Looking for a Dying Light movie? Here are 10 Zombie movies that you will enjoy
Dying light is one of the best zombie survival games ever made, If you liked dying light and still want some more zombie fun, then here are 10 zombie movies that you will enjoy.
10. Extinction (2015)
When your parents catch you doing some mischief.
It’s been 9 years since an infection turned most of the humanity into rabid flesh eating creatures. Three survivors of the outbreak, Patrick, Jack and Lu, a nine year old girl live in calm and peace in the town of Harmony. Patrick and Jack have their differences and a deep hatred towards each other which keeps them apart.
Don’t know what’s worse, the spine chilling winter or the zombies.
When the creatures start appearing again Patrick and Jack must set aside their differences and work together as a team to save Lu from the rabid creatures.
Lu, Patrick and Jack from the movie.
The movie direction is well done and the apocalyptic setting is well put. Fans of the horror and zombie genre will surely like this movie.
9. Attack the Block (2011)
Nothings better than riding with your friends, especially during an alien invasion.
A bunch of delinquent teenagers make an unlikely alliance to defend their turf from an alien invasion. Each time they kill a wave of aliens, bigger and better ones come back to haunt their block. The gang does their best to keep their block safe and sound from the aliens.
You sure don’t wanna mess with these guys.
The movie is fun to watch and is quite enjoyable, especially when watched along with the friends and family. The acting is decent and overall the movie is pretty good. Redundant and boring
They will give the expendables a run for their money.
8. Pride and Prejudice and Zombie {2016}
When someone talks trash about your favorite movie.
The movie is set in an alternate version of Victorian England in the 19th century. A mysterious plague has brought the dead back to life which has caused widespread panic and havoc.
Elizabeth Bennet along with her sisters.
The movie starts with Colonel Darcy on a mission to investigate the emergence of Zombies. Fate leads him to Elizabeth Bennet, daughter of a wealthy family and also a master of martial arts and weaponry. Although she hates his company Elizabeth joins forces with Darcy to fight off the zombies and save their country.
Elizabeth Bennet and Colonel Darcy fighting side by side.
The story is an alternate take on Pride and Prejudice and contains lots of humorous bits. The movie is fun and will surely keep you hooked up till the end. This is the third time you are using this phrase in the article.
7. The Dead (2010)
That's why you shouldn't do drugs.
The movie is set out in the African continent. Lieutenant Brian Murphy crashes somewhere off on the west coast Africa. The African continent is populated with mindless flesh eating zombies.
The eyes look terrifying.
Brian gathers supplies from the crash and travels around to find a village. Midway he faces some zombies and is cornered. He is then saved by an African soldier who is in search of his son, both of them team up together for the following journey to survive the zombies.
Hope the train is right on schedule.
The acting is quite good and the atmospheric setting is perfect. Overall it is a good movie, worth a watch.
6. Pandorum {2009}
I challenge you to a duel.
The movie is set up in deep space. Two crew members, astronauts wake up from deep hyper-sleep and realize that they are stranded on a spacecraft with no knowledge of their mission or their identities. They soon find out that they are not alone and there is a strange life form in the spaceship.
Judging his expressions I don’t wanna see what he found.
The two astronauts team up and venture around to uncover the dark and deep secrets of the spaceship, the terrifying mutants, and find out about their mission. The only option they have is to escape from the bloodthirsty mutants and survive.
Even a wound like that won’t kill it
This movie offers a great sci-fi experience with great visuals, effect, story and gore. If you like suspense, horror and survival movies you will surely love Pandorum.
5. Cockneys vs. Zombies (2012)
The Cockneys before the zombie outbreak.
Cockneys are a group of inept criminals who are trying to rob a bank to save their grandfather’s retiring home. Meanwhile on a construction site a worker digs up an old graveyard and gets bitten by a zombie. This starts the chain reaction of zombification and next thing you know everyone is becoming a zombie.
He still got some fight left in him.
The Cockneys must fight through the horde of zombies, survive and get to the retirement home before the zombies.
When the clearance sale starts.
The movie features a lot of comic elements and will certainly make you laugh. If you like zombie movies and also want to watch a decent comedy, his movie may be the one for you.
4. World War Z (2013)
This is the scared face of Brad Pitt.
The world’s population is turning into mindless rampaging zombies. Gerry Lane, former United Nations investigator is sent to investigate the disease responsible for the zombie outbreak.
Waiting here just for the epic shot.
Gerry lane travels around the world and faces overwhelming odds and horrendous horrors to find out the answers to the pandemic before humanity falls.
Using LEGO’s to build tower is too mainstream, use zombies instead.
The action in this movie is quite good and the screenplay is also very well done. The story is from a highly acclaimed novel of the same name. If you are a fan of the book, or simply love to watch a good zombie movie, this is the movie you will need.
3. Zombieland (2009)
No zombie would wanna mess with this guy.
This movie takes place in early 21st century. Flesh eating zombies have taken over America. An introvert college student has survived the zombie outbreak and is trying to travel to Ohio to check if his parents are safe. Along the way he teams up with strange people who themselves are surviving the zombie outbreak.
I still love you honey, don’t run away from me.
Another one of the survivors is a zombie hating badass, on his way to Florida. His single goal is to kill the zombies and to get the last Twinkie on earth. The other two are sisters trying to get to an amusement park which according to them is zombie free.
Open up, Open up fast.
The movie is filled with humorous content and quality comedic acting. A very fun experience, especially when watched along with family or friends.
2. Shaun of the dead (2004)
No matter what happens friendship doesn't end.
Shaun lives with his best friend Peg. Life isn’t exactly good for Shaun as he is tired of his job, same old daily routine and also his girlfriend dumped him, all in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. He decides to change the direction of his life, get his girlfriend back, reconcile with his parents and get his life back on track all while killing zombies and running away.
A shovel and a bat, the perfect weapons for killing zombies.
The movie is very humorous and is extremely fun & enjoyable to watch. The acting and comedy is perfect and everyone watching the movie is sure to have a good laugh.
Just smile and look at the camera.
1. I am Legend (2007)
Being alone is not as much fun as you think.
I am Legend is a Will Smith zombie survival movie. A virus was created in hopes of battling cancer but it turned out that the virus is turning people into mutant creatures. There are a few people who are immune to the virus. Robert Neville, a military scientist being one of them.
When the electricity goes off during an online match.
Robert is the lone survivor of the infection outbreak in his city. He has been surviving along with his dog and sending off signals over the radio for over 3 years, in hopes of finding other survivors. He also has been developing a cure for this infection.
Will smith be like- I am real tired of your shit bro.
The acting is top-notch and the zombie sequences will make your heart pound. If you really like survival movies then this movie is a must watch.
Worthy mention:
The walking Dead TV series
Just killing zombies and doing regular sherrif stuff.
The walking dead is a TV series based on a graphic novel of the same name. The world is overrun by zombies. The sheriff’s deputy wakes up from a long coma and finds himself in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. He reunites with his family and forms a team of survivors who try their best to survive the zombie apocalypse.
Is everyone doing an expandable pose nowadays, anyways looks epic.
The TV series is critically acclaimed with lots of positive reviews. The Walking dead has been nominated for several awards and also won many. If you are a zombie apocalypse fan and like survival movies you will definitely like this TV series.
Why did you two eat the last slice of pizza? Now suffer.
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