Star Wars Movies: Best and Worst Movies Revealed

best star wars movies, worse star wars movie, worst star wars movie
23 Apr 2020

Star Wars Movies: Best and Worst Movies Revealed

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Which Star Wars movies are the best? Well, if you’re a weirdo like me, you might think the Prequels are the best Star Wars movies(the lightsaber battles are WAY cooler OK?!). The more contemporary fans say the older trilogy is the best.

And well... does anyone say the newest trilogy is the best? Hmmm.

Today, we will settle this argument once and for all, with hundreds of thousands of votes cast by Star Wars fans. The official results of these ratings can be found in this article IF YOU DARE READ THEM!

Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope (1977)

Star Wars Episode 1 Cinematic Trailer

“A Smuggler, A Living Teddy Bear, and a Space Wizard meet in a bar”, Luke learns of a long-dead Jedi order that he is now a part of, and receives a mission to rescue Princess Leia from the clutches of the Evil Darth Vader who has built a planet-destroying laser moon!

IMDB user rating: 8.6/10

Star Wars Episode 5: Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Star Wars Episode 5 Cinematic Trailer

After hiding the resistance amongst a planet that suffered from global “cold-ing”, the rebels are discovered, forcing Luke to find the old Jedi Master, Yoda, to teach him how to destroy the Empire while Leia, Han, and Chewy must fight to survive, and find friends in unlikely places.

IMDB user rating: 8.7/10

Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi (1983)

Star Wars Episode 6 Cinematic Trailer

Another Laser Moon has been created and Luke, along with his friends, must stop the Emperor once and for all while attempting to pull Darth Vader away from the clutches of the Dark Side of the force.

IMDB user rating: 8.3/10

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (1999)

Star Wars Episode 1 Cinematic trailer

A Jedi Knight and his Padawan get stranded on a desert planet, bet on a young boy in a desert race, learn this boy is very powerful in the force, discover the Evil Sith have resurfaced and beat up a bad guy with a cool double lightsaber!

IMDB user rating: 6.5/10

Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones (2002)

Star Wars Episode 2 Cinematic Trailer

An assassination attempt is made on Anakin’s secret crush, Padme, leading to the discovery of a clone army that has been in the works for years, but could this be for a sinister purpose?

IMDB user rating: 6.5/10

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (2005)

Star Wars Episode 3 Cinematic Trailer

The Jedi discover that a defected member of their order could be the Sith Lord they have been looking for all this time, but when Anakin is denied a promotion he serves as the agent between Palpatine and the Jedi Council.

IMDB user rating: 7.5/10

Star Wars Episode 7: The Force Awakens (2015)

Star Wars Episode 7 Cinematic Trailer

A new threat to the galaxy, The First Order, has risen from the shadows, forcing unlikely heroes, the scavenger Rey and the defected clone trooper Fin, to take on Kylo Ren in order to find the long-missing Luke Skywalker.

IMDB user rating: 7.9/10

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

Star Wars Rogue One Cinematic Trailer

The daughter of the Imperial inventor that created the Death Star, is trusted with the task of assembling an elite team to assist her in stealing the Death Star plans to give the rebels a chance at collapsing the Empire’s most valuable weapon.

IMDB user rating: 7.8/10

Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi (2017)

Star Wars Episode 8 Cinematic Trailer

Rey begins her training with the fabled Jedi Master, Luke Skywalker, and learns of the truth of Kylo Ren’s temper tantrums while the First Order grows ever closer to crushing the resistance.

IMDB user rating: 7/10

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

Star Wars Solo Cinematic Trailer

A younger Han Solo escapes his planet to forge a life for himself as the greatest scoundrel the Universe has ever seen, and meets his right-hand teddy, Chewbacca, in the process.

IMDB user rating: 6.9/10

Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

Star Wars Episode 9 Cinematic Trailer

Rey has grown powerful, like the Jedi Masters before her, and forges ahead to take down the First Order once and for all while crossing paths with Kylo Ren to defeat an Ancient Evil that threatens the very fabric of the Universe.

IMDB user rating: 6.9/10

OK! Alright! I refuse to believe that ANY of the new trilogy movies are better than Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, but the results don’t lie. It seems overall the Original Trilogy is rated the highest with Empire Strikes Back leading the pack.

I guess we fans love Snow Planets and that little, green Jedi Master. If you agree with me that Episodes 1-3 are underrated, I would love to see you unite with me in the comments! If you like the Newest trilogy best and you exist, I guess you can say something too...

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