The Operator is a scary weapon in Valorant! You can easily taste the one-tap because of it! It can be tricky to master as it has a small magazine and a low firing rate but that’s why picking it up will probably show your high skills!
It’s time to show how cool you can look with it too!
Here are the top five Operator skins that can help you look cool:
5. Gravitational Uranium Neuroblaster Operator:
G.U.N. Operator VALORANT Skin | ALL COLORS IN-GAME | GUN Skins HD Showcase
The G.U.N Operator! It’s surely a really nice touch of Riot! If you’re into old video games then you would feel like this skin was brought out of it! If you’re into modern weapons with cool bullet effects then you would surely like it too!
What's Awesome About G.U.N Operator:
- Great bullet firing effects that might even seem like a gimmick!
- Funky look to the weapon which makes it more appealing while dealing a lot of damage to your enemies!
- Same gameplay if you don’t like any changes.
How to get this skin:
G.U.N Operator was released on the 30th of October 2020! You can obtain it currently by purchasing it from the Valorant store whenever it becomes available for 18.7 USD (1775 Valorant Points).
4. Glitchpop Operator:
Glitchpop Operator VALORANT Skin: ALL COLORS IN-GAME | NEW GLITCHPOP Skins Showcase
What’s better than dealing a ton of damage to your enemies? One tapping them with a funky-looking weapon! The Glitchpop skins are considered a signature in Valorant skins now and you can never go wrong with it!
What's Awesome About Glitchpop Operator:
- Amazing looks as it gives you a feeling that the weapon was made in the Cyberpunk style, only this time it was done right!
- Super cool Ace animation as it gives the game a digital taste.
How to get this skin:
The Glitchpop Operator became available on the 4th of February 2021! Unfortunately, the only way to grab it is to wait for it to become available at the Valorant store for 2175 Valorant Points which is around 22.9 USD.
3. Sentinels of Light Operator:
Sentinels of Light OPERATOR VALORANT SKIN (ALL COLORS) | New Skins Showcase
Sentinels of Light Operator is where Riot mastered a good crossover! You surely heard of League of Legends and if you played it you’re probably addicted by now! Riot decided to use LOL’s event to shine the light on this skin which worked perfectly!
What’s Awesome About Sentinels of Light Operator:
- Amazing visual update with an inspiring overall look!
- Interesting and would grab anyone’s attention especially if they play League of Legends.
- Ace animation is just perfect especially if you enjoy Riot’s music!
How to get this skin:
The Sentinels of Light Operator was released on the 21st of July 2021! You can still obtain it from the store for 2175 Valorant Points which is around 22.9 USD but you just need to keep an eye out for it in the store.
2. Elderflame Operator:
Elderflame Operator VALORANT Dragon Skin | All CHROMA COLORS + Buddy | AWP Skins HD Showcase
Elderflame Operator is a personal favorite! I mean, who doesn’t like dragons? Apart from Cersei Lannister. You have the power of the mighty Operator while also adding the majestic looks and charisma of dragons! Riot has really made a perfect skin when it comes to visuals, sound effects, and Ace animations. It would have been the best skin but unfortunately, many might find it too distracting.
What’s Awesome About Elderflame Operator:
- Insane looks! Riot has perfected this skin that you can’t even get bored of it even if you tried!
- The most recognizable skin in Valorant which will make you popular.
- Great hype and energy as the dragon is always lurking and moving impatiently waiting for the next kill
- Creative Ace animation which makes it much more enjoyable.
How to get this skin:
This skin was released on the 10th of July 2020! To obtain it now you need to just wait for it in the Valorant store if it becomes available anytime for 2475 Valorant Points which is around 26 USD, it might sound a bit expensive but trust me, it’s worth every penny!
1. Ion Operator:
Ion Operator VALORANT Skin | ALL KILL SOUNDS | Skins Collection Showcase
This will be the first choice for the best Operator skin! It’s just too perfect to be in the second place and less distracting than the Elderflame skin. Great visuals that make it feel like it came from the future, freaky sound effects, and an explosive Ace animation.
What’s Awesome About Ion Operator:
- Elegant but unique design that is futuristic!
- Every bullet is satisfying due to the nice sound effects.
- Unique and explosive Ace animation which makes it more interesting to save your team and score an Ace all by yourself.
How to get this skin:
This skin was initially released on the 11th of November 2020. Currently, the only way to get this skin is by waiting for it to be available in the store and eventually grabbing it for 1775 Valorant Points which is around 18.7 USD.
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