Looking for the Best Online PC Games?
While its pretty cool to impress your friends with your mad single-player skills, online gaming is where the real PC experience is at. If you're new to the online gaming scene, looking for a new one to try, or just wondering what's new and up coming, then you should take a look at this list. You might just need your new favorite game amongst this list, a lot of which won't cost you a penny.
101. Elder Scrolls Online
Developer: Zenimax Online
Massively Multiplayer online Role-playing game
Fantasy Adventure
Chosen individuals, unite!
After five successful games in the series, Elder Scrolls has come to the MMO playing field and allowing all of their players to exist in one universe together. This perhaps one of the greatest things to happen to the series, and there are a load of features to make this possible.
As is Elder Scrolls tradition, you find yourself a prisoner, this time to the Daedric Prince Molag Bal who has taken your soul. This is your main quest, but you are allowed to complete in your own time in addition loads of other events going on in the continent of Taldriel. For those of you who wanted to play solo, there is plenty of space that you may do so.
If you are ready to fight alongside friends for the first time in an Elder Scrolls game, then definitely pick up this game.
Adventure awaits you and your friends.
100. Lineage Eternal Twilight Resistance
Developer: NCSoft
Fantasy Adventure
Are you prepared for more?
Despite its chronological order, Lineage Eternal: Twilight Resistance is a sequel to the original Lineage Eternal game. It will bring a load of new features to the lore though in hope to make it exciting.
There will only be three classes in the game: the warrior, mage and elemental archer. There will be loads of large-scale battles in the game, and the introduction of siege warfare and an “isometric perspective”. There is also the question whether the game will be a subscription for the game, since the second one is set to get free-2-play status.
If you are interested in learning more, check out the website for new updates.
War is here
Lineage-Eternal: Twilight Resistance
99. Runescape
Developer: Jagex
Fantasy MMORPG
Open-World Adventure
New stuff is coming
If you are any type of computer gamer, then you know of this browser-based online game. This game has gone through two total revisions over the course of fourteen years and it still proves to be a fun game for all.
You can do whatever suits your fancy, from mini games to leveling up skills to quests to fighting everyone. There is so much content, that it would probably take years to get it all done. Being non-linear has allowed Runescape to keep a fan case that returns every day to keep playing.
If you’re feeling nostalgic, then go get back on Runescape and play today.
It'll be good to be back home.
98. Strife
Developer: S2
Massively online battle arena
Arena Brawler
Get in touch with what Strife is all about.
Strife is what other MOBAs will be feeling when they loves thousands of their players to this game. It encourages a lot of teamwork and has a load of new features that you won’t find in any other game like it.
If you’ve ever wanted to bring along any sort pet into your fights, Strife has that for you as well as the means to improve them. Gold is also shared between teammates, so no more anger over kill-stealing. You also be able to craft unique items that will benefit you with an unfair advantage.
If you aren’t a team player, not a fighter, then this game is here to service all your needs.
Pick a champion that matches your playstyle.
97. Smite
Developer: Hi-Rez Studios
Action Multiplayer online battle arena
Arena Brawler
If you're going to be a god, you ought to play like one.
On this day, you may now join the Gods and take place in most glorious combat. MOBA has never been filled with such immortal, literally, characters.
Choose from over 67 gods from Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Hindu, Mayan, Norse and Roman mythology. Lead your teammates and minions to fight through your opponents, phoenixes and finally win by bringing the Titan to his knees. There are so many game modes, some original and some are very common in MOBAs, that you will be putting in tens of hours into this game easily.
If you are a fan of mythology as well as a gamer, this game id definitely meant for you.
Be fearless.
96. Nosgoth
Developer: Psyonix
Humans vs Vampires
This is how Humans versus Vampires should be done.
This is perhaps the greatest humans versus vampires game I have ever heard about. This spin-off to the Legacy of Kain series of games sees you engaging in a thrilling battle between the living and the dead.
There is a defined difference between the humans and the vampires in this game. The vampires may fly and climb up walls while the humans are grounded and given ranged weapons to accommodate their disadvantage. When these two forces go to war, be it capturing points or trying to kill more of your opponent’s men than your own, the combat is like something right out of an Underworld movie.
If you really want to see how a human and vampire battle really looks like, check out this game.
The lords of the night are back.
95. Dead Frontier
Developer: Creaky Corpse Ltd
Survival Horror, massively multiplayer online game
Open-World Shooter
Scour the city. Slay the undead
Welcome to Dead Frontier, a game where you will be in a constant fight for your life. The road is long, the zombies are numerous and now would be the perfect time to have a friend.
After creating your avatar, you will have to fight through the zombie hordes to make it to safety. These points of safety are outposts where you will be able to meet other players who you can team up with to get to next safe haven. In addition to forming zombie-killing groups, you can also trade items and such with players with in-game currency.
If you love long walks populated with blood-thirsty dead, then this is the game you’ve been waiting for.
The dead walk again.
94. Battlefield 4
Developer: Dice
First-person shooter
Modern Combat Shooter
Looks like things are heating up
Battlefield, a series known for its intense matches filled with firefights and explosions, did a lot of great things with its fourth installment. There are a load of features that makes this game lots of fun to play even compared to more recent arrivals.
You can start with the realistic elements in the game, like being able to counter melee fights while standing or crouching and being able to shoot firearm while swimming. You can adjust firing modes on your guns and use dual-scoped weapons. One really cool thing Battlefield 4 did is allowing those who are colorblind to change the on-screen colors to better accommodate themselves.
If you have a love for first-person shooters that deliver intense firefights, look no further than Battlefield 4.
Through the fire and the lead.
93. Titanfall
Developer:Respawn Entertainment
First-person shooter
Future Shooter
Parkour, big robots and intense firefights. Oh my!
Titanfall had a very big following when it first came down. Although the hype has died down, the game still is quite impressive with what it has done.
As a pilot, you have the ability to parkour yourself across the buildings, getting to places really quickly. Stay around long enough and you get into your 20-foot tall Titan, changing your playstyle to a more aggressive stance. The intensity of having to go up against a Titan and you’re a mere pilot can be quick exhilarating if you’re fast enough.
If you aren’t someone who goes with the flow, then go check this game out.
Tiem to rumble.
92. Maplestory
Developer: Wizet
Fantasy, massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Fantasy Adventure
Jump on in and be a part of the story
Long ago, a terrible villain called the Black Mage was sealed away by six noble heroes. You begin when rumor spreads of his imminent revival, as performed by his followers the Black Wings. It then falls to you to stop evil from coming back to the land, but can you do it?
You are given the choice of four branches of classes, each with their own starting area, development, and classes available to them. Through that, you enter a world where you may interact with players, form raiding parties with them, and even marry them. All these elements within the game seem to really make a unique experience that actually makes you feel as a part of the world.
If you are interested in joining this dynamic world, then download the game now. The game is free and will be getting a sequel eventually, so what’s there to lose?
So much to do, and so much to fight.
91. War Thunder
Developer: Gaijin Entertainment
Action, MMO
Modern combat shooter
Which nation will you choose?
It may seem like just another World War Two game, but don’t be so quick to judge the game. War Thunder is going to bring in a lot of elements to give you one memorable experience.
The game centers on vehicles, both armored and planes, from one of give playable nations, that face off in a variety of battle modes. The options include Arcade battles, Realistic battles, Simulator battles and unrealistic battles, which only takes place on April Fools. Each game mode has certain limitations to controls and weaponry, but that only seems to be done in an attempt to give you a more enjoyable experience.
So if being a mere foot solider is not for you, then consider playing War Thunder today.
What a lovely day for a dogfight.
90. Triad Wars
Developer: United Front Games
Gang Warfare
It's going down in China Town.
For fans of the popular Naughty Dog Game Naughty Dogs, be prepared to enter that world again. This time, you’ll be on the other side of law and you have big plans for everyone’s else.
Not too much is known about this game, the release date reportedly sometime in late 2015. What is known is that you will be seeking to become the kingpin of the Hong Kong underworld. If there is one thing to said about the triads, and this is why you should be excited for the game, this game is going to have a lot of action as you claim the spot that you so rightly deserve.
If a triad life is the life for you, then be sure to follow this game closely as it develops. There is an open beta right now, so be sure to check it out.
The crime buisness can be really...bad for your blood.
89. Tropico 5
Developer: Haemimont Games
Construction and management simulation, government simulation
City Management
Viva la Dictatorship!
For those who have not played the Tropico games before, you assume the role of ‘El Presidente’, the ruler of a fictional nation that you are welcome to with as you please. The unfortunate news is that now, the island has got a lot more crowded.
Tropico 5 allows up to four players to colonize the same island, presenting you the challenge of experiencing competition, or perhaps there’s an alliance in the future, with your unexpected neighbors. The game will go through for three centuries, the outside powers changing constantly as time rolls on. Choose your allies well, for it determines the future of your people.
If you feel like you’d make a great dictator, then go onto the website and look up more information on this game.
All the beauty of an island nation
88. Echo of Soul
Developer: Nvius
Fantasy Adventure
Unlock the utter extent of your potential.
The gods of the world need you to fight evil. Along the way, you can collect the souls of the monsters you have slain along the way, hence why you are called a SoulKeeper
The souls serve a purpose beyond being just another item in your inventory. The souls can help you gain soul-specific skills: categorized as Hope, innocence, Courage and Peace, which will then give you a buff once you collect enough of them. There are several types of jewels that are found throughout the game that can be attached to your weapons and armor, each jewel relating to a different type of armor.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys collecting things within a large world, then you should definitely give this game a shot.
There's sure to be no shortage of action in this game.
87. Marvel Heroes 2015
Developer: Cryptic Studios
Massively multiplayer online action role-playing
Super-Hero Adventure
Time to enter the MCU.
Doctor Doom has taken the Cosmic Cube and a whole rogue’s gallery of villains will make sure that you will not interfere. While this doesn’t seem like the typical response of villains, this game looks like loads of fun.
The game shows off over 100 characters that you’ll see throughout the story, 49 of which are playable as of July 2015. You’ll be able to play any of them you want, but you’ll only be able to play the latest addition to level 10. You will also be able to collect side-kicks who will fight with you against the enemy.
If you think the DC Universe is terrible, then you should look into getting this free to play game.
Marvel heroes, assemble!!
86. Etherium
Developer: Tindalos Interactive
Real-time strategy
Future Strategy
Lay your claim for the planet.
Etherium sees you scouring nearby planets for the namesake’s material, for it will be what helps you construct your buildings and recruit your units. As is the case with any precious resource in any notable game, you aren’t the only one seeking it.
You have two options when it comes to eliminating your enemy: eradicate their ground forces or destroy their fleet with orbital cannons. At your disposal are your command skills, which are special abilities that can help turn the tide of battle. Another thing to be aware of is the weather, which could make or break your attempt at victory.
If you want to serve one of the three factions in this game and bring glory and honor, check out this game.
Get ready, because you're here to stay.
85. Elite: Dangerous
Developer: David Brahen
Pace trading and combat, first-person shooter
Future Adventure
This universe is an excellent place to make a name for yourself.
Elite: Dangerous has you traveling a 1:1 scale version of the Milky Way, exploring space and making a little money. This game is unique in that its single-player is done online, which many games do not do.
While traveling the world, you’ll be doing missions that range from carrying cargo to assassination missions. Get enough friends and allies together and you can form a blockade against otherpeople. Just know that whatever you do, everyone’s actions affect the world you exist in.
If you are looking to see space and have a number of adventures along the way, check out this game.
Wise words to heed for what's coming.
84. Company of Heroes 2
Developer: Relic Entertainment
Real-Time Strategy
Modern Combat Strategy
It's a whole new type of war now.
Company of Heroes 2 has improved quite a bit since the first game. Most of these elements add to the realism of the game, which really helps making this game a popular game.
Captured points on the map give your team resources, but the flow of funds can be increased with multiple capture points that can be formed in a broken chain leading back to the base. In the case of units occupying buildings and clearing them out, a wooden structure struck with fire-based weaponry will continue to burn until it is cinders. The weather in the game will directly affect your troops, possibly even killing them by way of frostbite.
If you are looking for a World War 2 game that feels like you’re rewriting history, check out this game.
Fight hard or risk annihilation
83. ARMA 3
Developer: Bohemia Interactive
Shooter, tactical shooter
Modern Combat Shooter
Get acuainted with Arma 3
ARMA 3 takes place in a fictional future when NATO finds itself up against an alliance of Middle-Eastern and Asian countries designated as CSAT. Although the single-player will have you doing everything from infiltrating by yourself to commanding large mobilized forces, it’s the multiplayer where this game is loads of fun.
If you have excellent map-making skills, you can set up some fantastic scenarios. If you watch some of the gameplay videos on YouTube, you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. You have access to every piece of military equipment possible, so the possibilities of what you’ll be able to do are endless.
If you enjoy simulated military combat, give this game a look.
Riding into battle with style.
82. Second Life
Developer: Linden Lab
Social game
Virtual Life Simulation
Just one of the many stories going in Second Life.
Second Life is a giant virtual world where it is literally possible to become anything you want, even a real-world millionaire. While that act alone took one layer two and a half years to do so, there are loads of other features to do in the game.
This virtual world has loads of attractions, from music clubs to parks to fantasy gaming worlds. You can even conduct trade in the game, using the in-game currency to buy housing, furniture and user-created products. Literally anything you want to do in this game, could actually be completed within this fictional universe.
If you want to live a second life, pun intended, then check out this game.
Sometimes, this game can literally be out of this world.
81. World of Warships
Developer: Lesta Studio
Modern Combat Shooter
Be prepared to man your battle stations.
Time to hit the high seas and bombard your opponent to smithereens. World of Warships takes the fight off of the ground and air and instead puts you in charge of a variety of naval vessels from some of the greatest fleets in the world.
Depending on the sort of vessel you choose to plays as, either a destroyer, battleship, cruiser or aircraft carrier, you will need to figure out the role in the battle and do so. You can form up divisions, which is a grouping of ships that always work together, to tackle battles or participate in clan wars. You can capture points on the map to benefit your team and get your ships up to the front as soon as they respawn.
If you have fantastic sea legs, then check out World of Warships today.
There'll be plenty to do on the high seas.
80. Awesomenauts
Developer: Romino Games
Multiplayer online battle arena
Arena Brawler
Seems a 2D MOBA works just fine.
Awesomenauts is classical MOBA, but it’s done in 2D. Just try and imagine the amount of fighting when the amount of lanes you deal with becomes drastically reduced?
After you choose your awesomenaut,each character comes with a free-use weapon and two special abilities, you and two others must fight through turrets, drones and opponent players to make your way to the Solar Collector. As you destroy turrets, a super drone will appear and fight alongside the team. This games allows you to prestige, though it comes at the cost of having to earn your improvements again.
If you’re down for a 2D brawling time, then check out Awesoemnauts sooner than later.
Seems like there's brawls at all times.
79. Dungeon Defenders 2
Developer: Trendy Entertainment
Tower defense, action role-playing
Fantasy Tower Defence
Hold the line
You will be playing as a descendant of wizards and warriors, working to protect any number of Eternia Crystals from hordes of monsters. Fight your way all to the end, where a very powerful boss will be coming to destroy you.
To protect the crystals, it falls to you to create and maintain defensive towers and set up traps to diver the enemy away from the more important stuff. On easier difficulties, you will have plenty o time to observe what you’ll be facing and prepare accordingly, but don’t get too comfortable to that. The difficulty will be set by whichever player is hosting the match, in addition to number and type of monsters you’ll be facing.
If you spent hours of playing browser-based tower defense games, Dungeon Defenders 2 is probably next on your list.
Slash, smash and bash them back.
78. Star Wars: The Old Republic
Developer: Bioware
Future Open-World Adventure
The lust for power resides in us all.
Taking place 300 years after Knight of the Old Republic, the really popular RPG game, you will be given the option to serve under the Galactic Republic or the Sith Empire. There are a variety of classes, each with their own unique storyline within the massive universe of Star Wars.
The dialogue system is similar to Mass Effect in that your choices affect how your companions see you as well as affecting possible storylines you may pursue. The classes, though favoring specific playstyles, may be adjusted to suit a wider range of abilities. There is also the fact that you will have your own starship to fly around the galaxy and fighting other ships.
If the force is strong with you, then you should consider looking into this game.
Good or evil, the choice is up to you.
77. Wakfu
Developer: Ankama
Fantasy MMORPG
Open-World Advneture
From humble beginings, a hero will emerge.
Set 12 years before the TV show by the same name, Wakfu has your character being sent on a mission to stop the Ogre Ogrest and retrieve the six Dofus eggs. This game is quite player-focused, where you are relied upon to shape the world.
After choosing from one of the sixteen classes, each one focused around a fictional deity, you enter a world that will heavily be influenced by you. Governmental affairs and militia assembly fall to the choices of the people, as well as environmental factors being impacted by how much you plant and hunt. Just know that if you have a hard time doing anything in Wakfu, its other players to blame.
If you believe in the power of the people and love colorful fantasy setting, then you should give this free-to-play game a shot.
What will your hero look like?
76. Battlefield: Hardline
Developer: Dice
First-person shooter
Modern Combat Shooter
Moving from international threats to something a bit more local.
Stepping away from the military setting that the series is known for, Battlefield: Hardline instead focuses on the “War on Crime”. Take control of either the Special Response units or the criminals and get right to work.
The game takes the Levolution mechanic from Battlefield 4, which means that you are able to use the environment to help you complete your objective. The game modes are quite unique, having you doing anything from stealing money, maintaining control over specific cars and rescuing hostages. If multiplayer isn’t your forte, the single player campaign has you acting as a police officer, giving you a lot of gadgets to get the job done.
If you’re a fan of the Battlefield series or the type of person who enjoys crime shooters, this is the game for you.
Looks like someone made the news
75. Dragon Ball Xenoverse
Developer: Dimps
Fighting, role-playing
Fantasy Adventure
There's alwasy someone new in dire need of a butt kicking.
This is a game where nerdy dreams come true. The time has come for you to step into the Dragon Ball Z universe and help notable characters save the world.
The Xenoverse seems to be separate of an storyline you’re familiar with, which means you get to star in your own tale. The main villains are dabbling in time distortion, but they won’t be the only enemies you’ll be facing. There is also an online feature where you will work with other players to do time-traveling missions together.
If your destiny is to go super saiyan, then you need to play this game.
It's Super-Saiyan time!!
74. IMVU
Developer: IMVU Inc.
Virtual Reality Simulator
It's a chance for you to start all over again
Possibly one of the only games on this list without combat, IMVU is a game all about socializing. So long as you don’t expect to go around and beat your fellow players up, expect that you can do anything you want to do.
These sorts of things include chatting with other players, playing games, and creating your own content which you seem to be able to sell. You can create any number of things, like websites and individual homepages. All purchases are done with in-game currency, three different types for different types of purchases.
If you’re a socializer and not a fighter, you should get on IMVU and be a part of the creative community.
IMVU is always on top of what's popular.
73. Skyforge
Developer: Obsidian
Fantasy Adventure
Prove your worth to ascend to godhood
That’s right fellow gamer, this game has you playing as an immortal battling gods. Should you prove yourself well on the battlefield, you yourself will be able to take the role of a god.
The road to godhood requires you earn a lot of prestige in the battlefield, which earns you equipment and followers to name a few rewards. You will also not be confined to a single class, being allowed to switch pretty much on a whim. Choose everything wisely, for power and glory of your name is at stake.
If you wish to transcend the boundaries of mortality, then you should definitely check out this game.
Someday, they'll a statue of you.
72. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Developer: Torn Banner Studios
Medieval Fighter
Time to go all medieval on your enemy.
Prepare thyself knave, for it is time to engage in the most gloriest of combat. Wield bows, swords, axes and warhammers as you seek to kill knights and take over castles and villages.
The game pits you and your teammates against an enemy team, complete with game modes running from Free for all to attacking or defending a target. There are a number of classes you can choose from, catering to all sorts of playstyles, so find what works for you and go from there. The weapons of each class are also customizable, within limit that doesn’t affect the playstyle too much.
If you find yourself to be a honorable fighter, then you should purchase Chivalry: Medieval Warfare as soon as you can.
The Medieval Age: now with pirates and ninjas.
71. WWE 2015
Developer: Yukes
Arena Fighter
You're going down!
WWE 2015 is meant to bring in a “new generation” of wrestling games, making it seem more realistic than being a fighting game like Soul Calibur or Mortal Kombat. In order to usher it in correctly, there are loads of fun features that the game brings for your gaming pleasure.
Rather than having you and your opponents throwing punches to knock each other, WWE 2015 will have you doing a load of grapples, pins and locks. The methodology is similar to rock-paper-scissors, meaning you and your opponent will be struggling against each other a lot. Every move will also drain your stamina meter, so pick your shots wisely champ.
If the will to smash your elbow into someone’s face burns hotly within your being, please pick up a copy of WWE 2015 so that you don’t end up in jail.
Get ready for the Smack Down!!
70. Albion Online
Developer: Sandbox Interactive
Sandbox MMO
Fantasy City Management
Make a home for yourself here.
Albion Online is a sandbox game where the players have a dramatic effect on the world. The game is currently in Beta, but what is known is pretty darn interesting.
Like mentioned before, players are in charge of shaping the world of Albion. From player-driven economies to building your own house to better boost your character’s ability, there needs to be no end to what you can do. There are enemies who need to be dealt with though, from several factions working against you to other players in the game.
If you have dreams of being a medieval success story, then be sure to check out this game to keep up on all the news.
From humble beginings will come something beautiful.
69. Ark: Survival Evolved
Developer: Studio Wildcard
Action-adventure, survival
Pre-Historic Survival
Welcome to the jungle.
Welcome to the land of dinosaurs, mysterious aliens, and some of the most bulbous character models seen. I’m sure you could make someone normal in the game, I just haven’t seen any one do that yet.
Ark requires that you scavenge supplies and build some sort of shelter. In addition, you should be able to ride dinosaurs with enough experience. There’s just only on thing to remember; everything on this island would not blink an eye over killing you.
If you’ve ever wanted to live alongside dinosaurs in a non-modernized environment, then this is the game for you.
Dinosaurs aren't the only interesting thing on this island.
68. MechWarrior Online
Developer: Piranha Games
Vehicular combat, action
Future Shooter
The selections of mechs just got hecka bigger.
In MechaWarrior, you will pilot a Battle Mech, a bipedal combat vehicle that you will be able customize the armor and weapons. Once you got your ideal machine, you will participate in the 12 on 12 mecha battles.
Upcoming features will allow you to join a number factions or mercenary groups, which mean you’ll be influencing a galactic map. The game modes available are team deathmatch, attacking a single base or taking control of several different points. It’s been a while since I’ve played any game that includes mecha battles, but this sound like a lot of fun.
If you’ve had the ideal mecha in mind for the longest time, you need to check out this game.
Suit up and roll out.
67. Dying Light
Developer: Techland
Action role-playing, survival horror
Open-World Survival
Some new thigns are coming to keep this game alive.
Dying Light is set in an open-ended post-apocalyptic world. It is up to you to scavenge what supplies you can and avoid the hordes of undead roaming the Earth.
Where Dying Light stands out form other horror-survival games is that you can move through your surroundings by parkour. The hordes of zombies can be quite annoying in the day, but by night a breed of them that is both super-fast and super strong stalk you. You can also make loads of weapons through crafting, over 100 possibilities in total.
If you want to see if you are greater than the most terrifying of the zombie race, then you and your friends need to play Dying Light.
There are plenty of ways to have an explosive time in this game.
66. Call of Duty: Zombies
Developer: Ideaworks Game Studio
First-person shooter
Horror shooter
This game mode will probably never die.
Starting out in Callof Duty: World at War, Zombies has you and up to three friends trying your best to survive waves of zombies. This game calls for planning; conserving your ammo and making sure the zombies don’t overwhelm all of you.
The key to surviving this game lies within teamwork. Make sure to board up as many openings as possible so that the zombies are stemmed, if not only for a little wall. Money is used to buy upgrades, weapons and access to new rooms, so make sure that you all are contributing to the latter. As the levels go on, hell hounds will join the zombie hordes, as well as more dangerous foes, so be sure not to split up and make it easier for your foe to swarm you.
This game mode has been out for such a while that any one is interested in it has probably played it. If not, and you know an unfortunate soul who hasn’t experienced the wonder of Call of Duty: Zombies, please be sure to enlighten them.
Always something dead-lier around the corner.
65. Heroes of Newerth
Developer: S2 Games
Multiplayer online battle arena
Arean Brawler
Do you have what it takes to make the big play this year?
It falls to you and your fellow champion to destroy the towers, minions and champions of your enemy. If you think this is just another run-of-the-mill MOBA
Heroes of Newerth has over 126 heroes to choose, though you are limited by the allegiances of the heroes. Heroes are divide by Strength, agility or intelligence, which would change out how you would pick a character rather than the common five roles. There are also daily quests to complete, deemed “The War Effort”, that can earn you some cool rewards.
If you’re looking for a new style of MOBA gaming, then perhaps you should check out Heroes of Newerth.
Something new every day.
64. Killing Floor 2
Developer: Tripwire Interactive
First-person shooter
Horror Shooter
Get ready to dig into this game.
A deadly virus has spread across Europe, wiping out most forms of resistance. The only thing standing between the fall of Europe is a small group of survivors, you and your friends.
The game is done in rounds, sending in a variety of zombie-like creatures against you. In between waves, you can purchase an array of guns, melee weapons, and explosives. Advance all the way to the end of the level and you will find yourself up against the boss, who will not lie down so easily.
If your ideal game involves slaying the type of zombies only Dr. Victor Frankenstein could come up with, then you should consider purchasing Killing Floor 2.
Don't let them in. Don't let them win.
63. Armored Warfare
Developer: Obsidian
Tactical shooter, massively multiplayer online game.
Mdoern Combat Shooter
Time to put the mechanized armor to use.
At first glance, Armored Warfare seems a lot like World of Tanks. That would be an incorrect assumption, because the game brings some interesting elements not included in the latter.
For one, players will have the ability to use both tanks and artillery in their fights. There are five categories of armored classes to choose from, each serving a different purpose in helping win the fight. There is also the option to work with teammates against the environment or against other human mechanical troops.
If you want to experience armored warfare with all its bases covered, then perhaps you need to look into Armored Warfare.
Not a friendly! I repeat, not a friendly!
62. Torchlight 2
Developer: Runic Games
Action role-playing, hack and slash.
Fantasy Adventure
Got to keep the torchlight going.
The sequel to the original Torchlight is now in the hands of the fans, and it’s brought with it some new features. They have heard your pleas and they have come to deliver them onto you.
The biggest issue with the vanilla version was the loneliness of going this course alone. In Torchlight 2, you can bring your friends along on your glorious journey. A lot of old elements, like pets and fishing.
If you’re a fan of the original game, there seems like a load of new features that only make the experience all the greater. This game could be appealing to a lot of people as well with the multiplayer system and expanded character creation.
Beserker Fury!!
61. Need for Speed: World
Developer: Electronic Arts
Street Racing
Rev up the engines Need For Speed fans!
Need for Speed: World may have been taken offline, but the gameplay is still loads of fun. There are a load of features that allowed the game to keep a loyal player base.
There are a load of fun activities for the players, like Treasure Hunt, customizing cars and the racing that the Need for Speed Franchise is known for. The single-player mode features actual traffic and police cars, who no longer will chse you if you rammed them. When the game passed one million registrations in September 8th, 2010, the level cap was removed, which was good because before you were required to pay to level up past level 10.
Despite not being able to play with people all around the world, the game has elements for the casual racing gamer. It’s also free, so it is worth a peek if you’re interested.
It's time to take to the streets.
60. The Crew
Developer: Ubisoft
Cross-Country Racing
Thigns are about to get wild.
It’s time to put the pedal to the medal and drive to the farthest corners of the U.S.A. In The Crew, racing has never felt so open-world.
Within the confines f your sandbox world, there are loads of activities for you to participate in. These include skill challenges and races to name a few. And if you have some friends who are passionate about driving games like yourself, they can get on and join your crew, helping you with all your missions.
If you have the need to drive without boundaries, then this is a game you need to check out.
Just chilling with the crew.
59. Next Car Game: Wreckfest
Developer: Bugbear Entertainment
Vehicular combat, racing
Car Arena Brawler
Hope you're ready for some destruction derby.
This game gives you two of the best reasons to drive a car, racing and demolition derby. In either case, the developers hope you came looking for a fight.
Despite only one of the game modes focusing on this, the overall gameplay requires you to get into a lot of vehicular combat. The hope is that not only will you be aggressive to your opponents, but will also work to avoid both natural and vehicular debris lying in the road. You have the option to buy, sell and customize vehicles, so make sure to make sure you build something that makes the demolition gods proud.
If you tend to get road rage often, this is the game to get all that frustration out.
A lot of research is going into making sure this game is fun for you.
Developer: Pavel Zagrebelnyj
Off-Road Driving
Are you ready to drive, you serf?
Spintires takes you off the race track and into the off-terrain. Best of all, this game takes place in Mother Russia.
You will be trying to complete all the objectives as you drive “Aging Soviet vehicles” across “muddy unpaved Russian Roads”. The game takes into account things such as physics, terrain deformation and driving controls. There is even a hardcore mode, where fuel consumption is increased and you’ll have no map to guide you where you need to go.
If you have the desire to see Post-Soviet landscape, then this is the game that you have been waiting for.
Making Trails.
57. Asphalt 8
Developer: Gameloft
Competitive Racing
You ready to do some sick tricks?
Asphalt 8 is a game for those who have a need for speed. Get up to five stars in every race you do.
Asphalt 8 stands apart from its predecessor by focusing on jumping, having a lot more ramps on the tracks than before. In every race, there are secondary objectives that need to be completed in addition to placing in the top three places in order to get five stars. There is also the “Perfect Nitro”, which boosts the player at breakneck speeds.
If you enjoy racing games the will have you in the air half of the time, this is the game you need to get.
Cacthing air.
56. Far Cry 4
Developer: Ubisoft
First-person shooter, action-adventure
Adventure Shooter
You can't argue with facts.
The popular series has done it again, bringing you a beautiful new world with adventure, feral animals and hours of thrilling gameplay.
This time around, you are Ajay Ghale, a descendant of a member of the Golden Path who has landed himself right in the middle of a civil war. It falls to you shift the balance of power to the people and away from a terrifying dictator and his royal guard. In addition to that, there are loads of fun side-quests that will show you all of Kyrat in all its beauty and danger.
If you’re a fan of the series or want a shooter with a fun feel to it, this is a game you should really look into.
There's only room for one player in this game.
55. State of Decay
Developer: Undead Labs
Stealth, survival horror role-playing, third-person shooter, simulation
Horror Shooter
Everythign you need to know is in this nice, short video.
It’s not too often that a zombie survival game wants you to stay put rather than being on the run. You ae ever wanted to be a Rick Grimes-type of person, this is your chance.
The focus of State of decay is to build a safe haven for you and other survivors. Some of these survivors will be NPCs, who will help you supply and build your new home once you rescue them. Just remember that the world is still super populated with the walking dead and you need to still be smart to survive.
If you too have dreams of building a new life amongst all the death and sorrow, then give this game a try. This has the look of a very engaging game.
Be prepared to defend what's yours.
54. The Secret World
Developer: Funcom
Fantasy Adventure
Discover The Secret World
The Secret World sees you starting in a foggy New England and later traveling the world to slay lots of monsters. The game is heavily influenced by monsters, creatures that you seem to be investigating, and the developers make the gameplay feel like that.
A lot of this game will see you having to constantly change things on the fly. One of the surprising changes is your class, which means you can switch to something much more favorable to match your foe whenever you choose. There are also no end to quests you can do, which include faction-driven, faction-limited, dungeons, open side quests.
For those interested in folklore with a little pop-culture thrown in, The Secret World should definitely be on your list of games to play. When else will you be able to thrill your friend when you told them you joined the Illuminati.
Have your pick of secret socities.
53. Everquest Next
Developer: Sony Entertainment
Massively multiplayer online role-playing game
Fantasy Adventure
With a cool character could come disaterous consequences.
Everquest Next will be giving fans of the series a parallel world similar to Norrath, but with different events and relationships. Not too much is known about the game, Beta testing is open, but what is known seems very interesting.
You as the player will have loads of influence on the world, being able to destroy your environment, build your own creations, and also change all of Norrath with your choices. The classes allow you to mix and match common stereotypes to make something totally new. It really looks like a brand new world that will be yours as much as the developers.
It’s safe to assume Everquest Next, like those before it, will be free to play. If you are intrigued by what you’ve read here, or curious to find out more, check out the official site and see what’s in store.
When you hear about alll the new features.
52. Infinite Crisis
Developer: Turbine
Multiplayer Online Battle arena
Super-Hero Arena Brawler
It's a clash of worlds, so many worlds.
Infinite Crisis brings together popular DC characters across the multi-verses and the MOBA genre that has become so popular as of late. Since this is playing with a franchise filled wih big fights between hero and villain, the developers have added some unique concepts to the already established blueprint.
First thing of note is that the environment is completely destructible. The maps in the game are divided up based upon game length to play them. The win conditions for the game are either you capture strategic points to drain the power on the enemy side, or just destroy the power core outright.
Unfortunately, Infinite Crisis goes offline effective August 14th, 2015. Hopefully, there will be another DC MOBA in the near future because it was a very popular game in its limited lifespan.
Who is "friend" and who is "foe" is going to get blurry real quickly.
51. Archeage
Developer: Trion Worlds
Fantasy Adventure
See the world of Archeage with the devs.
ArcheAge is a zoneless world, meaning it’s open-ended, and the players are given first or third person point of view. It contains a lot of features that sets it apart from other MMORPGs. These include boats, an early-bird quest system and a create your own unique class.
In addition to the typical mounts MMORPG players get, players in ArcheAge get personal ships that they must customize to fight both players and sea monsters. If you just want to get a quest over with, but manage to get past this frustrating part, you can complete a quest at the cost of a reduced experience reward. Also, all starting characters choose from three of ten skill trees to create their own class.
These are just a few of the many wonderful things about ArcheAge, an MMO that you really should take a look at. You should really give this a look if you have any interest in a dynamically-built online game.
A daring adventure awaits.
50. APB Reloaded
Developer: Real Time Worlds
Action-adventure, third-person shooter
Gang Warfare
Who's going to run this town?
APB Reloaded takes place in San Paro where two sides, Enforcers and Criminals, are constantly at war. When you sign into the game, you need to decide with whom you want to stand.
The game consists of a variety of missions that one side must do while the other side’s only task is to stop you. Upgrades of any kind: weapons, clothing, and vehicles, can be found at vendors across the city. There also is a part of the city where players can only talk to one another, no matter what side they are on.
If you’re a fan of cops and robbers games like I am, you should definitely check this game out. There just seems to be so many interesting concepts in this game, you got to check it out.
Time to go to war.
49. Warframe
Developer: Digital Extremes
Third-person shooter
Future Shooter
Slice, dice and shoot in space.
Warframe starts with you waking up as a Tenno, an ancient race of warriors, only to win yourself at war with three different factions. Just know that you will not be fighting this battle alone, for up to three friends can help you.
Each player will have two ranged weapons and a bladed weapon, as well as having Companions, who will float around your head and help you out. And like the space ninja that you know you are, you can jump, sprint, slide, roll and all sorts of other techniques against your enemies as well as maneuvering around your environment.
The fact that you are not your common solider running around and fighting people should definitely convince you to give this game a shot. Come on now, it’s space ninjas!
Your enemies have picked the wrong opponent to fight.
48. Magicka: Wizard Wars
Developer: Arrowhead Game Studios
Fantasy Arena Brawler
With a little help from your friends.
Magicka: Wizard wars pits four wizards against four others It seems that there are a lack of towers and minions, leaving there nothing standing between you and an opponent that needs a magical beatdown.
There are some features that are of note for people interested in playing. Friendly fire is possible and you may “accidentally” kill your opponent. Also, do well in your matches and you can get new staves, robes and…humor?
The Magicka series seems to pride itself on being humorous and fun, so if that’s your kind of game you should definitely try it out. I personally think the absence of normal MOBA mechanics in a PvP game is definitely an intriguing idea. I myself might check this out.
Thought sometimes friends fight too.
47. Black Desert Online
Developer: Pearl Abyss
MMORPG, Sandbox
Fantasy Adventure
Sometimes it's nice to go off the beaten path.
Black Desert takes place in a high fantasy world revolving around a clash between two rival clans. Beyond that, the environment will play a big part in the game.
Some of the key features of this game are the ability of characters to climb, interact and explore buildings and obstacles. Big weather events, like typhoons, will affect gameplay that will be beneficial either to the players or their enemies. Combat is noteworthy, requiring the player be a lot more active than merely clicking on buttons to do battle.
I don’t know about you, but Black Desert sounds like a wonderful game with loads of engaging features. If you like your MMOs with interaction and a dynamic environment, give this game a shot.
Victory at any cost.
46. Wartune
Developer: Sq 7 Road
Browser-based MMO TRPG
Fantasy Adventure
Always take time to survey your kingdom.
Wartune is game that puts you in charge of managing a town while also leading troops to gather more resources. It looks to be taking a step away from games more focused on building, such as Game of War or Tribal Wars.
You choose a leader of your town from three classes: Knight, Mage or Archer. You will lead a couple legions of men to find treasure, including gold, and valuable minerals. These treasures are then transferred into upgrading your buildings, which I imagine starts a rotating door of tasks.
If you enjoy games where you get a more hands-on method of gathering resources to upgrade your city, give Wartune a shot. The concept definitely seems interesting.
You come, you see, you conquer.
45. Tera
Developer: Blue Hole
Massively Multiplayer online role-playing game
Fantasy Adventure
Always nice when the fun games are also free.
Tera, the region, was born from the dreams of two omnipotent titans. Twelve godlike beings were the first inhabitants, but they began to war really soon. The next beings were mortal beings, like your character, but they two found themselves pulled a war not their own.
Tera has many features that shares with other MMOs, but it’s claim to fame lies within its combat system. Rather than simply clicking on the enemy and pushing hotkeys, you’re expected to actively be dodging and striking at your opponent. This way, you actually feel like you’re in every fight your character takes on.
If you’re as curious to see what a freeform combat system is like I am, you should give Tera game a shot. If this is the selling point Blue Hole wants to show for their game, it must be pretty spectacular.
It's the future of fantasy worlds.
44. Dirty Bomb
Developer: Nexon
First-person shooter, action
Modern Combat Shooter
Hope you came for a challenge
Dirty Bomb takes place in London after a radiological attack. The game seems to play heavily on teamwork, encouraging such through allowing you to revive teammates and shortening the life of those who are the last member on their team alive.
In addition to trying to kill as many of the enemy as you can, the attackers are escorting an Extraction vehicle to a location on the map (Think the bomb escorting game on Team Fortress 2). After that, what they must do next depends on the map. The map is also filled of objects, such as machine gun turrets, which can be activated by either side to assist them.
If you enjoy games where you have to be part of a team, give Dirty Bomb a shot. If the team is very diverse, you can expect to win a lot of matches.
Now there's an odd slogan for you.
43. Rift
Developer: Trion Worlds
Fantasy MMORPG
Fantasy Adventure
Looks like the sky is falling
Telara is the focal point of the elemental planes, each plane governed by a dragon-deity. The dragons try to wage war , but were defeated of the inhabitants of Telara and banished from the world. One of these dragons, Regulos the dragon of extinction, has worked his way back into the world and opened up rifts for power up his kin, which will lead to nothing good.
Rift, like the name implies, is largely focused on the players working to seal the rifts. Each dungeon encourages tactical thinking and strategies, but rewards the players handsomely upon completion. The raids are considered end-game content and contain the hardest of the game’s foes.
A game largely focused around dungeons sounds like a very interesting concept. If raiding was your favorite element of other MMOs, then you should give this game a shot.
Your foes will come from every corner of the unvierse to fight you.
42. Civilization V
Developer: Firaxis
4X Turn-based Strategy
Turn-based City Management
The people look to you.
With civilization V, you’ll get the chance to change history. Choose from a large variety of leaders, nations, and paths to bring your nation from a nomadic tribe to a country with global influence. This is a game that you will certainly enjoy if you can understand all the elements that equal success.
The game is turn-based, requires a lot of planning in everything you do, and requires you try to negotiate with your neighbors in a way that benefits you. This game is as much a game of thinking as it is waging wars. There are a few expansions to this, each one adding a whole new element of gameplay, as well as new faces.
If you are someone who enjoys long games that require a lot of planning, then this game is definitely one you need to check out. Try and also get some like-minded friends together for some really memorable matches.
Leave all others in your dust as you become the greatest leader in history.
41. Star Trek Online
Developer: Cryptic Studios
Science-Fiction MMORPG, Third Person Shooter
Future Adventure
The final frontier is waiting for you.
Suit up Captain, because the final frontier awaits you. Star Trek Online allows you to choose from a.variety of races, and then gives you a ship and some crewmembers. It falls to you and your fellow captains to scour space and keep the good people safe.
When you are given quests by the faction that you belong to, you can work with fellow faction members to complete the mission together. When you are tired of engaging in thrilling space combat, there are both exploration missions available as well as missions that players themselves have created. With all these options open to you, space has never seemed so endless.
If you’re a fan of the series or just love flying ships around, then this is a game you really should check out. The game has received so many updates since its original release 5 years ago, so there will be loads of content for new players to experience.
Somethign big is on the horizon.
40. Eve Online
Developer: CCP Games
Space Simulation, massive multiplayer, online role-playing
Future Adventure
You'll write your own story in this game.
It’s massive, it’s glorious and it’s in space. Eve Online is on a whole new level when it comes to MMOs.
The game has players inside customizable space ships, going through the galaxy and completing all sorts of quests. This universe, unlike other games, only expands when the population grows bigger than the serve would allow. There is also one of the best economies of any MMO within Eve Online.
If you like a science-fiction game with a complex style of gameplay, this game is for you. It’s literally the game that keeps on growing.
There is so much to see in this game.
39. Clash of Clans
Developer: Supercell
City Invasion
Rally your clansmen!
Clash of Clans has already established a name for itself in the world of gaming. If you are unfamiliar with this game, and forgive me because I now think you live under a rock, then here’s a run-down on the game.
You are tasked with building a fortress, complete with barracks and production buildings. Build troops to attack players to earn gold and elixir, the resources you’ll need to improve your own buildings. Then, as the name implies, you can join a clan and then engage in the giant clan wars that are raging in-game.
If you are a fan of games like Tribal Wars and Game of Fire, this game is definitely worth a shot. Considering it’s so popular, there’s certainly got to be a reason to play.
Sometimes, you just got to throw caution to the wind.
38. Neverwinter
Developer: Perfect World
Fantasy Adventure
They offer dragons as a playable race now.
While Dungeons and Dragons Online takes place in the 3.5 Universe, Neverwinter is centered around Dungeons and Dragons 4.0. If you have played the table-top version of that, then you should have a leg-up on everyone els ein this game.
You’ll pick from eight different classes, complete with healing powers and action points. Join one of the various factions fighting for control following the disappearance of the Lord of Neverwinter. There is also a lich named Valindra who will demand a lot of your attention, probably because she has a load of skeletons and a dracolich in her ranks.
Fans of Dungeons and Dragons will surely love playing this game. There appears to be so much content to do and so much exploration to do. Expect to be putting in loads of hours into this game.
They did the monster smash!
37. Mount and Blade: Warband
Developer: TaleWorlds
Action RPG, Strategy, Simulation
Fantasy Adventure
Welcome to Calderia.
Welcome to Calderia, a place where six different factions fight for control of the region. It falls to you, the player, to shape this country in whatever image you wish it to be.
You’ll start as a traveler in the land of one of the six factions vying for control. You can work your way into favor of nobles, establish property, marry, and possibly becoming a ruler of your own personal nation. Whatever you do though, know that it will take a while to be “victorious”.
If you enjoy games that take a while and require you to be both a military and political genius, you need to try this game. There are a number of DLCs that have come out for the game, like Napoleonic Wars and North and South, which adds some new maps and factions for multiplayer play. This game is guaranteed to bring you many hours of entertainment and will keep you coming back to it.
When engaging in sieges, make sure you bring enough men.
36. Wildstar
Developer: Carbine Studios
Online Role-playing game
Future Adventure
Hear it here first foks.
In a fictional universe deep in space, a hyper-advanced race called The Eldan have mysteriously died out, leaving their planet of Nexus bare of a civilized race. That changes really quickly as two factions, The Dominion and The Exiles, fight for the right to inhabit the planet and possibly discover the secrets of the Eldan.
Players will pick one of a handful of races, a number of classes, and then go off to planet to serve their corresponding faction. They’ll fight both the enemy faction and some other races, and eventually learn about the story behind the Eldan’s disappearance. Your character will eventually be able to own property, participate in PvP and dungeons, and all sort of other things.
If you’re a fan of fun science-fiction games, then this is the game for you. The game is free to play now, so give it a try if it strikes the slightest interest in you.
There's treasure for every type of explorer.
35. Warcraft 3
Developer: Blizzard
Real-Time Strategy
Fantasy Strategy
War is here, but somethign worse is on it's way.
Like World of Warcraft, some of Blizzard’s games are really great even if they are kind of old. This is also the case of Warcraft 3, which is also one of the games that inspired the massively popular MMO.
You can play the campaign, which focuses on the ascent of the man who becomes the Lich King and other notable characters who must try and stop him. You can also play a skirmish as Humans, Orcs, Night Elves or Undead. The Frozen Thrones expansion pack introduces tow new races, the Trolls and the Blood Elves, and also adds a bunch of new content to both single-player, multiplayer and also the map editor.
Though the game is rather old, the ability to make your own scenarios or play on already made maps still makes the game incredibly interesting. There even exists a player base on multiplayer that you can play with as soon as you get some experience against the computers.
The online multiplayer is still going strong after all these years.
34. Elsword
Developer: Kog
Fantasy MMO, fighting platform side-scroller
Fantasy Adventure
The timing has never been better to start playing this game.
This game is pretty fun and light-hearted. The characters are a load of fun, the enemies seem pretty creative and the way of level progression is something I don’t see in many games.
In Elsword, you’ll have your pick of seven different characters, each with a unique backstory and playstyle. As you level up, you will have to choose between two separate specializations, once at level 15 and again at level 35. You’ll pick up weapons and armor along the way, and also you may pick up a few costume items.
If you’re looking for a side-scrolling fighter in a brightly-colored universe, this is your game. There’s also a new character out recently, so perhaps now is a great time to get started.
It's side-scrolling mayhem in this game.
33. Payday 2
Developer: OverKill
First-person shooter, tactical shooter, stealth
Modern Combat Shooter
Time to make some money.
This is the game for you people wanting to play out a heist on the scale of “Heat” or “Point Break”. This game will give you the most suspenseful firefights you will have ever been a part of.
The game focuses on you doing missions, strongly preferably with other human beings, that range from robbing banks to stealing meth from gang members. With each completed job, you get the chance to get weapon attachments, new masks, or designs for your masks. There are four classes to put points into, providing you the tools you’ll want to bring along to be a successful member of the team.
If there ever was a shooter you need to have friends with to play with, this is that game. Once you get into this game, you’ll never get tired of it. The new content that has been coming out lately doesn’t hurt either.
Looks like a party.
32. Magic: The Gathering
Developer: Wizards of The Coast
Fantasy Card-Based Game
Don't kow how to play? Try this video.
The only way to make a card game more fun is to allow them to play against a greater audience. This is exactly what Wizards of the Coast has done with their super popular TCG, Magic: The Gathering.
The online version of the popular game allows you build your dream deck from booster packs that you’ll pick up as you gain more victories. If you’ve never played before, or are a little rusty, there are tutorials that can assist with how to play the game well. Get your deck together and become really experienced, there are tournaments that you are welcome to participate in.
If you have any desire to paly Magic: The Gathering, no matter your experience level, this is definitely a game you need to check out.
Join the gathering. Play today.
31. Left 4 Dead
Developer: Valve
First-person shooter survival horror
Horror Shooter
The living dead now come in all shapes and sizes.
This was the game that started a beautiful horror-survival franchise. The zombie apocalypse has never seemed both scary and incredibly entertaining at the same time.
You and three other individuals are the last surviving people who need to get to safety. To do so, you’ll need to fight through waves of zombies and a number of enemies called “special infected”. Teamwork is the key to getting through it all, and you would do well to heed those words well.
If you enjoy a good time with friends and killing zombies, get this game. It’s all the intensity of fighting the zombie hordes, but none of the fear you see in games like DayZ or H1z1.
It all started on a dark and stormy night.
30. Left 4 Dead 2
Developer: Valve
First-person shooter survival horror
Horror Shooter
It's terror time, again.
Left 4 Dead 2 is perhaps one of the most fun horror survival games out there. If anything can be said about games Valve makes, they sure know how to make sure the players have a very enjoyable experience.
You and three other survivors, A.I or human-controlled depends on you, must fight your way through five maps filled with your common zombies and several types of “special infected”. Along the way, you’ll be able to pick up guns, melee weapons, explosives, and some items that will benefit you. The key is to stay together, because programming in the game is merciless if one of your team strays to far from the group.
And if you’re the competitive type, you can play against a second team of players and take turns being survivors or zombies, trying to get farther on each map of a single campaign and therefore racking up more points. If you get the game on Steam, there are loads of mods that can customize the look of both you, your friends and even the enemy. There is no excuse why fans of shooters and zombie survival games should not be playing this game.
Did I mention the fun mods for this game?
29. Minecraft
Developer: Mojang
Sandbox, survival
City Management
Check out everything that has gone inot building this wonderful game.
This game is for those of you who enjoy building things. The light-hearted blocky game has so much to do, you and your friends could spend a whole on one magnificent project.
The game centers around you, and any friends you’re working with, building anything your heart desires by building it with wood, stone, and other materials you will have to make by hand. If you search on the internet, you’ll see numerous photos of giant construction projects of pop culture reference. Just to be careful not to let a particular creature, called a Creeper, get near your structure or you’ll find yourself having to rebuild big sections all over again.
If you enjoy a game that provides you the tools to build anything, provided you have hours to spend, you need to paly Minecraft. 20 million plus fans means this game has a lot of enjoyment for many years to come.
Go off and build, happy-go-lucky player.
28. The Lord of the Rings Online
Developer: Turbine
Fantasy Adventure
Time to go on an adventure
The world of J.R.R Tolkien comes to live for the fans in The Lord of The Rings Online. First arriving in early 2007, the game has had a few expansions that have kept continuing the lore we have all come to enjoy.
The story, different from the one portrayed in the books and films, has the player starting off in an area corresponding to their race or choice that soon becomes touched by the forces of evil. As you level up, you’ll graduate from highwaymen and feral animals to fighting orcs, trolls and even Nazgul. Once you get up there in levels, you’ll be able to participate in raids and PvP matches.
Though the game isn’t the flashiest, fans of the Lord of The Rings will find plenty of reasons to enjoy this game. And like many of the popular online games out there, it’s free.
Something vile this way comes.
27. Bless Online
Developer: Neowiz Games
Faction versus Faction
Fantasy Adventure
Are you prepared to fight?
Bless is an up and coming game By Neowiz Bless Studios that promises to push the Unreal 3 engine to it’s absolute limits. The team promises this game will redefine what online gaming can look like.
The plot for Bless Online takes place in a medieval fantasy world where two factions are at war with each other. Players will get the opportunity to pick a side, along with a race and class, and supposedly be performing some quests that are commonly found in MMORPGs before joining the main conflict. Considering the boasts on how the game works, it begs the question of whether the plot will be affected positively by that.
No idea of when Bless Online becomes accessible to the PC community, but it certainly seems to show promise. Of course, when it comes done to it, the end decision will depend on you.
Can you hope to survive what is coming?
26. GTA V
Developer: Rockstar Games
Mdoern Combat Shooter
There's always somethign new and exciting to do.
Thought it’s already been some time since it came out, Grand Theft Auto V continues to be a fantastic game. This might be in part of them constantly releasing DLCs, anywhere from offering first-person perspective to giving you a gun that shoots out a variety of crazy things.
There is plenty of content for both casual players and those who have logged in hundreds of hours already into the game. There are loads of mini-games that you can play with your friends, missions that can be completed in a group or by yourself, and a whole world that you can take on by your lonesome. So long as you enjoy playing in the world of Los Santos, there will always be something for you to do.
No word out on in there is a sixth installment in development, but GTA V has plenty of content to help keep players interested and always coming back for more. If you haven’t tried out the game yet, you should really give this game a shot.
Remember: crime doesn't pay, if you get caught.
25. League of Legends
Developer: Riot Games
Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
Arena Brawler
Here's a place you'll get real familiar with quickly.
One of those other popular MOBAs, League of Legends feature an immensely colorful cast of champions for you to pick from. Just like any other MOBA, there are a number of roles that all players can try out and hopefully pick one or two they enjoy.
Though they have cited DOTA 2 as an influence for the idea, League of Legends has a number of features that makes it stand out. The champions seem more light-hearted and delightful to play as, and there are creatures in the game that give your entire team boosts to their stats and even a little money. I’m also pretty sure that the heroes in DOTA 2 don’t dance.
League of Legends, whether you’ve played a MOBA or not, is definitely worth a shot. You may even find that this game is much more enjoyable than whatever you were playing previously.
Well then; seems like someone was home.
24. DayZ
Developer: Bohemia Interactive
First-person shooter
Horror Shooter
In case you're curious what's new and coming soon.
DayZ is the horror survival game that originally was a mod from the military simulator, ARMA 2. The game has done so well though, it has earned a name for itself and isn’t standing in the shadow of anyone.
The game has you in the fictional Soviet Republic territory known as Chernaus with little more than the clothes on you back. It falls to you to scrounge up what supplies you can find, but you must keep an eye out for both zombies and other scavengers who may be willing to kill you over an item. Talk about serious trust issues.
The game has become so popular that, as of this past E3, DayZ is now playable on three separate consoles. I’m seen a number of videos of gameplay on Youtube, and it looks like one of the best open-world survival games out there.
Just you against the world.
23. Grey Goo
Developer: Petroglyph
Real-time strategy
Future Strategy
You are not alone.
Based on the title of this game, you probably wouldn’t expect it to be a science-fiction RTS. The plot is the story of three factions, the Humans, the Beta and the Goo, who wage war across the galaxy. Though their conflicts take place across the stars, most of your battles will take place on solid ground.
Each faction has their own distinct playstyle. The humans are balanced in attack and defense, the Beta faction favors speedy strikes against their opponents and the Goo favor force in massive numbers. All of the units in this game appear to be mechanized tanks and ships, which isn’t the typical route for RTS games.
Fans of games such as Command and Conquer and Supreme Commander should have a lot of fun with this game. Grey Goo claims to favor outright strategy over micro-management, but I’ll let you be the judge of that.
Hope that's on our side.
22. PlanetSide 2
Developer: Sony Online Entertainment
Massively multiplayer online first-person shooter
Future Shooter
Cele-brate war times, come on!
I assure you that you have never had fought in any game at this scale. PlanetSide 2 features an entire world where three factions want to conquer everything. There are certain areas that can’t be taken over, to guarantee no side will permanently be defeated, so the war will go on forever and ever.
There are so many ways for you to wage war and take territory for your faction. Choose to fight as a soldier or a mech; fight on foot, in a tank, or a plane. Try them all and see which one you like the best.
There isn’t a game that takes place on a scale like this. If you ever had dreams of playing in a giant war, then you need to get this game. No arguments; go get it.
Battling until the end of days.
21. H1z1
Developer: Sony Online Entertainment
Survival, massively multiplayer online game
Horror Shooter
How to survive when your community has been invaded by zombies.
If you’re going to survive a zombie apocalypse, it’s probably best done with a group. H1z1 is a horror survival game where, it’s hoped, you work with players to live long in this barren United States landscape.
There will be loads of things that can help you improve your character. You can trade with other people in the game to get better equipment. You can also hope that you run into a loot crate, which can hold some pretty rare stuff. If all else fails, you can always scavenge across the world and hope you get something that will help keep you alive.
If you got a knack to see how well you do in the zombie apocalypse, then you should give H1z1 a try. Get your friends together and try and work together to see how far you go.
You just can't trust anyone in a post-apocalyptic scenario.
20. Lost Ark
Developer: Smilegate
Hack and Slash
Fantasy Adventure
You don't need to know the language to know this game looks amazing.
Not too much is known about Lost Ark with the game still being worked on. The developer, Smilegate, is one of the leading Korean game developers, which may invite some credibility to how well the game can do.
What is known about the game looks intriguing for those who play the hack n slash game Diablo. Lost Ark makes the claim that it offers puzzles that require a little brain power, a ship that they may use to sail around the world, and even a chain combo system that the player will be allowed to customize. There will also be jobs through the game world that doing well in may provide you with rewards as you go duengoneering.
There hasn’t been too much news as of late, but hopefully Smilegate is still hard work making this game as exciting as it does. Diablo players and fans of similar games, the unique traits that Lost Ark boasts of rbinging should definitely put it on your radar.
They look like they're up to no good.
19. DC Universe Online
Developer: Sony Online Entertainment
Massively multiplayer online role-playing
Super-Hero Adventure
There's super-heroing to do.
Now’s your chance to take up the fight for justice or evil. Create your character, choosing a costume and weapons of choice, and level up in this super-hero MMO.
The world of the DC universe opens up to you and your friends. Take on notable villains and heroes and there numerous, nameless henchmen. Get new weapons or powers as you grow, and become an individual worth talking about.
Fans of super heroes will really enjoy this game. Whatever you choose, good or evil, just remember to do your best.
Something looks wrong with that lantern there.
18. Injustice: Gods Among Us
Developer: Netherrealm
Super-Hero Fighter
Putting the "costume" in "Costumed crusader".
Time to settle all your comic nerdy debates, at least for a short time. Choose from a big list of heroes and villains from the DC Universe and take on the A.I or your friends.
There’s a lot of DC-themed goodness in this game. Characters who have history with each other have specialized opening lines to talk to each other about. You can fight on some pretty memorable landmarks in the universe, and you can knock each other through multiple levels found on each map.
If you’re a fan of DC games, you should probably give this game a shot. There will be loads of combos and victories to found, giving you hours of enjoyment.
I hate it when couples fight.
17. Starcraft 2
Developer: Blizzard
Real-Time Strategy
Future Strategy
Know thy foe before you step into battle.
The sequel to the successful RTs done by Blizzard, you’ll be taking up the fight as one of three forces trying to rule in the galaxy. All your favorite units are back in better quality, and there’s a load of new units for you to enjoy.
The point of this game is to build up a base, train some units, and destroy your opponent. Every faction has their own playstyle, so figure out which one matches how you like to play, It probably would be best to play a few dozen rounds against the A.I before heading into multiplayer, because all the people on there are probably well-versed experts.
As far as RTS games go, Starcraft 2 is probably one of the best out there. The gameplay is very well-done and the units are diverse enough that you’ll come up with a lot of strategies.
Look at that light show.
16. Team Fortress 2
Developer: Valve
First-person shooter
Modern Combat Shooter
Team Fortress 2 gives the best rewards.
Team Fortress makes your common first-person shooter look lame. The comic designs of the controllers and the obsession with hats make Team Fortress 2 a game that needs to be on your radar.
You have your basic game modes found in this genre: Team Deathmatch, capture the flag, and planting bombs. Like an RPG, the classes featured in Team Fortress 2 are best when working together, like a medic powering up the machine gun-wielding Heavy. Do well enough in your class of choice, and you get fun rewards, like new guns and hats.
Team Fortress 2 is free, quirky and not too hard to learn. This means this game was made for any type of gamer, which means you. Just get on Steam and download this awesome game.
There is no lollygagging in senseless slaughter of your enemy.
15. Mortal Kombat X
Developer: Netherrealm
Fantasy Fighter
It's all about how you finish your foe.
The latest installment in the Mortal Kombat franchise is here and looks as bloody and brutal as ever. Old favorites and a few new faces have come together to bring on the brutalities.
So far, there have been a number of DLCs out, bringing characters like Jason Voorhees and the Predator to the players. The fatalities and x-ray attacks are brutal and yet, at the same time, quite creative. You can even interact with your environment, grabbing both zombies and old ladies and tossing them into your opponent’s face.
Overall, if you enjoyed Mortal Kombat games before, this is definitely going to be loads of fun for you. You’ll spend hours on end trying to figure out the combos on your favorite characters, and beating your opponent into a bloody mess.
This new guy seems pretty rock-solid.
14. Street Fighter IV
Developer: Capcom
2D Fighting Game
Fantasy Fighter
Time to punch, kick and Hadukken your way to victory.
It’s time to hit the streets again. Ryu, Chun-Li and all the other characters are back in action, along with some new faces. Be ready to pull off plenty of flashy combos and a few old favorites too.
The graphics on this game look fantastic, making sure every blow you land on your foe dazzle with special effects. Every fighter even has witty phrases they utter when the match starts. The gameplay seems very fluid too, making sure you have a very cinematic fight, start to finish.
The fifth installment of Street Fighter is currently being worked on, so this will be the perfect way to keep up the hype. There will be a lot of people playing this over the next couple years, so it makes sense to get in there and join in the good times.
Time to throw down.
13. Tree of Savior
Developer: IMC Games
Online role-playing game
Fantasy Adventure
It's time to choose your profession.
One day, the prayers to the pantheon of Goddesses went unanswered. Soon after, a giant tree grew in the middle of the capitol city, laying waste to a great part of the city. The people did not have time to mourn, for the fauna growing around the tree turned into monsters and began attacking everything in sight.
The game starts four years after that disastrous day, where people have begun talking of dreaming of the goddess. This would be where you step in, one who will set out to determine whether the world is saved or doomed. You apparently won’t be alone, because there will be an option to bring companions along.
There isn’t too much on the game right now, but what info that is revealed looks somewhat intriguing. Beta Testing will be taking place on August 4th and go for a week. If you’re interested, check out the website for more news and updates.
Danger! Danger!
12. Rocket League
Developer: Psyonix
Automobile Sports
Zoom Zoom!
You’ve probably never asked yourself what would make a soccer video game better, but Psyonix did and answered, “rocket-propelled cars as the players.” This addition brings a very fun concept that takes the weariness of a long game played with human characters.
The game can be quite exhilarating if you utilize all the aspects of the game. This includes the walls which are able to be driven upon, the power-ups you can pick up in the game, and the fact that you can destroy your opponent if you drive into good enough. You can also customize your car with hats, flags and different vehicles, adding a customization element to an already wonderful idea.
If you’re still unsure about this game, there are loads of Youtubers playing this game. Just look up one of their videos and see how fun this game can be.
Be sure to always show pride in your car.
11. Vindictus
Developer: Nexon
Online role-playing
Fantasy Adventure
A brand new season is upon Vindictus.
Vindictus is an MMO that is a sequel to Mabinogi, both free-to-play games that were made in Korea. Take control of one of nine characters, each one supposedly different from the others.
In addition to different playstyles, each player uses skills based solely on what weapons they’re wielding. For example, a player wielding a spear will only have access to skills that affect a spear. Whatever skills you decide to do, you will be putting them up against a race of monstrous humanoids, called Fomors, who humanity believes they can destroy.
The game is divided up into episodes, where you will be tasked with the leading the human fight. You will also be dealing with problems caused by humanity and even yourself. The game definitely looks intriguing, and you don’t lose if it’s free.
What even is that creature?
10. World of Tanks
Developer: Wargaming
Action, MMO
Modern Combat Shooter
They care about your gaming experience.
I don’t care who you think you are, you feel pretty powerful driving a tank. You’ll be given a hug selection of tanks to choose from, and then get to tear into others.
Better tanks will be available as you level up. The landscape that you’ll be fighting on offers a lot of tactical advantages for you to rain hot lead on your foes. And who doesn’t love explosions?
If you enjoy military games, then World of Tanks is one you definitely need to check out. When else will you be able to play as a tank the entire time? There’s a lot of fire power that you’ll be able to unleash on your opponent.
They'll never expect an attack from the river.
9. Guild Wars 2
Developer: Arenanet
Player versus Zhaitan, the undead Elder Dragon
Fantasy Adventure
Next up, sieging the guilds
Guild Wars 2 is the sequel to the popular MMORPG with no subscription fee. It takes place long after the world you knew of in Guild Wars, but that doesn’t mean this world is no less exciting for you. In fact, there are a lot of cool new features.
We’ll start off with you no longer need to be just a human. You have options to five races and eight classes. Another great aspect of the game is that you and every other player in this world will affect the progression in the world.
So go out and play Guild Wars 2. I have had friends say that it’s as good, if not better, than some of the bigger MMO games out there, and this game is free. What do you have to lose?
On the road again.
8. Hearthstone
Developer: Blizzard
Collectible Card Game
Fantasy Card-Based Game
Come one, come all, to play some card games.
Storytime reader. Once upon a time, Blizzard made a trading card game and it was alright. But then they seemed to make an online card game, and thus we have Hearthstone.
So there are eight classes to choose from, each one focusing around a specific playstyle. Each class has a specific power that can be activated for 2 power, which your limit increased by one with each turn. There have been two expansion packs so far, and loads of cards and play strategies to choose from.
So if you enjoy a little casual card playing, download Hearthstone today; because it’s free to play and you can alright without having to pay anything.
So two Druids walk into a tavern.
7. Path of Exile
Developer: Grinding Gear
Action role-playing
Fantasy Adventure
This path seems to lead to fantastic gameplay
Path of Exile is a game for all you hoarders out there, because doing well in the game centers all around on your items. Anything from the objects in your inventory to the skills you take as you level up will all be considered “items”.
The skill tree is also interesting. Every class in Path of Exile has the same skill tree, but they all start in different corners of it. That means you will eventually be able to multi-class when you’re in the higher levels. So much for having to pick only one class and sticking to it.
If anything, Path of Exile is worth a shot based on their interesting mechanics with items and skills. And when you get your friends to play with you, you can all be competitive little hoarders together.
Looks like someone lost their head and murdered everyone.
6. Final Fantasy 14 Heavensward
Developer: Square Enix
Massively Multiplayer Online
Fantasy Adventure
The story continues.
If you’re a Final Fantasy fan, then I imagine you have been excited for this game. The expansion to FF XIV will expand the world of Eorzea, Coerthas Central Highlands and the Sea of Clouds. It also offers new races and classes.
There is so much new stuff that I possibly couldn’t fit it all into this game. New worlds means new creatures, and possibly new modes of transportation. There is an increased level cap to 60, and several new dungeons for you to engage in along the way to that new level.
If you’re a fan of the game, you probably are already on your way to playing this game. Seeing all the new stuff that the game contains will be quite exciting.
No one shall be spared or overlooked.
5. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Developer: Sledgehammer
First-person shooter
Future Shooter
Time to advance this war one step further.
Stepping into a brand new storyline, players will be working for a paramilitary organization that will work to save the world and answers to no one. But of course, that means the head can do whatever he wants, which may be bad in most cases. This is an exception though because the head of this organization is voiced by Kevin Spacey.
The campaign is loads of un, but it’s not the only new aspect in this game. In the multiplayer, you will be fitted with an exo-suit that will allow you to soar across the battlefield. Now you’ll be flying like an eagle and shooting like a badass action hero in every match.
The Zombie game mode that Call of Duty players are used to are also got an upgrade, yet another fact that makes Advanced Warfare loads of fun. Just seeing how much the exo-suit changes how you play the game is reason enough to play this game.
War is a full-contact sport.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
4. World of Warcraft (WoW)
Developer: Blizzard
Online role-playing game
Fantasy Adventure
Here's what's new in the world.
Possibly one of the most famous online games ever, World of Warcraft has created a living, breathing world that millions of players inhabit every day. Based on the lore first introduced in the WarCraft games, WoW brings tons of content of players, already putting out five games in the series already.
Everyone will start out as choosing a race, picking between the righteous Alliance and the more confederate Horde, and finishing by selecting from a dozen or so classes. After that, the world is pretty much open to do as you wish. Level up, get cool armor, pick up a trait, raid dungeons, take on the opposing faction, participate in holiday events or just dance.
World of Warcraft is free for everyone up until you hit level 20. That means there is no reason to get on and see what millions of others are already experiencing. After that, you can decide whether you want to pay $15 a month or not.
Who's in the box?
3. Counter-Strike: GO
Developer: Valve
First-person shooter
Modern Combat Shooter
All that, AND cross-platform play?!
Fans of the original Counter-Strike will have already bene playing this latest game in the series. The fast-paced, five versus five, gameplay has only gotten better with new characters, weapons and updated game modes. What has already bene good has gotten better.
For those unfamiliar to the series, and if so shame on you, players will play as either a terrorist or counter-terrorist and take part of a number of game modes (Team Deathmatch, Elimination, Hostages or Bomb planting). At the beginning of the match, every player will either have to pick out their weapons and equipment or will be choosing from an established load out. You’ll get more money your opponent and completing the objective, which are what you would expect a terrorist or counter-terrorist to have to do.
Do you like fast-paced games that have you saving lives or ruining them? Do you do well at Call of Duty and have an itchy trigger-finger. Then perhaps you need to be playing Counter-Strike: GO if you aren’t already.
I don't think this is a good direction to go towards.
2. Heroes of The Storm
Developer: Blizzard
Multiplayer online battle arena
Arena Brawler
The crossover universe just keeps getting bigger.
Heroes of The Storm is the new MOBA put out by Blizzard. It features characters from across all of Blizzard’s games, including Diablo, Starcraft, and Warcraft. All the maps will be based on places in those game universes, so this sounds like a beautiful crossover of memorable characters from a great company.
Like any MOBA, HOTS has multiple roles that every player will be able to play. If you’re a veteran of MOBA games, then you should be able to do great in this game once you have your champion of choice figured out. Each map will also have side-quests that players can do to give them an upper hand against the enemy, so nothing new to make Heroes of The Storm stand out from others in its genre.
If you are a fan of any of Blizzard’s games, then you should look into giving this game a shot. Even if it’s not the type of game you normally will play, who wouldn’t want to watch some of your favorite Blizzard characters fighting each other?
1.DOTA 2
Developer: Valve
Multiplayer online battle arena
Arena Brawler
Big plays are being made.
DOTA 2 is perhaps the most popular MOBA game out today. Hosting thousands of tournaments, where participants can earn cash prizes, and also laying the groundwork for other games like it can build upon. It’s been five years since this game has been out, but it is still going strong.
For those unfamiliar with the game, DOTA 2 has you selecting from a large selection of champions, all who fit somewhere within five roles needed to succeed in the game, and work with four other characters to destroy the enemy nexus. Standing between you and that goal are waves of minions, defensive towers and five other human-controlled champions. You’ll need to use your champion’s skills, teamwork, and items that boost your champion’s effectiveness that are purchased from the shop at your starting point.
What makes DOTA 2 worth playing after all this time is that there is so much popularity around the game. Assemble a team and work well together and there could be a cash prize in it for you. The game promotes teamwork and a lot of tactical thinking, so you can really become a great gamer through playing this.
If it's too quiet, that's a bad sign.
If you enjoyed thie review and/or curious about some of the game son this list, check out these other articles.