In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, the Spider-Men’s abilities allow them to traverse the fictional version of New York faster, handle bad guys quicker, and look cool while doing so. For Miles, his abilities are tied to his electricity-based powers, and his skill tree, which unlocks his abilities, gives him 17 singular powers to choose from, including power-ups of previously unlocked powers. Out of those powers, here are the Top 5 powers to give Miles Morales in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
1. Web Wings
Wings built into the suit to help Miles travel
The first is one the game gives you. Web Wings make it much easier to travel in this sequel than it was in 2018’s Spider-Man, particularly when you can’t swing very easily. By pressing the Triangle button while up in the air, both Spider-Men can take flight. The X and Y Axis can be inverted in the Accessibility settings to make it easier to use, and if you can travel through New York using the web wings without touching the ground, following the air vents that allow a speed boost through the city as you go, you get an achievement for your efforts.
2. Venom Dash
Both a traversal and combat ability that helps Miles move around faster using his Venom powers
Another ability that helps with traversal, but also in combat, is the Venom Dash ability. In combat, it makes Miles harder to hit while getting him closer to enemies to be able to defeat them. Enemies do run in this game, so it’s important to be able to make it harder for them to avoid you. Outside of combat, if you press the Venom Dash maneuver (L1 + Triangle) it’ll get you around the map quicker than both web-slinging and the Web Wings. It is also the first ability you get on Miles’s skill tree.
3. Chain Lightning: Power Overwhelming
Using his Venom Powers, chain lightning helps Miles hit multiple enemies at once.
Miles’ Chain Lightning ability mimics the electricity gadget that Peter gets in the first game, this time coming naturally to Miles. As an Offense-First player who dislikes when enemies sneak up behind me, the ability to strike enemies from a distance while stunning them until I could get across to knock them out was especially important. The Power Overwhelming ability is unlocked later in the game and doubles the number of stunning bolts you can send in your attack from three to six, however, the Chain Lightning ability is incredibly important for keeping enemies at bay.
4. Venom Punch: Concentrated Force
A Melee Venom power that is one of Miles’ signature abilities, the Concentrated Force level packs even more Venom Punch than the standard version
Another upgraded ability from one you get in the early game, Concentrated Force does similar to what Power Overwhelming does by taking out multiple enemies at a time with Venom Punch. I found this especially useful when dealing with boss dens, specifically Hunter lookouts, as there were plenty of enemies that would try and overwhelm you at once.
5. Mega Venom Blast: Self Care
As the name suggests, Mega Venom Blast unleashes a mighty wave of Miles’ venom powers. The self-care level gives you back more focus after use.
For the offensive players who like to get other perks as well as defeat bad guys, this attack is an upgrade to the Mega Venom Blast that gives Miles more focus while defeating enemies close to him. Once again, I found this extremely useful for my play style. If the attack would not wipe enemies off the board, it would stun them, giving me a chance to catch my bearings in a fight in a tricky situation. Filling Miles’ Focus bar is another positive as it will bring you closer to a finisher. I was also quite fond of the animation, which seemingly takes a lot of inspiration from the comics, proving once again to be the benchmark for Superhero games going forward.
And so, that is our list of Top Five abilities for Miles Morales in Spider-Man 2. Do you agree with the list? Is there another you would have added? Tell us in the comments.