Hello all you fans of the Pokemon Trading Card Game and casual readers. Playing the Pokemon Trading Card game requires you to have a custom deck of 60 cards. Some professional players spend weeks or months agonizing over the best combination of cards to take them to victory. However, if you’re a younger trainer, you might not have great cards that work together or even a firm grasp on the rules. This is where theme decks come in.
Theme decks are cheap and provide you with a solid basis for the rules. Many starter decks include at least one powerful Basic card, a good Stage 1 line, and a powerful but slow Stage 2 line. It’s true that very few of these decks are super competitive, but there are a lot of benefits to starting off with one. Today we’ll be looking at which of the dark theme decks are best for all you dark type trainers out there. However, might I suggest one of the other articles linked at the bottom of this page if you’re looking for more intense competition.
For this list we will only be considering the theme decks that are available in the Pokemon TCG Online shop. This includes all the decks released between the Heartgold & Soulsilver and Vivid Voltage expansions. In addition, a deck must have at least three different dark type Pokemon to count as a dark theme deck. With that said, let’s get into the list.
5. Shadows
Shadows Theme Deck
This deck features dark and water type Pokemon. It also features an unusual count of the main basic Pokemon. It’s rare for theme decks to play more than three of the same basic Pokemon, but this deck plays four Zorua.
- This deck includes the powerful water type Empoleon. This stage 2 Pokemon has 140 HP and the Diving Draw ability. This is a great recurring ability that allows you to discard a card from your hand and draw two from your deck. Its attack is also really good as it allows you to deal 10 damage for each Pokemon in play and only costs one energy. Unfortunately, there’s only one of these in your deck, so it’s best to keep this on your bench until you need it.
- And, for the dark Pokemon in this deck, we’ve got Zoroark. This stage 1 Pokemon has two powerful attacks. The first one, Brutal Bash, deals 20 damage for each of your dark Pokemon you have in play. The second one, Dark Rush, deals 20 damage for each damage on the Zoroark. You get two of these in the deck, so make sure to use them wisely.
Here is the deck list:
Pokémon - 30
- 2 Eevee DEX 83
- 2 Lillipup DEX 86
- 2 Vullaby DEX 73
- 4 Zorua DEX 69
- 2 Zoroark DEX 71
- 2 Ducklett DEX 35
- 3 Piplup DEX 27
- 3 Slowpoke DEX 23
- 2 Tympole DEX 31
- 1 Glaceon DEX 30
- 1 Palpitoad DEX 32
- 2 Prinplup DEX 28
- 2 Slowbro DEX 24
- 1 Swanna DEX 36
- 1 Empoleon DEX 29
Trainer Cards - 12
- 2 Cheren DEX 91
- 2 Full Heal BLW 95
- 2 Pokémon Communication BLW 99
- 2 Energy Retrieval BLW 92
- 2 Cilan NXD 86
- 2 Energy Search BLW 93
Energy - 18
- 12 Water Energy BLW
- 6 Darkness Energy BLW
4. Destruction Rush
Destruction Rush Theme Deck
This deck features multiple powerful dark types and also some good fighting types.
- The featured card of this deck is Yveltal. This Basic Pokemon has 130 HP and the Oblivion Wing attack. This attack only costs one energy and does 30 damage. It also attaches an energy from your discard pile to one of your benched Pokemon. This is a great attack for later in the game to get some of your energy back into play.
- While you are waiting for Yveltal to become useful you have two main options for attackers. First is Krookodile. This Stage 2 Pokemon has 140 HP and the Bother attack which, for three energy, does 50 damage and can prevent your opponent from playing supporters next turn. This can be incredibly useful if you manage to set up before your opponent.
- Second is Malamar. This Stage 1 Pokemon has 100 HP and its main attack is Mental Panic. This attack costs one energy and deals 20 damage with the added bonus that your opponent must flip a coin the next time they attack. If they flip tails, the attack does nothing. That’s a 50/50 chance to completely shut down your opponent.
- This deck features the trainer cards Max Revive and Shadow Circle. These trainers regain a Pokemon from your discard and get rid of your dark Pokemons’ weakness respectively. These cards are fairly unique for theme decks of the time.
Here is the deck list:
Pokémon - 30
- 2 Dunsparce XY 101
- 2 Lillipup XY 108
- 2 Taillow XY 102
- 2 Herdier XY 109
- 2 Inkay XY 75
- 3 Sandile XY 69
- 2 Yveltal XY 78
- 2 Zorua XY 72
- 2 Krokorok XY 70
- 1 Malamar XY 77
- 1 Krookodile XY 71
- 2 Diglett XY 58
- 2 Rhyhorn XY 60
- 2 Timburr XY 65
- 1 Dugtrio XY 59
- 2 Gurdurr XY 66
Trainer Cards - 12
- 2 Tierno KSS 39
- 1 Evosoda XY 116
- 1 Poké Ball KSS 35
- 2 Potion KSS 37
- 1 Max Revive XY 120
- 2 Professor's Letter XY 123
- 1 Roller Skates XY 125
- 1 Shadow Circle XY 126
- 1 Shauna XY 127
Energy - 18
- 12 Darkness Energy XY
- 6 Fighting Energy XY
3. Dark Hammer
Dark Hammer Theme Deck
This deck also combines dark types with fighting types to dish out multiple crushing attacks.
- The featured card and namesake of this deck is Pangoro with the Hammer Arm attack. This Stage 1 Pokemon has 120 HP and it’s Hammer Arm attack costs three energy. Once set up, it dishes out 80 damage and discards the top card of your opponent’s deck.
- This theme deck also employs one copy of Machamp. This powerful Stage 2 has the Fighting Fury ability, allowing your fighting Pokemon to dish out 20 more damage with each attack. In addition, the Machamp Crush attack deals 80 damage for three energy and reduces damage done back to Machamp by 40. This move combined with Machamp’s 150 HP can let Machamp sweep through an opponent’s entire deck.
- This deck includes two Professor Sycamore cards. Professor Sycamore is an incredibly good supporter card that discards your hand and draws seven more cards. This is incredibly useful, especially in theme decks.
- Korrina and Evosoda will both allow you to search your deck for your Pokemon. Korrina can get a fighting Pokemon and an item, while Evosoda just evolves one of your Pokemon in play.
Here is the deck list:
Pokémon - 30
- 2 Lickitung FFI 78
- 2 Lickilicky FFI 79
- 2 Scraggy FFI 66
- 2 Pangoro FFI 68
- 2 Scrafty FFI 67
- 2 Hitmonlee FFI 47
- 1 Landorus FFI 58
- 3 Machop FFI 44
- 2 Makuhita FFI 51
- 2 Mienfoo FFI 56
- 4 Pancham FFI 59
- 1 Hariyama FFI 52
- 2 Machoke FFI 45
- 2 Mienshao FFI 57
- 1 Machamp FFI 46
Trainer Cards - 12
- 2 Energy Switch FFI 89
- 1 Evosoda XY 116
- 2 Korrina FFI 95
- 1 Pokémon Center Lady FLF 93
- 2 Professor's Letter XY 123
- 2 Professor Sycamore XY 122
- 2 Roller Skates XY 125
Energy - 18
- 12 Fighting Energy XY
- 6 Darkness Energy XY
2. Raiders
Raiders Theme Deck
Most theme decks are outshined by the newer ones that come out due to the general increase in card strength. However, Raiders has managed to climb the list by supporting some powerful and unique cards.
- Krookodile is a Stage 2 with 150 HP. It’s Dark Clamp attack for three energy deals 60 damage and prevents your opponent from retreating. Not many theme decks play switch cards so this can effectively lock your opponent in place. For four energy, the Bombast attack deals 40 damage for each prize card you have taken. This can hit incredibly high numbers late in the game.
- Next is Scrafty, a Stage 1 with 100 HP. For three energy, its Crushing Blow (literally the name of the attack) deals 70 damage and discards an energy from your opponent’s Pokemon if you flip heads.
- This deck features four different tool cards. Eviolite reduces damage done to Basics by 20. Dark Claw increases damage done by dark Pokemon by 20. Rock Helmet deals 20 damage back when you’re attacked. And Exp. Share allows you to keep energy from your KO’d Pokemon. These tool cards give this deck a very versatile arsenal.
Here is the deck list:
Pokémon - 30
- 1 Chansey DEX 81
- 2 Chatot DEX 85
- 4 Eevee DEX 84
- 3 Sableye DEX 62
- 3 Sandile DEX 64
- 2 Scraggy DEX 67
- 2 Krokorok DEX 65
- 1 Scrafty DEX 68
- 2 Umbreon DEX 61
- 1 Krookodile DEX 66
- 2 Woobat DEX 50
- 4 Yamask DEX 51
- 2 Cofagrigus DEX 52
- 1 Espeon DEX 48
Trainer Cards - 12
- 2 Cheren DEX 91
- 2 Dark Claw DEX 92
- 1 Professor Juniper DEX 98
- 2 Pokémon Communication BLW 99
- 1 Rocky Helmet NVI 94
- 1 Exp. Share NXD 87
- 1 Eviolite NVI 91
- 2 Energy Search BLW 93
Energy - 18
- 12 Darkness Energy BLW
- 6 Psychic Energy BLW
1. Destruction Fang
Destruction Fang Theme Deck
This is the most recent dark theme deck and as such includes the best cards.
- The first thing you’ll want to do with this deck is power up your Hydreigons. This Stage 2 is your powerful heavy hitter. It’s ability, Weed Out, allows you to discard all but three of your opponent’s benched Pokemon each turn. This gets rid of powerful assets on your opponent’s board. Then its attack, Dark Destruction, deals 120 damage for three energy. You can also force your opponent to discard one of their energy by discarding one of your own.
- Bewear is a fierce Stage 1 with 130 HP. Its ability allows you to draw three cards when you evolve it and its attack is super effective against Basic Pokemon, dealing 120 damage for three energy.
- Oranguru is a Basic Pokemon with a crazy good ability. It even saw use in the META for a time. Instruct allows you to draw cards until you have three in your hand.
Here is the deck list:
Pokémon - 23
- 1 Oranguru SUM 113
- 2 Bewear GRI 113
- 3 Deino CIN 60
- 3 Houndour CIN 58
- 2 Houndoom CIN 59
- 2 Zweilous CIN 61
- 2 Hydreigon CIN 62
- 3 Stufful CIN 55
- 2 Mawile CIN 64
- 2 Salandit CIN 46
- 1 Salazzle CIN 47
Trainer Cards - 17
- 1 Energy Retrieval SUM 116
- 1 Escape Rope BUS 114
- 1 Exp. Share SUM 118
- 1 Great Ball SUM 119
- 3 Hau SUM 120
- 2 Nest Ball SUM 123
- 2 Professor Kukui SUM 128
- 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
- 1 Sophocles BUS 123
- 1 Switch SUM 132
- 2 Timer Ball SUM 134
- 1 Wishful Baton BUS 128
Energy - 20
- 12 Darkness Energy SM
- 8 Psychic Energy SM
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