10. Eloise
Catchphrase: "tooooot"
Eloise the elephant.
What’s great about Eloise:
- She may be snooty, but she’ll keep you on your toes.
- She’s been on AC since the very beginning.
She’s snooty, she loves to shop, and she isn’t afraid of some good gossip. Eloise has been a part of the Animal Crossing universe since the very beginning but hasn’t aged a day, obviously. She may seem rude at first--that’s just the snootiness--but keep talking to her and she’ll turn into your best friend.
Eloise is one of those villagers who I always want in my town. It’s always good to have a snooty person in your town who lives for gossip and will tell it to you like it is. Other players have criticized her for being “too mean”, but I find her very entertaining and absolutely adorable. Be careful though, she isn’t afraid to tell you that your outfit doesn’t match.
9. Cherry
Catchphrase: "what-what"
Cherry may be gothic, but she's the absolute best.
What’s great about Cherry:
- She is one of the signature goth villagers.
- She matches so well! She’s cherry and Cherry!
Who doesn’t want a goth character in their town? But don’t let looks deceive you because Cherry is one of the best villagers you can get. She is “sisterly”, meaning that she looks out for you and is incredibly kind. She even offers you self-defense tips and gives you medicine if you get unlucky when shaking trees.
Cherry is so sweet and, in my opinion, aesthetically pleasing. Some players’ goal is to have as many goth characters as possible, and Cherry is one of the best. You always want someone in your town that is willing to give you free medicine for wasp-related mistakes, and you can consistently count on Cherry.
8. Static
Catchphrase: "krzzt"
Hand on the hip, baby.
What’s great about Static:
- That huge lightning bolt on his head? Perfect.
- He’s got a deep voice, and he loves to sing all over the town.
Static adheres to the cranky personality, so befriending him can be a bit of a task. But don’t worry because becoming friends with Static isn’t actually so hard. He loves music, so you constantly see him singing around the town with his deep voice, which adds to why he is such a lovely villager to have. Music follows him everywhere, it seems.
Static is one of my favorites because I have actually had him in all of the Animal Crossing games this far. I often forget that he has a cranky personality because of how frequently he sings in my town square. The lightning bolt on his head sets him apart from all other villagers in the game, and I think that that is a part of what makes him so special.
7. Jeremiah
Catchphrase: "nee-deep"
Weird guy, but a fun guy.
What’s great about Jeremiah:
- Named after the great song, I think it goes like, “Jeremiah was a blue frog,” right?
- He’s very playful and kind.
Jeremiah is one of the sweetest villagers you can get. All he wants to do is run around in circles and talk to the bugs that live in his house. He’s just a simple guy, who may talk to bugs more than people, but, I mean, whatever makes him happy.
I must say that putting Jeremiah on this list shows my bias because he is my absolute favorite villager. I have had him in all of the games so far, and I have always made it a point to get him and shower him in gifts and favors. That being said, this guy is odd and that is probably why I love him so much. He talks to the bugs in his house more than he talks to anyone else, and I laugh every time.
6. Fauna
Catchphrase: "dearie"
Fauna, a deer, a female dear.
What’s great about Fauna:
- She is obsessed with nature.
- You can find her up bright and early, wandering around the town.
Fauna is seriously one of the cutest and sweetest villagers out there. She has the “normal” personality, so she is easy to befriend and generally gets along with all your other villagers. Her hobby is nature, so you can find her at six in the morning, meandering around the town and taking in all the gorgeous scenery.
If you are lucky enough to have Fauna in your town, then you know just how amazing she is. She is absolutely adorable, and her personality only adds to how cute she is, especially when seeing that her signature catchphrase is “dearie”. She sounds like a grandmother, and I love that.
5. Flurry
Catchphrase: "powderpuff"
Get lost in the snow with her!
What’s great about Flurry:
- Her name references her white color.
- She loves to be outside!
Flurry is the perfect addition to your town, especially during the winter. She has the “normal” personality, so she is easy to get along with and loves to be outside. You can often find her lounging around the town with a book stuck between her nose, typically reading whatever nature book she can get her hands on.
Flurry has been ranked as one of the most popular villagers in the game. She is widely-loved and that is probably because of how sweet and kind she is. Having her in your town is a real treat!
4. Peanut
Catchphrase: "slacker"
Peanut is the cutest little peanut ever.
What’s great about Peanut:
- She is always there if you need a pick-me-up.
- So cute, her nickname would probably be peanut even if it wasn’t her name!
Peanut has the “peppy” personality, meaning that she is very upbeat and energetic at every given moment. Her dream is to become a pop sensation, and this is all she really seems to think about. Her catchphrase “slacker” is probably meant to be a mockery, seeing as she is anything but a slacker. She is up for anything and definitely is working hard on her pop career.
Peanut is amazing, plain and simple. She is very easy to get along with, and that is why it is always good to have a peppy villager in your town. Count on her to boost your mood immediately, especially since she gets over-excited to see you every time you visit her.
3. Apple
Catchphrase: "cheekers"
I just want to pinch her cheeks!
What’s great about Apple:
- Seriously, one of the cutest villagers ever.
- Any person who has her in their town knows that she is the apple of their eye.
Apple has the “peppy” personality, so she is always there for a pick-me-up whenever you need it. She gets along with everyone and gets genuinely excited anytime anyone pays attention to her. Check her out on the cover of K.K. Gumbo and sing some karaoke with her! It’s one of her favorite past times.
Look at those rosy cheeks! And that cute little front tooth! Apple is one of the cutest villagers out there, and she knows it. Who knows, maybe one day she will become the movie star that she has always dreamed of becoming.
2. Julian
Catchphrase: "glitter"
Julian is the real star, just look at him!
What’s great about Julian:
- He is the only unicorn in the game.
- Named after Julius Caesar, his birthday is even on the Ides of March!
Julian is the only unicorn in the entire game, which is why he is so high on this list. His appearance makes him seem more feminine, but his “smug” personality lets you see his masculine side. He isn’t afraid to hype himself up in the coolest of ways.
Julian is definitely one of the most special villagers in this game. His appearance is incredibly unique, and this is what sets him apart from everyone else. He is a treat to have and definitely brings an eccentric feeling to your town.
1. Merengue
Catchphrase: "shortcake"
Sweetest-looking villager ever.
What is great about Merengue:
- Her name alludes to her sweet appearance, just like the dessert meringue.
- She is extremely rare, so if you get her in your town then you are lucky.
Merengue is one of the rarest villagers in the game, and for good reason. She is such a treat to have in your town that not everyone is lucky enough to even come across her. She has the “normal” personality but still loves nature so she can typically be found meandering around the town.
Everything about her, from name to her catchphrase, has to with her cake-like appearance. She starts off the game with a chef’s outfit to complete the look. Her strawberry horn is the perfect addition to set her apart and solidify her into being the best villager on any Animal Crossing games.