With that said, It's hard to quantify what makes a card one of the best, so this list may differ from yours. But before we get started a few things should be noted this list will be designed with historic in mind, there are so many great blue cards from past sets it feels like a loss to limit it too standard. This will be based on a few things cost, efficiency, abilities, power/ toughness, and value generation will all factored in.
It should be noted that this is not an end-all beat-all list. With all of that said, Let's get into the meat and potatoes of this list, shall we?
50. Persistent Petitioners
- Great two drop
- One of the best brawl decks out there right now, Gadick, The Wizened, 23 islands the rest Persistent Petitioners, you'll either love me or hate me
- Tap four cards no extra mana cost, mill 12 is devastating
49. Pteramander
- A one drop with flying is nice
- Just playing the game will start to lower the cost of it becoming a five with flying
- The possibility of a 5/ 5 flying turn 4 is outstanding
48. Sphinx of Foresight
- Round one scry three is incredibly powerful allowing you stack the deck for either the creatures or land you need to play this card
- 4/ 4 flying is always welcome even at 4 drop
- Each upkeep an automatic scry allows you to always know what you next draw is and plan a head and stack the deck in your favor
47. Gadwick, The Wizened
- X card draw you choose how many you want to draw
- Tapping permanents whenever you cast a blue spell
- Great when combined with a few instants
46. Frogify
- Turns opponents creatures into frogs with no ability
- Turning a huge beastie into a frog feels so damn good
45. Brineborn Cutthroat
- 2/ 1 flash for 2
- Buffs anytime you cast a spell on your opponent's turn pretty awesome
- Plenty of flash and instants in blue get him big and slap them down
44. Drowned Secrets
- 2 cost continual mill
- Assume 2 mill every turn
43. Essence Capture
- Two cost counter creature pretty good
- +1/+1 on target creature you control
- TONS of value in this card
42. Fblthp, The Lost
- Card draw of one is ok, card draw for two much better
- Swing in with him either he doesn't get blocked but if he does, just bounce him back to your deck
- Fun and continual nuisance for your opponent
41. Kasmina’s Transmutation
- For 2 mana turns a big guy into a 1/ 1
- Ability loss for 2
- When combined with frogify that's a minimum of 8 times you get the chance to turn your opponent's cards into frogs
40. Metamorphic Alteration
- Copy a creature
- Two of your big things or one of your opponents cards
- For two drop
39. Negate
- No creatures for you
38. Arcane Adaption
- Three drop
- Great in tribal deck
- Makes any card make sense in a tribal deck
37. Cancel
- Three drop
- Coutah
- This card is part of the reason blue players are so hated
36. Flux Channeler
- Great effect for a three drop
- Proliferate is fun regardless of what color you're in
35. Jace, Cunning Castaway
- Three drop planeswalker before they were cool
- Planeswalker tokens hahaha
34. Psychic Corrosion
- Pretty good mill card
- consistent mill potential
- Great three drop
33. Thought Collapse
- mill is fun
- The best of both worlds counter and mill
32. Phantom Warrior
- Three drop unblockable
- 2/ 2 unblockable
- Buff him to make him huge and demand an answer
- Did I mention he's unblockable
31. Sage’ Row Denizen
- Consistent repetitive mill
- 2/ 3
- 3 mana repeat mill
30. Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
- One of my favorite Jace planeswalkers
- The I like to mill even if i’m milling myself card
29. Leyline of Anticipation
- Opening hand plays are fun
- EVERYTHING has flash
28. Precognition Field
- Knowledge is power
- An extra card to cast if its instant or sorcery
- Deck stacking
27. Sleep
- Pseudo removal
- Great four drop
- Allows you swing in with nearly no fear of retaliation
26. Patient Rebuilding
- Consistent Mill
- Pretty consistent Draw
25. Tezzeret, Artifice Master
- The +1 is token generation
- Card draw always fun
- The -9 is powerful as hell
24. Atemsis, All Seeing
- 4/ 5 flying
- Card draw
- Secondary win condition
23. Nezehal, Primal Tide
- Can't be countered
- No maximum hand size
- A pretty way keeping itself alive as well
22. Spell Pierce
- Great early game counter
- One drop potential counter
- Hilarious when it works late game
21. Mass Manipulation
- The x x cost can can be one
- 6 drop stealing of planeswalkers is fun
20. Omniscience
- If you have the mana and the high cost cards this card is great
- Just remember that for value you need to have more than 11 cost worth of cards other than this in your hand
- Great with cards that give you no maximum hand size such as Nezahal
19. Mirror Image
- Copycat
- Having multiple of your best card is always great
18. No Escape
- Scry is a powerful mechanic
- And Exile, an all-around great card for 3 drop
17. Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer
- Her -3 is strong
- +2 is pretty good, removing flying is nice
- Card draw is very good if she can get to 9
16. Narset, Parter of Veils
- Has the ability to single-handedly shut down some decks
- -2 allows you to get what you sooner than later
15. Waterknot
- Perma tap an opponent's big thing for three mana
- This 3 cost card can remove a threat any mana cost
- Great potential value
14. Sinister Sabotage
- Surveil is pretty strong, Scry is better but Sirveil is pretty good in its own right
13. Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor
- The target tax has the potential to make some decks useless
- Tokens
- Card draw
12. God-Eternal Kefnet
- An annoyingly recurring card that demands an answer
- The copy ability is strong as hell allowing to play a card for less than normal
- 4/ 5 flying for 4
11. Murmuring Mystic
- Great ground blocker at 1/ 5 for 4 it has some value
- Playing blue you should have plenty of instants and sorceries to make this a threat
- An army of small flyers is harder to deal with in most cases than 1 or 2 big ones
10. Spark Double
- Copy any creature or planeswalker but stronger
- Gets around the legendary token rule by removing that aspect
- Great effect for 4
9. Storm Sculptor
Why this is one of the best Blue Cards
3/ 2 unblockable
Bounce back one of your creatures to your hand choose either a flash card or something with a great entry or play effect
Pretty good for 4, played in many decks because of the unblockable aspect
8. Tamiyo’s Epiphany
- 4 cost scry 4
- Card draw is always fun
- With the cost of 4 this card is a value powerhouse
7. Omnispell Adept
- 5 cost drop may seem kind of step but coming in at 3/ 4 is pretty good
- The 3 tap effect can more than make up for the steep cost buy letting you play incredibly expensive cards for just 3 mana
6. Humongulus
- 2/ 5 hexproof for 5
- May not end the game self but may be able to protect your life points so you can end the game
5. Switcheroo
- No limit on cost power or toughness
- A potentially insane amount of value
- Here have my 1/ 1 all take that 7/ 7
4. Dream Eater
- FLASH 4/ 3
- Surveil 4
- Bounce their most dangerous card back to their hand
3. Jace, Ingenious Mind Mage
- Both of his +1 are incredibly good
- -9 can end games
- Swing in with everything and then untap everything potentially game-ending
2. Nexus of Fate
- An extra turn for 7
- Gets shuffled back into the deck not the graveyard
- Recurring extra turns, value is great here
1. Fleet Swallower
- 7 drop 6/ 6 demands an answer
- Mills a terrifying half of their deck and you round up
- And that is reoccurring on attack, this card ends matches by itself
Thank you for reading this article, I hope you had as much fun reading as I did deciding what cards to put on it. While you're here, why not check out these other articles from Gamersdecide.com: