[Top 25] MTG Arena Best Landfall Cards

MTG Arena Best Landfall Cards
02 Apr 2021

One of the most innovative mechanics of MTG is the Landfall. It gives you an incentive for simply playing a land on your turn. The benefits you can get from this ability can range from the generation of tokens to an end-of-turn pump for your creatures. Although this concept may be a really strong one, only a few cards that have this ability are played in the Arena. This is because most Standard- and Historic-legal landfall cards do not give you the bang for your buck. This list discusses all landfall cards that are available in the Arena so you can choose which ones to add to your decks.

25. Skyclave Squid

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What’s good about this card?

  • Not the ideal creature card to have on blue decks but it can be a decent blocker
  • Two mana for a 3/2 defender is a little too costly in terms of creature efficiency and since you still need a land drop for it to attack then this card is not really the most ideal card to have on your deck

24. Makindi Ox

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What’s good about this card?

  • Tapping creatures down can be a good crowd control effect
    • This may work in situations where you need to swing for lethal but there is a single creature getting in your way
    • Other than that, at 5-mana, you can just place a bigger creature or simply board clear to have a more beneficial card

23. Kazandu Nectarpot

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What’s good about this card?

  • An okay card to have if you want to get some life cushion against other decks
  • It gains you 1 life for every land drop which is not much and since it is a two-drop green card, there are a lot of other options in the two-mana slot which can easily help you win games

22. Canyon Jerboa

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What’s good about this card?

  • With it getting a +1/+1 pump every land drop, it may not be the most ideal card to have in your deck
    • Especially since this card is white, which in most cases mean that you will only need a few land drops to stabilize

21. Canopy Baloth

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What’s good about this card?

  • Just like most creatures in this list, a land drop means a +2/+2 pump for this creature
  • With its high mana cost, this card is not the ideal landfall creature but it can still be played
  • A 6/5 creature on turn 5 can still work out well in some cases but against aggressive decks, it will probably be too late to cast this card

20. Fearless Fledgling

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What’s good about this card?

  • An upgrade to Canyon Jerboa, this card also gets +1/+1 every land drop but it also gains flying
    • This can be a useful card if you need to deal damage in the air. However, there are a million and one different cards that do the same at a cheaper mana cost

19. Prowling Felidar

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What’s good about this card?

  • Another card where the ability does not match the mana cost
  • For 4 mana, you are basically getting a 2/3 creature with vigilance which does not usually get the landfall triggers since by turn 4, white decks are usually already stable 

18. Territorial Scythecat

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What’s good about this card?

  • A three-mana 2/1 creature with trample can help clear chump blockers so that your other creatures will have an empty board to attack    
  • Territorial Scythecat is not the most ideal creature for green cards especially since there are a lot of more powerful three-drops in green

17. Spitfire Lagac

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What’s good about this card?

  • This card has a decent ability but its very high mana cost discourages people from using it
    • When you think of a mono-red card you envision a cheap creature that can ping the opponent endlessly. However, this card is a four drop which is already too expensive for a card that simply pings the opponent for one damage
    • It is also not ideal since you will be running this on red decks and red decks tend to have the lowest land count out of all the decks in the Arena so it will be really difficult to get some triggers up

16. Sporemound

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What’s good about this card?

  • This token can generate tokens that can be useful if you have token-enablers in your deck
  • Since it has a pretty high mana-cost, Sporemound should be placed in decks specialized for tokens as it will greatly synergize with other cards there

15. Skyclave Geopede

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What’s good about this card?

  • A decent 3-drop that you can use to clear the path for your other creatures
    • It has trample so chump blocking will only do so much when you swing this creature for 5 
  • Multiple copies of Skyclave Geopede on board can seal the deal as blocking creatures with trample can really drain the resources out of your opponent

14. Dreadwurm

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What’s good about this card?

  • A decent card to deal damage or force chump blocks from the opponent
    • With a land drop giving Dreadwurm indestructibility, it can be used to pressure the opponent into blocking especially since it is a 5/4 creature
    • The downside of this card, however, is its high mana cost of 5 mana

13. Felidar Retreat

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What’s good about this card?

  • Great token generating machine that can also pump your creatures for lethal
  • One of the few decent cards that have a landfall mechanic, Felidar Retreat can be a win condition on its own
  • Placing this in a token generating deck can easily net you with huge amounts of damage per turn because of its ability to give counters

12. Valakut Exploration

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What’s good about this card?

  • A good way to earn card advantage if you are a red mage
    • Card advantage is a problem that red decks have but with Valakut Exploration, you get to peek at another card off the top of your library and cast it
    • Even if you don’t cast it, it can still benefit you as it will ping your opponent for one damage at your end step

11. Skyclave Pickaxe

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What’s good about this card?

  • Cheap equipment that you can run in your deck to deal extra damage per turn
  • If you have a creature on board, you can simply attach this card for free and you can start dealing damage
  • It can be a good turn 2 play as you can already equip it to your one-drop before your land drop for the turn to maximize the damage you can deal on an empty board

10. Kazandu Mammoth

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What’s good about this card?

  • A great card to have in green decks as you can use either side of the card in any situation
  • If you are having mana problems, you can use the Kazandu Valley side of this card to solve those problems
  • Other than that, it is a decent creature that can swing for 5 or more damage each turn

9. Akoum Hellhound

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What’s good about this card?

  • A great aggro creature that can set up for early pressure
  • Normally a 0/1 creature would not be able to amount to much but with the Landfall ability of Akoum Hellhound, it can bring in some damage if left unchecked

8. Brushfire Elemental

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What’s good about this card?

  • Early game aggression that can’t be easily stopped
  • Even if your opponent has creatures on the board, you can still deal damage with Brushfire Elemental as it cannot be chump blocked
  • The haste ability is also a great mechanic to start pressuring the opponent more easily

7. Moraug, Fury of Akoum

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What’s good about this card?

  • Extra turns can be the deciding factor if you are up against another creature-heavy deck
    • Getting an extra combat phase and having your creatures pumped for the next attack is always a good thing to have in any game
  • Having a single copy of this card is enough since it is an expensive creature in terms of mana cost and you don’t want to draw multiple copies of this

6. Skyclave Shade

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What’s good about this card?

  • Great aggro card for black decks as it has a high power that you can abuse
  • For only two-mana, you already have a 3/1 creature that you can keep on swinging since you can always get this card back from your graveyard
  • It can also be a mana sink as you can cast it for its Kicker cost to add two +1/+1 counters as it enters the battlefield

5. Lotus Cobra

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What’s good about this card?

  • Great ramp card to have especially in multi-colored decks
    • Since Lotus Cobra can give off any color of mana, it is an ideal ramp card for multi-colored decks
  • Getting this on the board before playing Fabled Passage can easily give you extra mana that you can use to cast more spells

4. Scute Swarm

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What’s good about this card?

  • One of the best token generators in the game that functions on landfall
    • It can create a 1/1 creature per turn but if you get to six lands, you will have multiple copies of Scute Swarm so your token production will be increased exponentially
  • This is a useful card to have as you can easily chump block your tokens then create more of them for the attack

3. Ruin Crab

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What’s good about this card?

  • Looks can be deceiving since this 0/3 creature can actually do a lot of damage
  • Before the opponent can even cast their spells, you can already destroy their game plan as Ruin Crab allows you to mill them for three with every land drop
  • This can also be a great blocker to fend off early aggression from the opponent

2. Nissa of Shadowed Boughs

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What’s good about this card?

  • One of the best landfall cards in the Arena
  • It works the same way as Nissa, Who Shakes the World but it has more benefits and can earn loyalty points through land drops
    • Since you can potentially gain two loyalty points per turn, activating its [-5] ability can be achieved easily, allowing you to cheat in creatures for free

1. Pylath, World Sculptor

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What’s good about this card?

  • Arguably the most OP landfall card that can generate a huge army of creatures in a single turn
  • Once it enters the battlefield, you will receive 0/1 tokens equal to the number of basic land cards you have
  • Aside from that, every landfall will give those tokens four +1/+1 counters so you can immediately swing for more than lethal the next turn

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