![[Top 15] LOL Best Mid Laners That Are Powerful Best Mid Lane Champions](/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_image_600xauto/public/2022-07/mid_laners.jpg.webp?itok=elJuhaDQ)
Are you one of those Mid or feed people? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Here we’ve saved you from the hefty process of choosing the right champion to go mid with. These are the best mid-lane champions that you can easily carry with.
15. Talon
Talon Montage - ONE SHOT
Talon is an AD assassin mid-laner with strong roaming potential. Talon is not seen very often in solo que but remains to be a viable pick, especially against squishy champions. Once you get fed with Talon it is very easy to snowball the game but you must know what you’re doing instead of chasing after kills.
With that being said, a fed Talon can also win by deleting enemies off the map again and again till they have had enough!
Here is why we think Talon is a powerful mid laner
- Simple abilities, no difficult skill shot.
- He can jump over any wall in the game with his E.
- Talon causes AOE damage with his W and R which helps in team fights.
- His level 2 all-in is really strong and has high kill potential.
- Good wave clear.
Talon destroys these champions
- Kassadin
- Kayle
- Veigar
- Karthus
- Xerath
Talon struggles against these champions
- Irelia
- Pantheon
- Renekton
- Malphite
- Leblanc
14. Galio
Galio Montage - BEST PLAYS
Galio is any AP mid-laner’s nightmare. He is usually picked as a counter-pick to mages because he passively gains a magic resistance shield and also scales on magic resistance. Galio is a team fighter. He has a global range R which teleports him to his ally, gives them a shield and knocks back enemies. The rest of his abilities are AOE and he also has a taunt.
Galio is very strong in team fights with his AOE taunt and damage. He also has a ton of crowd control. Here is why we think he is a strong mid-laner.
- Counters most mages.
- Very strong in team fights.
- Strong late game.
- Can land in a team fight with his R.
- AOE taunt.
- Tanky champion that scales well.
Galio crushes these champions
- Akali
- Annie
- Zilean
- Xerath
- Lux
Galio is weak against these champions
- Irelia
- Lucian
- Zed
- Akshan
- Yone
13. Lux
Yozu Lux Montage - One Shot Lux Main 2022
Lux is a high burst damage AP mid laner. She excels at chunking enemies for a lot of damage and one-shotting the squishies. Lux is predominantly a mid-laner but also played as support. She has crowd control built-in her kit and a powerful shield as well. Moreover, her shield can be applied to multiple allies. She has a long-range ultimate which can also be used to steal Baron and dragons.
Lux mainly builds flat AP and ability haste because these stats help her the most. Lux is fairly squishy and assassins love to target her so you might wanna build into a Zhonya’s.
We think Lux is strong because
- Her Q is a snare.
- Very high AP damage.
- Scales well into the late game.
- Long-range ultimate with huge burst damage.
- High AOE damage.
- Strong team fighter.
Lux is very good against these champions
- Malphite
- Twisted Fate
- Lissandra
- Brand
- Cho’Gath
Lux is weak against these champions
- Zed
- Talon
- Tryndamere
- Yasuo
- Fizz
12. Qiyana
Qiyana001 Montage - Best Qiyana Plays S12
Qiyana is mainly played in the mid-lane. She has a unique kit as she can gather 3 elements to enhance her abilities. She can gather brush, river and terrain with her W. The elements enhance her auto-attacks as well as her Q.
Qiyana has high mobility and burst damage. To play her well requires you to maximize your damage by her ability resets and passive auto-attack damage resets. If played correctly, she can take out squishies very easily and take a huge chunk out of others.
Qiyana has a fairly complicated kit and it requires some practice to play her well. But once mastered, she is a very viable assassin.
Here is why we think she is a powerful mid laner
- High burst damage.
- High mobility.
- She has a snare as well as stealth in her kit.
- Her abilities deal high AOE damage.
- Strong in team fights.
Qiyana overpowers these champions
- Kassadin
- Veigar
- Ryze
- Viktor
- Vladmir
Qiyana struggles against these champions
- Garen
- Diana
- Yasuo
- Tryndamere
- Anivia
11. Sylas
Sylas is an AP duelist played mostly in the mid-lane. Sylas has the most busted ultimate in the game considering that he steals the ultimate of his opponents. Yes, that’s his ultimate ability.
Sylas’s kit is fairly simple yet strong. He has a few skillshots and a point-click heal as well. As Sylas, your opponents will underestimate your healing and duel potential. Even when at low health, Sylas can heal a lot with his W. His abilities empower his auto attacks causing a lot of damage.
As Sylas, the trick lies in knowing which ultimate will be best for a team fight in the late game. Some ultimates are pretty useless and some are very effective.
Here is why Sylas is so strong
- High consistent AP damage.
- Conquers team fights by stealing ultimates.
- He can heal a lot with W and conqueror.
- He can stick to opponents with his E.
- He has high snowball potential.
- Good split-pusher.
Sylas dominates these champions
- Ekko
- Zilean
- Lux
- Twisted Fate
- Kayle
Sylas struggles against these champions
- Anivia
- Irelia
- Tristana
- Lucian
- Yasuo
10. Yone
Yone is the brother of Yasuo and is also an AD mid-laner that scales on attack speed. His gameplay is much similar to that of Yasuo with a few key differences. Yone’s ability to dash in and out of combat makes him very unique. He gets a 100% critical strike chance fairly soon making his damage output very strong.
Although a flashy champion with cool effects and abilities, it is fairly easy to feed as Yone just like it is with Yasuo. A good Yone knows when to dash in and how to use his abilities to juke the enemy abilities.
Here is why Yone is a strong pick
- Scales off of attack speed.
- He gets double the critical strike chance.
- Good wave clear.
- His E is similar to a Zed ultimate.
- His E allows him to dash in and out of combat safely.
- He has high AOE consistent damage output.
Yone is strongest against
- Aurelion Sol
- Karthus
- Corki
- Xerath
- Vel’koz
Yone is weakest against
- Ahri
- Renekton
- Irelia
- Gangplank
- Zed
9. Vex
Vex Montage - ONE SHOT
Vex is a dark, AP mage mid laner excelling at targeting enemies from afar and not allowing enemies to engage with you. She has a fair amount of crowd control built-in her kit and can apply it with all abilities owing to her passive.
Vex is a fairly simple champion with high snowball potential and high mobility because of her ultimate. She is quite squishy though so you have to play safe. The good this is that she can interrupt dashes with W which also gives her a shield.
Vex is strong because
- Decent wave clear.
- Fear that can be applied with Q W or E.
- Long-range abilities.
- High burst damage.
- Long-range ultimate that resets with kills.
Vex excels against these champions
- Yone
- Yasuo
- Akali
- Sylas
- Azir
Vex struggles against these champions
- Annie
- Fizz
- Lissandra
- Qiyana
- Zed
8. Syndra
Syndra Montage - ONE SHOT
Syndra is one of the strongest mages in League of Legends. She has a fairly simple kit which revolves around her dark spheres. She can make spheres with her Q that deal AOE damage. Then she can toss them around causing more damage, slowing enemies and can also stun them. Her ultimate launches 3 plus all the spheres lying on the ground at the enemy causing super high damage.
Syndra is a squishy champion though and also lacks mobility making her the favourite target of assassins. To play her well, one must be good at positioning and landing her skillshots correctly.
Here is why Syndra is so strong
- High AOE damage.
- High single target damage with ultimate.
- AOE stun and knock back.
- She can slow enemies with her W.
- Fantastic wave-clear.
- Long range poke for laning phase.
Syndra is best against these champions
- Twisted Fate
- Ryze
- Heimerdinger
- Aurelion Sol
- Veigar
Syndra struggles against these champions
- Fizz
- Ekko
- Yasuo
- Zed
- Diana
7. Vladmir
Vladmir is an AP battlemage played in the mid as well as top lanes. Vladmir gains heal bonus health on ability power and bonus ability power based on health as his passive. These do not stack with each other.
Vladmir has a lot of sustain with his Q and his W makes him untargetable. He has a lot of AOE damage and does well in teamfights. His ultimate can also target multiple enemies and steal health from them.
Vladmir is a late game scaling champion. In the early game, he can be tough to play for new players because his damage is less early on. He relies on power farming in the early game and his sustain allows him to stay in the lane very easily.
Once in the late game, he has huge burst damage and team fight potential.
Here is why Vladmir is a powerful mid laner
- Great sustain with Q.
- Late game carry.
- W gives him a great escape tool.
- Very good at engaging and winning teamfights.
- High AOE burst damage.
- Scales well building AP items.
Vladmir is good against these champions
- Katarina
- Zoe
- Teemo
- Karthus
- Neeko
Vladmir struggles against these champions
- Leblanc
- Kassadin
- Azir
- Yasuo
- Tryndamere
6. Annie
Annie Montage - ONE SHOT
Annie is a powerful mid-lane/support yordle that deals high amounts of burst damage. After casting 4 abilities, her next ability gains a stun. She can farm easily with her Q which returns the mana on killing minions and lowers the cooldown too.
Annie has high burst AOE damage that is super useful in teamfights. She can also target stun the whole enemy team using her ultimate with her passive. Her ultimate also spawns Tibbers who deals magic damage and auto-attacks. Tibbers can also be controlled by the player.
Annie is easy to learn and fun to play and has a low ban rate. She does lack mobility and wave clear though. It gets difficult to play her in higher elo.
Here is why we think Annie is strong
- There aren’t many counter match ups to Annie.
- High burst AOE damage.
- Strong in all phases of the game.
- She can set up ganks easily with her stun.
- She can flash stun the enemy for a surprise kill.
- Simple and fun to play.
Annie is good against these champions
- Aurelion Sol
- Yasuo
- Yone
- Ahri
- Malzahar
Annie is weak against these champions
- Galio
- Kassadin
- Rumble
- Syndra
- Zed
5. Cassiopeia
Cassiopeia Montage - BEST PLAYS S12
Cassiopeia is a strong snake that we see very often in professional play. This is because Cassiopeia has very strong consistent damage output. She can shred her opponents with her Q and E combo. Q poisons the enemy and E is a point and click projectile that deals bonus damage to poisoned enemies. Her E has a 0.75 second cool down.
Cassiopeia is also unique because she cannot buy boots. Her passive and her abilities grant her movement speed. She can stun enemies with her ultimate and ground enemies with her W.
Cassiopeia scales extremely well in the late game and relies on power farming in the early game. Once you buy a few items, you can shred even the tankiest enemies. All you have to do is keep the poison on and spam E.
Cassiopeia doesn’t have any dashes so taking ghost and flash with her is not a bad option. Conqueror gives her additional damage and healing as well. Cassiopeia is also quite squishy and can be tough to play for new players.
Here is why she is great
- She can buy 6 items because she can’t buy boots.
- She has high DPS and strong late game carrying potential.
- She can split-push as well as teamfight.
- He has good outplay potential.
- She scales really well into the late game.
Cassiopeia is best against
- Twisted Fate
- Vladmir
- Aurelion Sol
- Galio
- Diana
Cassiopeia is bad against
- Yasuo
- Anivia
- Qiyana
- Xerath
- Vel’Koz
4. Vel’Koz
Vel'koz Montage - ONE SHOT
Vel’Koz is an AP mid laner who relies on a lot of skillshots to win. Vel’koz has high AOE damage and strong poke. He lacks mobility and is very easy to kill for assassins.
Vel’Koz requires skill to play. If you cannot hit skillshots, you’re probably better off playing another champions. He also requires a lot of practice to play but if executed well, he is a very strong carrying champion.
Here is why we think Vel’Koz is awesome
- Good waveclear
- High burst damage with combo.
- He can melt multiple enemies.
- Low cooldowns.
- Long range on his abilities.
- He can destroy tanks since his passive deals true damage.
Vel’Koz is a strong pick against
- Karthus
- Veigar
- Neeko
- Irelia
- Brand
Vel’Koz struggles against
- Zed
- Fizz
- Yasuo
- Kassadin
- Leblanc
3. Xerath
Xerath is a long range mage that can destroy his enemies from far away. Xerath is the best example of heavy artillery in the game. He can poke enemies back to base before even the fight starts. He has crowd control in his kit and a lot of burst damage.
Xerath’s ultimate can blast enemies from a very long range. When in the laning phase, he can be extremely annoying to play against. His passive gives him enough mana so that he can keep poking his enemy.
Xerath like most heavy AP mages, lacks mobility and crowd control is his enemy. He is also a very juicy target for assassins so you will have to watch out for that. Xerath also heavily relies on skillshots.
Here is why Xerath is so strong
- Strong laning phase.
- Good early and late game damage.
- E is a projectile that stuns.
- His E W Q combo deals a lot of burst damage.
- He can harass enemies under turret.
- His ultimate can shoot across half of the map.
- Good in teamfights.
Xerath is strong against these champions
- Syndra
- Ahri
- Lux
- Ekko
- Brand
Xerath struggles against these champions
- Zed
- Talon
- Fizz
- Yasuo
- Katarina
2. Katarina
Katarina Montage - CLEAN
One of the biggest nightmares of low elo players is playing against a high elo Katarina smurf. Katarina is one of the strongest snowballers in the game. She plays with knives, dashes in and out of combat, causes huge AOE damage and can dominate teamfights.
Kills decreases the cooldown of all of her abilities which means that she can repeat her combos from enemy to enemy. In the laning phase she relies on her Q to poke the enemy and occasionally jumps in and out of combat dealing high amounts of damage.
Katarina, although such a lethal champion, is not that easy to master. She is quite susceptible to crowd control. Her combos require a fair bit of practice but if you want to climb, it is worth investing time to learn her.
Here is why Katarina is so strong
- Mana-less champion
- Kills reset cooldowns.
- High AOE damage.
- Good late game scaling.
- High burst damage.
- Very high mobility.
- Good ganking and snowballing potential.
Katarina is strong against
- Brand
- Veigar
- Twisted Fate
- Swain
- Morgana
Katarina is weak against
- Annie
- Irelia
- Renekton
- Yasuo
- Zed
1. Tryndamere
How to ABUSE Tryndamere Mid like PROS
Yes, you read that right. Tryndamere mid. Although predominantly a top laner, we have seen in Worlds 2021 how Tryndamere was picked for mid as well.
There are a variety of ways to play Tryndamere mid. You can take Lethal tempo and go for late game carry or you can take runes like Hail of Blades combined with lethality to cheese squishy mid-laners. Your main job should be to assist your jungler in getting a lead on the enemy jungler.
Lethality Tryndamere will mostly work in low elo games. Usually you want to get as fed as possible and split push as Tryndamere. Being in the mid lane allows you to make a much stronger impact on the game than top.
Here is why we think Tryndamere is so strong
- His ultimate allows him to live for 5 seconds at 1 hp.
- Very good base attack damage.
- High mobility.
- Good dueling potential.
- Strong late game damage.
- Strong split-pushing potential.
Tryndamere mid works good against
- Renekton
- Talon
- Zed
- Yasuo
- Sylas
Tryndamere struggles against
- Akali
- Leblanc
- Ahri
- Teemo
- Quinn
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