10. Coco
Star Sign: Pisces (March 1st)
Personality Type: Normal (Female Rabbit)
Favorite Song: K.K. Jongara
House: Coco’s house in Animal Crossing New Horizons is rustic and relaxing, to say the least. The exterior would perfectly fit with some bamboo fences and a dirt road. In the interior you can find a round table with a couple of wooden chairs; a pair of torches can be seen in each of the bottom corners, this is you haven’t given any gifts to the normal personality villager.
9. Lolly
Star Sign: Aries (March 27th)
Personality Type: Normal (Female Cat)
Favorite Song: Forest Life
House: Lolly’s house design is one of my favorite in the New Horizons entry; the exterior colors can fit in any island that follows either a minimalistic or another specific style with its greenish roof, white door, and light brown design. On the inside Lolly’s house is pretty modern, especially taking into account the wallpaper and some of the furniture this Aries cat has on her house when you haven’t given her any gifts.
8. Dobie
Star Sign: Aquarius (February 17th)
Personality Type: Cranky (Male Wolf)
Favorite Song: Agent K.K.
House: New Horizons’ most looked-for villagers when the game was first released was full of the most adorable villagers, I was pretty happy to find that an elder villager entered the top ten and I can say nothing but what a delight his house design is. Dobie’s house follows the style of a detective or maybe a writer too; his vintage-decored interior includes a Classic-Library wall and a Herringbone Flooring as well as some furniture items like a den desk and a phonograph playing Agent K.K. as background music.
7. Tangy
Star Sign: Gemini (June 17th)
Personality Type: Peppy (Female Cat)
Favorite Song: I Love You
House: I love Tangy, of course, so don’t get me wrong when I say that Tangy’s house design wasn’t a surprise at all when I saw that it followed a tangerine style. The exterior combines the green and orange colors, and on the inside, we can find a tropical style with some fruit-themed furniture items like a pear bed, an apple TV, and a pear closet.
6. Ankha
Star Sign: Virgo (September 22nd)
Personality Type: Snooty (Female Cat)
Favorite Song: K.K. Bazaar
House: Ankha’s existence is exotic, to say the least; her Egyptian appearance is reflected in the design of her house, the exterior being different shades of brown and yellow, and the interior some of the rarest items to get in Animal Crossing including a pyramid, a golden toilet, three golden caskets, a Libra scale, and a couple of other golden furniture.
5. Raymond
Star Sign: Libra (October 1st)
Personality Type: Smug (Male Cat)
Favorite Song: K.K. Cruisin’
House: Raymond hasn’t left the top 5 ever since his first appearance on the series in New Horizons, and not a lot can be said that hasn’t been said before. Raymond’s house resembles an office just like we could expect from his clothing; the exterior of his house has some of my favorite color combinations in the series with some dark green, blue, brown, and beautiful not-so-white walls.
4. Skye
Star Sign: Aries (March 24th)
Personality Type: Normal (Female Wolf)
Favorite Song: Forest Life
House: It was a delight to see another wolf in the most popular villagers of the moment since that is my favorite species in the game; I wasn’t sure if I knew about her, but her house is beautiful, especially in the interior. Her living room has several furniture items from the Wooden set (that we can actually craft) as well as a blue heart-pattern wallpaper and simple white flooring to keep things uncomplicated. Minimalistic, but very well-looking.
3. Static
Star Sign: Cancer (July 9th)
Personality Type: Cranky (Male Squirrel)
Favorite Song: Surfin’ K.K.
House: I ain’t a fan of squirrels neither in Animal Crossing nor real life, but I gotta be honest and say that Static’s house has one of the sickest designs in the entire series. The exterior is not that big of a deal, but it isn’t very common to find houses with such dark colors (including black and dark purple), but the interior is top-notch with some rattan furniture items as well as the Hopscotch Floor and Street Wall as wallpaper.
2. Stitches
Star Sign: Aquarius (February 10th)
Personality Type: Lazy (Male Cub)
Favorite Song: I Love You
House: I’m not a fan of Stitches but man, nobody can deny how sweet and adorable this villager is. When playing the Happy Home Paradise DLC on New Horizons, his house request is “a toy box full of colors”, which is nothing but a perfect representation of what his basic house design is in the base game. The interior of Stiches’ house in New Horizons is playful and full of toys, and it also includes some Wooden furniture items as well as some of the exclusive Mom Gifts the player gets in the mail every once in a while. The exterior includes a nice light orange wall, a green rooftop, and a dark red door.
1. Judy
Star Sign: Pisces (March 10th)
Personality Type: Snooty (Female Cub)
Favorite Song: K.K. Lullaby
House: Of course, Judy had to be on spot #1. First introduced in New Horizons, Judy’s house has blue, gray, and pink colors. Inside-wise, and quite similar to Bob’s design, Judy has a starry wallpaper and blue dot flooring; her house is decorated with the complete wooden-block DIY series of furniture, and starry garlands on the walls (a highly looked-after item on Nookazon, by the way).