar Jr)

Bruno is a meta favorite marksman, who costs only 15,000 Battle Points and is highly valued for his ability to burst into damage, with crowd control that can suppress multiple opponents. Neymar Jr perfectly fits Bruno as a football player and incorporates the real life Brazilian football superstar Neymar da Silva Santos Júnior into Bruno’s character. A vintage score!
Bruno (Neymar Jr) Details.
How to get the Skin?
Bruno (Neymar Jr) can be obtained via the MLBB Neymar Jr Collab Event. It involves part taking in the activities and collecting tickets to get a discount on this skin.
How cool is the Neymar Jr?
Neymar Jr has New display and in-match voice-overs, Skill effect changes, All new display animation, +8 Physical Attack.
See Neymar Jr in action:
14. Hylos (Iron Steed)

Hylos has a unique set of skills that can influence team encounters, with his ability to generate HP, initiate and protect allies. Iron Steed amplifies Hylos durability by morphing him into a futuristic machine that ultimately enhances presence, and inspires gameplay as a versatile tank, especially in the frontiers of battle.
Hylos (Iron Steed) Details.
How to get the Skin?
Hylos (Iron Steed) is part of the Lucky Flip Limited Time Event. Flip the Cards with 10 Diamonds. Collect three of the same card to win the skin.
How cool is the Iron Steed?
Iron Steed has New Display Voice-overs, New Display Scene, Fearless alloy Knight appearance, All New Display Animation, Skill Effect Color Changes, Max HP +100.
See Iron Steed in action:
13. Johnson (Wreck King)

Johnson is one of the most fun heroes to play, with his ability to morph into a mustang, carry one passenger and cruise through the battlefield with the aim of catching opponents off guard or disrupting their formation. Wreck King is a revamped skin that reinforces Johnson as a futuristic tanker, hardened for battle and even more vicious with a drill attached to his front, elevating his presence in the front-lines, and especially in attack.
Johnson (Wreck King) Details.
How to get the Skin?
Wreck King is available through the Lucky Box Event.
How cool is the Wreck King?
Wreck King has Special Random Actions, Voice-over Changes, Skill Sound Effects, New Display Scene, Skill Effect Changes, New Display Animation, Destructive Rig Appearance, Max HP+100.
See Wreck King in action:
11. Franco (King of Hell)

Franco is a team asset in composition, as a Tank/Support and is known for his ability to sustain damage, disrupt opposition formation and charge the front lines of battle as a durable support. King of Hell is an intimidating skin that transforms Franco into a demonic, hellish warrior displaying a fierce vibe when harassing and pushing the front-lines.
Franco (King of Hell) Details.
How to get the Skin?
Franco (King of Hell) is available through the Magic Shop, where you are required to purchase tokens for your chance to go into a draw to win different skins, including Franco (King of Hell).
How cool is King of Hell?
King of Hell has Special Random Actions, Special Interactive Animation, Achievement Badge, Recall Effect, Avatar Border, Display Music, Skill Icon, Skill Animation, Voiceover, Skill Sound, Display Scene, New Effect, Display Animation, Appearance, Max HP +100.
See King of Hell in action:
10. Akai (Marvelous Maestro)

Akai is a versatile Tank known for his initiation abilities where he has a unique blend where he can suppress multiple opponents, absorb damage and also guard teammates. Marvelous Maestro is one of a kind, a must-own for Akai mains with its dazzling showcase of fireworks embedded within each skill, reinforcing Akai as a powerhouse with his skill set.
Akai (Marvelous Maestro) Details.
How to get the Skin?
Join Carnival Adventure: Monopoly Event and Participate in the Board Game to get this skin for free.
How cool is Marvelous Maestro?
Marvelous Maestro has Special Random Actions, Display Music, Voiceover Changes, Exclusive Skill Sound Effects, New Display Scene, Skill Effect Changes, New Display Animation, Max HP +100.
See Marvelous Maestro in action:
9. Chou (Echo)

Chou is an essential and adaptable fighter who possesses exceptional mobility and crowd control. He can effectively engage on the front lines with a Tank build or take on a more aggressive role from the back lines. Echo is a vibrant techno themed skin that features Chou as a diver, with an accompanying whale alongside skill engagement and aims to promote the Mobile Legends M4 World Championship.
Chou (Echo) Details.
How to get the Echo?
Echo can be obtained via the M4 Event for as low as 499 Diamonds if you take part in the mini events to reduce the cost through tokens.
How cool is this Skin?
Exclusive Background Music, Exclusive Skill Sound Effects, New Display Scene, Skill Effect Changes, All New Display Animation, 2022 Exclusive M4 Appearance, =8 Physical Attack.
See Echo in action:
8. Yu Zhong (Exorcist)

Yu-Zhong is a versatile three-form traditional Chinese Warrior who can transform into a dragon thanks to his special passive and has skill combinations that set him apart from other Fighters. Exorcist is part of a collection and is a magnificently depicted skin that enhances Yu-Zhongs skill set as a sorcerer, adding a demonic, evil and outrageously cool demeanor to his character.
Yu-Zhong (Exorcist)
How to get the Skin?
Exorcist is part of the Exorcist Limited Time Event where the skin can cost as low as 999 Diamonds depending on the tasks and tokens completed and collected.
How cool is Exorcist?
Special Interactive Animation, Special Random Actions, Skill Icon, Voiceover, Skill Sound, Display Scene, Appearance, Display Animation, New Effect, Physical Attack +8.
See Exorcist in action:
7. Gatotkaca (Nutcracker Monarch)

Gatotkaca is a must-own strategic Fighter/Tank who can sustain damage, initiate and also has crowd control strengths that prolongs his capacity to remain in battle and allows substantial damage to be dealt. Nutcracker Monarch is a collector skin that displays mechanisms at work, and almost portrays Gatotkaca as royalty with colorful and vivid illustrations that bring strength and endurance to his presence in game play.
Gatotkaca (Nutcracker Monarch) Details.
How to get this Skin?
Purchase a Starlight Membership to obtain this skin.
How cool is the Nutcracker Monarch?
Nutcracker Monarch has a Starlight-themed scene, Skill effect changes, All new display animation, Kingly appearance, Max HP +100.
See Nutcracker Monarch in action:
6. Kaja (Inferno Taskmaster)

Kaja is an absolute unique utility who can lead team formations, disrupt opponent formations and at his peak, he can control the flow of battle with good teamwork. Inferno Taskmaster has intricate designs and amazing graphics that also inspire his unique abilities and can easily be engaged in scaring off opponents through the sheer display of power.
Kaja (Inferno Taskmaster) Details.
How to get this Skin?
Inferno Taskmaster is available through Limited Time Events such as the Lucky Flip Event and can be obtained for free.
How cool is Inferno Taskmaster?
Exclusive Background Music, Exclusive Skill Sound Effects, New Display Scene, Skill Effect Changes, All New Display Animation, Winged Overseer of the burning abyss appearance, Magic Power +8.
See Inferno Taskmaster in action:
5. Pharsa (Neon Shingetsu)

This list would be incomplete without Pharsa, who is known for her ability to deal mage damage over vast territory, where all effects are enhanced by her skins, elevating her as a team composition favorite. Neon Shingetsu is a blend of eastern art and modern technology, with magic effects unlike any other in the game, and can have opponents on the retreat with the display of elegance and power.
Pharsa (Neon Shingetsu) Details.
How to get this Skin?
Only 899 Diamonds in Shop.
How cool is the Neon Shingetsu?
Exclusive Skill Sound Effects, New Display Scene, Skill Effect Changes, All New Display Animation, +8 Magic Power.
See Neon Shingetsu in action:
4. Benedetta (Panigale V4S Rider)

Benedetta has a high win rate when mastered, thanks to her elusiveness, burst damage and speed, which makes her a must own for assassin mains. Panigale V4S Rider is part of the Ducati Collaboration and has visuals that places Benedetta on a motorcycle, improving her effectiveness by 100% and stands her out as a lethal and deadly assassin, enhancing her skills and specialties.
Benedetta (Panigale V4S Rider) Details.
How to get this Skin?
Take part in the Ducati Collaboration for your chance to draw this skin.
How cool is Benedetta (Panigale V4S Rider)?
Exclusive Spawn Animation, Skin voice-over changes, New display scene, All new display animation, Display Effect Changes, +8 Physical Attack.
See Benedetta (Panigale V4S Rider) in action:
3. Ling (Night Shade)

Ling is a supreme assassin, the only hero who can traverse walls with agility and who can easily cover ground while singling out opponents or he can gank and kite with ease, probably much more easily than any other hero. Night Shade elevates Lings gameplay as a fierce assassin lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike with unique skills and abilities.
Ling (Night Shade) Details.
How to get this Skin?
Only 899 Diamonds in Shop.
How cool is the Night Shade?
Skin Voice-over Changes, New Display Scene, Dragon Tamer Series Skin, All New Display Animation, Skill Effect Changes, +8 Physical Attack.
See Night Shade in action:
3. Hanabi (Vessel of Rage)

Hanabi is a must-have marksman with a devastating AoE basic attack that can engage multiple opponents and performs well with positioning and timing that is uniquely more effective than her Ultimate Skill. Vessel of Rage has an artistic design that perfectly matches Hanabi’s association with petals as her bullets and greatly enhances visuals during gameplay that can catch opponents off guard.
Hanabi (Vessel of Rage) Details.
How to get this Skin?
This skin is available in the Soul Vessels Draw Event.
How cool is Vessel of Rage?
Special Random Actions, Special Interactive Animation, Exclusive Spawn Animation, Exclusive Background Music, Exclusive Skill Icons, Voiceover, Skill Sound, Display Scene, New Effect, Display Animation, Appearance, +8 Physical Attack.
See Vessel of Rage in action:
2. Moskov (Infernal Wyrmlord)

The revamped Moskov enables him to teleport with his spear when executing his Ultimate Skill, and this is a game changer due to his remarkable combination and attack speed that can take out multiple opponents when timed well. Infernal Wyrmlord is a terrifying skin that converts Moskov into a demon and incorporates flames into his skills and makes him much more intimidating on the battlefield.
Moskov (Infernal Wyrmlord) Details.
How to get this Skin?
Collect Dragon Crests in the Infernal Wyrmlord Event to exchange for this skin.
How cool is Infernal Wyrmlord?
Stunning Special Effects, Special Interactive Animation, Special Random Actions, Exclusive Spawn Animation, Display Music, Skill Icon, Voiceover, Skill Sound, Display Scene, New Effect, Display Animation, Appearance, Physical Attack +8.
See Infernal Wyrmlord in action:
1. Irithel (Monster SP Rider)

Irithel is an OP hero, thanks to her unique blend of resources where she is the only marksman who can deal basic explosive damage with AoE while moving. Monster SP Rider is part of the Ducati Collaboration and is an extravagant skin that greatly enhances gameplay with visuals of Irithel on a motorcycle instead of Leo, her sabertooth best friend. It speaks to her mobility combined with attack speed and damage, making her one of a kind.
Irithel (Monster SP Rider) Details.
How to get this Skin?
Participate in the Ducati Collaboration and earn exclusive tokens to avail discounts on diamonds for acquiring this skin.
How cool is the Monster SP Rider?
Exclusive Spawn Animation, Skin Voice-over Changes, New Display Scene, Ducati Collaboration Skin, All New Display Skin, Display Effect Changes, +8 Physical Attack.
See Monster SP Rider in action: