1. He used to play Warcraft 3 and tried to play competitively with friends.
2. His older brother was the one who got him to play League of Legends.
3. During his first season of playing League, he placed Silver on the NA servers.
4. He was ranked 2nd on the Korean Ladder in season 2 and got offers from NaJin and StarTale because of it.
5. His IGNs on the Korean server were “Troll Kim” and “Afterglow Hill.”
6. Part of the reason he went Pro was because he failed every single class in college except for one. He actually didn’t even think highly of Pro-Gamers.
7. He only planned to play professionally for one year but is currently on his 6th.
8. Pray debuted on Najin Sword in season 2 where they got 3rd place after losing to CLG.EU in the semi-finals.
9. He was known for being such a bad Draven player that fans called him “Prayven.”
10. On the opposite side, he is nicknamed by Chinese fans as the “King of Twitch.”
11. He won the first All-Star bot lane with Madlife in season 3.
12. He is the only one who has won LCK on three teams: Najin Black Sword, ROX Tigers, and Longzhu Gaming.
13. However, he was knocked out of Worlds by the World Championship each time: TPA, SKT, Samsung.
14. PraY has been branded with the “King-Maker” curse - whoever knocks him out of an international tournament wins it all.
15. Used to be considered washed up in comparison to the likes of Imp, Deft, etc.
16. During the infamous Korean Exodus, his parents urged him to go to China too, but he ultimately wanted to stay in Korea.
17. After falling into a slump and taking a break, his desire to avoid mandatory military service was one of the main reasons he decided to come back into pro-play.
18. Reunited with his ex-support Ssong on KOO Tigers - this time Ssong was his coach.
19. Since 2015, he has placed worse and worse in each Worlds: Finals in 2015, Semi-Finals in 2016, and Quarters in 2017.
20. He didn’t believe that KOO Tigers was a strong team and thought that it was a miracle that they beat KT Rolster and made Worlds that year.
21. He and KOO Tigers practiced in PC bangs for Worlds because they lost sponsorship.
22. He loved the ROX Tigers roster so much that he considers leaving the team one of his biggest regrets.
23. He was voted into All-Stars three times with Madlife in 2013, 2015, and 2016.
24. After leaving ROX Tigers, PraY reunited with his ex-teammates Peanut and GorillA in his new team: Kingzone DragonX
25. PraY went 6-0 in Summer of 2017 on Kalista
26. He has held Rank #1 on the Korean ladder for a large majority of Season 7
27. He and GorillA are k. Known amongst his teammates to have a very intimate bromance, as quoted by Bdd.
28. PraY has earned approximately $368,920.98 in tournament winnings - making him the 198th highest earning pro-gamers based on prizes only.
29. In June 2018 PraY hit a milestone of 1,500 kills. He's the 3rd player to do this, after Uzi and Faker, respectively.
30. His most played Champion in 2018 is Ezreal (23 games out of 63 games).
31. Fans think he looks like a Dodoria, a Frieza force member from the anime, Dragon Ball Z.
32. He has a dream of being able to speak English fluently, stating that he'd consider moving to NA if he were to leave Korea.
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