Did somebody say they liked Ravinca? It is time to talk about gates! During 2019 the Nicol Bolas arc that had been built up since kaladesh had come to a close. The battle was set in the citywide plane of Ravnica. Two sets were printed focusing on the ten guilds that formed up the color pairings of the game. These sets brought back the return of Guildgates. Players quickly took notice of the synergy the guilds had with cards in the set. Turns out certain cards love having as many guild gates out as you can get. And so, players began to brew. Their efforts amounted to the gate decks you see on this list, enjoy!
5) Gate Colossus Ramp
Is that shovel knight?
Due to the cards focusing all on a specific set you are going to be seeing many rebeats. The all star of the gates decks was an 8/8 artifact creature construct known as the Colossus. The deck is built to deploy gates and use the stacked fences you have placed to destroy and power up your spells. Things like gates ablaze that burns equal to the amount of gates you have are reasons why this meme became a meta consuming mything tier challenge.
What makes this deck fun?
- Prismatic deck
- Major gate ramp
- Plays big bombs fast
- The more gates you have the stronger it gets
- One of the top decks in standard while it was legal
How the deck is played
- Deploy your lands and gain access to your colors
- Deploy as many gates as you can
- This allows you to not only mana ramp but gate stack
- Search out as many gates as you can to stack them up high
- Exploit the fact you have ten gates on board and swing with the colossus for game
1 Banefire
3 Azorius Guildgate
2 Boros Guildgate
4 Izzet Guildgate
4 Selesnya Guildgate
4 Simic Guildgate
4 Gruul Guildgate
2 Open the Gates
6 Forest
4 Hydroid Krasis
2 Expansion // Explosion
4 Growth Spiral
4 Deafening Clarion
2 Gatebreaker Ram
4 Circuitous Route
4 Gate Colossus
4 Gates Ablaze
2 Ixalan Binding
4)Gates Control
Controlling gates is always lit
Every time a theme emerges in standard there is always a control player looking to stop the fun. Ravnica standard saw many gates opened but this deck told everyone to shut those gates, and slammed them closed again. This deck does ramp but not because it needs to cast spells, it is because no opponent should be allowed to cast spells during your game. Solitaire is a great game to play and that is exactly what control decks allow you to do. Play at risk of being labeled that one control player by everyone you face online.
What makes this deck fun?
- 27 lands
- Allows you and only you to have fun
- Burn anything that stands in your way
- Ramp with ease
- Plays every color but black because you don’t need to remove what can’t resolve
How this deck is played
- Deploy lands and hit those gates
- Spam out the gates
- Use the mana the gates provide to counter and burn everything
- Allow the gate stack you make to empower your spells to control your opponent
- Use your burn to set aflame the board and your opponent
4 Izzet Guildgate
4 Plaza of Harmony
4 Selesnya Guildgate
4 Simic Guildgate
1 Temple Garden
3 Azorius Guildgate
1 Breeding Pool
4 Gruul Guildgate
2 Forest
4 Gate Colossus
2 Knight of Autumn
4 Gatebreaker Ram
4 Hydroid Krasis
4 Circuitous Route
3 Deafening Clarion
4 Gates Ablaze
4 Growth Spiral
4 Guild Summit
3)Golos Gates
Golos feared not the zombies but the ban list that would alter his fate
Standard when m20 dropped marked a change in power level for MTG. Golos was one of the reasons bannings have become commonplace in standard magic. Golos allows you to exile the top three cards of your library and play them for free. Yes that effect is awesome, and yes, it costs a ton of mana. That is why the ramp gates provide, in addition to that, golos himself searches out lands. Nothing is more satisfying then throwing down primal calamity incarnate for free of an ability of a creature.
What makes this deck fun?
- Free cast spells
- Ramps way to fast for its own good
- Golos became 10% of every deck played in brawl for his effect
- Was one of the top decks in standard
- Allowed you to manipulate the top cards of your deck to let golos hit value
How this deck is played
- Deploy gates because basics are not needed
- Ramp hard and search out lands til you have 5 mana
- Play golos and hit your sixth land
- Search out and deploy lands til you have 8 mana
- Start free casting spells like crazy until you play your bombs and win
3 Gruul Guildgate
1 Verdant Sun's Avatar
1 Cavalier of Gales
4 Plaza of Harmony
4 Gateway Plaza
3 Simic Guildgate
1 Golgari Guildgate
1 Rakdos Guildgate
1 Orzhov Guildgate
2 Izzet Guildgate
1 Azorius Guildgate
1 Dimir Guildgate
1 Ilharg, the Raze-Boar
3 Selesnya Guildgate
1 Zetalpa, Primal Dawn
4 Guild Summit
4 Circuitous Route
1 Zacama, Primal Calamity
4 Gatebreaker Ram
3 Gate Colossus
4 Gates Ablaze
4 Growth Spiral
3 Archway Angel
4 Golos, Tireless Pilgrim
1 Ghalta, Primal Hunger
2)Historic Gate Mill combo
Combos brought to you by the insight of the Izzet Guild
This deck was built using the card pool of historic and abuses it. The last thing any problematic cards need, is a larger card pool to find more pieces to make the problems multiply. Mill is a strategy that is hard to fight against and extremely difficult to out pace. Watch your opponent's library just get dumped in their grave yard.
What makes this deck fun?
- Turn two win
- Plenty of removal
- Aggressive obnoxious ramp
- Three color deck
- Can reload your deck if you run out of cards
How this deck is played
- Deploy gates
- Ramp up with those gates to have mana
- Remember they cant counter your spells if they can't draw cards
- Mill them just load up that graveyard
- Oh are you running out of cards, use clear the mind to reload your mill and mill them down to nothing
4 Cast Down
2 Golgari Guildgate
3 Gateway Plaza
4 Dimir Guildgate
4 Orzhov Guildgate
4 Azorius Guildgate
2 Clear the Mind
3 Growth Spiral
4 Vraska's Contempt
3 Shimmer of Possibility
1 Cry of the Carnarium
4 Revitalize
1 Scapeshift
3 Selesnya Guildgate
3 Psychic Corrosion
4 Simic Guildgate
2 Kaya's Wrath
2 Cleansing Nova
4 Guild Summit
4 Assassin's Trophy
1)Teferi Gates
The master of time walks through many gates
Before the war of the spark, Dominaria was introduced to the plane of Ravnica. Teferi the Hero of Dominara was used to make a controlling, ramping, gate focused deck that allowed the power of all five colors to be the dominating force in standard for a long time. Teferi still has caused a ruckus since he rotated out and we fear he will return to give extra turns. You all know how this goes but Teferi gets number one because gates during Dominara standard were overpowered and more than 10% of what was actually played.
What makes this deck fun?
- Uses powerful cards from dominaria
- Teferi is valuable
- Great ramp
- Excellent mana fixing
- Curves out so nice
How this deck is played
- One last time deploy those gates
- Ramp like you are about to dominate standard
- Exploit the numerous gates with the gate buffed spells
- Play teferi just in case your opponent tries to resist progress
- Kill them with Gates ablaze or the colossus whatever makes you happy
4 Guild Summit (GRN) 41
4 Negate (RIX) 44
4 Archway Angel (RNA) 3
4 Gates Ablaze (RNA) 102
4 Plaza of Harmony (RNA) 254
4 Izzet Guildgate (GRN) 251
4 Azorius Guildgate (RNA) 243
4 Boros Guildgate (GRN) 243
4 Entrancing Melody (XLN) 55
2 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria (DAR) 207
2 Shimmer of Possibility (RNA) 51
1 Blink of an Eye (DAR) 46
1 Settle the Wreckage (XLN) 34
1 Hallowed Fountain (RNA) 251
4 Dimir Guildgate (GRN) 245
1 Kaya's Wrath (RNA) 187
4 Orzhov Guildgate (RNA) 252
1 Spell Pierce (XLN) 81
1 Search for Azcanta (XLN) 74
1 The Eldest Reborn (DAR) 90
1 Cry of the Carnarium (RNA) 70
1 Deafening Clarion (GRN) 165
1 Hostage Taker (XLN) 223
1 In Bolas's Clutches (DAR) 54
1 Island (RIX) 193
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