Stardew Valley offers a variety of activities that we as players can choose from. We can spend our days mastering the art of fishing, collecting artifacts, exploring the mines, and even foraging through the forests of Pelican Town. But, our main purpose is our role as a farmer. Today I’m going to countdown the 10 best crops to grow in Stardew Valley as of 1.4.
10. Coffee Bean
Video on Coffee Beans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbMt5Ap064c
(courtesy of DangerouslyFunny)
Kicking things off is my personal favorite crop, the coffee bean. Coffee beans can be obtained in two ways. Players have a 25% chance of getting their first bean through the Traveling Cart for a price ranging from 100g-2,500g. And, although it's rare, coffee beans have a 1% chance to drop from Dust Sprites in the mines.
Why Coffee Beans are Great:
- Coffee Beans grow and produce through both Spring and Summer. Allowing players to profit off of the crops for two consecutive seasons.
- Once fully grown, coffee plants produce harvestable beans every two days. (This is the second fastest re-growing plant in the game!)
- Coffee plants drop four beans with the small chance for more beans.
- Beans obtained from the harvested plant act as seeds, and can be planted to produce more beans.
- Although the crop is inedible, 5 coffee beans can be put in a Keg to produce Coffee which sells for 150g.
- Unstarred beans sell for 15g, Silver starred beans sell for 18g and gold starred beans sell for 22g.
9. Hops
Video on Hops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gApxd7GXVBw
(courtesy of GameSharkx)
Coming in at number nine is Hops. Hops is a summer only crop that can be used to make two different artisan goods. Hops starters can be purchased at Pierre’s shop during the summer and takes 11 days to grow and produce.
Why Hops are Great:
- Hops has the fastest regrowth in the game. After it is harvestable at day 11, it produces new hops everyday.
- Hops can be put into a Keg to brew Pale Ale. Pale Ale has the second highest investment return in the game. The price of Pale Ale varies from 300g-600g without the Artisan profession and 420g-840g with the Artisan Profession.
- Hops can also produce a pickled variant, when placed in a preserves jar. These sell for 100g without the Artisan profession and 140g with the Artisan Profession.
- Unstarred Hops sell for 25g, Silver starred hops sell for 31g, and gold starred hops sell for 37g
- If players have the Tiller profession selected, sell prices go up 10% making unstarred hops sell for 27g, silver starred hops sell for 33g, and gold starred hops sell for 40g.
8. Artichoke
Video on Artichokes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_jmCLcALDw
(courtesy of NunoLac Games)
The crop at the number eight spot is Artichoke. The Artichoke is the first non-regrowable crop on our list. Artichokes can be purchased at Pierre’s shop during the fall season and take a total of 8 days to grow and produce. Artichokes only become available to the player starting in Year 2.
Why Artichokes are Great:
- Artichokes are cheap. An artichoke seed is purchased for 30g’s a seed. Allowing the player to purchase them in excess without much harm to their savings.
- Artichokes can be found prior to Year 2, through mixed seeds. Allowing players a non purchase option making them even more profitable.
- When placed into a keg, artichoke juice is produced and sells for 360g without the Artisan Profession and 504g with the Artisan Profession.
- When placed into a preserves jar, artichokes become pickled, selling for 370g without the Artisan Profession and 518g with the Artisan Profession.
- Unstarred artichokes sell for 160g, silver starred sell for 200g, and gold star sell for 240g
- If the Tiller profession is chosen, the prices of vegetables increased by 10% making unstarred artichokes 176g, silver starred artichokes 220g, and gold starred artichokes 264g.
7. Grape
Video on Grapes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWiNp8zM68Y
(courtesy of GameSharkx)
Grapes take the number seven spot on the list. Grapes are an interesting item in Stardew Valley, as they are one of the limited number of crops that double as a foragable item. Grape Starters can be purchased at Pierre’s General Store in the fall for 60g or at the Joja Mart for 75g.
Why Grapes are Great:
- Grapes are a regrowable crop. After the crops first harvest, new grapes will appear every three days.
- Grape Wine can be produced when grapes are placed in a Keg. Players can age wine in a cask to increase the sell price. Unstarred wine is 240g, silver starred is 300g, gold starred is 360g, and iridium starred is 480g
- With the Artisan profession, wine sell price increases 40%! With wine ranging from 336g-672g a bottle.
- Grape Jelly can also be produced through the preserves jar with a base price of 210g and a price of 294g with the artisan profession.
- Grapes range from unstarred to iridium starred. Base prices range from 80g-160g depending on the starring, and with the tiller profession prices range from 88g-176g.
- Grapes can be foraged in the summer and sold at base price or, they may be obtained through summer seeds which allows for the tiller profession to be used (if equipped)
6. Pumpkin
Video on Pumpkins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPw-hKlpUF8
(video courtesy of thatdenverguy)
Our number six spot is held by a beloved fall crop, the pumpkin. Although pumpkins have a lengthy growth process, the profits of this vegetable make up for the wait. Pumpkin seeds can be purchased at Pierre’s General Store for 100g or at JojaMart for 125g.
Why Pumpkins are Great:
- Pumpkins are one of only three crops that have the chance of producing a giant crop. Place pumpkin seeds in a 3x3 grid and they have a 1% chance to grow into one large pumpkin.
- Although inedible, the sell price of pumpkins is large. Base prices vary from 320g-480g with unstarred to gold variants. With the Tiller profession, pumpkins sell for 352g-582g with unstarred to gold variants.
- Pumpkin Juice can be produced through the use of a keg, selling at 720g base price and 1008g with the Artisan Profession.
- Pickled Pumpkin can be produced through the use of a preserves jar, selling at 690g base price and 966g with the Artisan Profession.
5. Strawberry
Video on Strawberries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlhYjNi_424
(video courtesy of GameSharkx)
Holding the number five spot is another one of my personal favorite crops, the strawberry. Strawberry seeds are a little unique because they can only be purchased through the Egg Festival for 100g. Using a seed maker to produce more seeds will help players obtain more.
Why Strawberries are Great:
- Strawberry plants allow for regrowth after the first harvest. New strawberries will appear after 4 days since the last harvest.
- Strawberry plants only drop one strawberry per plant but, they allow for a random chance for multiple.
- Strawberries sell for a base price of 120g-180g for the unstarred through gold starred variant. With the tiller profession they sell for 132g-198g for unstarred through gold starred variants.
- When placed in a keg, Strawberry wine is created which sells at 360g-720g base price for unstarred through iridium starred variants. With the artisan profession, strawberry wine sells for 503g-1006g for unstarred through iridium starred variants.
- Strawberry Jam can also be created when strawberries are placed in a preserves jar with a base price of 290g and a price of 406g with the artisan profession.
4. Star Fruit
Video on Star Fruit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8om3ulArCHI
(video courtesy of xBeau Gaming)
Landing at the number four spot is the summer crop Star Fruit. In order for players to purchase star fruit, they must first have the bus unlocked through the community center. Once unlocked, seeds can be purchased through Sandy at the Calico Desert for 400g.
Why Star Fruit is Great:
- Starfruit produces some of the highest selling artisan goods in Stardew Valley, ensuring players will make a good profit.
- Star Fruit wine sells for a base price of 2250g-4500g for unstarred to iridium starred variants. With the Artisan Profession applied prices vary from 3150g-6300g for unstarred to iridium variants.
- Starfruit Jelly sells for a base price of 1550g and a price of 2170g if the Artisan Profession is applied.
- Although it takes nearly half the season to grow, Star Fruit sells for a large amount. At base price, star fruit sells for 750g-1125g for unstarred to gold variant. With the tiller profession star fruit sells for 825g-1237g for unstarred to gold variant.
3. Blueberries
Video on Blueberries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyJQD225g4s
(video courtesy of GameSharkx)
Earning a top three spot on our list is the summer crop blueberries. Blueberries can be purchased at Pierre’s General Store for 80g. They can also be purchased at the Traveling Cart ranging at 120g-1,000g or at the Night Market on the 16th of Winer for 80g.
Why Blueberries are Great:
- Although blueberries take 13 days to harvest, blueberry crops are re-harvestable and spawn new blueberries every four days.
- Three blueberries are harvested per plant with the small chance for more.
- Blueberries sell for a base price of 50g-75g for unstarred to gold variants. With the tiller profession they sell for a price of 55g-82g for unstarred to gold variants.
- When placed into a keg, blueberry wine can be aged. Base prices range from 150g-300g for unstarred to iridium variants. With the artisan profession, prices range from 210g-420g for unstarred to iridium variants.
- Blueberry Jelly is created when placed in a preserves jar. At base price blueberry jelly sells for 150g and with the artisan profession it sells for 210g.
2. Cranberries
Video on Cranberries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF8eFHuf4EY
(video courtesy of GameSharkx)
The crop landing at number two on our list is the fall crop cranberries. Cranberry seeds can be purchased in four different places. With the same purchase price of 240g players can use Pierre’s General Store and the Night Market on the 17th of Winter to obtain seeds. Cranberry seeds can also be purchased at the JojaMart for 300g and at the Traveling Cart at a price ranging from 180g-1000g.
Why Cranberries are Great:
- Cranberries are re-harvestable. After their first harvest on day seven, every five days more cranberries are available.
- Cranberry plants produce two cranberries each, with a small chance for more cranberries.
- Cranberries sell for a base price ranging from 75g-112g for unstarred to gold variants. With the tiller profession, they sell for a price of 82g-123g for unstarred to gold variants.
- When placed into a keg, cranberry wine can be aged. Base prices range from 225g-450g for unstarred to iridium starred variants. With the artisan profession prices range from 315g-630g for unstarred to iridium starred variants.
- When placed into a preserves jar, cranberry jelly is created. At base price cranberry jelly sells for 200g, with the artisan profession it sells for 280g.
1. Sweet Gem Berry
Video on Sweet Gem Berries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW-lAlwT-kM
(video courtesy of DangerouslyFunny)
Taking the crown for the best crop in Stardew Valley goes to the Sweet Gem Berry. What is unique about the Sweet Gem Berry is that it is only sold at the Traveling Cart. Sweet Gem Berries are produced through the Rare Seed which sells at the Traveling Cart in the Spring and Summer for 1,000g. It also has a 1.26% chance of spawning in the stock of the Traveling Cart in the remaining seasons.
Why Sweet Gem Berries are Great:
- Although they take the entirety of Fall to grow, the base sell price is triple that of the purchase price.
- Unstarred Sweet Gem Berries sell for 3000g, silver starred Sweet Gem Berries sell for 3750g, and gold starred Sweet Gem Berries sell for 4500g.
- Although the Sweet Gum Berry cannot be turned into a wine or a jam, its value lies in the fact that it can be used in the Secret Woods to increase a player's Energy permanently through a Stardrop.
- Rare seeds can be placed in a seed maker to produce more, and increase a player's stock of seeds for the fall season. Because they can be purchased in advance of Fall, they can stock up rather easily.
- With a decent amount of rare seeds, players can make tens of thousands of g’s with just Sweet Gem Berries alone.
Well that concludes my list of the top 10 Stardew Valley Crops as of Update 1.4. I hope that with this knowledge all of your Pelican Town wishes come true. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m about to turn my farm into a gold mine of crops so that I can begin world domination.
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