Determining the hierarchy of villagers from best to worst is subjective,and rooted in personal perspectives. Nonetheless, legitimate justifications exist for certain villagers being collectively deemed superior by players. See where your favorite villager ranks on the list!
Best Villagers in ACNH
When determining whether a villager is the best, afew factors come into play! Popular villagers often have appealing aesthetics, such as ‘’cute’’ or ‘’cool’’ appearances. Helpful and friendly attitudes, along with engaging dialogue, can contribute to making a villager stand out as a favorite among players.
Sprocket: one of three mechanical villagers in Animal Crossing!
- Drago - His catchphrase is “burnnnn”.Spot-on considering he resembles a fire breathing dragon! As a lazy personality type, this villager is very easy to befriend.
- Sprocket - His robotic appearance, as well as his house aesthetic is a great addition to any island! He is also super competitive with other villagers when it comes to catching bugs and fish!
- Big Top- This cute elephant dates back to Wild World! He is one of the superhero themed villagers…which in itself is pretty cool! At level 5 of friendship, you will get the infamous #3 shirt, so you can match with him!
- Bob - Bob is the very first villager that was ever created! As an O.G villager, He has appeared in every game. His birthday is New Year's Day, which gives players another reason to log on that day, and attend his birthday party!
More of the Best Villagers:
Agent S., Ankha, Antonio, Avery, Axel,Bam, Boomer, Boots, Bruce, Chai, Cranston, Cube, Curt, Cyd, Del, Derwin, Dizzy, Dobie, Dom, Flora, Flurry, Gayle,Gladys,Hornsby, Jitters, Joey, Judy, Ketchup, Kevin, Kid Cat, Kidd, Kiki, Lionel, Lobo, Lolly, Lopez, Marlo, Marshal, Marty, Merengue, Octavian, Phil, Phoebe, Rasher, Raymond, Rio, Roswell, Rudy, Static, Sterling, Stinky, Stitches, Tiangsheng, Tiffany, Tucker, Zucker.
Excellent Villagers in ACNH:
The following would all make an excellent choice for you to take home from your villager hunt on a mystery island! Their auras will grow on you quickly, and make your latest playthrough of the game more exciting!

Tex’s official amiibo card.
- Tex - He is the only smug penguin villager in the game. His name relates to his catch phrase “picante”, popular in tex-mex cuisine! Tex’s hobby is music, and he will sing anywhere without the need for a nearby stereo!
- Camofrog - Despite his cute camo patterned skin, he is quite the cranky villager. This docks points, as he will become easily aggravated. His dialogue can come off as rude, but he has more interesting hobbies than more typically “likable” villagers in the game!
- Cephalobot- Cephalobot is a villager unique to ACNH, he was also added into the Pocket Camp game. His hobby is playing, and he can be seen running around your island! He is one of the only villagers to not be seen wearing any articles of clothing in his (in-game) photo.
- Biskit - A lazy dog villager, with super cute green striped ears, and big white eyes! This villagers appearance gives off a spooky vibe! If you are aiming for a more alternative aesthetic, Biskit is an amazing choice!
More Excellent Villagers:
Amelia, Anchovy, Annalisa, Apollo, Aurora, Azalea, Bettina, Bianca, Biff, Bill, Billy, Boone, Boris, Chadwick, Chester,Chief, Chops, Claude,Cousteau, Daisy, Deena, Diana, Doc, Doram , Eugene, Fang, Frobert, Gaston, Groucho,Hopper, Jacques, Jambette, Julia, Julian, Kabuki, Kitt, Lucky, Marina,Mathilda, Merry, Peanut, Pecan, Peck, Peewee,Pierce, Pietro, Pinky, Piper, Punchy, Puurl, Queenie, Quinn, Raddle, Roald, Rocco,Roscoe, Rosie, Sally, Samson, Sandy, Sasha, Savannah, Scoor, Shari, Sheldon, Sherb, Simon, Skye, Sly, Snake, Soleil, Sparro,Stu, Sydney, Sylvana, Tangy, Tank,Tia, Wade, Walt, Wart Jr. Weber, Whitney, Wolfgang, Yuka, Zell
Good Villagers in ACNH
These are villagers I wouldn’t be opposed to having on my own island! In fact I would even welcome them with open arms! The following villagers are cute, and have something desirable to offer to your gameplay.

Shino exploring the island!
- Audie - Audie is a peppy wolf villager. This makes her much more friendly and outgoing. For that reason you will receive a lot more gifts from her, than other personality types. While unconfirmed by Nintendo, Audie's name may have come from an 87-year-old woman named Audrey. She went viral after her grandson posted a YouTube video showing her 3,580 hours invested into Animal Crossing: New Leaf. She named her player character Audie.
- Chadder - A great villager for any cheese fanatic! He is a smug mouse villager that looks like swiss cheese! His catchphrase is “fromage” which is French for cheese! Despite all the lactose innuendos,hehas a fitness hobby, so he is often seen wearing shades, and lifting dumbbells. Smug villagers often share traits across all personality types, making them fun to befriend!
- Coco - Coco is the only rabbit with a normal personality type. While having voids in her head for eyes can seem unsettling, Coco has a soft spot for reading, and you can see her with glasses reading books under trees! Speaking of which, if you gift her a pair of “Funny Glasses” she will wear them and it will look like she has eyes!
- Shino- She is one of the newest added villagers to the Animal Crossing franchise! This series 5 villagerhas a peppy personality type. Her makeup is supposed to resemble the infamous Noh mask, while her horns are similar to that of a Hanya mask. She is the only non-NPC villager to have a birthday on Halloween! How cool is this superstar!?
More Good Villagers:
Agnes, Alfonso, Alli, Anicotti, Apple, Astrid,Bangle, Beau, Bertha, Blaire, Broccoli, Bubbles, Butch, Cashmere, Celia, Charlise, Cherry, Claudia, Clay, Cobb, Croque, Drake, Drift, Ellie, Eloise, Elvis, Erik, Eroile, Flo, Genji, Goldie, Gonzo, Goose, Graham, Hamphrey, Hans,Henry, Ione, June, Katt, Keaton, Kitty, Klaus, Knox, Cody, Kyle, Leonardo, Maple, Margie, Megan, Melba, Midge, Monique, Monty, Olive, Olivia, Opal, Papi, Pashmina, Pate, Patty, Portia, Prince, Puck, Puddles, Ribbot, Rolf, Rory, Ricky, Rowan,Shep, Spike, Spork, Sprinkle, Stella, Sylvia, Tabby, Tad, Tipper, Tom, Truffles, Tutu, Twiggy, Vic, Willow, Wendy, Winnie, Zoe
Average Villagers in ACNH
What can I say? Some villagers you could live with, or without. These villagers are just average. While most people are indifferent about them, they still have the potential to make a hearty addition to any island, if you have the imagination!
A wild Deli in his natural habitat.
- Robin- She is a snooty bird villager who has made an appearance in every Animal Crossing game since the franchise’s inception.
- Dierdre - She is a “big-sister” personality type, which is one of the more rare personalities to acquire. While her dialogue can be funny, she is an introvert and prefers her space over chit-chatting.
- Deli - Deli is a lazy monkey villager, who often talks about food. His appearance is rather basic, and he is nothing to write home about.
- Hamlet - There are much more interesting looking hamster villagers, and he's a jock, so that immediately makes him an average villager in my book!
More Average Villagers:
Ace, Admiral , Annabell, Angus, Ava, Bea, Beardo, Benedict, Benjamin, Blanche, Bluebear, Bonbon, Buck, Bud, Bunnie, Buzz, Cally, Carrie,Cheri,Chevre, Chow, Chrissy, Cleo, Cole,Cookie, Curlos, Cyrano, Diva, Dotty, Ed, Ellise, Elmer, Flip, Faith, Eunice, Fauna, Felicity, Filbert, Freya, Friga, Gloria, Grizzly, Gruff, Gwen, Hopkins,Huck, Hugh, Iggly, Ike, Jacob, Ken, Leopold, Lily, Louis, Lucha, Maggie, Mallary, Marcel, Marcie, Mint, Mitzi,Miranda, Moe, Molly, Nan, Nana, Naomi, Nate, Nibbles, Norma, Olaf,Pancetti, Pango, Paolo, Peggym Pekoe, Petri, Rex, Rhonda, Rodeo, Rodney, Rooney, Ruby, Tammi, Tammy,Tasha, T-Bone, Teddy, Tybalt, Ursula, Velma, Vesta, Victoria, Vivian, Vladimir, Walker
Worst Villagers in ACNH
To justify, this is not a hate list for these villagers. In fact, the majority of them made this list for undesirable personality traits, or for simply being flat out ugly!

Dialogue shared with Cesar.
- Hazel - Not only her unibrow, but her bob with bangs should be a crime! Her features make her quite a visually unappealing villager.
- Barold - His 5 o’clock shadow and his lifeless eyes remind me of myself after a night out. Quite frankly, it’s terrifying.
- Cesar - He is a cranky villager, making him much harder to befriend. His appearance doesn’t make him any more popular amongst players!
- Snooty - If you couldn’t guess it by the name,she is also a snooty villager. This personality type is one of the most unlikable in the game.
More of the Worst Villagers:
Al, Alice, Annalise,Baabara, Becky, Bella, Bitty, Boyd, Bree, Broffina, Canberra, Candi, Carmen, Caroline, Chelsea, Clyde, Coach, Colton, Curly, Egbert,Francine, Frank, Freckles, Frett, Frita, Fuchsia, Gabi, Gala, Gigi, Greta, Harrym Hippeux, Lucy, Lyman, Mac, Maddie, Maelle, Moose, Mott, Muffy, Murphy, Paula, Peaches, Penelope, Pippy, Plucky, Pompom, Pudge, Quillson, Renee, Reneigh, Rilla,Rizzo, Rocket, Rod,Timbra, Toby, Violet.
Do you agree with where your favorite villager ranked on this list? If not, it just goes to prove that this is all a matter of perspective! Every villager is unique, and has it’s pros and cons.